21C3 - 21st Chaos Communication Congress - "The Usual Suspects"

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21C3 - 21st Chaos Communication Congress - "The Usual Suspects"
27 December 2004
28 December 2004
29 December 2004
Administrative Überordnung der Konferenz oder der Veranstaltung
Chaos Computer Club Veranstaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Vorherige Konferenz oder Veranstaltung
20C3 - 20th Chaos Communication Congress - "Not a Number"


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  • Lightning Talks: Day 2
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/157.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 2
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/157.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 2
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/157.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 2
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/157.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 2
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/157.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 2
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/157.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 1 (21c3)
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/142.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 1
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/142.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Block Ciphers
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/250.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Bags for blocking cell phones
    I am working on a cell phone bag which blocks gsm signals. I would like to show and discuss a variety of materials and cloths I am using for different kinds of bags. What else can be blocked: Rfid, Bluetooth, Wlan ...?
  • Learning OpenPGP by example
    The goal of this talk is to help demystify some of the internals of the OpenPGP standard, through example, so that others can learn from and hopefully continue the process. The current (free) open source implementations of the OpenPGP standard are easily better than many commercial solutions, as well as more readily supported. To do this, I will show off a number of the OpenPGP-based projects I've been working on lately, including: subliminally leaking keys in digital signatures; vanity key generation; extending the web of trust to ssh host keys; and maybe even some attacks against the keyserver network that I'll later regret showing off code for.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/131.en.html
  • Kampagne Fair Sharing
    Die Musikindustrie setzt gerade alles daran, ihre Kunden und potentiellen Kunden zu verklagen und sieht keine Alternative um den Kampf gegen Tauschbörsen zu gewinnen. Dabei ist die Kriminalisierung einer ganzen Generation weder Sinnvoll noch wünschenswert. Die Kulturflatrate zeigt einen Ausweg...about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/117.en.html
  • Internet censorship in China
    A look at the technical, political and cultural backgound of the Great Firewall of China. Practical tips for travellers to China on how to circumvent censorship and ideas on how Chinese cyber-culture may be different.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/45.en.html
  • Inside PDF
    Introduction to the Portable Document Format. We look inside PDF files and learn about the format itself, it's strengths and weaknesses, and try to set a base for further individual studies.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/67.en.html
  • Information - Wissen - Macht
    Information und Wissen sind die Pfeiler der Informationsgesellschaft . Das alte Sprichwort Wissen ist Macht erreicht vollkommen neue Dimensionen: Wissen ist nunmehr die Grundvoraussetzung für Macht, und wird zum Machterhalt genutzt. Die Kriminalisierung non-konformer Gruppierungen und Überwachung aller sind Bestandteil unseres täglichen Lebens. Sicherheit dient in dieser Gesellschaft als pass-par-tout-Argument, um die Privatsphäre des Individuums auszuhebeln. Der digital divide den es von offizieller Seite her zu vermeiden gilt ist nicht nur vorprogrammiert, sondern wahrscheinlich auch gewollt. Der Staat kann und will den Bürger nicht schützen. Mündige Bürger stehen seinem Machtbestreben entgegen.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/310.en.html
  • Humanoid Robots
    Humanoid robots are investigated, because the human body facilitates acting in a world designed for humans, simplifies the interaction with humans, and allows for intuitive multimodal communication. They are also a tool to understand human intelligence. In the talk I will review some humanoid robot projects and introduce you to our robots Alpha, Toni, Kondo, and RoboSapien.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/178.en.html
  • How To Herd Cats
    Despite the hacker ethic of free information real life frameworks for constructive dialogue are sadly lacking. Interestingly a number of systems, from socratic dialogue to parliamentary procedure already exist for structuring conversation toward a goal. In this talk we will look at hacker workgroups from open source developers to CTF teams and look at what solutions have been tried, and what tools have been developed. Also, this topic lends itself to analysis of common hacker roles and social structures that define and impede growth and development within the community.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/133.en.html
  • How to find *anything* on the Web
    Participants will be trained to become good "seekers". Techniques and tricks used for efficiently searching through the world wide web will be taught and search engines will be reviewed; in short: the hacker's approach to searching.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/158.en.html
  • Honeypot Forensics
    In the world of intrusion detection, intrusion prevention and hacker research honeypots are a quite a new and interesting technology. But only few know there is more to achieve with honeypots than just catch an intruders attention. Honeypots could reward you with versatile results and this presentation will be interesting to you even if you are familiar with deploying IDS/IPS/Honeypot systems. We will give an overview of the existing tools and provide you with a methodology to start your own forensic examinations.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/105.en.html
  • Hacktivity
    Um den Menschen wieder Spass und Kreativität beim Umgang mit der Technik zu vermitteln, hat sich die Chaosnahe Gruppe Wien eine kleine Unterhaltungsshow mit Publikumsbeteiligung einfallen lassen. Es geht hierbei weniger um konkretes Fachwissen, als um den kreativen Umgang mit eben diesem. Vier Kandidaten müssen sich den schweren Aufgaben des Hacktivity Bewerbes stellen wollen. Ebenso bekommt das Publikum eine Aufgabe, die es zu lösen hat..about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/90.en.html
  • Hacking EU funding for a FOSS project
    FOSS culture hacks^h^h^h^h meets the EU buerocracy. It is not easy for FOSS projects to get $$$ funding by the European Union. We'll look and discuss how it played out for the PyPy project, a language project targetting itself with a "Münchhausen" approach. We'll try to see why it took the project - tackling deeply technical issues - one year to communicate "correctly" with the European Union.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/62.en.html
  • Hacker Jeopardy
    Ein kurzweiliges Quiz in dem 9 Kandidaten aus den Reihen der Congress-Besucher ihr Hackertum unter Beweis stellen und versuchen, den Vorjahressieger von seinem Thron zu vertreiben.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/74.en.html
  • GPL für Anfänger
    Es sollen die Hintergründe "freier" Software beleuchtet werden. Der Vortrag erläutert rechtliche Grundlagen (Urheberrecht, Lizenzen & Patente) geben und anschliessend anhand der GPL einige Eigenschaften "freier" Software aufgezeigt weden.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/99.en.html
  • GNOME Anwendungsentwicklung
    Svens Vortrag steigt sehr schnell in die Interna von GObject, dem Objekt-Orientierungs-Framework ein, um dann anhand von Nautilus- und Evolution-Plugins zu zeigen, wie man Plugins in GNOME realsiert. Im Anschluss kann dann noch eine Hilfestellung gegeben werden, wo sich welche GNOME-Bibliotheken einsetzen lassen.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/37.en.html
  • Gentoo Hardened
    An introduction to the hardened toolchain used at the Hardened Gentoo project, which, combined with the PaX kernel, strong DAC/MAC control mechanisms and a thorough low-entry oriented user documentation provides "full scale" protection for a wide range from home users to enterprise businesses.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/123.en.html
  • GameCube Hacking
    The GameCube - what it is made of and how it can be hacked. We'll describe different approachs of getting own code onto the GameCube and things that you can do with a GameCube under your control. Of course it runs Linux.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/208.en.html
  • Freedom of expression in new Arab landscape
    The lecture will deal about freedom of expression in the Arab world after the spreading of new private satellite channels opposing the traditional state monopoly and censorship in TV broadcasting. It will focus on the case study of Al Jazeera being the first Arab TV station to build its editorial policy around “the opinion and the counter-opinion” and the public expression of different points of view, from the very conservative to the ones that are traditionally banned because of their violent opposition to Arab regimes.
  • Free Software in South America
    Overview about the young and still developing Free Software scene in South and Latin America (mostly Brazil), ways to achieve independence of existing structures, and some specific projects.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/38.en.html
  • Fnord-Jahresrückblick (21c3)
    Der Fnord-Jahresrückblick beleuchtet Teile des Weltgeschehens des gerade zuende gehenden Jahres, die wir für unter Gebühr beleuchtet halten: Nachrichten, die es gar nicht in die Mainstream-Medien geschafft haben, oder die von irgendwelchen Sommerloch-Skandalchen auf Seite 15 ins Kleingedruckte verdrängt wurden. Trotz des Ernstes der Lage zeigt der Fnord-Jahresrückblick aber auch den humoristischen Teil der Nachrichtenlage.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/70.en.html
  • Fight for your Right to Fileshare
    Current copyright law has only one answer to p2p filesharers: sue them. A much better model not only for users but for authors as well, is to permit what can‘t be prevented anyway, and in turn collect a flat levy on Internet access. Thus, the Content Flatrate achieves compensation for creators without control of users.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/315.en.html