21C3 - 21st Chaos Communication Congress - "The Usual Suspects"

Item set

21C3 - 21st Chaos Communication Congress - "The Usual Suspects"
27 December 2004
28 December 2004
29 December 2004
Administrative Überordnung der Konferenz oder der Veranstaltung
Chaos Computer Club Veranstaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Vorherige Konferenz oder Veranstaltung
20C3 - 20th Chaos Communication Congress - "Not a Number"


Advanced search
  • RFID Technologie und Implikationen
    Einführende Präsentation zum Thema RFID. Die Grundlagen der RFID Technik und des dahinter liegenden EPC Netzwerks werden erklärt. Darauf aufbauend werden Verbraucherschutzfragen diskutiert. Anhand vonAttack-Trees werden dann Sicherheitsrisiken isoliert und zum Teil, insbesondere im Bereich der Deaktivierungsverfahren, vertieft.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/246.en.html
  • Recent features to OpenBSD: ntpd and bgpd
    The talk will introduce some of the recent changes in the OpenBSD operating system, namely the introduction of bgpd, a free BGP implementation and OpenNTPD, a free NTP implementation. Using those concrete examples, Henning Brauer will point out important DOs and DONTs for writing scalable and secure network daemons.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/51.en.html
  • Protesting in the new Millenium
    Emmanuel Goldstein describes the changing times in the United States. While hackers were always looked upon with suspicion, they are now seen as a very definite threat on the order of terrorists. Add activism into the mix and there's no end to the potential for trouble.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/138.en.html
  • Practical Mac OS X Insecurity
    Some recent security problems with Mac OS X stem from the fact that Apple tries to combine the Unix security model with easy and convient usability and closed source. Showing examples from our own research we will take you on a pleasant journey to get root on almost any recent Macintosh. And of course, there will be "just one more thing".about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/218.en.html
  • Positionsbezogene Ad-hoc Kollaboration über WLAN
    Wir haben ein System zur Positionsbestimmung mobiler Systeme basierend auf WLAN Signalstärke-Auswertung entwickelt. Es arbeitet rein softwarebasiert, d.h. bei den mobilen Systemen ist außer einer konventionellen WLAN-Karte keine weitere Hardware erforderlich. Die WLAN Access Points können beliebig verteilt bzw. ggf. sogar mobil sein und es sind weder Eingriffe an der AP-Hardware noch an der Software nötig.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/232.en.html
  • Portable Software-Installation with pkgsrc
    Have you tried installing a certain package on (say) Linux, Solaris, MacOS X, MS Windows and NetBSD at the same time? The pkgsrc system allows doing so by a simple "make install" instead of knowing lots of details.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/98.en.html
  • Pirate Radio
    Pirate radio DJs ZT and b9punk will discuss the Whats, Hows and Whys of starting your own station, including a technical overview of what is required to get on the air, legal concerns, and the philosophy and social relevance of the movement as a whole.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/141.en.html
  • Physical Security
    Physical security is an oft-overlooked but critical prerequisite for good information security. Software has leaked into every aspect of modern life and now controls access to physical resources as well as to business and personal information. When critically examined, physical security policies and mechanisms have (perhaps have *always*) contained substantial snake oil components, including back doors, extensive use of protection by "security through obscurity", and piece solutions which ignore their environmental context or need to function in a system.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/130.en.html
  • Phishing the Web
    Phishing became a serious problem in 2004 with media coverage even in non-technical context. The lecture will gather the incidents, shows common attacks-techniques and tries to give a prognosis for the near future.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/16.en.html
  • Passive covert channels in the Linux kernel
    The presentation will describe the idea of passive covert channels (PCC). By passive covert channels, one means a specific kind of CC, which does not generate its own traffic. A PCC only changes some fields in the packets generated by a legitimate user (or processes) of the compromised host. For example, a PCC can be implemented as a kernel module which will change the Initial Sequence Number (ISN) in all (or only some) outgoing TCP connections. The new ISNs will carry the secret message, which could be, for example, the password sniffed by malicious software running on the compromised machine.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/176.en.html
  • Opening Event
    Opening ceremony of 21C3. Introduction to the Congress schedule, lectures and facilities.about this event: 21C3 is full of activities: lectures, workshops in the conference rooms and projects being active in the Hackcenter, at Art & Beauty, at Haecksen's room and other areas. In addition the AVIT VJ Conference and the German Lockpicking Championships are going along in parallel with 21C3 and complement it at the same time. The Infotresen is your first stop for all general questions and the NOC Help Disk tries to iron out problems with the network infrastructure. We also provide a small booklet explaining facilities and time tables to the user. You get it at the entrance when you have bought your ticket.
  • Mehr Sicherheit für HostAP-WLANs (21c3)
    Der HostAP Treiber wird für Prism 802.11b Karten unter Linux entwickelt. Er unterstützt den Betrieb im Master Modus. Damit lässt sich ein Access Point realisieren. Es soll gezeigt werden, wie dieser mit Security Features (WPA [PSK|EAP]) aufgerüstet werden kann.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/146.en.html
  • MD5 To Be Considered Harmful Someday
    Joux and Wang’s multicollision attack has yielded collisions for several one-way hash algorithms. Of these, MD5 is the most problematic due to its heavy deployment, but there exists a perception that the flaws identified have no applied implications. We show that the appendability of Merkle-Damgard allows us to add any payload to the proof-of-concept hashes released by Wang et al.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/308.en.html
  • Machine Learning in Science and Engineering
    A broad overview about the current stage of research in Machine Learning starting with the general motivation and the setup of learning problems and discussion of state-of-the-art learning algorithms for novelty detection, classification and regression. Additionally, machine learning methods used for spam detection, intrusion detection, brain computer interace and biological sequence analysis are outlined.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/44.en.html
  • Lobbying für Nerds
    Eine Vielzahl von politischen Direktiven und Gesetzen veränder den Umgang mit den neuen Medien. Viele einflußreiche Lobbygruppen nutzen die in diesem Themengebiet unerfahrenen Politiker, um ihre Interessen politisch durchzubringen. Idee dieses Vortrags ist es, politische Prozesse transparent zu machen und Hilfestellungen zu geben, wie für die eigenen Vorstellungen einer freien Wissensgesellschaft an die Entscheidungsträger kommuniziert werden kann.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/174.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Subwikis, wiki-hives, node-wiks, hive-mind - What's hot in wikilandia?
    What it is all about isn't less than the reconstruction of the structure of the human brain - or some processing mechanismn even superior to this best of all known computers - on the metalevel, globally, as one common and single organismn and in unity. This is possible and allready developing rapidly as there is both pleeenty of human intelligence and the techniques involved to make the right information flow to the right individual/"neuron" at the right time. Read it on Community-wiki: lightning talk on ccc-congress
  • Lightning Talks: Subnetting in P2P systems
    Instead of todays monolithic p2p-systems we will discuss how and why subnetting in p2p-systems can be used to make them more efficient, flexible, robust and "forward compatible". David is a former researcher in computer communications and computer security in embedded systems but since four years he spends all his time on researching p2p-systems and p2p-algorithms. That is, fully distributed totally serverless fully scaleable globally searcheable robust stealthy Internet based peer to peer systems. The talk will be held in English but David will be available afterwards to answer questions in English, German and Scandinavian.
  • Lightning Talks: Stacksmashing Winner
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/250.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Stackmashing Contest
    Announcement of the Stacksmashing Contest
  • Lightning Talks: Plazes
    Annotating the world Plaze by Plaze - An introduction of the Plazes project, taking a grass-root and decentralised approach to location aware services: You are, where you are connected. Short Demo for the 21C3 Plaze.
  • Lightning Talks: NetBSD Status Report
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/250.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Mute Magazine and openmute.org
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/250.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: IT Security, quo vadis?
    A short commentary about the evolution of security in IT. How it became that this is such an important issue nowadays, which forces will drive its further development and why security troubles will not lead to the end of the information age.
  • Lightning Talks: IT security magazines
    A short overview of IT-security related magazines in Europe
  • Lightning Talks: Introducing Meshdisk single floppy Linux
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/250.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 2
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/157.en.html
  • Lightning Talks: Day 2
    Lightning Talks are introductory talks for projects, interesting technologies and evolving developments and other things that might be interesting to the 21C3 audience.about this event: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/fahrplan/event/157.en.html