The Sticker Archive

Item set

The Sticker Archive
Sticker designs for re-printing and remixing. May also include other graphic files suitable for use in stickers.

As you can see the metadata for those designs is not complete, including the author and/or usage rights sometimes. If you know more about specific graphic designs, or are the author of some of them and can add information, please use the contact form to get in touch.

If you have or know of designs that we’re missing, or that you’d like to make publicly available, feel free to use the “Contribute” link to upload them, if possible with information about the creator, usage rights and so on.


Advanced search
  • Hand of Eris
    The Five Fingered Hand of Eris as depicted on pg. 00021 of the Principia Discordia.
  • Hacking 0100 Freedom
    The FSFE’s geeky sticker with the slogan "Hacking 0100 Freedom" in different colour variations.
  • hacker inside
    Play on the "Intel Inside" logo just with a hacker inside the computer the sticker is put on.
  • Hacker in Hängematte
    Hacker with a hoodie and a laptop sitting in a hammock
  • Hacker auf Halbmond
    Hacker with a hoodie and a laptop sitting on the moon
  • Hackbrett
    Schriftzug „Hackbrett“ und eine Laptoptastatur in schwarz auf gelbem Grund
  • Gutes Cyber, Schlechtes Cyber
    Schriftzug „Gutes Cyber, Schlechtes Cyber“ im Stil des „Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten“-Logos
  • Grace Hopper Laptop Sticker
    Portrait of Grace Hopper, in a design that resembles those “Intel Inside” etc. stickers for laptops.
  • GPN 2015 Logo
    Logo of the Gulaschprogrammiernacht 2015, with ones and zeroes raining from a cloud
    In bold and white font the text „GPG TOR OTR WTF“ on black ground, and below a small “” logo.
  • Google? Nein Danke
    Variante des „Atomkraft? Nein Danke“ Motivs mit Google Logo
  • Goodbye, CCH
    "For five years, the Congress Centrum in Hamburg, Germany has been the venue for the annual Chaos Communication Congress, a four-day conference for hackers, artists, and open-minded folk. The building was opened in 1973, and while it is a little antiquated by now, its charm was loved by many. In 2017, the building will be closed for renovation for a few years, the older parts as well as the depicted front entrance will be removed. This image is dedicated to the old CCH, to say thanks for everything and goodbye! To the left is one of the CCC’s logos, the rocket Fairy Dust."
  • Go Get Organize!
    Don’t listen to the bosses lies. Go get organize!
  • Glump - Qualität hätte ihren Preis
    Schriftzug „Glump - Qualität hätte ihren Preis“ im Stil eines Logos
  • Glider
    A glider as it would appear in Conway’s Game of Life, proposed to be used as a hacker emblem.
  • Github/Gitlab Misbrand
    Github logo in the style of the Gitlab one
  • Geheimorga
    Logo der Geheimorganisation
  • fuck Cloudflare
    Text “fuck Cloudflare” in the style of one of these annoying captchas
  • FSFE since 2001 sticker
    The FSFE since 2001 sticker on a die-cut sticker. Shows others for how long they are already working for software freedom.
  • FSFE logo sticker
    The FSFE logo as a die-cut sticker design.
  • FSF / Feine Sahne Fischfilet
    „Feine Sahne Fischfilet”-Schriftzug neben Logo der Free Software Foundation
  • Fridays for Future – Greta Thunberg
    Illustration of Greta Thunberg in front of a climate change protest holding a sign saying “Fridays For Future”
  • Free Software in multiple languages
    This sticker contains "Free Software" in many many languages and all together these words form a heart. Different colour variations.
  • Free Chealsea Manning
    Portrait of Chelsea Manning with the text “Free Chelsea Manning - Heroic Wikileaks Whistleblower” in the circle around it.
  • Fixture is safe and supported from structure
    Text “Fixture is safe and supported from structure” in white on red ground, supposedly for putting on structures which are everything but.
  • Ferris/Gopher Misbrand
    Mashup of Ferris and Gopher mascots
    “Run DMC” logo with the text “FCK NSA”
  • Fasse dich kurz!
    Schriftzug „Nimm Rücksicht auf Wartende – Fasse dich kurz!“
  • Fairy Dust
    Still from a Fairydust/Nyancat animation
  • Facebook? Nein Danke
    Variante des „Atomkraft? Nein Danke“ Motivs mit Facebook und Daumen runter (disklike)