LETTERS TO THE EDITORPlease mail the Youth International Party Line for one year. Of course, I wouldn't really mess around with the oll phone, but I'd like to see how those lousy freeks do it! M.L., Yonkers, N.Y.
Dear Abbie,
Enclosed Is one dollar for the YIPL
which we heard about on the July 6
Alex Bennet show.
Hey, I dig what you're doing. Send me those newsletters. Incidentally, I have here two credit card no.s I'd like to share. One is that of a company whose name I don't know, but it is in N.Y.C. It's 535-6025-074A. The other is our friends at IBM, Amant, N.Y. 769-1900- 069Z. You may already have one or both, but they are sent to you with fondest wishes that they can be used by the people. Right on, and write on! P.S., Baltimore, Md. Dear Abbie, Here's a dollar for a copy of the YIP paper. If at all possible, could you send me a copy of "Steal this Book". I'm a single mother of three children and use the info on ripping off the super market (food stamps help a little but they're not free). Thank Yor. S.C., Corona, N.Y.
[HaBi 1]