Pretty Good Piracy - verdaten und verkauft


12. Chaos Communication Congress
from 27. to 29. Dezember 1995
Alte Elbgaustr. 12 (Eidelstedter Bürgerhaus)


The Congress will take place from Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th of December 1995, at the Eidelstedter Buergerhaus, in Hamburg. For further information about how to get there see below.

The setting up will start on December 25th at noon - sharing out the rooms, laying the cables etc. - helpers (non-locals too) are welcome. Food will be provided, as well as room to sleep, from December 25th (see also below for sleeping information).

As from the occupation of the premises the headquarters will be constantly obtainable, telephone +49-40-577120.

December 26th will be "public setting up day" which means people with technical equipment are welcome to bring it and set it up already. This year, not only analogue lines and ethernet IP, as in the years before, but also a Euro-(DSS1) ISDN connection to play around with, will be provided in the hack center. Whoever brings technical equipment, please don't forget to bring enough 220V multiple adaptors. A limited number of ethernet cards can be borrowed against a DM 50 deposit.

In the evening of the 26th, the admission cards will be distributed among those who are already there. Whoever brings technical equipment please bring also a passport photograph for your card (there will be a polaroid camera, just in case). For everyone else the photo is optional.


  Admission:                       All 3 Days            One Day Card
             normal                    DM  42                  DM  20
             student/unemployed        DM  36                  DM  12
             CCC members               DM  23                     -
             journalists               DM  75                     -
             commercial participants   DM 100                     -

Whoever can manage it to transfer the money to our bank account before helps us a great deal to get the congress off the ground at all (the costs we have to face in advance are rather considerable) - please bring the letter of referral or bank statement for certification.


  Chaos Computer Club e.V.
  Account no. 59 90 90
  Postbank Hamburg, BLZ 200 100 20

A beta version of the schedule is appended to this text. Please note: the events listed are "almost-sure" likely to take place, but changes in schedule and additions may occur. Whoever wants to make a contribution can call the organizational team: +49-161-2447146. The actual version of the schedule - and of this text - can be retrieved on



  1. There is a gym nearby where everybody can settle down on the mats with a sleeping bag against a donation for the cleaning. Use of showers (certainly available) and lockers (not yet clear) is just being found out about. Bringing a small padlock will probably make sense.


  2. There are still rooms available at the following hotels we know:
    - state December 18th noon -
    • Hotel Schanzenstern (+49-40-433389)
      easy to reach by bus, has 4 vacant double rooms. cost: double DM 75
    • Hotel Rex (+49-40-544813)
      easy to reach by car, has 12 vacant double rooms. cost: double incl. shower, no breakfast, from DM 96 to DM 106
    • Hotel Pazifik (+49-40-4395094)
      has 15-20 vacant beds, running water, shower/wc on every floor cost: double DM 100, triple DM 150

Up-to-date information concerning accomodation will be available from December 20th on


Journey there

  • by public transport
    From the central station Hamburger Hauptbahnhof by S-Bahn (urban train) S-21 to Elbgaustrasse, then by bus 184 to Eidelstedter Platz. Walk through the "Eidelstedt Center" passage and go straight on for about 100 more meters, keeping right. The Eidelstedter Buergerhaus is the yellow building, the entrance is located in the middle of the "U".


  • by individual traffic jam (car)
    Motorway A7, direction Flensburg/Kiel, exit Stellingen, keep left, just past the exit turn left at the traffic-lights, direction Eidelstedt. Follow Kieler Strasse (that's the big one you should be on now) straight on for about 2 kilometers. After a stretched left-hand bend you'll reach Eidelstedter Platz (big bus stop), turn left just _in front of_ the square into Elbgaustrasse, and look for a place to park the car. Walk towards the yellow building surrounded by shopping centers (it's the only yellow building around).



Michael Rademacher, 19.12.1995
Pretty Good Piracy - verdaten und verkauft