The Sticker Archive

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The Sticker Archive
Sticker designs for re-printing and remixing. May also include other graphic files suitable for use in stickers.

As you can see the metadata for those designs is not complete, including the author and/or usage rights sometimes. If you know more about specific graphic designs, or are the author of some of them and can add information, please use the contact form to get in touch.

If you have or know of designs that we’re missing, or that you’d like to make publicly available, feel free to use the “Contribute” link to upload them, if possible with information about the creator, usage rights and so on.


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  • Zensurheberrecht Wahlen
    Kampagnensticker mit weißem Text auf schwarzem Grund: „Erst ignorieren sie dich, dann bezeichnen sie dich als "Bot", dann nennen sie dich "gekauft", und dann führen sie #uploadfilter ein. ABER DANN SIND WAHLEN!“
  • Women of IT
    Portraits of women who made important contributions towards information technology, computer science and/or science in general: Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Margaret Hamilton, Katherine Johnson und Adele Goldberg
  • we have onions
    Green onion clipart on black background with the text “we have onions” around it. It’s a sticker to promote the TOR project.
  • Wash hands before returning to libc
    Restroom sticker saying “Employees must wash hands before returning to libc”, meant for being put next to the sink.
  • Warning Prototype
    Warning sign saying “Warning - Prototype - Device may surprised you”. Next to it a pictogram displaying a bleeding person with an exploded device in their hand.
  • VSCode / vim Misbrand
    VSCode logo in the style of the vim logo.
  • Voll gut (mit Sternchen)
    Hangemalter Stern mit handschriftlichem Text „voll gut“ darunter.
  • Volk Off
    Text „Volk Off“ in alter Schrift in weiß auf schwarz. Wahrscheinlich in ahnlenung an “fuck off” spezifisch für nationalistische/völkische Inhalte.
  • Voctocat Logo
    Stylized waving cat (those for good fortune" in black/white, waving and holding a “play” button in the other hand.
  • vim Pony
    vim logo with a fictitious “My Little Pony” in the colours from the logo in front of it.
  • Verhalten bei Hausdurchsuchungen
    Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für das Verhalten bei Hausdurchsuchungen zum neben die Tür kleben. Angelehnt an das Design der Hinweisschilder wie z.B. „Verhalten im Brandfall“. War der Datenschleuder 099 beigelegt.
  • Unsachgemäßes Anbringen untersagt!
    Warnhinweis: „Achtung! Das unsachgemäße Anbringen dieses Aufklebers ist untersagt!“ im Stile eines Ortsschilds.
  • United Federation of the Fediverse
    The Star Trek Logo for the “United Federation of the Universe”, adapted for the Fediverse.
  • Tux Security
    Penguin with a pink hard had that has a fish and some cigarettes held to it with a rainbow coloured strap. It’s apparently smoking a blunt and expressing some gangsta pose or attitude.
  • Tschunk and root
    Text “Tschunk and root” next to a Tschunk cocktail, encouraging people to drink Tschunk while doing root things. Referencing the “don’t drink and drive” slogan.
  • Trump - Schwachkopf
    Schwarzkopf-Logo mit Trumps Kopf und der Unterschrift „Schwachkopf“
  • Trans Rights Or Riot Nights
    Trans pride flag with text in capital letters "trans rights or riot nights". The font resembles that of an old typewriter. Each wort ist placed in the center of one of the flag’s five stripes.
  • Toilette wird Videoüberwacht
    Hinweisschild „Aus hygienischen Gründen wird diese Toilette videoüberwacht. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis“
  • The Usual Suspects
    Illustrations of the 21C3’s "usual suspects" in three variants. Part of the 21C3 design language.
  • Tastaturstern (18C3)
    Classic red star (like the communism one) with the keys of a full-sized keyboard on its horizontal axis.
  • Stiftung Warentest - Nicht so geil
    Fiktives Ergebnis einer „Stiftung Warentest“-Überprüfung mit dem enttäuschenden Ergebnis „Nicht so Geil (6,0)“. Jahreszahl ist 2017.
  • Spacetime
    Warning label saying „Warning - Device bends space and time“ with a wormhole next to it.
  • SpaceAPI logo
    "The SpaceAPI provides information about hackerspaces, like addresses, contact information, or door opening status. One team member maintaining this project approached me and asked if I could design a logo for them. Well, sure! :)"
  • Shrug Emoticon
    A shrug emoticon in white on black background.
  • Shenzhen Portal
    A logo for Stratum 0’s storage system for electronic components, the Shenzhen Portal.
  • Sacred Chao (black/white)
    A black and white version of the “Sacred Chao” symbol, as referenced by the Principia Discordia. Created to have a plottable version of it to print it on a hoodie.
  • Sacred Chao
    The Sacred Chao symbol of Discordianism (with pentagon and Eris' golden apple of discord inscribed καλλιστι i.e. καλλιστῃ).
  • Rust / Node.js Logo Misbrand
    Mashup of the Rust (programming language) logo and the Node.js one.
  • Ruby on Rails / ? Misbrand
    Mashup of the “Ruby on Rails” logo with another one I don’t recognize.
  • Resistence is not futile
    Just the text “Resistance is not futile” in white on black, encouraging people to resist. References the Borg from Star Trek saying “Resistance is futile”.