Organised on 4-6 August 1993 by the people that published Hack-Tic, a computer underground magazine in The Netherlands. Around seven hundred hackers, phone phreaks, programmers, computer haters, data travellers, electro-wizards, networkers, hardwarefreaks, techno- anarchists, communications junkies, cyber- and cypherpunks, system managers, stupid users, paranoid androids, Unix gurus, whizz kids and warez dudes spent three days building their own network between their tents in the middle of nowhere, located in the Flevopolder in The Netherlands.
The Galactic Hacker Party was a hacker con that was held in Paradiso in the Netherlands from August 2, 1989 to August 4, 1989.
Visitors were people with an interest in technology (mainly computers) and the - at that time - relatively unknown internet.