============== Page 1/1 ============== • LIERNER DIE GRUINI; trncur-rliiLsNii-crvr i A r i ; 26 New Scientist 22 September 1988 - Canada pioneers national screening for Huntington's disease SCIENTISTS in Canada have begun the world's f i r s t nationwide screening programme to identify people at risk o f developing Huntington's disease. T h e programme, which began earlier t h i s month, w a s formally announced i n Toronto at the 16th International Congress of Genetics by the project leader, Michael Hayden o f the University o f British Columbia. Huntington's disease is an inherited, ultimately fatal, neurological disorder that affects approximately one in 10 000 people in the Western world. Either parent can pass the disease to a child, who has a 50-50 chance of inheriting the defective gene that ington's disease or who died from it. A l l participants must agree to extensive preis responsible for the disease. and post-screening counselling t o help Because there is no known cure and them understand their test results and to because victims of the disease generally do cope emotionally with the findings. not develop symptoms until middle age, Blood from participants and their close predicting the presence of the Huntington's relatives will be collected at 14 genetics gene before the onset of symptoms is crit- clinics across the country. Analyses will be ical for many people at risk, says Hayden. conducted in Vancouver using three estabIf parents know that they carry the gene, lished gene markers known as D4S10, they can choose not to have children or to D4S62 and D4S95. abort affected fetuses. The new programme, Depending upon the amount of useful based on a pilot scheme that began in 1986, genetic information available from family will be open on a voluntary basis to any members, Hayden predicts the tests could Canadian who is 18 years of age or older, be "99-per-cent accurate" in establishing an and who has a parent who either has Hunt- individual's risk of developing the disease. Theoretically, if Huntington's disease is caused by a„single genetic mutation, and if Europe unites its scholars of science the mutated gene can be isolated and E U R O P E now has its own Academy of technological options f o r the European cloned, detailed family histories and blood Sciences. S i r A r n o l d Burgen, t h e Community, lobby national governments samples from relatives will not be required. master of Darwin College, Cambridge, is to secure more money for basic science, It should be possible to detect the presence among 55 scholars from 16 European and set standards and recommendations in or absence of the defective gene in samples nations, who decided this month to elect ethics. taken solely from the individual at risk. the academy's first 1000 members. They According to James Gusella, a neuroBurgen says that the academy will need a are to meet in June next year. large endowment to meet annual running geneticist at Harvard who led the team that Members will include representatives f costs estimated a t £250 000. Already, described the first gene marker in 1983, the humanities and the social sciences Britain's Advisory Board for the Research only a few centres in the US, Britain and well as the natural sciences. Burgen, Councils, tie Rothschilds and the Bank of Europe offer screening to the public. None Sweden matches the Canadian programme. ❑ founder member of the academy, foresee?e i terdiscip n ra fo d linaryb o d y-rev have pledged £100 000 in aid. p senting scientists throughout Europe. C o m p u t e r liaCkers Claied of HACKERSlawbreakin Like the U S National Acade o f Sciences, t h e European academy m a y in Britain can breathe a sigh r u l i n g on hackers and has appealed instead publish a journal. It will undertake studies_ of relief. The Law Commission o f f o r comment from the public, before i t _ _ _ decided f i n a l . . rel:VI11111eudaliuils ooil t o ( i t s o t Sylvia Dayton, Toronto Crigianu a n t i W a l e s n a b n o t to makes a recommendation. Computer misuse covers a broad spectrum of activities including fraud, and the laying o f "logic bombs" and computer "viruses" in computer systems. • I n July of this year a potential computer fraud involving the transfer of £32 million from a Swiss bank was thwarted by police. Kite-flying on the increase in Wales Computer "viruses", which are speciallyD E D KITES are on the written programs designed t o replicate fteso .1‘. increase again in Britain, themselves and cause damage to software, thanks to the country's first have become more widespread. The report concludes that most forms of ever programme to breed rare computer misuse are embraced by existing birds of prey artificially. This law, and so recommends no changes. This year, 38 red kites were reared is despite the case of Gold and Schifreen, in central Wales, the secondtwo men who hacked into British Telebest performance this century. The programme, under way com's Prestel computers. The pair were convicted of forgery, but for two breeding seasons, is their convictions were put aside when they being organised jointly b y appealed to the House o f Lords, which scientists from t h e Nature Conservancy Council (NCC) decided that hacking could not amount to and the Royal Society for the the crime of forgery. Protection of Birds (RSPB). Immediately after this decision, in May, the British Computer Society issued strong They removed eggs from the recommendations t h a t hacking should most vulnerable nests of red become an offence in Britain. kites soon after t h e birds Hacking, the commission says, is the had laid them, substituting only category that is not covered by existing dummies for the stolen eggs. law, despite a recent conclusion from the The scientists hatched the Audit Commission which ranks hacking as real eggs i n incubators o r "the single largest computer related crime". beneath bantam hens. Roger 2' The Law Commission has pulled together Lovegrove, the RSPB's officer e the case for and against its criminalisation. in Wales, commented: "The f.2 Arguments in favour include the fact that RSPB and the NCC regard cuunauthorised access to certain information Bantams have helped kites (above) to recover this as an important milestone held on a computer, such as personal data in the protection of this rare fibre into nests. The replicas contain covered by the Data Protection Act, could species." Time-lapse cameras have been fitted to sensors which relay data about egg be "peculiarly damaging". It also notes that some nests to monitor the presence of adult temperatures, the movement o f parent many other countries, including the US, birds and intruders. Also, .the scientists birds, and the frequency with which they Sweden and France have already made hacking a crime. ❑ ❑ have slipped "kite" eggs made from glass turn their eggs during incubation. concern to Europeans, says Burgen. Unlike the American academy, its European counterpart will be politically neutral. Burgen expects its membership to reach around 5000. The academy could assess recommend that hacking, breaking into a computer system without authorisation, becomes a n offence. I n a report o n "computer misuse", published yesterday, the commission has decided not to make a