============== Page 1/1 ============== FinancialTimesMondaySeptember161985 AJapaneseInvestment Ba G o l b a l R o l e Should Be wilillatimmizzammusimmiammunim resultofthegrowthoffinancialassets 'WHAT: in .HOW. DO' ou iewrecenttrends inJthae lcontn i uetointhefuture.Backin 1961 OBJECTIVES.' wilyou bewi panandthedesireofinvestment managers theTokyocapy ita lv market? w e w e r e t hefirsttocreateandoffera bond P u r s u i n g o v e r t h e n e x t f i v e years? todiversifytheirportfolios.Overthepast year n i v e s t m e nttrustfundinJapan.More recen rtwo,bothinstitutionsandindividualsUm in Umemura:Thispastyear,thepaceof de-o l y , i n 1 9 8 4 weirgrosluce.d-HomeTrad emura:IthinkthestrategyIjust outlined Japanhavebeenattractedbyhigh returns velopmenthasbeenrapid.Inkeeping with t h e fi i s t h o m Pon i tstowherewewanttobefiveyears from honeebrokera verseas.Thetrendtoward international thedirectionssetforthinthereportof theo t pacebuyandsell order n o w Bythen,weareaimingtohavemore Ourinte rrationar-a-C--cor--is ersifcationofportfoliosshoud l continue. U.S.—japanYen—DolarCommitteeinMaydivIw t h a n 1 1 0 o f i c e s d o m e s t i c a l y a n d m o r e than ouldalsonotethehighlevelof capital 1984,theauthoritiesliberalizedthe Euroyen backmanyyears.In1961,wewere in20abroad,alllinkedasago l balnetwork. And inflowsasmoreinternationalinvestors divermarket,estabsil hedayenbankers' acceptance strumentalinsettinguptheJapanFund in weintendtoprovd i earangeandquality of sifytheirportfoliostoincludeJapanese secu(BA)market,andfurtherbroadenedthe partheinUnitedStates.Thispastyear, we service—forindividualsandinstitutionsla rities.inThus,althoughbothcapital inflows ticipationofforeignsecuritescompanies unchedthefirstEuroyenmoneymarke J a p a n a n d i n t e rnat i o nal l y — t h a t wi l gi v e us andoutflowswilcontinuetogrow,I believe themarket—asleadmanagersof Euroyen f u nd,whichisbasedin Luxembour a n e d g e o n o t h e r e x c e l e n t i n vestment banks. thatto japanwilremainanetexporteroflongbondissues,asparticipantsin syndicates Foracompanygenerayl recognized termcapitalforsometime. u n d e r w r i t e g o v e r n m e n t b o n d s i n Japan, and n i g boundtotradition, I thinkwe have inother activities. demonstratedwecanbeefective market Itwasalsoanimportantyearbecause the ofinnovativeservci es.Buttheymustbe ser marketexpands and 'A S THE vci esneededbyourclients.Iamcontinu termsatwhci ho l ng-termgovernment bonds c a p i t a l f l o w s i n c r e a s e , what issues d o you lysayingthatwemustgrowwithour client werebeingissuedmoreclosely reflected seefacingNikkoSecuritiesasa global yieldsinthesecondary market. investment bank? TheintroductionofaBAmarketwasa sigW H A T PARTICULAR services d nificantsteptowarddevelopmentoa f shorty o u r c l i e n t s w a n t f r o m y o u , a n d what are U m e m u r a : T h e r e a r e t h r e e s t r o n g currents in termmoneymarket,butthismarketis onlythefinancialservicesindustry: deregulation, youdoingtoprovide them? initsinitialstage.Ibelievethata precondiinternationalization,andthegrowing relitionforthegrowthoftheBAmarketis thea nceoninformationsystems.Inthese curUfm ervm usra,:S in caereorel urycliniegntosnw aentcombin a variet introductionofaful-fledgedtreasury bill r e n t s , w e m u s t s t e e r a c o u r s e that will not o s e c i e w e t h market. onlykeepusintheleadinour traditional resourcesofNikkoitself,ouroverseas s Acomparsi onwithothercountriesis reb u s n i e s s e s but t a k e u s i n to n e w waters. sidiaries,andsuchmembersofthe Nikko vealing.Thesizeoftheshort-term money A t l h o u g h w e c o u l d d e b a t e t h e merits of GroupastheNikkoResearchCenter, Ltd marketinJapanisonlyone-tenththatof theourstrategy,wehavechosentoremainafulltM heaNi keko Securi tie s.;N Investment Tru U n t i e d S t a t e s , a t l h o u g h t h e s i z e of o u r econs e r v c i e f i n anci a l i n sti t uti o n committed to n a g m e n t C o . , Lt d i k k o Internati om ycisom one-t hdird that ofsth eof Utn ite edJapanese States. sO evrvein gebot h in,odiuvrid ual smaenrsdhainstitutions. C anptuitarelM aanpaitgaelC mo en.,tC o.,Ltd.;and Nikk E v e n p a r e wi t h t h e i z e h r t h y e a r s c u s t o v e assumed V e C Ltd. capitalmarket,theshcirt-termmoney märheof ycancometousforanyservice,and we Oneservci eourcorporateclientswant is ketissmal.Fortheefficient functioningtwi g o l balunderwritng.Thedevelopmentof l not di s appoi n t them. acapitalmarketandthesmoothadjustment. E u r oyenmarketandtheemergenceofthe ye I n p r o v i d i n g a ful l r a n g e of servi c es, w e are ofinterestrates'tomarketforces,the shorta s a ninternationalcurrencyhavepromp st r i v i n g f o r b a l a n c e . F o r e e m p e l , t h e ratio of termmoneymarketmustbeexpanded. Thus, u s to strengthenourinternational netw prof i t s f r o m e q u i t e s r e l a t e d busi n ess and of inadditiontoyenBAsandexisting shorto f 1 8 o fices.Wehaveputadditional capi S h o j i Umemura t h o s e f r o m ot h er securi t i e s, s u c h a s bonds termgovernmentbonds,Japanneedsto cre-andn i n t o o u rAmericanandLuxembourg su i v e s t m e n t t r ust s , i s n o w 6 5 : 3 5 . W e are Presidentsince1981,ShojiUmemurahas 52 iariesan ateandbuildatreasurybill market. graduayl movingittoward50:50by building dareintheprocessof establis yearsofexperiencewithNikko Securities.amercha ntbankinSydney.InParis,weplan o u r c a p a b i l t i e s f o r t r a d i n g a n d pl a ci n g bonds. HeiscurrentlyservingasChairmanofThe youseeasthelonger-range BondUnderwritersAssociationof Japan. toupgradeourrepresentativeofficeto a W H A T -De T h i s h a s i n v o l v e d a d d i n g staf f to our bond implicationsofrecentdevelopments subsidiary. operain tionsbothdomesticalyandabroad. We theTokyomarket? Anotherservci einhighdemandis globa lookforwardtotheintroductionofabond fua r e required d e an il g,andwehavepa l cedahigh priorit t u r e s m a r k e t n e x t m o n t h a n d a r e prepared to giURCES Umemura:Asisevidentfromeventsof thetakeadvantageoftheopportunities—for our o n e x p a n d i n g o u r capabi lities:inthsi area. T t o c o m p e t e internationally? pastyear,therapidpaceof deregulation isandourselves—thatsucha financial m n i m i z i e m a r k e t ri s k, d e a lingskilsare an cl i e nt s bothdiminishingadministrativecontrols fand e s s e n t a i l c o m p l e m e n t t o o u rbrokerage U m e m u r a : T h e a n s w e r t o t h at questi o n starts uturesmarketoffers.Thereisalsotalk of withfinancialresources.Nikkohasanequity steadilydismantlingtheprevious shelters u n d e r w r i t n g ski l s . W e a r e put tingin place la u nncehainrgfuture. adetachablewarrantsmarket in thathaveprotectedmanyJapanese financial a24-hourdealingsystemcenteredonour b a s e of Y 4 2 0 bi l i o n, or a b o u t $ 1 . 7 billion. t h e institutionsfromthefullforceof compeoperato i nsinTokyo,London,andNewYork Thisranksusamongthetopthree securities Anothermeansofache i vn i gbalanceis to Inanothermovetohelpourclients hedg tition. , c o m p a n i e s i n t h e world. m a k e u s e of o u r n a t u r a l st r engt h s. Because risk,wehavebecomeamemberofthe majo Moreimportant,liberalizationispresentNaturaly,wemustalsohavethe human wea rebasedinJapan,webee il vewehave an financialfuturesandoptions exchange inguswithnewbusn i essopportunities,a and r e s o u r c e s a n d creat i v i t y t o b e s t u s e o u r capivana tgeforyen-linkedproductsasthe roletalresources.Quitehonestly,Japanese finanOurcustomersalsowantfastdelivery o atNikko,wehavemovedquicklyto ratio-odfth eyenasaninternationalcurrency grows. a n deasyaccessto,avarietyof products. nalizeourinternaloperationsandto allocate ci a l i n st i t u t i o ns d o n o t a l w a y s compare well AndasIjustmento i ned,weareinan excelmeethedomestcidemandforvariety,we re managerialresourcestothemost promising o n t e chni c al s t h e reason is l e nt p o s i t o n t o h e l p J a p a n e s e investors who centlyopenedacreditcardcompany a leading businessopportunities. hi s t o ri c al . F instance, I thi wanttoinvest abroad. h aveventureswithothercompaniestopr Amercianbnksareaheadoftheirja anese Wealsowantgoodgeographicbalance and lieWAR .T.1.11 3analysts have v ideparticularservices.Tomeethe dema e o e u z e r p a p a r a n s t h n i g o l b a l c a s h m a g e r n t. But alreadyhaveasolidpositoninallthe major f r o mcustomersaroundtheworldfor faste t h a l a r g e m o ey mardrawnattentiontotheemergenceofJapan arkets.Forexample,weareverystrong in d e liveryofservci es,wehavebeenupgrad asthelargestnetexporterofcapitalinthem k e t i n j whi c h to i n v e s t l i q ui assets. S a m u r a i b o n d u n d e r w r i t n g s for Pacific Bao u r dataprocessn i gandtelecommun Toto citewhatisbothaJapaneseandWestern world.Whatisyourperspectiveonthese s i n c o u n t r i e s . T h i s p o s i t o n i s attributable systems. maxim:necesstiyisthemotherof invention. flows? ourlonginvolvementintheregion.For years, Toprovideanyoftheseservices,wemus ThenecesstiyisevidentinJapan.The large w e h a v e b e e n a c t i v e i n t h e R e p u b l i c o f Korea. a s l oinvestinpeople.Afterhighly selecti v o l u m e of g o v e r n m e n t d e b t s i s u e s i s leading Umemura:Fromaneconomci standpoint, hePeople'sRepubcil ofChina,werecently recrui ting,wespendconsiderabletime an t o t h e r a p i d d e v e l o p m e n t of a secondary bond thegrowthofcapitaloutflowsisrelatedtotheIonpte n e d a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of f i c e i n Beijing and ef f o rt o ntrainingnewemployees.Forhighl market.Liberalizationofinterestrates has risingsurplusinthecurrentaccount ofarepreparingforanotheronein Qingdao. s p e c a i zil edareas—suchasbond trading forcedthedesignofnewsavingsinstruments. Japans' balanceofpayments.Thissurplus isAsthecoreeconomyinAsia,Japan must s w a p s , f oreignexchange,and comput Slowereconomicgrowthhasprompted scorproe j ctedtobe$39bilioninthecurrent year p a l y a g r o w i n g r o l e i n a s s i s t i n g i t s neighbors y s t e m s —wearcstructuringour organiza poratetreasurerstofindthelowest-cost capiand$48bilionnextyear.Itisonly natural r a s i e the capi t al n e c e s s a r y for economic t o p r o m otespecialization.Andoverseas, tal,thusleadingto disintermediation. thatJapanreexportsitsearningsfrom trade. deveo l pment—anddeveo l ptheirowncapital h a v e b e e nfortunateinrecruitngtop-level N k i k o h a s c o n t r i b u t e d i t s s h a r e of innovaSecurtiesn i vestmentaccountsfor approxim a r k e t s . W e t a k e t h i s responsi b i l i t y seriously d i v i d u a l s tionsinthepast,andIamconfidentthat we forsenior positions. matelyone-halfofcapitaloutflows.This isat Nikko. NIKKO NikkoSecurities ShinTokyoBuilding,3-1,Marunouchi3-chorne,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo100,Japan