============== Page 1/1 ============== Financial Times Wednesday September 25 1985 • ppile nzirges denied Tz_ormel ch2irman v-0 BY LOUISE KEHOE IN SAN FRANCISCO MR STEVE JOBS, co-founder and Apple employees to join him in the The Apple lawsuit also names Mr former chairman of Apple Comput- venture. Richard A. Page, who formerly held Apple's suit claims that Mr Jobs' the title of "Apple Fellow." He is er, yesterday denied charges that he attempted to "steal" proprietary new company will compete with Ap- one of five senior Apple employees information a n d k e y employees ple and calls M r Jobs' conduct hired by Mr Jobs for the new com"wanton, wilful, malicious and out- pany. Mr Page was responsible for from the company. Responding to a suit filed against rageous." designing Apple's next generation him by Apple Computer, M r Jobs "This sort of thing sure as hell personal computer. said that he had "no intention of doesn't help Apple or its employees. Apple alleged that Mr Jobs "sectaking or using any Apple confiden- We don't want to get involved in an tial information or proprietary tech- unjustified lawsuit. We just want to retly made plans for the new comnology to his new company." build o u r company a n d invent pany while serving as Apple's chairman, that he falsely represented his Apple Computer is charging that something new," Mr Jobs said. company a n d intentions t o t h e its former chairman misappropriatMr Jobs has so far declined to board of Apple computer, and that ed confidential information, lured provide details of his planned ven- his company planned to compete away key Apple employees, violat- ture. He is, however, understood to with Apple." ed his employment contract and be planning the development of a Apple i s seeking unspecified breached his fiduciary responsibili- high-performance personal computer for university and college users. monetary damages as well as proties as chairman of the company. The suit follows Mr Jobs' resigna- Apple Computer has undertaken a hibiting Mr Jobs from using any of tion last week and his announce- major marketing effort to sell its Apple's confidential information ment of plans to form another com- Macintosh c o m p u t e r t o U . S . and from inducing other Apple employees to join him in his venture. puter company. Mr Jobs hired five universities.