============== Page 1/1 ============== New Scientist 5 January 1984 9 The invisible border guard The machine-readable passport is upon us. The British government has accepted it without public discussion even Cough the technology carries the threat of Europe-wide surveillance of innocent travellers Steve Connor "ACTION Q" may be to let the traveller pass through B Y THE END of the decade most Westerners will carry a passport with an extra, laminated page that will immigration control with the same blank expression that allow more numerous and more extensive checks at greets passengers with "NO TRACE" by their names. But a international borders. It is a page that creates the possibility record has been made that this person has passed through this of a society where anyone can bestopped and checked until port at this time. There are plans to feed data from the passa computer elicits the statement oi"NO TRACE" before they port computer to the computers of the police or security are allowed to go on about their bisiness. The page allows the services n o t just i n Britain, b u t throughout Europe. "ACTION X", on list of people who, the other hand, for various reasons, would be t o stop are labelled as susand d e t a i n t h e picious, to expand PASSEPoRr traveller a n d i n almost w i t h o u t form t h e police limit. I t needs no special b r a n c h , more information ......,...... which has partithan is contained DUNCAN A . . . . A.......... cular responsibility in current passUNITED KINGDOM for immigration ports t o create a control in the UK, system a b l e t o that the subject is monitor fully a n EDINBURGH available for interindividual's moverogation. ments inside his or 18 J U N E / J U I N 7 8 1 8 J U N E / J U I N Of course t h i s her home country. ,,,,,,-"'" Odle a already happens to The passport o f expiry liNationalit some extent. One the future has a pcceet Me of the reasons for page l a m i n a t e d 7 2 / 1.3< ouNcAN