============== Page 1/1 ============== 21C3, Berlin Berlin 2727December December2004 2004 Workshop: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol Nils Magnus Jochen Kellner 21C3 Chaos Communication Congress Berlin, Germany December 27 – 29, 2004 Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Agenda Overview of the SAP R/3 architecture (from a networker's point of view) Problem of undocumented client protocol Current findings Workshop: reverse protocol details Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Agenda Why SAP R/3 should bother all of us Overview of the SAP architecture (from a networker's point of view) Problem of undocumented client protocol Current findings Workshop: reverse protocol details Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 The SAP R/3 universe First of all: SAP is huge and confusing Sometimes difficult to understand SAP people or documentation SAP makes a great deal of naming everything differently (DIAG, RFC, „ SAP­ routers“ , ...) The main achievment seems to be scalability Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Simple SAP R/3 setup Old fashioned three tier database application Client SAPgui, Java Application Application Server About half a dozen listeners and scheduler; application logic Database Database, often Oracle or MaxDB – Runs on a number of platforms – Supports mainframes, Linux and even Windows – Encapsulates most of the platform Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Complex SAP R/3 setup Old fashioned three tier database application Up to several 1000 clients Webclients Batchjobs SAP router Application Server Database Application Server Database Application Server Misnomer, is a proxy Replication, batch jobs About half a dozen listeners and scheduler; application logic Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Access to host systems Attacks on SAP unencrypted protocols Unhardened systems SAP router Up to several 1000 clients Webclients Malware, keyloggers Batchjobs Clear text passwords in batchjobs Application Server Application Server Application Server Bad SAP access control Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol Access to host system Database Database Buffer overflows (see FX's on 20C3) Default configuration Clear text passwords 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Attacks on SAP installations Most SAP experts focus solely on application layer issues – User priviledges, access control System administrators don't touch SAP Bad protection on OS level Important: That's not necessarily SAP's fault But: What do they do to help it? Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Security provided by SAP A lot of documentation – Often incomprehensible for networkers A number of documented APIs – Plug­in encryption – Access control A set of recommendations – Often not obeyed to by op staff Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 How to implement security Allocate lots of time Understand the system and the language Harden every server Place firewalls Encrypt data transmission Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 SAP client protocol Most attacks are commodity attacks that apply to every system Vulnerabilites to application server have been addressed by FX Client protocol between sapGUIs and application servers is often unprotected Once claimed „ encrypted“ , now officially „ disguised“ Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Client protocol details Protocol internally called „ DIAG“ – (not to be confused with the RFC protocol of the same name!) Full specifications available only with NDA Stream based network connections – TCP, but potentially over several other protocols, too Some details are available within the SAP help Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 More details TCP/3200 + x where x is the „ instance identifier“ C/S­based protocol, exchanging blobs – 10 Request to AS – 20 Response with form data and result data – 30 New data and new requests – 40 GOTO 20 Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Scanner result # nmap (V. 3.00) scan initiated as: nmap ­sT ­v ­p3200­3900 ­o nmap­tcp:03.txt Interesting ports on ( (The 694 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) Port 3200/tcp 3300/tcp 3600/tcp 3773/tcp 3777/tcp 3786/tcp 3900/tcp State open open open open open open open Service unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown udt_os # Nmap run completed ­­ 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 22 seconds Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Trace (client side) Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Block transmission First 4 octetts are block length A number of similiar starting octetts Scrambled data payload Starts with 0x1f 0x9d From /etc/magic: # standard unix compress 0 string \037\235 compress'd data >2 byte&0x80 >0 block compressed >2 byte&0x1f x %d bits Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Compressed data payload Looks like the LZC algorithm Also used in old­fashioned compress (1) Strings „ LZ.*“ can be found in sapGUI binary Just extracting the payload and using uncompres does not work Bit­length field is wrong Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 LinuxTag Leading Free Software and Linux event Talks and exhibition Karlsruhe, Germany: June 22 – 25, 2005 Call for Papers still open until January 15: http://www.linuxtag.org/ Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol 21C3, Berlin 27 December 2004 Contact Nils Magnus Program Chair, LinuxTag e. V. University of Kaiserslautern 67653 Kaiserslautern T +49­631­310­9371 magnus@linuxtag.org Nils Magnus, Jochen Kellner: Reverse Engineering the SAP R/3 Client Protocol