============== Page 1/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 1 of 13 Introduction ------------ Welcome to Phrack Inc. VI! We have been somewhat delayed in our release due to problems with my home life (see PWN in this issue for details) but here we go! Right now, Metal Shop Private is down, but when I return to real life, it should re-emerge with a new BBS program and hopefully will be better than ever. Now, with the release of Telecomputist Newsletter, we have the capabilities to have Phrack Inc. printed out. If you feel you'd like to subscribe to something like this, it would be operated in this manner: being one of our positive points, it will be free to an extent. You, the subscriber, will be paying for postage and if necessary, envelopes as well as P.O. Box rental, but none of this should amount to much. If you are interested in getting this, please contact any member of the Metal Shop Family or Phantom Phreaker of The Alliance with your opinions on this. If we get enough support, we'll get this rolling. Later on. TARAN KING Sysop of Metal Shop Private This issue of Phrack Inc. includes the following philes: Title by Author (amount in K) 1 Index by Taran King (1k) 2 Pro-Phile on Groups by Knight Lightning (14k) 3 The Technical Revolution by Dr. Crash (4k) 4 Fun with Lighters by The Leftist (2k) 5 Nasty Unix Tricks by Shooting Shark (4k) 6 Smoke Bombs by Alpine Kracker (2k) 7 Cellular Telephones by High Evolutionary (5k) 8 Wide Area Networks by Jester Sluggo (10k) 9-13 Phrack World News by Knight Lightning (16,15,15,16,15K) ============== Page 2/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 2 of 13 \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\ Phrack Pro-Phile 3 Featuring: User Groups and Clubs Written By Knight Lightning and Taran King On June 10, 1986 \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\ Welcome to issue 3 of Phrack Pro-Phile. The information herein was originally supposed to appear as a special issue of PWN, but instead was made this issue's Phrack Pro-Phile. Taran King and I have collected much information about the different clubs and groups of today and yesterday and compiled in the form that you will now see. \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\ Extasyy Elite: The story of Extasyy Elite is a sad one for the group was literally destroyed by its own members. The Poltergeist turned in all of Extasyy after he got busted for carding. This led the authorities to The Mentor who had stolen 30 Apple //es. Mentor's bust almost led to The Protestor, but luckily, The Mentor was able to warn Protestor in time. (See Phrack World News Issue III). The membership of the club included: Bit Blitz Cisban Evil Priest Crustaceo Mutoid Kleptic Wizard The Mentor The Poltergeist The Protestor Crustaceo Mutoid later joined the Racketeers, but now he and The Mentor write for a California newsletter called the Underground Informer. Extasyy hung out on Hack Net BBS and FWSO, a bbs in Colorado. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fargo 4A: This group was started on a conference consisting of Bioc Agent 003, TUC, Big Brother, Quasi-Moto, Video Warhead, and the Wizard of Arpanet. What they did was get several Directory Assistants on the conference, and each person assumed a role of some sort of telco agent. Now they told the DA's that all their calls were going to be re-routed to a different location. They got some of the DA's to believe them, and some of them were almost laid off because of this conference. By the way, Fargo is in North Dakota, that's where the first DA was from. It is believed that Wizard of ARPAnet was busted by John Maxfield and that BIOC completely retired from the phreak world. This group was unofficially disbanded, but several of the members are still active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five-O: A reasonably new IBM kracking group, which was formally the Imperial Warlords. Currently they are re-kracking software and claiming it to be original by themselves. They are known for placing insulting messages towards certain people inside their re-kracked software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Syndicate: This group was formed around April 6, 1986. Its charter members included; Dark Creaper (916), Brew Associates (215), Major Havoc (301), and one other whose handle remains unknown to me at the current time. They were a new phreak/hack/pirate group. Unfortunately, this group (like so many others) died within its first month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Icub (International Computer Underground Bandits): This is a hack/phreak group who's main emphasis is on phreaking. It is based in Memphis, Tennessee. It has 10 members in it, and the only semi-active member left is Doc Holiday. Not much else is really known about this group except that it is inactive and there have not been any announced plans to revive it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOD/H: Legion Of Doom/Hackers These two groups are very closely intertwined. They both were formed on Plovernet. The founding member was Lex Luthor. Through the years, there have been LOD/H bulletin boards such as Blottoland, LOD, FOD, etc. Today there is Catch 22 and a new LOD bbs, supposedly being run by King Blotto. The current member list of the group is as follows: Legion Of Hackers Legion Of Doom ----------------- -------------- Blue Archer Phucked Agent 04 Gary Seven Compu-Phreak Kerrang Khan Lex Luthor Master Of Impact Silver Spy (Sysop of Catch 22) The Marauder The Videosmith LOD/H is known for being one of the oldest and most knowledgeable of all groups. In the past they have written many extensive g-philes about various topics. (Please forgive any mistakes in the member list since this list was provided by Lex Luthor approximately 1 1/2 - 2 months ago). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Communications: A very large group that has written many files throughout its existence. Some of the boards in its menagerie include Speed Demon Elite, Metal AE, Metal Works AE, Metalland I and several others. The membership of Metal Communications includes: Cobalt 60/Crimson Pirate/Dr. Local/Red Pirate/Shadow Lord/The Angel Of Destiny The Apothecary/The Byte/The Byte Byter/The Dark Wizard/The Duke/The Dutchman The Man In Black/The Prophet/The Pink Panther/The Voice Over/The Radical Rocker The Warlock Lord/White Knight Red Pirate, Crimson Pirate, and Dr. Local are the group's main ware distributors. A subsidiary of Metal Communications is the Neon Knights whose membership includes: Baby Demon/Jolly*Roger/The Blade aka Killer Kurt/The Master of Reality The Metallian/The Outland/Zandar Zan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAG/PAP: Phreaks Against Geeks/Phreaks Against Phreaks Against Geeks PAG: This group was formed by TWCB Inc. as a joke on a conference in December, 1985. The charter members were TWCB, Inc. taRfruS, Blue Adept, The Clashmaster and a few others. Later, Catcher in the Rye and the Slovak wanted to join. PAP: In resistance to PAG, Boston Stangler and Micro Man formed PAP. Several others sided with them but were never formal members. All of this nonsense was really started on the Dartmouth system and was mainly a feud between phreaks in the Boston (617) area until TWCB got involved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Administration: This group was sort of in two parts; The Administration and Team Hackers '86. The membership of these groups include: Adolph Hitler...............Team Hackers '86 Alpha Centauri Author Unknown..............Team Hackers '86 British Bloke...............Team Hackers '86 Dark Priest David Lightman (214)........Administration Leader/ Team Hackers '86 Dr. Pepper Hewlett Hackard Major Havock................Team Hackers '86 Mane Phrame Mark Twain Phoneline Phantom 1 - *Not* a member of Phoneline Phantoms. Red Baron Renegade Rebel Sasha Kinski................Team Hackers '86 The President Walter Mitty The group did disband temporarily for reasons dealing with security, but now is back together. For other news about this group see the current PWN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nihilist Order: This group was really a loosely connected bunch of friends and phreaks and not a true club. It is based in Fremont and Sunnyvale, California. It was started by TRASk and The Highwayman. The membership includes: BelGarion/Ogre Ogre/The Animator/The Highwayman/TRASk All of the members of the group have been busted or been involved in busts in the past few months. The Highwayman bit it in the Phoenix Phortress Sting Operation, and the others all got caught on a carding scam. Although BelGarion was later released with no record. One of the boards in the Nihilist Order's network is the Shattered World Elite, which is sysoped by TRASk. The group is currently inactive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The P.H.I.R.M.: A somewhat new group that recently has been accused (without proof) of being fed invested. Not much is really known about this group as they would disclose very little information. Some of the boards that are now P.H.I.R.M operated include Thieve's Underworld, sysoped by Jack The Ripper, World's Grave Elite sysoped by Sir Gamelord, and SATCOM IV. The P.H.I.R.M. reportedly will be releasing a newsletter. The membership of the P.H.I.R.M. supposedly includes: Archangel Blade Runner Jack The Ripper Sir Gamelord The Stingray It is rumored that Blade Runner is the same person as Archangel and/or The Stingray. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TPM (The Punk Mafia): This group when last checked had eight members. The following is a complete listing. Arthur Dent Creative Chaos Erik Bloodaxe Gin Fizz Ninja NYC Peter Gunn Rudolph Smith (703) The Godfather (703) The group will be going through a rebirth this summer. Their main goals include burglary, fraud, hacking, and phreaking. Most recently The Godfather retired and Ninja NYC came very close to being busted. See Phrack World News Issue V. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Racketeers: The new Apple pirating group was assembled by Apple Rebel. The membership now includes: Apple Rebel/Crustaceo Mutoid/Hot Rod/The Micron/The Warezird ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tribunal Of Knowledge: This group was formed very recently by Blue Buccaneer and High Evolutionary with one purpose in mind: to get together to trade knowledge and information and to discuss this information until all the members had a good working knowledge of it. The final result would be g-philes written by the group about the topic. On the whole it was a good idea. The complete membership includes: Blue Buccaneer Chef Boy R Dee Cyclone II High Evolutionary Night Stalker Paradox Professor Pixel Slave Driver The Inspectre The Seker The Wild Phreak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2300 Club: Based in Cleveland, Ohio. The 2300 Club is now being compared and treated as miniature mafia by local authorities. This is mainly for crimes including the blowing up of cars. Two of the members were caught for fraudulent use of a credit card and one has been arrested for car theft. Which of the members that refers to, I don't know, but the membership of the 2300 Club included: Dr. Gorey Dr. No Eagle Eyes Judge Dredd King Blotto Mr. Modem Prince Squid Spectreman The Formatter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2600 Club/New 2600 Club: Both groups are no longer in existence. Originally started as a local group of friends in St. Louis, Missouri, it gained members quickly, too quickly, and as the membership grew, the unity and productivity of the group lessened until the group(s) finally broke up. However many of the members of 2600 Club now write (or have in the past) for Phrack Inc. Among them are: Cheap Shades/Data Line/Dr. Crash/Forest Ranger/Gin Fizz/Jester Sluggo Knight Lightning/Monty Python/Phantom Phreaker/Taran King/The Clashmaster 2600 Club had no relation to 2600 Magazine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warelords: There are 13 members in the Warelords and they are based in California, Maryland, Tennessee, Washington D.C., and Wyoming. Billibuster, a member of the group, said that the Warelords are a phreaking and carding group that also writes programs and sells them. He claims that they are not pirates. The group isn't very active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other groups: ------------ Catholics Anonymous: A pirate group Elite Phreakers and Hackers Club: From World of Cryton Feds R Us: Joke by King Blotto High Mountain Hackers Imperial Warlords: See Five-O Inner Circle: The Cracker (Author of "Out of The Inner Circle") Kaos Inc. Knights of Shadow: Sir Knight MPG: Midwestern Pirates Guild NASA Elite: Captain Kid Neon Knights: See Metal Communications Phlash: A relatively new Amiga kracking group. Phoneline Phantoms: The Colonel, The Duke, The Executioner, and The Sprinter. Phreak Hack Delinquents: Metro Man and the Reaper (212) Project Genesis: Sigmund Fraud RDTF: Red Dawn Text-Files, Saltheart Foamfollower (SE) and Brain Gadget (Ca.) Shadow Brotherhood 65C02 Elite (612): Wizard of ARPAnet and The Count. BBSes: Irongate, North Pole, The Guild, and The Graveyard. The Dange Gang: Maxwell's Demon Triple Entente 2601 Club: Formed by taRfruS to combat 2600 Club. 1200 Club Ware Brigade ============== Page 3/12 ============== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 3 of 13 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The Techno-Revolution by Doctor Crash $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Hacking. It is a full time hobby, taking countless hours per week to learn, experiment, and execute the art of penetrating multi-user computers. Why do hackers spend a good portion of their time hacking? Some might say it is scientific curiosity, others that it is for mental stimulation. But the true roots of hacker motives run much deeper than that. In this file I will describe the underlying motives of the aware hackers, make known the connections between Hacking, Phreaking, Carding, and Anarchy, and make known the "techno-revolution" which is laying seeds in the mind of every hacker. To fully explain the true motives behind hacking, we must first take a quick look into the past. In the 1960's, a group of MIT student built the first modern computer system. This wild, rebellious group of young men were the first to bear the name "hackers". The systems that they developed were intended to be used to solve world problems and to benefit all of mankind. As we can see, this has not been the case. The computer system has been solely in the hands of big businesses and the government. The wonderful device meant to enrich life has become a weapon which dehumanizes people. To the government and large businesses, people are no more than disk space, and the government doesn't use computers to arrange aid for the poor, but to control nuclear death weapons. The average American can only have access to a small microcomputer which is worth only a fraction of what they pay for it. The businesses keep the true state of the art equipment away from the people behind a steel wall of incredibly high prices and bureaucracy. It is because of this state of affairs that hacking was born. Hackers realize that the businesses aren't the only ones who are entitled to modern technology. They tap into online systems and use them to their own advantage. Of course, the government doesn't want the monopoly of technology broken, so they have outlawed hacking and arrest anyone who is caught. Even worse than the government is the security departments of businesses and companies. They act as their own "private armies" and their ruthless tactics are overlooked by the government, as it also serves their needs. Hacking is a major facet of the fight against the computer monopoly. One of the ways hackers accomplish their means has developed into an art in itself: Phone Phreaking. It is essential that every Hacker also be a Phreak, because it is necessary to utilize the technology of the phone company to access computers far from where they live. The phone company is another example of technology abused and kept from people with high prices. Hackers often find that their existing equipment, due to the monopoly tactics of computer companies, is inefficient for their purposes. Due to the inexorbitantly high prices, it is impossible to legally purchase the necessary equipment. This need has given still another segment of the fight: Credit Carding. Carding is a way of obtaining the necessary goods without paying for them. It is again due to the companies stupidity that Carding is so easy, and shows that the world's businesses are in the hands of those with considerably less technical know-how than we, the hackers. There is one last method of this war against computer abusers. This is a less subtle, less electronic method, but much more direct and gets the message across. I am speaking of what is called Anarchy. Anarchy as we know it does not refer to the true meaning of the word (no ruling body), but to the process of physically destroying buildings and governmental establishments. This is a very drastic, yet vital part of this "techno-revolution." Hacking must continue. We must train newcomers to the art of hacking. We must also increase computer Crashing. I know that crashing a computer seems a waste, but when there is no other way to subvert a business, their system must be shut down. As I stated above, this is only on the motives. If you need a tutorial on how to perform any of the above stated methods, please read a file on it. And whatever you do, continue the fight. Whether you know it or not, if you are a hacker, you are a revolutionary. Don't worry, you're on the right side. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you have a question or comment about this file or the "techno- revolution" just leave mail for me on the Metal Shop AE (314)256-7284, or any other BBS I may happen to be on. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ============== Page 4/12 ============== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 4 of 13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "How To Have Fun With a Bic Lighter" by The Leftist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= First off, let me say, that I am not responsible for any personal damage done by the use of the information in this file. Shower of sparks from nowhere: ----------------------------- This trick is done usually with an empty lighter. Disassemble the top, being careful not to loose the flint, and the spring, which are under the striker wheel. Throw away everything else, unless there is still some fluid in the lighter, which can be used for some of the other things in this file. Save the flint and spring. Ok, now take the spring, and pull on the end a little, and stretch the spring out a little longer than the flint. Next, take the flint, and kind of wrap the end of the spring around it. It should look sort of like fig. A. Next, the fun part. Take the spring, and hold it by the end that doesn't have flint on it, and heat the flint till it glows. Don't worry, the heat won't burn your fingers. Then, throw it flint first at victim, pavement, or whatever. Fig. A \/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\------ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\------ <- heat this end ^ ^ | | spring flint What to do with leftover lighter casing: --------------------------------------- Light one of the striker wheel supports, and lay it upside down in a corner and run like hell! This will blow pretty good. You can also take the casing and wrap it loosely in a paper towel, light the towel, step back, and shoot it with a BB gun. Fun. Experiment, but don't ever puncture the lighter, while you're holding it, that would be foolish. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Any questions or comments? Contact me on the 2400 Baud Exchange 404-925-9657. The Leftist. ^*^ _______________________________________________________________________________ ============== Page 5/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 5 of 13 =============================================================================== ------------ Unix Nasties ------------ By Shooting Shark Written on April 3, 1986 =============================================================================== Summary: Methods of sabotaging your favorite Unix system. Preface: I do not advocate utilizing ANY of the methods I put forth in this file. Unix is a cool operating system, perhaps one of the best systems ever designed in many respects. If you have access to a Unix system, you should LEARN UNIX AND LEARN C, because that is where the money is in the computer world. However, Unix is a relatively insecure operating system which is easy to fuck up. This file explains a few ways of doing so. Crash The System ---------------- Unix has no built-in provision for the maximum amount of disk space allowed per user. Thus, one user can grab all the disk space on the system and effectively prevent anyone else from writing to the disk. A simple way of grabbing all the disk space is to create subdirectory after subdirectory until it is no longer possible. Here are a few ways of doing it. 1> Create a file with the following lines: mkdir subdir cd subdir source /u1/mydir/crash Call it crash. The last line ("source /u1/mydir/crash") should be altered so that it will look for the file in your directory. If your directory is /u3/students/jeff, the last line should say "source /u3/students/jeff/crash". After you write the above file, type: % source crash and wait...within a few minutes the program will abort because it won't have any more room on the disk. Neither will anyone else. 2> Here's a more elegant way of doing the same thing. Create this "endless loop" shellscript: while : ; do mkdir subdir cd subdir done and then "source" the file. If you are in the "sh" shell (if you are, you will probably have a "$" prompt) you can type "while : ; do" from the $ prompt. You will then get a > prompt. Type the next three lines and sit back. 3> If you'd like to set the process in motion and hang up, and the file is called crash, type: % nohup source crash & and log off. This will start it as a background process, allowing you to log off. However, log off QUICKLY, since if you used the first example for your crash file, it will also eat up background processes like crazy which will also fuck up the system to some extent. Which brings us to... Slow Down The System Immensely ------------------------------ There are many ways of doing this, the method being creating a sufficiently large number of background processes. Here's one specific example. Create a file called "slow1" with the following lines: w & source slow1 create a file called "slow2" with: source slow1 & source slow2 and execute slow2 with % slow2 or % slow2 & This will create 25 background processes, each one running 25 background processes. The system will hardly move after you've got each one running. Messing Up A Directory ---------------------- Many file-handling commands use "-" options. Create a file with a "-" at the beginning of its name by doing this: cat > -filename [now type a few lines, maybe something rude like "ha ha you can't delete this file".] Type a ^D (control-d) to end input. You now have a file called -filename in your directory. It will be VERY difficult to remove this file. If you were to try rm (remove) -filename or mv (rename) -filename, the rm or mv program would interpret -filename as an option, not a file, and would give you an error message telling you that -filename was not a valid option...thus, the file stays there obnoxiously. Create a couple of hundred files with "-" as the first characters in their names...it will be a royal pain for the person who is blessed with these new files, and they will probably just have to get a new login. Conclusion The use of any of these techniques is quite irresponsible, and if anyone did this to my Unix system, I'd be quite pissed. That is why I strongly recommend that you never use these tricks. So Long, Shooting Shark "Some people have a bad attitude, and I say, if they want to act tough, beat 'em up!" - Blue Oyster Cult ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on UNIX sabotage and cracking, see the following articles: Ritchie, Dennis M. [he wrote Unix] "On the Security of UNIX." Programmers Manual for UNIX System III Volume II. Supplementary Documents. Filipski, Alan and Hanko, James. "Making UNIX Secure." BYTE Magazine, April 1986, pp 113-128. =============================================================================== ============== Page 6/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 6 of 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * / /=-=-=-=-=-\ < Smoke Bomb > >----------< < by > > Alpine < < Kracker > \-=-=-=-=-=/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingredients- Saltpetre (Potassium Nitrate) Sugar Alcohol (100% is best, but plain rubbing alcohol will work) Gunpowder (or some ground-up rocket engines) Matches (Get a box of 50 packs -they can be very useful.) Coffee can Cigarette Instructions: ------------ Combine the sugar and saltpetre in a 3:1 ratio (Sugar:saltpetre) and heat over a low flame until the mixture has thoroughly melted together. (It will look like sticky white lumps when ready) You need to stir this continually while heating, and remove it from the flame at the very first sign of smoke. I had a batch go off in my face once, and the workroom was filled with smoke for a good half hour. It is easier and safer to work with smaller batches. Now, dump all of this "smoke powder" into a coffee can, add some match heads, moisten it with a little alcohol, and add gunpowder until all the smoke powder is coated. Now tape a cigarette between the match heads in an unopened book. Imbed the book into the mixture. Light the but, and walk casually away to find a nice alibi within 5 minutes. Notes: ----- You should be able to find some Saltpeter in a local drug store. All of the gunpowder, match heads, and alcohol is simply to insure good ignition. You can omit them, but if you have them, mix them in for reliability's sake. For the fuse, you can either use the one listed, or either some canon fuse, or a rocket igniter and an electrical system. A quarter pound of this stuff is supposed to fill a city block. I'm not sure if that is accurate, but it sure fills a public bathroom nicely. /\ | / / \ | / /====\ | / | | | \ | lpine | racker _______________________________________________________________________________ ============== Page 7/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 7 of 13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cellular Telephones [Written By The High Evolutionary] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I assume that most of us know many of the technical aspects of Cellular Phreaking therefore this file is intended for general information as to how these unique devices operate. -------------------------------------------------------------- Cellular is likely to be successful because it provides dramatic improvements over the historic automobile phones. For years, mobile radio-telephone service was an extremely limited proposition. There were only forty-four radio channels available, and a maximum of about thirty were assigned to any one area. That meant if all thirty channels were occupied-one conversation per channel-and you were the thirty-first mobile phone user who wished to make a call, you would have to wait thirty minutes or more, even in a city the size of New York. As you can imagine, mobile radio-telephone service like that could not become very popular. Even with the limited number of channels, long delays in making calls during busy periods, and often poor quality transmission, there were big waiting lists for mobile service. But with a fully equipped cellular radio-telephone system, it is possible to make 5000 times as many calls simultaneously in the same metropolitan area, opening up the service to anyone that can pay the hefty prices. That is because cellular radio-telephones systems are technically quite different from traditional mobile telephones. First, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has allocated far more channels to cellular, 666 in all. Second, those 666 channels are broadcast from many different locations. In the old mobile telephone systems, there was one powerful radio station with a large antenna that served an entire city. In the new system, a geographical area is honeycombed with many cells, hence the name 'Cellular'. Each cell has its own low-powered radio transmitter and receiver. As a car with a cellular telephone or a person carrying a portable moves from one cell to the next, the call is transferred automatically. You're unlikely to notice when this transfer takes place, even though your phone is suddenly switched to a different radio station and to another channel while you are talking. Because the cellular signal is low-powered, it doesn't go very far. This permits the same channel you are talking on to be used for calls in other parts of the same metropolitan area without interference. This would mean cellular radio-telephone systems can serve a very large number of customers in an area because there are more channels than before-and the larger number of channels are reused. Unlike local telephone service, which is provided by a monopoly, there is competition in cellular. Two classes of companies are allowed to offer cellular telephone service in every market. One cellular system can be owned by a telephone company, the other by someone else. The two-company rule was adopted by the FCC so that AT&T, which developed cellular, could not monopolize the whole thing. Cellular Telephones come in two basic versions, as car phones and portable phones, with a briefcase hybrid. Car phones are by far the most common, because they are much cheaper. But most believe that, ultimately, portables will be the most popular. Washington Post Company president Richard Simmons, whose company is a partner in several cellular systems, even predicts that by the early 1990's "There will be phones roughly the size of a calculators that you carry around in your pocket. They will cost no more than five hundred dollars. They will emancipate people from the necessity of locating a phone to make calls. The bad news is, you will never be able to get away from the phone, and we'll call it progress." Car telephones include a small transmitter-receiver unit that is usually mounted in the trunk, an antenna and a control head that includes the handset. In most cellular systems, the telephone touchpad is located on the handset. Many domestic and foreign manufacturers make cellular car phones, but so far only Motorola makes portables, the DYNA T-A-C 8000X and 8000S. Motorola's portables look like a slightly enlarged, somewhat chunky telephone handset, with a stubby antenna at one end. Portables are less powerful than car units, so they can't be used with some cellular systems. The portable's other limitation is battery life. A portable can listen for calls for about eight hours, but it can only transmit for only thirty minutes. After that time it must be charged for a minimum of an hour. The following American cities have cellular telephone service or soon will get it: New York Denver Los Angeles Seattle Chicago Milwaukee Philadelphia Tampa Detroit Cincinnati Boston Kansas City San Francisco Buffalo Washington Phoenix Dallas San Jose Houston Indianapolis St. Louis New Orleans Miami Portland Pittsburgh Cleveland San Diego Atlanta Baltimore Minneapolis -------------------------------------------------------------- ============== Page 8/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 8 of 13 !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.! Jester Sluggo presents an insight on Wide-Area Networks Part 2 !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.! Part 1 contains information on ARPANET and CSNET. Part 2 contains information on BITNET, MFENET, UUCP and USENET. It is best if you read both files to better understand each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These files will cover general information on wide-area networks, (I.E. ARPANET, CSNET, BITNET, MFENET, UUCP and USENET), but may contain information in relationship with other networks not emphasized in these files. These files are NOT a hacker's tutorial/guide on these systems. BITNET ~~~~~~ BITNET. In 1981, City University of New York (CUNY) surveyed universities on the East Coast of the U.S. and Canada, inquiring whether there was interest in creating and easy-to-use, economical network for interuniversity communication between scholars. The response was positive. Many shared the CUNY belief in the importance of computer-assisted communication between scholars. The first link of the new network, called BITNET, was established between CUNY and Yale University in May 1981. The network technology chosen for BITNET was determined by the availability of the RSCS software on the IBM computers at the initial sites. [The name BITNET stands for Because It's Time NETwork.] The RSCS software is simple but effective, and most IBM VM-CMS computer systems have it installed for local communications, supporting file transfer and remote job entry services. The standard BITNET links are leased telephone lines running at 9600 bps. Although all the initial nodes were IBM machines in university computer centers, the network is in no way restricted to such systems. Any computer with an RSCS emulator can be connected to BITNET. Emulators are available for DEC VAX-VMS systems, VAX-UNIX systems, and for Control Data Corp. Cyber systems and others. Today, more than one-third of the computers on BITNET are non-IBM systems. BITNET is a store-and-forward network with files and messages sent from computer to computer across the network. It provides electronic mail, remote job entry, and file transfer services, and supports and interactive message facility and a limited remote logon facility. Most BITNET sites use the same electronic mail procedures and standards as the ARPANET, and as a result of the installation of electronic mail gateway systems at the University of California at Berkley and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, most BITNET users can communicate electronically with users on CSNET and the ARPANET. BITNET has expanded extremely rapidly -- a clear indication that is providing service that people need and want. The simplicity of the connection to the network -- acquiring a 9600-bps leased line to the nearest neighboring computer node and in installing an additional line interface and modem -- provides the service at the right price. By the end of 1985 the number of computers connected was expected to exceed 600, at more than 175 institutions of higher education throughout the U.S. BITNET is open without restriction to any college or university. It is not limited to specific academic disciplines, and may be used for any academic purpose. However, use for commercial purposes is prohibited. In special cases, connection of commercial organizations may be sponsored by universities. A particular case is the connection of Boeing Computer Services to BITNET, as part of the NSFnet initiative, to provide remote job entry services to their Cray X-MP/24 to NSF supercomputer grantees who have access to BITNET. Until recently BITNET had no central management structure, and was coordinated by an executive board consisting of members from the major institutions participating. This worked because most of the computers connected were managed and operated by professional service organizations in university computer centers. However, the growth in the network made it possible to continue in this ad hoc fashion, and a central support organization was established with support from an IBM grant. The central support organization, called the BITNET network support center (BITNSC), has two parts: A user services organization, the network information center (BITNSC), which provides user support, a name server and a variety of databases, and the development and operations center (BITDOC) to develop and operate the network. A major question facing the members of BITNET is how the funding of this central organization will be continued when the IBM grant expires in 1987. BITNET, with support from the NSFnet Program, is now examining ways to provide ARPANET-like services to existing BITNET sites. The project, which is similar to the CSNET CYPRESS project, will explore a strategy to provide an optional path to the use of the TCP-IP procedures on existing 9.6-kbps leased lines. The possibility of upgrading these lines to multiple alternate links, providing higher reliability and availability, or to higher speed 56-kbps links is also being studied. The project will offer a higher level of service to BITNET sites choosing this path and also enable a low-cost connection to NSFnet. MFENET ~~~~~~ MFENET. The DOE's magnetic fusion energy research network was established in the mid-1970's to support access to the MFE Cray 1 supercomputer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The network uses 56-kbs satellite links, and is designed to provide terminal access to the Cray time-sharing system (CTSS), also developed at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. The network currently supports access to Cray 1, Cray X-MP/2, Cray 2, and Cyber 205 supercomputers. The network uses special-purpose networking software developed at Livermore, and, in addition to terminal access, provides file transfer, remote output queuing, and electronic mail, and includes some specialized application procedures supporting interactive graphics terminals and local personal computer (PC)-based editing. Access to the network is in general restricted to DOE-funded researchers. Recently the network has been expanded to include the DOE-funded supercomputer at Florida State University. MFENET is funded by DOE and managed by Livermore. MFENET has been successful in supporting DOE supercomputer users. However, the specialized nature of the communications protocols is now creating difficulties for researchers who need advanced graphics workstations that use the UNIX BSD 4.2 operating system and the TCP-IP protocols on LAN's. For these and other reasons, DOE is examining how best to migrate MFENET to the TCP-IP, and later to the OSI, protocols. The combination of the CTSS operating system and the MFENET protocols creates an effective interactive computing environment for researchers using Cray supercomputers. For this reason, two of the new NSF national supercomputer centers -- San Diego (SDSC) and Illinois -- have chosen the CTSS operating system. In SDSC's case, the MFENET protocols have also been chosen to support the SDSC Consortium network. In Illinois case, a project to implement the TCP-IP protocols for the CTSS operating system has been funded by the NSFnet program, and these developments will be shared with SDSC (and with DOE) to provide a migration path for the SDSC Consortium network. UUCP and USENET ~~~~ ~~~~~~ UUCP and USENET. The UUCP network was started in the 1970's to provide electronic mail and file transfer between UNIX systems. The network is a host-based store-and-forward network using dialup telephone circuits and operates by having each member site dialup the next UUCP host computer and send and receive files and electronic mail messages. The network uses addresses based on the physical path established by this sequence of dialups connections. UUCP is open to any UNIX system which chooses to participate. There are "informal" electronic mail gateways between UUCP and ARPANET, BITNET, or CSNET, so that users of any of these networks can exchange electronic mail. USENET is a UNIX news facility based on the UUCP network that provides a news bulletin board service. Neither UUCP nor USENET has a central management; volunteers maintain and distribute the routing tables for the network. Each member site pays its own costs and agrees to carry traffic. Despite this reliance on mutual cooperation and anarchic management style, the network operates and provides a useful, if somewhat unreliable, and low-cost service to its members. Over the years the network has grown into a world-wide network with thousands of computers participating. OTHERS ~~~~~~ Other Wide-Area Networks. Of necessity this file of wide-area networks has been incomplete: Other networks of interest include the Space Plasma Analysis Network (SPAN) -- a network of DEC VAX computers using 9.6-kbps links and the DECNET protocols for National Aeronautics and Space Administration's researchers; the planned Numerical and Atmospheric Sciences (NAS) network centered at Ames Research Center -- a network that is expected to use existing and planned NASA communications links and the TCP-IP protocols; and the planned high-energy physics network -- a network based largely on VAX computers and using the standard X.25 network level protocols plus the so called "coloured books" protocols developed in the United Kingdom. Also, many high-energy physicists, at the Stanford Linear Accelerator, at the Lawrence Berkley Laboratory, and at Fermi Laboratory, among others, have used DECNET to connect their DEC VAX computers together. / \ / luggo !! Please give full credit for references to the following: Dennis M. Jennings, Lawrence H. Landweber, Ira H. Fuchs, David J. Faber, and W. Richards Adrion. Any questions, comments or Sluggestions can be emailed to me at Metal Shop, or sent via snailmail to the following address until 12-31-1986: J. Sluggo P.O. Box 93 East Grand Forks, MN 56721 ============== Page 9/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 9 of 13 ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ *-=+^ Phrack World News ^+=-* Issue Five/Part 1 Compiled and Written By Knight Lightning ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Where is Taran King? May 10, 1986 -------------------- Taran King is generally thought to be a very mellow, easy going person. For the most part this is true. However he also gets into major fights with his dad. When Taran does get pissed he, gets violent. In the past he has punched a hole into his bedroom door and put dents in his refrigerator with his fists. Most recently his dad found out about his collection of illegal knives, including stilettos, butterflies, and survival knives. They got into an argument about this and eventually into a fight. Taran stormed off to his room. Meanwhile, unknown to him, his dad called the police. They took him to a nearby hospital's adolescent psychiatric ward, supposedly for evaluation. As of June 14, 1986 he has been there for five weeks and the end isn't in sight. For a while he had no phone of visitor privileges and there was no way of contacting him. This now has changed, but the problems have not been solved. On May 23, 1986 he was let out on a pass to go see Judas Priest in concert (it was great). He has been let out on pass several times since then as well, mostly on weekends. As far as Metal Shop Private... Well on May 12, 1986, the /\/impha and I decided to go to Taran's house to collect the Phrack files and to add a few new modifications to the bbs so that I could control it better remotely. Taran's sister let us in, no problem. Unfortunately, before we were done Taran's dad came home. He immediately spotted my car outside and burst into the house. He was pissed that we were there and made sure we weren't stealing anything (like I am really going to steal from my best friend right?). He assumed that the bbs had crashed and that we were there fixing it. He then decided that he didn't want us to come over every time the board crashed and TOOK IT DOWN! Metal Shop Private will return when Taran gets out, hopefully sometime in June. _______________________________________________________________________________ Metal Shop AE April 27, 1986 ------------- Metal Shop AE is now the proud possessor of a full 40 megs of online storage. It also has added an individual password system for greater board security and now has an email messaging service online. Metal Shop AE is sysoped by Cheap Shades. It is one of the main distribution centers for Phrack Inc. It has the complete Phrack series online as well as almost 1000 other files. To become a member of Metal Shop AE, contact Cheap Shades, Taran King, or Knight Lightning. To upload files for distribution in Phrack Inc. be sure to upload them to drive E which will save your file to a non-public viewable drive where it will stay until it is edited for Phrack. _______________________________________________________________________________ Mark Tabas and Karl Marx Busted May 2, 1986 ------------------------------- The story goes like this; Mark Tabas was working at a plant in Denver where credit card blanks are manufactured. He decided to take a few. He and Karl Marx then went about finding someone with an embossing machine to print some stuff onto the blanks. They were able to find someone and agreed to meet at a motel to do the work. Everything went well. They were able to print card numbers, names, and expiration dates that they had gotten onto the blanks. To celebrate they ordered a bottle of champagne from room service, and paid for it with one of the cards. At that point the guy with the embosser pulled his badge, Secret Service! Now Mark Tabas and Karl Marx are facing forgery and carding charges along with theft for the blanks. Information provided by Sally Ride...Space Cadet (Editor's Note: At the time that this information was gained, Sally Ride commented that it may be a rumor. Any inconsistencies are not his fault) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 15, 1986 We at Phrack have since uncovered more information about this bust. Apparently a guy named Will Bell, who's handle was Jack Bell, set up Karl Marx and Mark Tabas. Will Bell had the embossing machine and was not a member of the Secret Service. Instead, he was the son of a member of the Secret Service (although maybe he was the son of a member of the FBI). Since he was not a fed, this was not a case of entrapment. It is believed that Will/Jack Bell is originally from the 312 (Chicago) area. Information Provided by Jester Sluggo and The Sprinter _______________________________________________________________________________ FBI/Wylon In Action ------------------- On May 2, 1986, the homes of Cheap Shades and Kleptic Wizard received visits from Edward P. Nowicki, Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This was not a bust in any way. This agent was trying to gain evidence for a telecommunications company known as Wylon, which is mainly based in the Colorado/Wyoming area. Apparently someone or several people had been calling Kleptic Palace AE and Metal Shop AE illegally and Mr. Nowicki wanted to know who had been placing these calls. As far as Kleptic Palace AE, the calls in question were made on 2/9/86 5:12 AM, 2/9/86 4:33 PM, and 2/10/86 7:30 AM. Although no specific order is mentioned. The times of the calls made to Metal Shop AE are not available. A third place called was the home of TWCB Inc. At the time of these calls Whackoland was still up. The agent expected all of them to have a caller log on the board but of course neither of their AEs kept caller logs. Not to mention the fact that no one would kept a caller log for three months anyway. Kleptic Wizard got a message to Taran King which was then sent to me, and within the hour I arrived at Klepto's house where I discovered the FBI still around, so after killing another 45 minutes, I went inside and met with Klepto. Mr. Nowicki had left behind two things, his business card and a list of four suspects that he was specifically trying to bust. Apparently all four had been caught for Wylon abuse in the past. I recognized the name at the top of the list almost instantly and as a result, saved a fellow phreak from a possible bust. Two of the others are rumored to have been warned as well. However if this is untrue then the other three still may be in great danger as of this writing. All of the suspects live in the Wyoming/Colorado area. The homes of Cheap Shades and Kleptic Wizard were not searched and their boards were not looked at. The FBI agent even declined an invitation from Kleptic Wizard to see the bbs. This may be because he didn't have a warrant. Information provided by Kleptic Wizard and Cheap Shades _______________________________________________________________________________ Administration Nominations? May 6, 1986 --------------------------- In late April 1986, The Administration decided to have their yearly membership drive for the group. The phreaks/hackers being voted on for membership included: Blade Runner/Jester Sluggo/Knight Lightning/Oryan Quest/Phlash Gordon Recent Change/Sally Ride/Slave Driver/Taran King/The Marauder Many of the above and others had thought that they had been voted into the Administration without even being asked. However this was not the case. David Lightman stated that the nominations were made public so that the Administration members would know of the vote taking place on Administration BBS 1. Once the nominations were voted on, then the phreaks/hacks would be formally invited. I now pose an important question. If David Lightman is the only regular board caller of the Administration, then how would the other members know how to vote? So far the results of the votes have not been made public. Not that it matters that much because The Administration has now more or less completely fallen apart. It would appear that this new membership drive was an attempt to revive the group with new blood. However the group has been revived on its own, since the formers members regrouped again...at least temporarily. Some Information Provided by David Lightman _______________________________________________________________________________ Trouble in Texas June 2, 1986 ---------------- In the last week of May, David Lightman, decided to do a credimatic check on Blade Runner. To his great surprise, he found that Blade Runner worked for Southwestern Bell Security. He confronted Blade Runner with this information and shortly afterward received a visit from Southwestern Bell Security, who confiscated his terminal programs, his user files, notebooks, and g-phile disks. He claims that his user files and g-philes were scrambled so no one should worry too much. Later that day, Sir Gamelord, sysop of World's Grave Elite, called David Lightman and said that Blade Runner was on the board and acting really strange. David Lightman told him what happened and they then hung up. The next day Blade Runner is a cosysop of World's Grave Elite as well as Thieve's Underground, sysoped by Jack The Ripper. Now Sir Gamelord denies the incident ever occurred. At this writing, David Lightman is laying low and retiring from the phreak world until things clear up. Sir Gamelord's side to this story is quite different. Sir Gamelord said that he, Blade Runner, and Jack the Ripper were forming a group called the P.H.I.R.M. (see Phrack Pro-Phile 3 this issue) and that Lightman wanted to be in and to lead the group as a subsidiary of The Administration (like Team Hackers'86). They refused, and took away his cosysop access on their boards. Sir Gamelord says that Lightman is making this whole Southwestern Bell Security story up to get revenge on them. However, Lightman claims that he was asked to be a member of The P.H.I.R.M., but refused because he didn't have the time. He did however recommend Digital Logic, Ford Prefect, and The Lineman (sysop of the Lost City Of Atlantis). David Lightman has since received his disks back but will not be around on boards very much. The decision is up to you. I will try to get more information out on boards as soon as possible. Information provided by David Lightman and Sir Gamelord _______________________________________________________________________________ Ninja NYC/Sigmund Fraud; Close Calls ------------------------------------ Sigmund Fraud, famous for his incredible proficiency at "social engineering" is now laying incredibly low after what is considered the closest call of his life. The following must be regarded as pure rumor for the sake of non-incrimination of those involved. You readers know what I mean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The story goes like this, Sigmund Fraud and a friend (the same one who went to the Telepub'86 meeting in New York, however he has no handle) were able to convince their local Bell company that they were another part of the same company and were able to acquire; Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, Speed Calling, and Three Way Calling on to Sigmud Fraud's personal phone line. Since SF's friend lived in a Cross Bar (X-Bar) area he could not get these services so they decided to get them for Ninja NYC. They told him about it later. Less than a week later, on the first Thursday of May 1986, Ninja NYC came home to discover 2 telco agents awaiting his return from school. What it boiled down to was that "he" had committed several felonies and to make matters worse, the people at the local Bell company identified Ninja NYC's voice as being the caller, AND HE ISN'T THE ONE WHO MADE THE CALL!!!! What it finally boiled down to was that Ninja NYC had really received a very scary personal warning. About this same time Sigmund Fraud is getting home and to his great dismay, all of his new found phone features have been turned off!!?! Sometime later (most likely after the telco agents had left) Sigmund gets a call from Ninja NYC. Ninja NYC of course tells him everything that had happened and warned him that he was next. Sigmund immediately called me. We both thought Sigmund was doomed and would be picked up very soon. However this was not the case. The agents didn't show up and Sigmund had been given a golden opportunity to dump all his illegal items and get his story right. That night I received a call from Slave Driver and Sigmund call me on three-way and we discussed what to do next. The problem was that Sigmund didn't want to get rid of his illegal items. He had boxes, manuals, notebooks, and even a PBX in his room. I told he had 2 choices; Choice A: SF gets rid of his shit somewhere anywhere, and the telcos don't get any more evidence or, Choice B: SF leaves the stuff where it is, the telcos come over and take it and SF gets nailed worse. When I left the conversation SF was still discussing what he should do. The next day, he was not visited by the telcos, he was not busted, but instead received a call from his local bell company and was given a very strong verbal warning. Since that time, He has stopped answering his personal phone and believes that line to be monitored. Ninja NYC is almost definitely being monitored and people have been asked not to call him. Of course that didn't stop Daniel Zigmond from calling him. This was in an attempt to help Sigmund Fraud, but regardless may have done more damage than good. Information Provided by Sigmund Fraud/Slave Driver/Knight Lightning _______________________________________________________________________________ Telecomputist; Printed Newsletter June 8, 1986 ---------------------------------- From: Forest Ranger and "TeleComputist" staff, To: You! I have drafted the idea for a newsletter and I stress the word newsletter. TWCB had promised everyone a 40+, glossy page magazine for an outrageous amount. I do not want to say that we are taking TAP over because we are not, but instead making amends for what TWCB did not do. To show our sincerity we will be offering the first issue free. It will be your basic newsletter with exceptional articles from experienced phone phreaks, computer hackers, and telecom buffs. Each issue will be a set four pages but since this is the grand opening issue it will be longer (20 pages). For the first free issue please send a postage paid, self addressed envelope to: TeleComputist Newsletter P.O. Box 2003 Florissant, Mo. 63032 Also, please send subscriptions to the same address. The subscription fee for the newsletter will be twelve dollars a year, fifty cents for back issues. This is a monthly circulation and we encourage letters. The "TeleComputist" Staff includes: Forest Ranger/Data Line/Reverend Enge Ax Murderer/Chris Jones/Knight Lightning/Taran King/Mad Molester Information Provided by Telecomputist Staff _______________________________________________________________________________ ============== Page 10/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 10 of 13 \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\ *-=+^ Phrack World News ^+=-* Issue Five/Part 2 Compiled and Written By Knight Lightning \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\ Captain Midnight's Sneak Attack May 12, 1986 ------------------------------- "A daring intruder airs the beefs of dish owners" In the old days, people with complaints against the media had few recourses: A stern letter to the editor, perhaps, or a protesting phone call. "Captain Midnight," an outraged consumer of the space age, took more daring action. In a sneak attack made on Sunday of last week, the self-appointed video avenger broke into an HBO presentation of the movie "The Falcon and the Snowman" with a cryptic message: Good evening HBO From Captain Midnight $12.95/Month? No Way! (Showtime/The Movie Channel Beware) The mysterious dispatch, seen for several minutes in the East and Midwest by hundreds of thousands of subscribers to the pay-cable service, was clearly intended as a rallying cry for the more than 1.5 million owners of home satellite dishes in the U.S. These video free-lancers are angry because many of the TV signals they have been plucking from the sky are done by one tuning into jumble. In January, HBO and Cinemax (both owned by Time Inc.) became the first two cable services to scramble their signals, thus preventing dish owners from watching them without paying a monthly subscription fee. Showtime and the Movie Channel will begin similar scrambling on May 27, and most other satellite-beamed cable channels, including ESPN, MTV, the Disney Channel, Cable News Network and Superstation WTBS, will follow suit before the end of the year. Their actions have set off a heated battle over just who has the right to TV signals bouncing through the skies. In one blow, Captain Midnight has become a folk hero in that struggle, though his identity remains a mystery. Ordinary home dishes are able only to receive signals, not to send them; thus experts think the pirate signal probably came from a TV station or other commercial facility. Wherever the stunt originated, TV executives were not amused. HBO has lodged a complaint with the FCC, threatened to prosecute the pirate, and made technical adjustments that it claims will prevent any repeat attack. "He probably thinks this was a prank," says HBO Vice President Dave Pritchard. "But the fact is someone has interfered with authorized satellite transmissions." The incident has raised concerns that other satellite-borne communications, including sensitive data transmitted by business and the military, could be similarly disrupted. Representatives of the three broadcast networks insist that a 'hacker' would have difficulty breaking into their programming. But any satellite signal could theoretically be disrupted, experts say "Most satellites are built with some safety measures," explains Karl Savatiel, director of satellite communications for AT&T. "But all satellites, including military satellites, are vulnerable if a person knows where the satellite is located, the frequency it uses for satellite transmissions, and the sender's code." (This wasn't the full article, just the important part) Taken from Time Magazine May 12, 1986 Reported by Jim Byers/Los Angeles and Jerome Cramer/Washington. Typed for PWN's usage by The Seker _______________________________________________________________________________ News On Captain Midnight April 28, 1986 ------------------------ "Search for Cable TV Prankster Leads to North Texas" The search for Captain Midnight, the disgruntled video prankster who briefly commandeered Home Box Office's satellite transmissions over the eastern two-thirds of the country early Sunday, has led federal investigators to North Texas, a Justice Department official said Monday. John K. Russell, a Justice Department spokesman in Washington, told Knight-Ridder Newspapers that "the perpetrator is believed to be in North Texas." Later he said the search was in Texas "as well as other areas." Other authorities told Knight-Ridder that investigators in the Dallas field offices of the FBI and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have been focusing on a tip that Sunday's four-minute cable interruption originated in North Texas. FBI and FCC officials in Dallas could not be reached for comment Monday. Captain Midnight interrupted a movie broadcast Sunday with a message protesting new fees being charged the owners of satellite dishes for access to HBO. The five line message, superimposed on a test pattern, said: "Good evening HBO from Captain Midnight. $12.95 a month? No way! (Showtime-Movie Channel Beware.)" In January, HBO began scrambling its broadcasts to prevent owners of satellite dishes from unauthorized interception of the signal as it bounced from a satellite to cable television systems. HBO told dish owners that they would have to buy a descrambler for $395 and pay $12.95 a month. "While the man on the street may have once thought that Captain Midnight's message was limited to being a prank, it does represent a very serious threat to any company or entity using satellites to transmit information," said Alan Levi, HBO's manager of corporate public relations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other: Alan Levi: [212] 512-1659 (Cooperate affairs) David Pritchard: [212] 512-1413 (Cooperate affairs) Tim Larker: [212] 512-5666 (Network scrambler assistant) New York City FCC: [212] 620-3438 (Federal Communications Commission) HBO Cooperate Offices: [212] 512-1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Lightman: I have spoken with several people about 'Captain Midnight'. I have spoken to everyone above. This David Pritchard tried to tell me this: DP = David Pritchard DL = David Lightman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DL: Where do you think this 'Captain Midnight' is? DP: Would assume he is in the North Texas region. Possibly 214. DL: What makes you think this? DP: We believe this is true due to a tip from a Dallas resident. DL: How do you know that he was not lying to lead you away from the real Captain Midnight? DP: I know he was probably not lying because he left us his mailbox number. DL: Which is? DP: I cannot release that information right now. (This conversation went on for a while. Possibly 10-15 minutes...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Lightman earlier had spoken with Alan Levi... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DL: Yes. Do you have any idea who this Captain Midnight might be? Alan: No, but we are fairly certain it is someone in the 212 area with access to the scrambling offices of HBO. The knowledge necessary for what this guy did could not be gotten very easily without getting it from our departments. DL: Well, I believe I know who this Captain Midnight is. Alan: Could you please tell me who you think Captain Midnight is? DL: No. If it is the person I suspect, I would rather not cause any trouble for them. Alan: You wouldn't cause much trouble for him. DL: Isn't what this guy did a federal offense? Alan: Well, yes it is, but you would be surprised how many people get away with breaking federal laws. (He actually said that guys!) DL: Hmm.... What would happen to him? Alan: We would just let him know that what he did was not a prank. It was very serious. It could possibly change the entire industry and unless he stops transmitting over our satellites, we will ask the Department of Defense to handle it from then on. DL: Well, I would need to think about it a little more. Can I call you back a little later? Alan: Could you just give me your number and I will have David Pritchard call you back? DL: It depends on who else will get my number. Alan: Just me. I will consider this conversation and all of the conversations that follow to be an anonymous tip. DL: Sure then. It is (214) 733-5162. Alan: Thanks. Then I will have David call you if you do not call me back before tomorrow evening. DL: That would be fine. Thanks. Alan: Thank you. ------------------------------End of Conversation------------------------------ Well as you may have guessed, my number (mailbox) was given to the FCC, FBI, and David Pritchard as well as Tim Larker. I got pretty pissed so I called David Pritchard. That was the first conversation I posted. We (Alan Levi, David Pritchard, Tim Larker, the FCC, the FBI, Knight-Ridder Newspapers, and I) now have the country believing that the transmission originated in Dallas. Of course it did, but you may see that changed soon. I plan on another conversation with these intelligent people tomorrow 5:00 PM. If you do call these guys, please do not mention the Administration, Team Hackers'86, any member of either group or me to them as being the transmitter. You have no proof at all about that. I did not say if we were involved or not. That will be left up to your imagination. Information and Interviews Provided by David Lightman _______________________________________________________________________________ Captain Midnight Busted! June 6, 1986 ------------------------ Captain Midnight probably isn't sleeping too well these days. His name, still publicly unannounced, is probably known by many, including the FBI. He has already been reported to have been fired from his job at an uplink facility, of which there are only around 100 in this country. The facility is east of the Rockies and does not operate after midnight. Also, a newer type of equipment was used of which there are only a few in the country. We expect charges to be filed any day now, possibly just in time for the June 12th congressional hearings on signal jamming. Penalties could include a one year jail sentence and up to $50,000 in fines; $10,000 maximum of which would be for jamming only. We expect FM America to come to Captain Midnight's rescue financially by raising defense money. All segments of the TVRO industry condemned the signal jamming. It is interesting to note the grins and smiles while discussing the subject, however, FM America knows who "Captain Midnight" is and even interviewed him live on the air on "FM America." Tapes of FM America including Captain Midnight's interview have been turned over to federal investigators. Several benefits can be realized by Captain Midnight's signal "interruption." Mainly, the fact is now known by everyone that it can be done. There are no secrets either in that a transponder can easily be confused into locking onto another signal and ignoring the correct signal as interference. Also, the signal that controls the satellite's positioning could also be accessed. The overall possibility that our entire "satellite system" in general can be rendered ineffective from the ground is kind of unnerving. Signal scrambling did not interfere with the HBO signal lockout because a higher wattage beam over-powered it. The networks all use pretty powerful beams which are used 24 hours-a-day so they would be harder to jam. If we had to guess which uplink was used to jam HBO, we would pick one that was already locked into the same satellite, such as one of the superstations. (Hint, Hint!) Information provided by Handsomest One _______________________________________________________________________________ Who is Ralph Meola? May 20, 1986 ------------------- Ralph Meola is the Head of AT&T Security in New Jersey and theoretically everywhere else as well. He is known to have a computer file on hackers and phreaks, and an investigative team, that rivals John Maxfield's "BoardScan". How did Meola enter into the public eye? Well, we at Phrack really aren't completely sure but, the general idea is that a friend of Sigmund Fraud (See TelePub'86 in PWN issue III), using social engineering in order to gain information from AT&T, somehow came into contact with Ralph Meola. Later, Sigmund Fraud was also brought into this and decided to give Ralph Meola a call himself. With Gin Fizz on Sigmund's 3-Way, he got Meola on the phone and said,"Hey! This is Sigmund Fraud!" Typing sounds could be heard in the background and in a few seconds Meola responded with Sigmund Fraud's real name, address, phone numbers, and the names of several BBSes that he was on. Meola then insisted that Sigmund Fraud give him his account on Stronghold East or at the very least, all of the newuser logon procedures and passwords. Failure to do so would mean big trouble for Sigmund Fraud. Sigmund of course gave Meola the always nice "fuck you!" and hung up on Meola. Although Sigmund Fraud was (at the time) on Metal Shop Private, Meola didn't know it, or at least he didn't mention it as a BBS that Sigmund was on. This means that Meola has no agents on Metal Shop Private. It is also known that Meola has no agents on Stronghold East. Otherwise he wouldn't have needed the password information from Sigmund. It is believed that Meola was on Stronghold East before the MASSIVE purge several months ago. Information Provided by Sigmund Fraud/Gin Fizz/Slave Driver The assumptions and theories are my own -KL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slave Driver has since sent Ralph Meola the following letter: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO: Ralph Meeola Head AT&T Security From: Slave Driver Re: My user. Hello. I find it rather hard to get in touch with you through normal means, but give me some time. I was told you have been threatening my users, trying to get access here. That is not good. Ralph, if you want access just ask for it, don't go threatening my users. That was not an intelligent idea, Ralph. If you are such a big guy [in your mind, and uh, hand] why not give me a call. I'm sure you have my number. I would be very interested in talking to you. So, you decide, Ralph. Either way, we'll talk one day. Bye Ralph, Slave Driver _______________________________________________________________________________ ============== Page 11/12 ============== ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 11 of 13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *-=+^ Phrack World News ^+=-* Issue Five/Part 3 Compiled and Written By Knight Lightning =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cracking Down On Abuse ---------------------- This article is from the January issue of MCI World, a monthly newsletter published by MCI for it's employees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The nationwide attack on telephone fraud got a boost recently when the U.S. Secret Service joined the effort to curb the crime that costs the industry millions in lost revenue annually. The Secret Service used new jurisdiction over the telephone fraud for the first time to arrest five individuals in raids on four illegal "Call-Sell" operations in New York City last November. The five suspects are awaiting trial in federal court on charges based on a Secret Service investigation conducted in cooperation with MCI and other members of the long distance telephone industry. The defendants were charged with violation of a law on Fraud In Connection With Access Devices which carries maximum penalties of 15 years imprisonment and a fine of $50,000, or twice the value of the fraudulent activity. Several other investigations are under way and future arrests are expected, according to a Secret Service spokesman. MCI cooperated in the investigation as a company and through membership in the Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA), made up of some 35 telephone industry firms. "Because it's an industry-wide problem, we have organized to crack down on all kinds of fraud, from the isolated 'hacker' to more organized schemes to use long distance lines illegally," said Everick Bowens, senior manager of MCI security investigations and president of CFCA. The Secret Service said that in the New York cases, the defendants operated Call-Sell businesses out of their homes and charged "customers" a flat fee for making long distance calls. They used "Blue Boxes" and stolen or compromised authorization codes or credit card numbers to use the long-distance networks of several companies. Blue Boxes are electronic tone-generating devices used to bypass billing systems and gain access to company networks. They can be assembled from generally available electronic parts or they can be purchased ready-made through illegal sources. In the New York raids, agents seized unauthorized cods and credit card numbers, four Blue Boxes and more than 20 telephones. It is estimated that in 1984, fraud in the telecommunications industry totaled $500 million nationwide, and approximately $70 million in the New York City area. CFCA members are primarily inter-exchange carriers, such as MCI, but resale carriers and some Bell Operating Companies (BOCs) are also members, along with representatives of computer services and credit card companies. Bowens says CFCA is intensifying efforts to stop the spread of fraud. Among other things, CFCA is developing educational packages for carriers and the public to promote widespread understanding of telephone fraud and ways to counter the crime. "Our aim is jointly to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute any fraudulent use of our long-distance networks," Bowens said. Authorization codes are obtained by theft from individuals and by "hackers" who randomly try combinations of numbers by telephone or through computer scanning of number combinations until a working code is "hit." Illegally obtained codes are fraudulently used by "boiler room" telemarketing operations, for example, or are passed along for use by individuals. MCI had developed software to detect illegal entry into its network and it is expected that the spread of dial 1 service, in which authorization codes are not used, will help reduce the incidence of telephone fraud. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments from the Bootleg: You reckon they mean us??????????????? What's wrong with them, can't they take a joke??????????? _______________________________________________________________________________ The Many Faces Of Fraud ----------------------- The following is an article from the January issue of MCI World, a monthly newsletter published by MCI for it's employees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This new year will see a stepped up MCI attack on telephone fraud--illegal use of the long distance network through access by stolen authorization codes or electronic devices. The offensive is led by Everick Bowens, senior manager of MCI's security investigations department and president of the industry-wide Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA). Success in curbing this theft of service has earned MCI security investigators a reputation as super sleuths at headquarters and in the divisions. New teeth were added to the attack on telephone fraud when the U.S. Secret Service was assigned to augment continuing investigative efforts by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Because telephone fraud is outright theft from the company, MCI is determined to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute any illicit use of its network. To learn more about how MCI conducts its anti-fraud campaign, MCI World talked with Bowens. MCI World: Is it true that MCI has systems that can detect fraudulent activity while it is occurring? Bowens: Yes, our fraud systems detect abnormal usage and hacking. The systems also help us to track down offenders even when we have only the authorization code he or she is abusing. Because we can profile abusers and trace phone calls, it is easier for us to prepare cases for prosecution. MCI World: Abuses involving computer "hacking" to get authorization codes seem to attract public attention. But there are other types of fraud equally damaging to the telecommunications industry. Would you identify some of these? Bowens: The primary form of abuse is by "hackers," who use computer programs to derive customers' authorization codes. These codes can be widely disseminated via electronic bulletin boards. Because many of these boards are public, the codes fall into the hands of anyone with access to the boards. We also encounter electronic toll fraud, which involves tone-generating devices that allow offenders to place fraudulent calls. MCI World: Is one type of fraudulent activity more prevalent than another? Bowens: Nationwide, fraud most frequently originates from military posts, college campuses, and prisons--places where there are numbers of people far from home, or who have little else to do but manipulate the telephone. This type of abuse prompts the bulk of our investigations. MCI World: Who is most likely to commit fraud? Is there a general profile of the common offender? Bowens: Computer crime typically occurs in affluent, metropolitan suburbs and involves juveniles. Electronic fraud also occurs in major metropolitan areas. Other abusers, such as high-pressure tele-marketeers, usually follow the coast lines. California and Florida, for "boiler room" operations in which phone service is used illegally to sell merchandise. However, fraud can't be totally attributed to any specific group at any particular time. MCI World: How can you keep up with code abuse and fraud? Don't offenders change frequently? Bowens: Interestingly enough, the patterns don't change much. Those who commit fraud form a finite community that doesn't expand a great a great deal over time. Casual offenders, individuals who may take advantage of a "hot" toll free number, will use the number only when it's hot. Once the number no longer works, they're not likely to repeat the offense. On the other hand, repeat offenders are dedicated to getting something for nothing. They're somewhat easier to identify because they commit the same offense over and over. MCI World: How does MCI know when it is the target of fraudulent activity? Bowens: Our systems generally alert us, or an employee or a customer informs us. People know the MCI name. When they recognize something happening illegally with an authorization code, they'll get in touch with us. People generally feel that a cheat is a cheat, a crook is a crook, and if they have to pay full value for a phone call they see no reason why someone else shouldn't. There also are professional tipsters who go from one company to another offering information for a price. However, we rarely deal with them. MCI World: Which MCI people, by the nature of their jobs, are most likely to detect or at least suspect, fraudulent activity? Bowens: Our switch technicians have been very instrumental in detecting abuse. They're in a position to identify extensive busy signals on circuits, abnormal calling patterns, and code use. They've identified many hackers just by reviewing their daily call statistics. Employees in our billing department are also good at spotting unusually large bills and abnormal patterns. Though most fraud is detected by the systems we have in place, the human eye continues to be extremely helpful. MCI World: In addition to working with internal people to help detect fraudulent activity, you also rely on the expertise of external agencies. Which outside agencies assist you with investigations. Bowens: When fraudulent activity involves the theft or illicit use of authorization codes or credit calling cards, MCI and the Secret Service work together to investigate the case. If other activity is involved, such as the use of our service in furtherance of other crime, MCI works with the FBI. When the U.S. Postal Service is manipulated in a fraud case, MCI and postal inspectors investigate together. Additionally, Bell Operating Companies (BOCs) often provide hard evidence in cases that MCI prosecutes. MCI World: When you are alerted to suspected fraudulent activity, what steps do you take to open and pursue the case? Bowens: Security investigators contact the customer whose code is being abused, advise them of MCI's suspicions, and attempt to confirm them. If the response confirms their suspicion of fraud, they open the case. Normally, an investigation entails much research into toll records to identify abusers, unusual call patterns and the parties who might be involved in illicit activity. We also interview parties receiving the calls and document their statements. Once we collect sufficient evidence, we decide whether a case should be pursued as a criminal or civil action. MCI World: How long does it normally take MCI's investigators to "crack" a case? Bowens: Typically, investigators can crack a case within hours. Identifying fraud suspects is the easy part. Amassing the evidence--dotting all of the legal i's and crossing the t's--is tougher. Gathering evidence may take weeks and large cases involving many parties can take months to solve. MCI World: With fraudulent activity knowing no geographical restrictions, how do you segment the problem divisionally? Bowens: The security investigations department acts primarily in an advisory capacity, helping investigators in the divisions with procedural matters. The divisions generally take responsibility for investigating fraudulent activity within their jurisdictions and corporate investigators pursue cases that are large in scope or require specific expertise. Corporate also takes on cases involving offenders operating in more than one division. MCI World: Can you elaborate on MCI's goals for reducing the level of fraudulent activity? Bowens: We want to reduce fraud to the lowest possible level. One of MCI's goals is to cut fraud by more than half in 1986. We want to be the industry leader in curbing this illegal activity. _______________________________________________________________________________ Broadway Hacker Turned Fed Informant? June 2, 1986 ------------------------------------- Broadway Hacker recently called Phreakers Quest and left feedback to the sysop of that system (Shawn) saying, "I do believe that some of this information here is illegal." Shawn called Dark Creeper and reported this to him who then later told it to me. Sometime later, Broadway Hacker called Knight Bandit to voice validate him for The Radio Station. He claimed he was some sort of fed and that KB would be hearing from someone in Bell Security. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Radio Station is down because Broadway Hacker has sold his computer, his disks, and everything else and is moving to his new job at an unknown destination. When I spoke with him, he went on that he sold his user log, but would not comment on that any further. He wanted me to print that he was a fed and that all of his former users would soon be receiving visits from the FBI. This is exactly what he told Phantom Phreaker and several others which started a mass riot in the phreak world. One result was the takedown of Alliance for fear of its safety. It since has been put back up. Broadway justified his actions by saying that by telling rodents he was a fed, it would keep them off his board. Later he said that since he is leaving the phreak world and no one knows where he is going, "To hell with the phreak world, let it fall apart and die for all I care." So this fed scare is an attempt to do just that. Was it a joke? Did he mean that really? I don't know. Maybe he did mean it then but now has changed his mind... No one should be worried about this, everything is ok, and Broadway is not working with the FBI. He now claims that he needed his line free for business calls and all of the above were attempts to get people not to be calling him as he didn't have the time or patience. Use your own judgement. Broadway Hacker still has his Vic 20 and an old modem and is attempting to get back on boards. He has also stated that the Radio Station BBS will be put back up at the end of the summer. Where it will be run from is unknown although, Broadway speculated that when it returns it would be run off of an Amiga. Information Provided by Broadway Hacker/Dark Creeper/Knight Bandit/Phantom Phreaker _______________________________________________________________________________ ============== Page 12/12 ============== phrack6/1.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 1 of 13 Introduction -----------Welcome to Phrack Inc. VI! We have been somewhat delayed in our release due to problems with my home life (see PWN in this issue for details) but here we go! Right now, Metal Shop Private is down, but when I return to real life, it should re-emerge with a new BBS program and hopefully will be better than ever. Now, with the release of Telecomputist Newsletter, we have the capabilities to have Phrack Inc. printed out. If you feel you’d like to subscribe to something like this, it would be operated in this manner: being one of our positive points, it will be free to an extent. You, the subscriber, will be paying for postage and if necessary, envelopes as well as P.O. Box rental, but none of this should amount to much. If you are interested in getting this, please contact any member of the Metal Shop Family or Phantom Phreaker of The Alliance with your opinions on this. If we get enough support, we’ll get this rolling. Later on. TARAN KING Sysop of Metal Shop Private This issue of Phrack Inc. includes the following philes: Title by Author (amount in K) 1 Index by Taran King (1k) 2 Pro-Phile on Groups by Knight Lightning (14k) 3 The Technical Revolution by Dr. Crash (4k) 4 Fun with Lighters by The Leftist (2k) 5 Nasty Unix Tricks by Shooting Shark (4k) 6 Smoke Bombs by Alpine Kracker (2k) 7 Cellular Telephones by High Evolutionary (5k) 8 Wide Area Networks by Jester Sluggo (10k) 9-13 Phrack World News by Knight Lightning (16,15,15,16,15K) phrack6/10.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 10 of 13 \‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\ *-=+^ Phrack World News ^+=-* Issue Five/Part 2 Compiled and Written By Knight Lightning \‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\ Captain Midnight’s Sneak Attack ------------------------------"A daring intruder airs the beefs of dish owners" May 12, 1986 In the old days, people with complaints against the media had few recourses: A stern letter to the editor, perhaps, or a protesting phone call. "Captain Midnight," an outraged consumer of the space age, took more daring action. In a sneak attack made on Sunday of last week, the self-appointed video avenger broke into an HBO presentation of the movie "The Falcon and the Snowman" with a cryptic message: Good evening HBO From Captain Midnight $12.95/Month? No Way! (Showtime/The Movie Channel Beware) The mysterious dispatch, seen for several minutes in the East and Midwest by hundreds of thousands of subscribers to the pay-cable service, was clearly intended as a rallying cry for the more than 1.5 million owners of home satellite dishes in the U.S. These video free-lancers are angry because many of the TV signals they have been plucking from the sky are done by one tuning into jumble. In January, HBO and Cinemax (both owned by Time Inc.) became the first two cable services to scramble their signals, thus preventing dish owners from watching them without paying a monthly subscription fee. Showtime and the Movie Channel will begin similar scrambling on May 27, and most other satellite-beamed cable channels, including ESPN, MTV, the Disney Channel, Cable News Network and Superstation WTBS, will follow suit before the end of the year. Their actions have set off a heated battle over just who has the right to TV signals bouncing through the skies. In one blow, Captain Midnight has become a folk hero in that struggle, though his identity remains a mystery. Ordinary home dishes are able only to receive signals, not to send them; thus experts think the pirate signal probably came from a TV station or other commercial facility. Wherever the stunt originated, TV executives were not amused. HBO has lodged a complaint with the FCC, threatened to prosecute the pirate, and made technical adjustments that it claims will prevent any repeat attack. "He probably thinks this was a prank," says HBO Vice President Dave Pritchard. "But the fact is someone has interfered with authorized satellite transmissions." The incident has raised concerns that other satellite-borne communications, including sensitive data transmitted by business and the military, could be similarly disrupted. Representatives of the three broadcast networks insist that a ’hacker’ would have difficulty breaking into their programming. But any satellite signal could theoretically be disrupted, experts say "Most satellites are built with some safety measures," explains Karl Savatiel, director of satellite communications for AT&T. "But all satellites, including military satellites, are vulnerable if a person knows where the satellite is located, the frequency it uses for satellite transmissions, and the sender’s code." (This wasn’t the full article, just the important part) Taken from Time Magazine May 12, 1986 phrack6/10.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 2 Reported by Jim Byers/Los Angeles and Jerome Cramer/Washington. Typed for PWN’s usage by The Seker _______________________________________________________________________________ News On Captain Midnight April 28, 1986 -----------------------"Search for Cable TV Prankster Leads to North Texas" The search for Captain Midnight, the disgruntled video prankster who briefly commandeered Home Box Office’s satellite transmissions over the eastern two-thirds of the country early Sunday, has led federal investigators to North Texas, a Justice Department official said Monday. John K. Russell, a Justice Department spokesman in Washington, told Knight-Ridder Newspapers that "the perpetrator is believed to be in North Texas." Later he said the search was in Texas "as well as other areas." Other authorities told Knight-Ridder that investigators in the Dallas field offices of the FBI and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have been focusing on a tip that Sunday’s four-minute cable interruption originated in North Texas. FBI and FCC officials in Dallas could not be reached for comment Monday. Captain Midnight interrupted a movie broadcast Sunday with a message protesting new fees being charged the owners of satellite dishes for access to HBO. The five line message, superimposed on a test pattern, said: "Good evening HBO from Captain Midnight. $12.95 a month? No way! (Showtime-Movie Channel Beware.)" In January, HBO began scrambling its broadcasts to prevent owners of satellite dishes from unauthorized interception of the signal as it bounced from a satellite to cable television systems. HBO told dish owners that they would have to buy a descrambler for $395 and pay $12.95 a month. "While the man on the street may have once thought that Captain Midnight’s message was limited to being a prank, it does represent a very serious threat to any company or entity using satellites to transmit information," said Alan Levi, HBO’s manager of corporate public relations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other: Alan Levi: [212] 512-1659 (Cooperate affairs) David Pritchard: [212] 512-1413 (Cooperate affairs) Tim Larker: [212] 512-5666 (Network scrambler assistant) New York City FCC: [212] 620-3438 (Federal Communications Commission) HBO Cooperate Offices: [212] 512-1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------David Lightman: I have spoken with several people about ’Captain Midnight’. I have spoken to everyone above. This David Pritchard tried to tell me this: DP = David Pritchard DL = David Lightman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------DL: Where do you think this ’Captain Midnight’ is? DP: Would assume he is in the North Texas region. Possibly 214. DL: What makes you think this? DP: We believe this is true due to a tip from a Dallas resident. DL: How do you know that he was not lying to lead you away from the real phrack6/10.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 3 Captain Midnight? DP: I know he was probably not lying because he left us his mailbox number. DL: Which is? DP: I cannot release that information right now. (This conversation went on for a while. Possibly 10-15 minutes...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------David Lightman earlier had spoken with Alan Levi... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------DL: Yes. Do you have any idea who this Captain Midnight might be? Alan: DL: No, but we are fairly certain it is someone in the 212 area with access to the scrambling offices of HBO. The knowledge necessary for what this guy did could not be gotten very easily without getting it from our departments. Alan: Well, I believe I know who this Captain Midnight is. DL: Could you please tell me who you think Captain Midnight is? Alan: No. If it is the person I suspect, I would rather not cause any trouble for them. DL: You wouldn’t cause much trouble for him. Alan: Isn’t what this guy did a federal offense? Well, yes it is, but you would be surprised how many people get away with breaking federal laws. (He actually said that guys!) DL: Alan: Hmm.... We would just let him know that what he did was not a prank. It was very serious. It could possibly change the entire industry and unless he stops transmitting over our satellites, we will ask the Department of Defense to handle it from then on. DL: Well, I would need to think about it a little more. little later? Alan: Can I call you back a Could you just give me your number and I will have David Pritchard call you back? DL: It depends on who else will get my number. Alan: Just me. I will consider this conversation and all of the conversations that follow to be an anonymous tip. DL: Sure then. Alan: DL: What would happen to him? It is (214) 733-5162. Thanks. Then I will have David call you if you do not call me back before tomorrow evening. That would be fine. Thanks. Alan: Thank you. ------------------------------End of Conversation-----------------------------Well as you may have guessed, my number (mailbox) was given to the FCC, FBI, and David Pritchard as well as Tim Larker. I got pretty pissed so I called David Pritchard. That was the first conversation I posted. We (Alan Levi, David Pritchard, Tim Larker, the FCC, the FBI, Knight-Ridder Newspapers, and I) now have the country believing that the transmission originated in Dallas. Of course it did, but you may see that changed soon. I plan on another conversation with these intelligent people tomorrow 5:00 PM. phrack6/10.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 4 If you do call these guys, please do not mention the Administration, Team Hackers’86, any member of either group or me to them as being the transmitter. You have no proof at all about that. I did not say if we were involved or not. That will be left up to your imagination. Information and Interviews Provided by David Lightman _______________________________________________________________________________ Captain Midnight Busted! June 6, 1986 -----------------------Captain Midnight probably isn’t sleeping too well these days. His name, still publicly unannounced, is probably known by many, including the FBI. He has already been reported to have been fired from his job at an uplink facility, of which there are only around 100 in this country. The facility is east of the Rockies and does not operate after midnight. Also, a newer type of equipment was used of which there are only a few in the country. We expect charges to be filed any day now, possibly just in time for the June 12th congressional hearings on signal jamming. Penalties could include a one year jail sentence and up to $50,000 in fines; $10,000 maximum of which would be for jamming only. We expect FM America to come to Captain Midnight’s rescue financially by raising defense money. All segments of the TVRO industry condemned the signal jamming. It is interesting to note the grins and smiles while discussing the subject, however, FM America knows who "Captain Midnight" is and even interviewed him live on the air on "FM America." Tapes of FM America including Captain Midnight’s interview have been turned over to federal investigators. Several benefits can be realized by Captain Midnight’s signal "interruption." Mainly, the fact is now known by everyone that it can be done. There are no secrets either in that a transponder can easily be confused into locking onto another signal and ignoring the correct signal as interference. Also, the signal that controls the satellite’s positioning could also be accessed. The overall possibility that our entire "satellite system" in general can be rendered ineffective from the ground is kind of unnerving. Signal scrambling did not interfere with the HBO signal lockout because a higher wattage beam over-powered it. The networks all use pretty powerful beams which are used 24 hours-a-day so they would be harder to jam. If we had to guess which uplink was used to jam HBO, we would pick one that was already locked into the same satellite, such as one of the superstations. (Hint, Hint!) Information provided by Handsomest One _______________________________________________________________________________ Who is Ralph Meola? May 20, 1986 ------------------Ralph Meola is the Head of AT&T Security in New Jersey and theoretically everywhere else as well. He is known to have a computer file on hackers and phreaks, and an investigative team, that rivals John Maxfield’s "BoardScan". How did Meola enter into the public eye? Well, we at Phrack really aren’t completely sure but, the general idea is that a friend of Sigmund Fraud (See TelePub’86 in PWN issue III), using social engineering in order to gain information from AT&T, somehow came into contact with Ralph Meola. Later, Sigmund Fraud was also brought into this and decided to give Ralph Meola a call himself. With Gin Fizz on Sigmund’s 3-Way, he got Meola on the phone and said,"Hey! This is Sigmund Fraud!" Typing sounds could be heard in the background and in a few seconds Meola responded with Sigmund Fraud’s real name, address, phone numbers, and the names of several BBSes that he was on. Meola then insisted that Sigmund Fraud give him his account on Stronghold East or at the very least, all of the newuser logon procedures and passwords. Failure to do so would mean big trouble for Sigmund Fraud. Sigmund of course gave Meola the always nice "fuck you!" and hung up on Meola. Although Sigmund Fraud was (at the time) on Metal Shop Private, Meola didn’t know it, or at least he didn’t mention it as a BBS that Sigmund was on. This means that Meola has no agents on Metal Shop Private. It is also known that Meola has no agents on Stronghold East. Otherwise he wouldn’t have needed the phrack6/10.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 5 password information from Sigmund. It is believed that Meola was on Stronghold East before the MASSIVE purge several months ago. Information Provided by Sigmund Fraud/Gin Fizz/Slave Driver The assumptions and theories are my own -KL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Slave Driver has since sent Ralph Meola the following letter: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------TO: Ralph Meeola Head AT&T Security From: Slave Driver Re: My user. Hello. I find it rather hard to get in touch with you through normal means, but give me some time. I was told you have been threatening my users, trying to get access here. That is not good. Ralph, if you want access just ask for it, don’t go threatening my users. That was not an intelligent idea, Ralph. If you are such a big guy [in your mind, and uh, hand] why not give me a call. I’m sure you have my number. I would be very interested in talking to you. So, you decide, Ralph. Either way, we’ll talk one day. Bye Ralph, Slave Driver _______________________________________________________________________________ phrack6/11.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 11 of 13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *-=+^ Phrack World News ^+=-* Issue Five/Part 3 Compiled and Written By Knight Lightning =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cracking Down On Abuse ---------------------This article is from the January issue of MCI World, a monthly newsletter published by MCI for it’s employees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The nationwide attack on telephone fraud got a boost recently when the U.S. Secret Service joined the effort to curb the crime that costs the industry millions in lost revenue annually. The Secret Service used new jurisdiction over the telephone fraud for the first time to arrest five individuals in raids on four illegal "Call-Sell" operations in New York City last November. The five suspects are awaiting trial in federal court on charges based on a Secret Service investigation conducted in cooperation with MCI and other members of the long distance telephone industry. The defendants were charged with violation of a law on Fraud In Connection With Access Devices which carries maximum penalties of 15 years imprisonment and a fine of $50,000, or twice the value of the fraudulent activity. Several other investigations are under way and future arrests are expected, according to a Secret Service spokesman. MCI cooperated in the investigation as a company and through membership in the Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA), made up of some 35 telephone industry firms. "Because it’s an industry-wide problem, we have organized to crack down on all kinds of fraud, from the isolated ’hacker’ to more organized schemes to use long distance lines illegally," said Everick Bowens, senior manager of MCI security investigations and president of CFCA. The Secret Service said that in the New York cases, the defendants operated Call-Sell businesses out of their homes and charged "customers" a flat fee for making long distance calls. They used "Blue Boxes" and stolen or compromised authorization codes or credit card numbers to use the long-distance networks of several companies. Blue Boxes are electronic tone-generating devices used to bypass billing systems and gain access to company networks. They can be assembled from generally available electronic parts or they can be purchased ready-made through illegal sources. In the New York raids, agents seized unauthorized cods and credit card numbers, four Blue Boxes and more than 20 telephones. It is estimated that in 1984, fraud in the telecommunications industry totaled $500 million nationwide, and approximately $70 million in the New York City area. CFCA members are primarily inter-exchange carriers, such as MCI, but resale carriers and some Bell Operating Companies (BOCs) are also members, along with representatives of computer services and credit card companies. phrack6/11.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 2 Bowens says CFCA is intensifying efforts to stop the spread of fraud. Among other things, CFCA is developing educational packages for carriers and the public to promote widespread understanding of telephone fraud and ways to counter the crime. "Our aim is jointly to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute any fraudulent use of our long-distance networks," Bowens said. Authorization codes are obtained by theft from individuals and by "hackers" who randomly try combinations of numbers by telephone or through computer scanning of number combinations until a working code is "hit." Illegally obtained codes are fraudulently used by "boiler room" telemarketing operations, for example, or are passed along for use by individuals. MCI had developed software to detect illegal entry into its network and it is expected that the spread of dial 1 service, in which authorization codes are not used, will help reduce the incidence of telephone fraud. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comments from the Bootleg: You reckon they mean us??????????????? What’s wrong with them, can’t they take a joke??????????? _______________________________________________________________________________ The Many Faces Of Fraud ----------------------The following is an article from the January issue of MCI World, a monthly newsletter published by MCI for it’s employees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This new year will see a stepped up MCI attack on telephone fraud--illegal use of the long distance network through access by stolen authorization codes or electronic devices. The offensive is led by Everick Bowens, senior manager of MCI’s security investigations department and president of the industry-wide Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA). Success in curbing this theft of service has earned MCI security investigators a reputation as super sleuths at headquarters and in the divisions. New teeth were added to the attack on telephone fraud when the U.S. Secret Service was assigned to augment continuing investigative efforts by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Because telephone fraud is outright theft from the company, MCI is determined to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute any illicit use of its network. To learn more about how MCI conducts its anti-fraud campaign, MCI World talked with Bowens. MCI World: Is it true that MCI has systems that can detect fraudulent activity while it is occurring? Bowens: Yes, our fraud systems detect abnormal usage and hacking. The systems also help us to track down offenders even when we have only the authorization code he or she is abusing. Because we can profile abusers and trace phone calls, it is easier for us to prepare cases for prosecution. MCI World: Abuses involving computer "hacking" to get authorization codes seem to attract public attention. But there are other types of fraud equally damaging to the telecommunications industry. Would you identify some of these? Bowens: The primary form of abuse is by "hackers," who use computer programs to derive customers’ authorization codes. These codes can be widely disseminated via electronic bulletin boards. Because many of these boards are public, the codes fall into the hands of anyone with access to the boards. We also encounter electronic toll fraud, which involves tone-generating devices that allow offenders to place fraudulent calls. MCI World: Is one type of fraudulent activity more prevalent than another? phrack6/11.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 3 Bowens: Nationwide, fraud most frequently originates from military posts, college campuses, and prisons--places where there are numbers of people far from home, or who have little else to do but manipulate the telephone. This type of abuse prompts the bulk of our investigations. MCI World: Who is most likely to commit fraud? the common offender? Is there a general profile of Bowens: Computer crime typically occurs in affluent, metropolitan suburbs and involves juveniles. Electronic fraud also occurs in major metropolitan areas. Other abusers, such as high-pressure tele-marketeers, usually follow the coast lines. California and Florida, for "boiler room" operations in which phone service is used illegally to sell merchandise. However, fraud can’t be totally attributed to any specific group at any particular time. MCI World: How can you keep up with code abuse and fraud? change frequently? Don’t offenders Bowens: Interestingly enough, the patterns don’t change much. Those who commit fraud form a finite community that doesn’t expand a great a great deal over time. Casual offenders, individuals who may take advantage of a "hot" toll free number, will use the number only when it’s hot. Once the number no longer works, they’re not likely to repeat the offense. On the other hand, repeat offenders are dedicated to getting something for nothing. They’re somewhat easier to identify because they commit the same offense over and over. MCI World: How does MCI know when it is the target of fraudulent activity? Bowens: Our systems generally alert us, or an employee or a customer informs us. People know the MCI name. When they recognize something happening illegally with an authorization code, they’ll get in touch with us. People generally feel that a cheat is a cheat, a crook is a crook, and if they have to pay full value for a phone call they see no reason why someone else shouldn’t. There also are professional tipsters who go from one company to another offering information for a price. However, we rarely deal with them. MCI World: Which MCI people, by the nature of their jobs, are most likely to detect or at least suspect, fraudulent activity? Bowens: Our switch technicians have been very instrumental in detecting abuse. They’re in a position to identify extensive busy signals on circuits, abnormal calling patterns, and code use. They’ve identified many hackers just by reviewing their daily call statistics. Employees in our billing department are also good at spotting unusually large bills and abnormal patterns. Though most fraud is detected by the systems we have in place, the human eye continues to be extremely helpful. MCI World: In addition to working with internal people to help detect fraudulent activity, you also rely on the expertise of external agencies. Which outside agencies assist you with investigations. Bowens: When fraudulent activity involves the theft or illicit use of authorization codes or credit calling cards, MCI and the Secret Service work together to investigate the case. If other activity is involved, such as the use of our service in furtherance of other crime, MCI works with the FBI. When the U.S. Postal Service is manipulated in a fraud case, MCI and postal inspectors investigate together. Additionally, Bell Operating Companies (BOCs) often provide hard evidence in cases that MCI prosecutes. MCI World: When you are alerted to suspected fraudulent activity, what steps do you take to open and pursue the case? Bowens: Security investigators contact the customer whose code is being abused, advise them of MCI’s suspicions, and attempt to confirm them. If the response confirms their suspicion of fraud, they open the case. phrack6/11.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 4 Normally, an investigation entails much research into toll records to identify abusers, unusual call patterns and the parties who might be involved in illicit activity. We also interview parties receiving the calls and document their statements. Once we collect sufficient evidence, we decide whether a case should be pursued as a criminal or civil action. MCI World: How long does it normally take MCI’s investigators to "crack" a case? Bowens: Typically, investigators can crack a case within hours. Identifying fraud suspects is the easy part. Amassing the evidence--dotting all of the legal i’s and crossing the t’s--is tougher. Gathering evidence may take weeks and large cases involving many parties can take months to solve. MCI World: With fraudulent activity knowing no geographical restrictions, how do you segment the problem divisionally? Bowens: The security investigations department acts primarily in an advisory capacity, helping investigators in the divisions with procedural matters. The divisions generally take responsibility for investigating fraudulent activity within their jurisdictions and corporate investigators pursue cases that are large in scope or require specific expertise. Corporate also takes on cases involving offenders operating in more than one division. MCI World: Can you elaborate on MCI’s goals for reducing the level of fraudulent activity? Bowens: We want to reduce fraud to the lowest possible level. One of MCI’s goals is to cut fraud by more than half in 1986. We want to be the industry leader in curbing this illegal activity. _______________________________________________________________________________ Broadway Hacker Turned Fed Informant? June 2, 1986 ------------------------------------Broadway Hacker recently called Phreakers Quest and left feedback to the sysop of that system (Shawn) saying, "I do believe that some of this information here is illegal." Shawn called Dark Creeper and reported this to him who then later told it to me. Sometime later, Broadway Hacker called Knight Bandit to voice validate him for The Radio Station. He claimed he was some sort of fed and that KB would be hearing from someone in Bell Security. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Radio Station is down because Broadway Hacker has sold his computer, his disks, and everything else and is moving to his new job at an unknown destination. When I spoke with him, he went on that he sold his user log, but would not comment on that any further. He wanted me to print that he was a fed and that all of his former users would soon be receiving visits from the FBI. This is exactly what he told Phantom Phreaker and several others which started a mass riot in the phreak world. One result was the takedown of Alliance for fear of its safety. It since has been put back up. Broadway justified his actions by saying that by telling rodents he was a fed, it would keep them off his board. Later he said that since he is leaving the phreak world and no one knows where he is going, "To hell with the phreak world, let it fall apart and die for all I care." So this fed scare is an attempt to do just that. Was it a joke? Did he mean that really? I don’t know. Maybe he did mean it then but now has changed his mind... No one should be worried about this, everything is ok, and Broadway is not working with the FBI. He now claims that he needed his line free for business calls and all of the above were attempts to get people not to be calling him as he didn’t have the time or patience. Use your own judgement. Broadway Hacker still has his Vic 20 and an old modem and is attempting to get back on boards. He has also stated that the Radio Station BBS will be put back up at the end of the summer. Where it will be run from is unknown although, phrack6/11.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 5 Broadway speculated that when it returns it would be run off of an Amiga. Information Provided by Broadway Hacker/Dark Creeper/Knight Bandit/Phantom Phreaker _______________________________________________________________________________ phrack6/12.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 12 of 13 :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: *-=+^ Phrack World News ^+=-* Issue Five/Part 4 Compiled and Written By Knight Lightning :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: Grown-Up Laws Sought For Computer Criminals ------------------------------------------By Dave Skidmore (Associated Press) WASHINGTON-Teen-age computer hackers are giving way to a new generation of people who steal information from computers for profit rather than fun, the head of a House crime panel said Wednesday. "The hackers were the first generation we saw. Now we have a lot of professionals who are getting into the business of accessing computer data bases," said Rep. William J. Hughes, D-N.J. [609/645-7957 or 202/225-6572], the sponsor of legislation aimed at helping law enforcement authorities better cope with the problem. Hughes commented as the House subcommittee on crime, which he heads, studied the proposed Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Teen-age computer hobbyists, motivated fun and desire for status among fellow hobbyists, use home computers and the telephone to "hack" into government and industry data bases. Now, Hughes said, hackers’ techniques are being increasingly used by industrial spies who sell trade secrets gleaned from corporate computers and thieves who change bank records to steal millions of dollars. "Computer crime is probably one of the fastest growing areas of crime. (It’s) going to make the old robbery and burglary a little passe with certain professionals," he said. Hughes’ bill, cosponsored by Reps. Bill McCollum, R-Fla [202/225-2176], and Bill Nelson, D-Fla [202/225-3671], creates three new offenses. 1. It forbids unauthorized access to a computer and drops a requirement that the government prove information in the computer was used or altered. 2. It outlaws "pirate bulletin boards" used by hackers to trade secret computer codes and passwords. 3. It makes it a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine to maliciously cause damage in excess of $1,000 to a computer program or data base. That section of the bill would apply to so-called "Trojan Horse" programs which, when achieving access to another computer, destroy all the data and programs in that computer. The legislation is intended to plug loopholes in anti-crime legislation passed by Congress in 1984, Hughes said. It applies to computers used by the federal government or its contractors and bank and loan association computers. Hughes said he expected his bill and similar legislations sponsored by Sen. Paul S. Trible Jr., R-Va [804/771-2221 or 202/224-4024], to reach the House and Senate floors sometime in May. phrack6/12.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 2 Information Provided by Blue Buccaneer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following is a critical breakdown of the above article. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blue Buccaneer: Concerning this law: I always thought it would be more fun to hack for cash, but hey... Anyway, the three new offenses are what I am not to fond of: 1) "forbids unauthorized access to a computer" (Gosh, really?) "and drops a requirement that the government prove information in a computer was used or altered" Now what kinda law is that?! The government can just arrest someone and not have to prove anything? COME ON! 2) "It outlaws ’pirate BBSes’" When will these people learn the correct terminology? Pirates trade warezzzz, not ’secret passwords and codes’. The point is, that because this is a federal law, it will apply to all states. We aren’t talking pussy-laws anymore. Wouldn’t it be damn awful if just running the stupid BBS was a crime? Besides that, I thought we had a right to freedom of the press. Again, COME ON! 3) "and a $250,000 fine to maliciously cause damage in excess of $1000 to a computer program or data base". Excuse me for asking, but can one "maliciously" destroy data? And isn’t a quarter of a million dollars a bit much for a teen-ager on a regular allowance? And that much for $1000 damage? Shit, I wish my insurance company paid like that when I wreck my car. Once again, COME ON! And then, I guess this is the journalist’s fault, but what the hell does that paragraph on Trojan Horses have to do with this shit? I mean really! Do you think Joe Blow in the street is going to go: "Whew, for a minute there I was afraid that new bill might just skip over those Trojan Horse things." I’d kinda assume Trojan Horses were covered under the "maliciously" destroying data rule. Above written by Blue Buccaneer _______________________________________________________________________________ Computer Kids, Or Criminals? ---------------------------Mr. Slippery, age 12, never thought playing on his home computer amounted to much more than harmless fun -- until a mysterious call from a stranger one day proved otherwise. "I got a funny phone call from someone offering me money to destroy a bank’s records," said Slippery, identified by his hacker alias. "At that point in time, I realized that that’s an incredible way to launder money. That if I was real smart, I would move out of the whole thing, because that was an obvious point at organized crime, to me." Hacking, or using a personal computer to trespass by phone lines into the private computer systems of corporations, foundations, universities and banks, is a new form of organized crime, say experts. In the last year or two, a new, sophisticated breed of hacker has emerged. Their ages vary, from the early hackers who started at 14, and have now entered college, to adults who operate computerized crime networks, but their motives are similar: criminal. When Mr. Slippery started hacking seven years ago he as an exception among pimply faced, curious kids whose computers were toys for cheap, and typically harmless, thrills. For four years, he lived up to his alias, eventually penetrating top security government computers at the Department of Defense (DOD) and the National Security Agency (NSA). Mr. Slippery remained undetected until his last several weeks as a hacker. He was never caught, never convicted. Toward the end, he realized government security agents were following him and decided to put away his phone modem for good. "After about four years of this, though, I started realizing that an entirely new crowd had sprung up," observes Mr. Slippery, now a 19-year-old ex-hacker. "You now have the 14 year olds who were running around destroying things seeing how much trouble they could cause." Computer crime experts say the hacker problem is getting worse, even though industries are increasingly reluctant to discuss the topic. "The malicious hacker problem is continuing to increase drastically and is getting far more serious," said Donn B. Parker, author of phrack6/12.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 3 Fighting Computer Crime and a computer and data security consultant at SRI International, a California-based, non-profit research institute. "The lowering costs of equipment, the attraction of it for new kids coming into it as a rite of passage, points to increasing vulnerability of American business to the hacker problem." Parker’s expertise got him hired as a technical consultant to the movie War Games about two teen-age hackers who penetrate government defense computers. Where there is evidence of serious computer hacker crime is on electronic bulletin board systems (BBSes), where hackers share gathered intelligence. "Phone companies have huge investments in their equipment that is highly vulnerable to the hackers, who have figured out how to beat them, and have used pirate boards for their intelligence purposes," said SRI International’s Parker. "A large proportion of these kids are, in fact, juvenile delinquents with other arrest records." Recently, a hacker posted this on a local BBS: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I live in Cleveland and the Pheds are fucking everywhere. This guy who goes by the alias Lou Zer got caught and they told him if he narced on like 5 people he would get off with probation so he did that. Now like half the 2300 club has been busted and this kid has a lot of problems in the future. Also I have seen cops that I know of dressed as fucking federal express guys. Try and avoid using them. Also, here’s some PBXs to fuck with. They belong to Standard Oil. --Later, Sir Gallahad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other BBSs post lists of telephone numbers of Fortune 1000 corporations, banks, credit bureaus, universities, and foundations. Admittedly, many of the numbers are invalid, say experts. Though there are BBSes that admit members only by invitation and operate as part of a computer underground, others can be accessed by anyone with a computer and a phone modem. Often the boards carry foreboding names like The Sanctuary, Future World, Dark Side, Deathtrap and Speed Demon Elite. Computer crime is sometimes called the perfect crime. Its perpetrators are anonymous hackers using aliases like Phantom Phreaker, Big Brother, Bootleg, Sigmund Fraud, and Scan Man. John Maxfield is a computer security consultant who lives in a downriver suburb. Maxfield spends most of his working hours scanning BBSs, and is known by computer crime experts as a hacker tracker. His investigative work scanning boards has resulted in more prosecutions of computer hackers than anyone else in the field, say sources familiar with his work. Maxfield, who accepts death threats and other scare tactics as part of the job, says the trick is knowing the enemy. Next to his monstrous, homemade computer system, Maxfield boasts the only file on computer hackers that exists. It contains several thousand aliases used by hackers, many followed by their real names and home phone numbers. All of it is the result of four years of steady hacker-tracking, says Maxfield. "I’ve achieved what most hackers would dearly love to achieve," said Maxfield. "Hacking the hacker is the ultimate hack." Maxfield estimates there are currently 50,000 hackers operating in the computer underground and close to 1,000 underground bulletin boards. Of these, he estimates about 200 bulletin boards are "nasty," posting credit card numbers, phone numbers of Fortune 500 corporations, regional phone companies, banks, and even authored tutorials on how to make bombs and explosives. One growing camp of serious hackers is college students, who typically started hacking at 14 and are now into drug trafficking, mainly LSD and cocaine, said Maxfield. This is an example of a recent BBS posting: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTED: LSD, of any kind. Leave me mail if you’re willing to talk prices, I’ll take anything up to $5 a hit. $3 is more likely. --urlord - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The BBSs are versatile teaching tools, too. Hackers post detailed tutorials on: HACKING: Using a personal computer and modem to trespass into the private computer systems of corporations, foundations, universities, and banks. phrack6/12.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 4 CARDING: Using valid credit card numbers obtained from discarded carbons, accounts posted at video rental stores, or even by hacking credit bureau computers. TRASHING: Sifting through trash to find discarded credit card carbons, receipts, computer passwords, code words, confidential phone company directories. PHREAKING or FONING: Manipulating phone systems, usually to make long-distance calls at no charge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Below is an excerpt from a four-part tutorial on credit card fraud posted on an exclusive East Coast BBS for elite advanced hackers: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Carding! By Music Major. Believe it or not, without carding, a damper would be put on the computer users of America (and especially Canada). Can you imagine trying to save enough money to BUY a 2400 baud modem and a 30 meg drive for a BBS? Oh, of course it can be done, but considering that a majority of the active computer users are still in school, and most do not have a steady job, it will take too long, and cost too much for this average person to spend on a BBS. Working at minimum wage at a part-time job, it would take 30 weeks of CONSTANT saving to put up the BBS (with good modem and good drive). Not a pretty thought! When the going gets tough, the tough go carding! Music Major goes into more detail on later, he warns younger hackers about the possible risks of trying a method he claims he invented: "I have called this method foning for cards. To be convincing, you MUST have a fluent tongue and a semi-deep voice (skip this part if your voice is still cracking--refer back when you get a real voice)." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maxfield’s operation is called BoardScan. He is paid by major corporations and institutions to gather and provide them with pertinent intelligence about the computer underground. Maxfield also relies on reformed hackers. Letters of thanks from VISA and McDonald’s decorate a wall in his office along with an autographed photo of Scottie, the engineer on Star Trek’s Starship Enterprise. Often he contacts potential clients about business. "More often I call them and say, I’ve detected a hacker in your system," said Maxfield. "At that point, they’re firmly entrenched. Once the hackers get into your computer, you’re in trouble. It’s analogous to having roaches or mice in the walls of your house. They don’t make their presence known at first. But one day you open the refrigerator door and a handful of roaches drop out." Prior to tracking hackers, Maxfield worked for 20-odd years in the hardware end of the business, installing and repairing computers and phone systems. When the FBI recruited him a few years back to work undercover as a hacker and phone phreak, Maxfield concluded fighting hacker crime must be his mission in life. "So I became the hacker I was always afraid I would become," he said. Maxfield believes the hacker problem is growing more serious. He estimates there were just 400 to 500 hackers in 1982. Every two years, he says, the numbers increase by a factor of 10. Another worrisome trend to emerge recently is the presence of adult computer hackers. Some adults in the computer underground pose as Fagans, a character from a Charles Dickens novel who ran a crime ring of young boys, luring young hackers to their underground crime rings. Courtesy of Galaxy Girl and Silicon Thief Major Editing by Knight Lightning Written by Lisa Olson (News Staff Writer for Detroit News) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few notes: It is my assumption that Music Major’s Carding Tutorial was from KL actually four posts made on the Carding Subboard on Stronghold ------East. If this is true then it would mean that at the time or previous to the time of this article Maxfield was on SE. This post was probably taken in before the MASSIVE user purge on Stronghold East. _______________________________________________________________________________ \003 phrack6/12.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 5 ========================================================================= CONNECTED NODES AS OF 10/05/88 TOTAL NODES = 2491 Node -------DOCCRC UNCACDC UNCAMULT EWC DKATS11 DKJAU11 DKAAUCHE ACUVAX FINABO ACADIA IMIAGIP1 ALBION ALCANKTN FINALKO ALLEGVM EB0UAB51 APSEDOFF AUVM AUVM2 AMHERST TRANAVM1 TRANAVM2 ANNENRES APPSTATE ANLCMT ANLCHM ANLHEP ANLMST ANLNBI ANLADM1 ANLADM2 ANLEES1 ANLNBI2 ANLEES2 ANLEES3 ANLEL ANLEES ANLNESC ANLOS ANLVM ANLVMS ANLCV1 ANLEMC ANLVG ANLPHY ANLPNS ASUIC ASUCP1 ASUACAD ASUERC ASUCP2 ASUACVAX FRIHAP31 ACMVM AUDUCVAX AEARN BABSON BSUVAX1 BARILAN BARILVM BIMACS Site ---------------------------------------- System --------------------------OS CP6 VMS Aarhus Tek Skole (ATS) IBM VM/SP R4 Aarhus Tekniske Skole, Denmark IBM VM/SP R4 Aarhus Univ VMS Abilene Christian Univ VMS Abo Akademi DEC VMS 4 3 Acadia U NOS AGIP S p.A. IBM MVS/XA V 2 1.5 Albion College VMS Alcan Int Ltd KRDC VMS Alko Research Lab , Finland IBM MVS/XA Allegheny Col VM/SP Altes Energies-U A. Barcelona DEC VMS American Physical Soc UNIX BSD American University VM/SP HPO American University VM/SP Amherst College Acad Comp Ctr VMS Anadolu Univ VM/SP R 5 Anadolu University, Eskisehir IBM VM/SP R5 Annenberg Res Instit UNIX Appalachian State U VMS Argonne Chemical Tech Div VMS Argonne Chemistry Division VMS Argonne High Energy Physics Div VMS Argonne Materials Sci and Tech VMS Argonne Nat Lab Admin NBI UNIX BSD Argonne Nat Lab Admin NBI 1 OASYS Argonne Nat Lab Admin NBI 2 OASYS Argonne Nat Lab EES NBI OASYS Argonne Nat Lab EES NBI UNIX BSD Argonne Nat Lab EES NBI OASYS Argonne Nat Lab EES NBI OASYS Argonne Nat Lab Elec Div VMS Argonne Nat Lab Ener & Environ VMS Argonne National Energy Sfw Ctr VM/SP Argonne National Lab MVS/SP Argonne National Lab VM/SP Argonne National Lab VMS Argonne National Lab Cluster VAX VMS Argonne National Lab Electron Mic Ctr VMS Argonne National Lab VAX Gateway VMS Argonne Physics Division VMS Argonne Pulsed Neutron Src Proj VMS Arizona St U Info Ctr VM/SP Arizona State - U Chem/Phys/Solid State ScVMS Arizona State U VM/SP Arizona State U Eng Comp Ctr VM/HPO Arizona State U Lib Arts & Sci Res Cmpt FaVMS Arizona State Univ Acad VAX VMS Assistance Publique IBM MVS/SP Assoc Computing Machinery VM/SP Auburn Univ VMS Austria EARN VM/SP Babson Coll VMS Ball State Univ VMS Bar Ilan U Comp Ctr IBM MVS/SP 1 3.5 Bar Ilan Univ CC IBM VM/SP R4 Bar llan Univ Math & CS UNIX BSD 4 2 phrack6/12.txt BAYLOR BAYLRHSB BCIT BCSC02 NOBIVM BEARN BGUNOS BGUVMS BGUVM BENGUS BENTLEY CBEBDA3T CBEBDA3C BGUEE TRBILUN TECHMAX BRCVAX BITNIC INTERBIT BITNETDC BNR TRBOUN BCCHEM BCVAX3 BCVMCMS BCVMS BCVAX1 BCVAX2 BCVAX4 BOSTONU BUACCA BUISA BUASTA BUCHMB BUCHMC BUCHMA BUENGA BUMETA BUPHYA BOSTCIML BUMFGA BUPHYC BOWDOIN BGSUSTAT BGSUOPIE BRANDLOG BRANDEIS BYULAW BYUSTAT1 BYUADAM BYUSTAT2 BYUSTAT3 BNLDAG BNL BNLVMA BNLCHM BNLCL1 BNLUX0 BROWNCOG BROWNVM BROWNCS BROWNHEP BRYNMAWR IDBSU BUCKNELL BKNLVMS BYUCOAL BYUETIBM BYUADMIN BYUVAX Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Baylor Univ Baylor Univ HSB BCIT Computer Resources BCSC Bedrifts Instit Belgium EARN Ben Gurion U Comp Ctr Ben Gurion University Ben Gurion University Ben-Gurion U Math Comp Sci Bentley College Berne University Berne University BGU Electrical Eng. Bilkent University, Ankara Biomed Engineering Technion Biotech Res Ctr BITNET NIC BITNET-Internet Gateway BITNIC Demo BNR Information Systems Bogazici Univ Boston College Chem Dept Boston College Computer Center Boston College Computer Center Boston College Computer Center Boston College Computer Center Boston College Computer Center Boston College Computer Center Boston U Acad Comp Ctr Boston U Acad Comp Ctr Boston U Admin Ctr Boston U Astronomy VAX A Boston U Chem Dept VAX B Boston U Chem Dept VAX C Boston U Chemistry VAX A Boston U Engineering VAX A Boston U Met Coll VAX A Boston U Physics VAX A Boston Univ CIML Boston Univ MFG ENG A Boston Univ Physics VAX C Bowdoin College Bowling Green State Univ Bowling Green State Univ Brandeis Univ Administration (LOGOS) Brandeis Univ Feldberg Comp Ctr BINAH Brigham Young U Law Sch Brigham Young Univ Brigham Young Univ Brigham Young Univ Brigham Young Univ Brookhaven Nat Lab Brookhaven National Lab Brookhaven National Lab Brookhaven National Lab Brookhaven National Lab Brookhaven National Lab Brown U Cognitive Sci Brown U Comp Ctr Brown U Computer Science Dept Brown U Physics Bryn Mawr College BSU Bucknell U Comp Services Bucknell U Comp Services BYU Combust Lab VAX BYU Eng College BYU ISS BYU ISS VAX 6 VMS VM/IS VM/HPO VM/SP HPO 4 2 VM/SP HPO R5 VM/SP CDC NOS 2 3 DEC VMS 4 5 IBM VM UNIX BSD 4 3 PRIMOS IBM MVS/SP IBM MVS/SP DEC VMS 3 7 AOS/VS V 7.57 DEC VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP/HPO VM/SP VM/SP NOS VMS VMS VM/HPO VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP HPO VM/SP HPO MVS/XA VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS UNIX VMS VMS VMS UNIX BSD VM/SP VMS VMS ULTRIX VMS VM/SP UNIX VMS VMS VM/SP CP6 VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS phrack6/12.txt BYULIB IPVCCN FRCCSC21 FRCCSC13 FRCCSC12 FRCICB71 FRCICB81 FRCIME51 FRCIIL71 ICSCRAI IPACRES INAMVSXA INACRIAI FRIHBO11 FRIHMA21 IBACSATA FRCTN11 IMIUCCA CALPOLY CALSTATE CALTECH CITXRAY CIT4381 CITDEIMO CITPHOBO CITJULIE CITROMEO CITIAGO HAMLET CITHEX CITCHEM CANISIUS CARLETON CMASV1 DRYCAS CMUCCVMA CWRU CUA CUAVAXB CUAVAXA CATCC FRMRS11 FRCCUB11 FRCCUP51 CDCCENTR CEBAFVAX FRSAC12 BIBLIO31 CENCOL CFR CFRVM CMUVM FRAIX11 FRBDX11 FRSAC11 FRPOI11 EMDCSIC1 IPGCUIC LUXCEP11 FRTLS12 CERNADP CEARN CERNVAX CERNVM GEN CRVXP173 CRUXNMC CRUXNMCE CRUXNMCD CRUXNHD Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 BYU Library C.C.N. Pavia, Italy C.C.S.C, Strasbourg C.C.S.C, Strasbourg, France C.C.S.C, Strasbourg, France C.I.C.B. Rennes C.I.C.B., Rennes, France C.I.M.E., Grenoble, France C.I.R.I.L., Nancy, France C.R.A.I., Rende, Italy C.R.E.S. - Palermo, Italy C.R.I.A.I. Napoli - Italy C.R.I.A.I. Napoli - Italy C.R.I.H. C.R.I.H. de Marseille, France C.S.A.T.A. - Bari, Italy C.T.N. Calcolo Autom Milano, Italy Calif Poly State Univ Calif State U Caltech Caltech Caltech Caltech Astronomy DEIMOS Caltech Astronomy PHOBOS Caltech CCO Caltech CCO Caltech CCO IAGO Caltech C3P/CCO Caltech HEP Caltech XHMEIA Canisius College CC Carleton U Carnegie Mellon U Comp Srvs Carnegie Mellon Univ Comp Clb Carnegie-Mellon U Comp Ctr Case Western Catholic Univ of America CC Catholic Univ of America CC Catholic Univ of America CC Catonsville Comm Coll CCSJ, Marseille, France CCUB CCUP, Marseille, France CDC Demo Ctr CEBAF Computer Center CEN-SACLAY DPhPE, Gif/Yvette Centennial College Centennial College Central Florida Reg Data Ctr MVS Central Florida Reg Data Ctr VM Central Michigan Univ Centre de Calcul Aix-Marseille Centre IC Bordeaux Centre Scientifique CEA Saclay Centre Scientifique IBM Paris Centro de Calculo Centro U Itialia Centrale CEPS, Walferdange CERFACS CERN CERN CERN CERN CERN CERN P173 Exp CERN P173 Experiment CERN P173, Geneva, Switzerland CERN P173, Geneva, Switzerland CERN P173, Geneva, Switzerland 7 VM/SP IBM VM/SP R5 MVS IBM VM/SP5 IBM VM/XA SF2 BULL MULTICS CDC/NOS/VE DEC VMS BULL MULTICS IBM MVS/SP 3 8 DEC VMS IBM MVS/XA IBM VM/SP VM/SP IBM MVS IBM VM/SP R3 1 IBM VM UNIX 4 3 VM/SP NOS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS CP-6 VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP IBM VM/SP IBM VM/SP5 DEC VMS NOS VMS IBM VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP 4 MVS/SP VM/SP VM/HPO 4.2 IBM VM/CMS VM/SP IBM VM/SP IBM VM/SP NOS 2-5-3 IBM VM/SP R3 1 VM/SP VM/SP IBM VM/SP VM/SP UNIX BSD IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 IBM MVS/SP 1 3.3 VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS phrack6/12.txt CRUXHYPM CRUXNMC1 CRUXNMC2 CRUXHYPD UNICC CERNEMU1 CEARNV2 AECLCR CAS FRCICG71 FRGREN81 FRNICE51 FRCIRP71 FRTOU71 FRCICT81 EMDCIE51 EMDJEN11 IMICLVM IMICLVX IMIVMHEP ICINECA2 IBOINFN ICINECA3 ICINECA ICINECA1 FRORS31 FRORS12 FRORS13 IMICISE CITADEL CITADEL1 CITADEL2 FRCITL71 FRCITI51 CLARGRAD CLARMATH CLARKU CLVM CLVMS CLUTX CLGW CLMIE CLEMSON CSUOHIO UTORCLSC UTORSCS1 CMCHEM CMCCVB ANDREW CGECMU51 CMPHYSME CMPHYS WACES FRCRPE51 IPDCNR IRMITSE FRCGM51 FRCECM51 FRUNIP11 FRPOLY11 ICNUCEVB ICNUCEVX FRMOP22 FRMOP11 FRMOP12 WMMVS WMHEG CSHLAB COLGATEU FRCDF51 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 CERN P173, Geneva, Switzerland CERN P173, Geneva, Switzerland CERN P173, Geneva, Switzerland CERN P173, Geneva, Switzerland CERN, Geneva, Switzerland CERN, Geneva, Switzerland CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Chalk River Nuclear Labs Chemical Abstracts Srv CICG, Grenoble CICG, Grenoble, France CICNT, Nice, France CICRP, Paris, France CICT - Toulouse CICT Toulouse, France CIEMAT CIEMAT (Junta Energia Nuclear) CILEA CILEA, Segrate - Milano, Italy CILEA, Segrate - Milano, Italy CINECA CINECA - Bologna CINECA - Bologna, Italy CINECA Bologna CINECA, Bologna CIRCE, Orsay, France CIRCE, Orsay, France CIRCE, Orsay, France CISE - Milano, Italy Citadel Military Co of SC Citadel Military Co of SC Citadel Military Co of SC CITI Lille CITI 2 Claremont Grad School Comp Ctr Claremont Grad School Math Dept. Clark Univ Off of Info Sys Clarkson U ERC Clarkson U ERC Clarkson U ERC Clarkson U ERC Clarkson Univ MIE Clemson U Comp Ctr Cleveland State U Computer Svcs CLSC CLSC CMU Chemistry Dept CMU Computing Services CMU Computing Services CMU Geneve CMU Med Energy Physics CMU Physics Dept CMU Physics Dept CNET/CRPE CNR - Area di Ricerca, Padiva CNR ITSE Roma, Italy CNRS - CGM CNRS Ctr Metallurgique CNRS-LITP, Paris, France Cntr Info Ecole Polytech CNUCE - C N.R. Pisa, Italy CNUCE - C N.R. Pisa, Italy CNUSC - Montpellier CNUSC Montpellier CNUSC, Montpellier Col William and Mary Comp Ctr Col William Mary Enrgy Grp Cold Spring Harbor Lab Colgate Univ College de France, Paris 8 DEC VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS IBM MVS/SP IBM VM/SP IBM VM/SP NOS ULTRIX-32 BULL MULTICS CDC VMS BULL MULTICS BULL MULTICS CDC/NOS/VE DEC VMS 4 7 VM/SP VM/HPO DEC VMS 4 5 IBM VM/HPO R4 2 DEC VMS 4 7 RSX11-M IBM VM/SP HPO R4 0 IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 CDC NOS 2 4.1 MVS/SP IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP HPO R3 VMS VMS VMS BULL MULTICS VAX VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS UTX/32 UNIX VMS MVS/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS UNIX DEC VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS DEC VMS IBM VM/SP R3 VAX VMS VMS VM/SP R5 VM/SP IBM VM/SP HPO R4 0 VMS 4 7 MVS/XA VM/SP VM/SP MVS/SP VMS VMS VMS DEC VMS phrack6/12.txt CMR001 CODVM1 HLYCRSS1 HLYCROSS MINES CSUGREEN CSUGOLD CSU205 COLOSTAT CUCCVX CUGSBVAX CUCHEM CUCHMB CUCEVX CUCCA CUCSVM CUNIXC CUVMC CUVMA CUVMB CUMIN CUGSBVM CUCCFA CUHSDA CUMBG CUORCA CUORMB CUORMA CUPHYD CUSB CUTCV1 CUTHRY CUCISA UTKVX CONU1 CONU2 CONNCOLL CTSTATEU IRMCNR DKCBS01 DKTC11 CRNLION CORNELLA CORNELLC CRNLASTR CRNLCS CRNLGSM CRNLNS CRNLIMAP CUMC CORNELLF CORNELLD CRNLCAM CRNLVAX2 CRNLVAX3 CRNLVAX4 CRNLVAX1 CRNLVAX5 CRNLMVS CRNLDEV CRNLCHES CRNLASSP CRNLNUC CRNLMSC2 CRNLMSC3 CRNLEE CRNLTHRY FRIHRO21 FRIHVG11 FRCRN51 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 9 College militaire royal CP-6 College of DuPage Comp. Srvs VM/SP College of the Holy Cross VM/SP College of the Holy Cross VMS Colorado Sch Mines VMS Colorado State U Colorado State U Colorado State U VSOS 2.3 Colorado State U Columbia U Admin Dept VMS Columbia U Bus Sch Futures Ctr VMS Columbia U Chemistry Dept VMS Columbia U Chemistry Dept VMS Columbia U Civil Eng. VMS Columbia U Cluster Ctrl A UNIX BSD Columbia U Comp Sci VM/SP Columbia U Ctr Cmptng. Act. ULTRIX Columbia U Ctr for Comp Activities VM/SP Columbia U Ctr for Comp Activities VM/SP Columbia U Ctr for Comp Activities VM/SP Columbia U Ctr for Comptng Act VMS Columbia U Grad Sch Business VM/SP Columbia U Health Sciences VMS Columbia U Health Sciences VMS Columbia U Molecular Biophy. Graph VMS Columbia U Orthopaedic Res Clust A VMS Columbia U Orthopaedic Res Clust A VMS Columbia U Orthopaedic Res Micro A VMS Columbia U Physics Dept VMS Columbia U Stony Brook Exp - CESR VMS Columbia U Teachers Coll VMS Columbia U Theoretical Phys VMS Columbia Univ Ctr for Clinical Res VMS Computing Center VMS Concordia U Computing Ctr NOS Concordia U Computing Ctr VMS Connecticut Coll ULTRIX Connecticut State Univ Sys VMS Consig Naz Richerche - Roma IBM VM/SP R3 Copenhagen Business School, DK PRIMOS Copenhagen Technical College IBM VM/SP Cornell Lab of Plasma Stud ULTRIX Cornell U Computer Services VM/SP/HPO Cornell U Computer Services VM/SP/HPO Cornell U Dept of Astronomy VMS Cornell U Dept of Computer Science UNIX BSD Cornell U Grad Sch of Mgmt VMS Cornell U Lab of Nuclear Studies VMS Cornell U Mech Eng VM/SP Cornell U Medical College VM/SP Cornell U Production Supercomp Facil VM/XA/SF Cornell U Supercomputer Facil VM/SP/HPO Cornell Univ CAM UNIX BSD Cornell Univ Comp Servs UNIX BSD Cornell Univ Comp Servs ULTRIX Cornell Univ Comp Servs ULTRIX Cornell Univ Comp Srvs UNIX BSD Cornell Univ Comp Svcs VMS Cornell Univ Computer Srvs MVS/SP Cornell Univ Ctr Theory & Simul in Sci & EUNIX BSD Cornell Univ HESS VMS Cornell Univ LASSP UNIX BSD Cornell Univ LNS SUNOS UNIX Cornell Univ Materials Sci Ctr CONVEX UNIX Cornell Univ Materials Sci Ctr CONVEX UNIX Cornell Univ Sch Elec Eng UNIX BSD Cornell Univ Theory Ctr. UTX/32 CRIH de Haute Normandie MVS CRIH de Villeneuve St. George VM/SP CRN - DIHE, France DEC VMS phrack6/12.txt ITOCSIP ILCTEHOL SECTHF51 FRCTHO11 GRPATVX1 CATE BBADMIN BBADMIN2 BARUCH BMACADM BM002 BX001 BKLYN BKLYNMVS BKLYNCIS CCNY CCNYVME CCNYSCI CCNYVAX1 SI001 CUNYVMS1 HUNTER KB001 LEHMAN NY001 QUEENS QB001 CUNYJES3 YORK CUNYVM CUNYVMV2 HOSTOS JJAYVM LAGCC MEDGAR MCVAX FRDRFG01 SDNET DAL DALAC DALADM DKDHI11 DKSFI11 DARTCMS1 DAVIDSON DEPAUL DEPAULC DEPAULO DECUSA DECUSB DECUSC DECUSD DECUSE DECUSF DECUSG DECUSH DECUSI DECUSJ D00DEMO DENISON FRULM63 JPNKBUDS DHHDESY3 DFVLROP1 DHDDKFZ1 DFNGATE DFVLRBS1 DFVLRGO1 DFVLRKP1 DFVLRLA1 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 CSI Piemonte, Torino, Italy CTE, HOLON CTH Gothenburg, Sweden CTHO, Orsay, France CTI, Computer Engineering Dept Ctr for Adv Tech Educ CUNY - Baruch Col Admin Comp Ctr CUNY - Baruch Col Admin Comp Ctr CUNY - Baruch College CUNY - Bor of Manhattan Comm Col CUNY - Bor of Manhattan Comm Col Adm CUNY - Bronx Community College CUNY - Brooklyn College CUNY - Brooklyn College CUNY - Brooklyn College CUNY - City College of New York CUNY - City College of New York CUNY - City College of NY CUNY - City College of NY CUNY - Col of Staten Island CUNY - Graduate Center CUNY - Hunter College CUNY - Kingsborough Comm Col CUNY - Lehman College CUNY - New York City Tech Col CUNY - Queens College CUNY - Queensborough Comm Col CUNY - University Computer Ctr CUNY - York College CUNY University Computer Ctr CUNY University Computer Ctr CUNY University Hostos Comm. Coll CUNY University John Jay. Coll CUNY University LaGuardia Comm. Coll CUNY University Medgar Evers Coll CWI Amsterdam D.R.F. , Grenoble, France Dakota State College Dalhousie U Comp Cntr Dalhousie University UCIS Dalhousie University UCIS Danish Hydraulic Inst Danish Ntl Inst Social Res Dartmouth College Kiewit CC - CMS1 Davidson Coll De Paul Univ De Paul Univ De Paul Univ DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node DECUS Symposium Demo Node Demo Node Germany Denison Univ Dept Math ENS Paris Dept of Systems Eng DESY Deutsche FVLR Oberpfaffenhofen Deutsches Krebsforschungszentr DFN Gateway at GMD DA, Germany DFVLR Braunschweig DFVLR Goettingen DFVLR Koeln-Porz DFVLR Lampoldshausen, Germany 10 IBM MVS/SP 3 8 VMS DEC VMS IBM VM/SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP MVS/SP UNIX VM/SP VM/SP UNIX VMS VM/SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP MVS/SP VM/SP VM/SP/HPO VM/SP/HPO VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP UNIX PRIMOS REV 21 VM/SP NOS VMS MVS/SP IBM VM/SP IBM VM/SP R3 VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS UNIX VM/SP MVS/SP IBM VM/SP HPO IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP HPO IBM VM/SP HPO IBM VM/SP HPO IBM VM/IS phrack6/12.txt DFVLROP2 DFVLRST1 DKDHI12 DICKINSN IFICHIM ITOINFO IPIINFO IRM2CIV IPIFIDPT DB0DIW11 HLSDNL50 HLSDNL5 HLSDNL51 DKDOU01 DRAKE DREW DRUNIVAC DUPR DUVM DUPHY1 DUKEFSB DUKE FREMBL51 FRERB51 FRENSL61 EBESADE0 EARNWRLD ECUVM1 ETSU ETSUACE EWCN ECLACSVM FRECCL11 FRECP11 FREMP11 FRHEC11 FRULM11 FRULM52 POLYTEC1 POLYTEC2 POLYTEC3 POLYTECA FRESCR51 FRESE51 IECSEC RUIPC1E ECNCDC CIEARN EDUCOM EDUCOM2 AMBER88 EDUCOMDW EDUCOM88 AWIUNI11 AWIBOK01 AWITUW02 AWITUW01 AINUNI01 TREARN CLSEPF51 CZHETH5A CAGEIR5A EPRI DHHEMBL5 DHDEMBL EMUVM1 EMUVM2 EMORYU1 EMORY EMRYCC Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 DFVLR Oberpfaffenhofen DFVLR Stuttgart DHI, Horsholm, Denmark Dickinson College Dip. di Chimica Firenze, Italy Dip. Informatica Torino, Italy Dip. Informatica Univ Pisa Dip. Ingen. Civile Univ Roma 2 Dipartimento di Fisica, Pisa DIW Berlin DNL Leidschendam DNL Leidschendam, Netherlands DNL Leidschendam, Netherlands DOU, Odense, Denmark Drake Univ Drew Univ Drew Univ Drexel Univ Off Cmptng Srvs Drexel University Drexel University Duke U FUQUA Bus Sch Duke University E.M.B.L. Grenoble, France E.N.S.E.R.B., Talence, France E.N.S.L E.S.A.D.E. Barcelona - Spain EARN Demonstration node East Carolina Univ Comp & Info Sys East Tennessee St. Univ East Tennessee St. Univ East-West Center ECLA, Computer Center Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France Ecole Centrale de Paris Ecole des Mines Paris Ecole Hautes Et Commer Paris Ecole Normale Super Paris Ecole Normale Superieure Paris Ecole Polytechnique Ecole Polytechnique Ecole Polytechnique Ecole Polytechnique VM Ecole Sup de Commerce Ecole Super d’Elec ECSEC IBM Rome EDS Deutschland GmbH, Germany Edu Computing Network of IL Educat & Research, Ivory Coast EDUCOM EDUCOM EDUCOM ’88 Prime Demo EDUCOM 88 Conf. Demo Node EDUCOM 88 Conf. Demo Node EDV Zentrum U Wien EDV-Zentrum Boku Wien EDV-Zentrum TU Wien EDV-Zentrum TU Wien EDV-Zentrum Uni Innsbruck Ege Univ Eid Tech Hoch Lausanne Eidgen Tech Hoch Zuerich EIR, Wuerenlingen, Switzerland Electric Power Res Inst EMBL Hamburg, Germany EMBL Heidelberg, Germany Emory U Comp Ctr - VM1 Emory U Comp Ctr - VM2 Emory U Comp Ctr UNIX1 Emory U Math and CS Emory Univ Comp Ctr VMS VAX 11 IBM MVS/XA IBM VM/SP HPO IBM VM/SP VMS VM/SP UNIX 4 2 UNIX BERKELEY VM/SP IBM VM/SP HPO R5 VM/SP VMS 4 6 VMS 4 6 VMS 4 6 SPERRY OS 1100 VMS VMS VMS PRIMOS VM/SP VMS VM/SP MVS/SP VMS DEC VMS UNIX BSD 4 2 AOS/VS VAX/VMS VM/HPO VM/SP VM/SP VMS VM IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP R4 VM/SP IBM VM/SP R4 0 IBM VM/SP VMS MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC VM/SP DEC VMS DEC VMS IBM VM/SP HPO 3 4 IBM MVS/XA 2 1.3 NOS VM/SP VMS VM/SP PRIMOS VMS VMS IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 PRIMOS NOS/VE 1 3.1 NOS/VE 1 3.1 NOS/VE 1 3 VM/SP DEC VMS VMS VMS VM/SP DEC VMS 4 6 VMS VM/SP VM/SP UNIX BSD BERKELEY UNIX VMS phrack6/12.txt EMORYU2 EMRCAN HPEENR51 HROEUR5 ESOC HNOESA10 IFRESA10 FRESA10 DGAESO51 ESASTSP FRESTP11 CZHETH1I CZHETH1B CZHETH1C CZHETH1A ROSEDALE DHDEMBL5 ITSOGS ERENJ EREVAX FRFUPL11 IFISTAT DAAFHT1 DHNFHS1 DKAFHS1 DMAFHT1 DWIFH1 BNANDP11 BNANDP10 IRMFAO00 DULFAW1A DS0FBD11 FDACFSAN FNALA FNALDBG FNAL FNALB FNALBSN FNALB0 FNALC FNALCDF FNALNET FNALVM FNMFE FNALG FNALJ FNALF FNALE FNALMDTF FNAL01 FNAL03 FNAL05 FNAL17 FNAL26 FNAL27 FNACP FNBIT FNALH FNALI FNALK FNCCF FNALAD DHAFEU51 DHAFEU61 DHAFEU11 DHAFEU52 FINFUN TRFIRAT FSUSFS FSURAI Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 12 Emory Univ Comptng Ctr UNIX Energy Mines & Resources Can VMS ENR, Petten, Netherlands VAX VMS Erasmus U Rotterdam VMS 4 ESA ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany IBM VM/SP HPO R5 0 ESA Europ Space Res Tech Ctr VM/SP 4 2 ESA/ESRIN Frascati, Italy IBM VM/SP R4 ESA, France IBM VM/SP R3 1 ESO, Garching VMS ESTEC / STSP Project VM/SP HPO4 2 ESTP, Paris, France VM/SP ETH und Uni Zuerich IBT IBM VM/SP HPO 5 0 ETH Zuerich Bibliotek IBM VM/SP HPO 5 0 ETH Zuerich IKB IBM VM/SP HPO 5 0 ETHZ/IHP IBM VM/SP HPO 4 2 ETS VMS European Molecular Biology Lab VMS Exp. Geophys. Observ. Trieste IBM VM/SP R4 Exxon Res & Eng Co VM/SP Exxon Res & Eng Co VMS F.U.P.L. de Lille, France IBM VM/SP R4 Fac. Econ e Comm Firenze IBM VM/SP R5 Fachhochschule Aalen VM/SP Fachhochschule Heilbronn IBM VM/SP R3 Fachhochschule Karlsruhe IBM VM/SP R4 Fachhochschule Technik Mannheim IBM VM/SP R4 0 Fachhochschule Wiesbaden IBM VM/SP R3 Facultes U Notre Dame de la Paix Namur BelVM/SP R5 Facultes U Notre Dame Namur VM/SP R5 FAO IBM VM/SP R4 2 FAW Ulm, Germany VM/SP R4 5 FBD - Schulen Gemein GMBH IBM VM/SP R3 FDA, CFSAN VM/SP Fermi Natl Accelerator Lab VMS FERMI Natl Accelerator Lab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VM/SP Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VMS Fermilab VM FERMILAB Ntl Lab VMS Fern-Uni Hagen (Informatik) VMS Fern-Uni Hagen (Informatik) UNIX BSD Fernuniversitaet Hagen IBM VM/SP R4 Feruniversitaet Hagen DEC VMS 4 7 Finnish S Comp Ctr Espoo DEC VMS 4 1 Firat Univ VM/SP R 3 Fl St U Spr-comp Frnt-end Sys NOS FL State U Rsrch Instrtnl Sys NOS phrack6/12.txt FSUSUP NERVM NER FSU BEARN2 FORDMULC FORDMURH FANDM FANDMA FANDMB FANDMC FHCRCVM FHCRCVAX DB0DSS81 DB0FHI01 FIPORT DB0FUB03 DB0FUB11 GALLUA GALLUB GALLUE FRGAN01 GECRDVM1 CGEHCU61 GMUVAX GWUVM GUVM GUVAX GSUMVS1 GSUVM1 GSUVM2 GITVM2 GITCDC1 GITCDC2 GITNVE2 GITATT1 GITVM1 GTRI01 DBNGMD21 DDAGMD11 DEARN DDAGSI3 FRGETA11 GBURG DGHGKSS4 DBNGMD12 SEGUC11 SEGUC21 UKACRL FRPROG61 GRIN2 GRIN1 FRGAG51 DGAGRS2A DK0GRS11 DM0GSF11 DM0GSF51 DDAGSI5 DDAGSI1 DDAGSI1O GACVAX1 DGOGWDG1 DGOGWDG5 GWUVAX SEASVM HADASSAH DB0HMI41 HAIFAUVM HAMPVMS KRHYUCC1 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 13 FL State U Super Comp Sys VSOS Florida NE Reg Data Ctr VM/SP Florida NE Reg Data Ctr MVS/XA Florida State U VM/SP FNRS/NFWO, Brussels, Belgium VM/SP Fordham Univ VMS Fordham Univ VMS Franklin and Marshall Coll VMS Franklin and Marshall Coll VMS Franklin and Marshall Coll VMS Franklin and Marshall Coll VMS Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr VM/SP Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr Div Clin ReVMS Freie Universitaet Berlin SIEMENS BS2000 Fritz Haber Institut der Max Planck GesellCDC NOS/BE 1 5 FSCC, Espoo, Finland DEC VMS FU Berlin ZEDAT CDC CDC NOS/BE 1 5 FU Berlin ZEDAT CDC, Germany IBM VM/SP Gallaudet Univ Comp Svcs VMS Gallaudet Univ Comp Svcs VMS Gallaudet Univ Comp Svcs VMS GANIL, Caen, France MAX32 REV A 1 GE R&D VM/SP Geneva Hospital, Switzerland UNIX George Mason U VMS George Washington U Comp Ctr VM/SP Georgetown U Acad CMS VM/SP Georgetown U Acad VAX VMS Georgia State U - MVS1 MVS/XA Georgia State U - VM1 VM/SP Georgia State Univ CC VM2 VM/SP Georgia Tech CAE/CAD Lab VM/SP Georgia Tech Comp Svcs NOS Georgia Tech Comp Svcs NOS Georgia Tech Comp Svcs NOS/VE Georgia Tech Computing Svcs UNIX SYSTEM V Georgia Tech Computing Svcs VM/SP/HPO Georgia Tech Research Inst. VM/SP Ges. Mathematik Datenv Bonn MVS/SP Ges. Mathematik Datenv Darmstadt IBM VM/SP R4 Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenf IBM VM/SP R5 Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionfor IBM MVS/XA 2 1.3 VFE GETA VM/SP Gettysburg Coll VMS GKSS, Geesthacht, Ger SIEMENS BS3000 E 40 GMD Bonn, Germany IBM VM/SP R5 Gothenburg U Comp Ctr IBM VM/SP R2 Gothenburg U Comp Ctr IBM MVS/SP 1 3.3 Great Britain EARN London IBM VM/SP R3 GRECO Programmation Bordeaux UNIX Grinnell College - Admin VMS Grinnell College Academic VMS Groupe Astrophysique Grenoble VMS GRS Garching IBM MVS/XA GRS Koein VM/SP GSF Muenchen VM/SP GSF-MEDIS VMS GSI Darmstadt VAX DEC VMS 4 3 GSI Darmstadt, Germany IBM VM/SP R4 0 GSI Darmstadt, Germany IBM VM/SP R4 0 Gustavus Adolphus Coll VMS GWD Goettingen, Germany IBM VM/SP R4 GWD Goettingen, Germany DEC VMS GWU - School of Eng. VMS GWU - School of Eng. IBM VM/SP Hadassah U Hospital DEC VMS Hahn-Meitner-Institut Kerforschung SIEMENS BS3000 MSP 10 Haifa University IBM VM/SP R4 1 Hampshire College VMS Hanyang Univ VMS phrack6/12.txt HUSC5 HUSC2 HUARP1 HARVBMB HARVJMMY HARVBUS1 HUCHE1 HARVARD CFA2 CFA3 CFA CFAAMP CFA4 CFA5 CFA6 CFA7 CFA8 CFAPS2 HARVPCNA HUGSE1 HARVHEP HUHEPL HUXTAL HARVARDA HUSSLE HARVUNXW HARVUNXC HARVUNXU HUSC6 HULAW1 HUSC3 HUMA1 HUSC7 HUSC8 HUSCGW HARVUNXT HARVSPHA HARVSPHB FOURCC HMCVAX ECHMC FROSH YMIR HECMTL01 HVRFORD DKHHA HUJINIX HBUNOS HUJIVMS HUJICS HUJIAGRI HUJIFH HUMUS HUJINOS2 HUJIMD BATATA HUJIPRMA HUJIPRMB HUJIVM1 FINGATE FINHUTA FINHUTC FINHUT FINHUTCS FINHUTEE FINHUTIT JPNHIROA DDATHD21 DDOHRZ11 DHDIHEP5 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Harvard HASCS Harvard HASCS Harvard U Atmos Res Project Harvard U Biochem & Molecul Bio Harvard U Biostat Res Cmptng Harvard U Bus Sch Harvard U Chemistry VAX1 Harvard U Computer Science Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Ctr Astrophysics Harvard U Faculty Arts & Sciences Harvard U Grad Sch of Ed Harvard U High En Physics Lab Harvard U High Energy Physics Harvard U Mole Bio Cmptng. Harvard U OIT Harvard U Physics Dept Harvard U Psychology Dept Harvard U Psychology Dept Harvard U Science Center Harvard U Science Ctr Harvard U Science Ctr Harvard U Science Ctr Harvard U Science Ctr Harvard U Science Ctr Harvard U Science Ctr Harvard U Science Ctr BITNET Mail Gtwy Harvard U Sociology Dept Harvard Univ Health Sci. Cmptng. Fac. Harvard Univ Health Sci. Cmptng. Fac. Harvey Mudd Col Comp Services Harvey Mudd Col Comp Srvs Harvey Mudd Col Eng Dept Harvey Mudd Col Eng Dept Harvey Mudd Col Math Dept Hautes Etudes Commerciales Haverford Col Acad Comp Ctr HDC Aarhus Hebrew U Comp Cnt Unix Hebrew U Comp Ctr Hebrew U Comp Ctr Hebrew U Computer Sci Hebrew U Faculty of Agriculture Hebrew U Fritz Haber Molec Dyna Ctr Hebrew U Jerusalem Comp Sc Hebrew U Jerusalem, Israel Hebrew U Medical School Hebrew U Molecular Ctr Hebrew U Mount Scopus Comp Ctr Hebrew U Mount Scopus Comp Ctr Hebrew University Helsinki U Tech Helsinki U Tech Helsinki U Tech Finland Helsinki Univ of Tech Helsinki University of Techn Helsinki University of Techn Helsinki University of Techn Hiroshima Univ Hoch TH Darmstadt Hoch U Dortmund Hochenergiephysik 14 VMS BSD UNIX 2.9 VMS UNIX BBN ULTRIX VM/SP VMS UNIX BSD VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS MS-DOS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS UNIX BSD UNIX UNIX BSD UNIX VMS VMS UNIX BSD ULTRIX ULTRIX VMS UNIX BSD ULTRIX ULTRIX VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS UNIX BSD 4 2 NOS DEC VMS UTX 32 DEC VMS UNIX BSD 4 2 UNIX BSD 4 2 NOS DEC VMS UNIX BSD 4 2 PRIMOS PRIMOS VM/CMS UNIX IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP R5 UNIX 4 3 BSD UNIX 4 3 BSD UNIX 4 3 BSD VM/HPO MVS/SP IBM VM/SP R3 VMS phrack6/12.txt DHIURZ1 HOFSTRA HUMAIN HSETC HUJIDS HUMBER IRMIAS IFIIDG ITOIMGC IRMCRA IPVIAN IGEICE FRILL52 FRILL FRIMFT11 FRURBB51 FROPT11 TRITU FRPGM11 AWIIAE21 IRMIASI ALMCSVM1 ALMCSVM2 ALMCSVM6 ALMCSVS5 ALMVMA ALMVMB ALMVMC ALMVMZ IBMLABNN ISRAEARN DS0LILOG ZURLVM1 EMDCCI11 JPNTSCVM VNET YKTVMV WATSON YKTVMT YKTVMH YKTVMX YKTVMZ TJWATSON YKTVMH2 DHDIBM1 DHDIBM1W FRIBCP51 DKIBT SELIUI51 SELIUIDA BBRIBM11 AWIIEZ11 DHVIFW1 IITVAX FRINA11 INDST IUBACS IUP IUBVM IUCF IUBUS INSTEPS INDYVAX INDYCMS INDYMED IUIS FRINED51 IRMEMU IPIVAXIN IPIINFN Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Hochschule Hildesheim Germany Hofstra Univ Howard Univ Central Comp HSETC HUJI Dental School Humber College I Astrofisica Spaziale I Document Giurid Firenze I Meteorologia Colonnetti I Richerche Aerospaziali I.A.N.-CNR, Pava, Italy I.C.E.-CNR, Genova, Italy I.L.L. , Grenoble, France I.L.L. , Grenoble, France I.M.F. I.N.S.E.R.M. I.O.T.A I.T.U I.U.T. Progem IAEA IASI CNR Roma, Italy IBM Almaden Res Ctr IBM Almaden Res Ctr IBM Almaden Res Ctr IBM Almaden Res Ctr IBM Almaden Res Ctr IBM Almaden Res Ctr IBM Almaden Res Ctr IBM Almaden Res Ctr IBM Canada Labs IBM Israel SC - Haifa IBM LILOG Project Stuttgart IBM Research Lab Zurich IBM Scientific Center Madrid IBM Tokyo Research IBM VNET Gateway IBM Watson Sci Res Ctr IBM Watson Sci Res Ctr IBM Watson Sci Res Ctr IBM Watson Sci Res Ctr IBM Watson Sci Res Ctr IBM Watson Sci Res Ctr IBM Watson Sci Res Ctr IBM Watson Sci Res Ctr Yorktwn IBM Wissenschaftliches Zentrum IBM WZH & ENC Heidelberg IBMC, Strasbourg, France IBT IDA Linkoping, Sweden IDA Linkoping, Sweden IEC, La Hulpe, Belgium IEZ Numerischer Rechner, Wien IFW, Univ Hannover, Germany Illinois Inst Tech/ACC INA-PG Indiana State Univ Indiana U Bloomington ACS Indiana U of Penn Indiana Univ Bloomington VM Indiana Univ Cyclotron Facil Indiana Univ Sch of Business Indiana Univ Stwde Teah Elec Prod Sys Indiana/Purdue U Indiana/Purdue U Indiana/Purdue U Indiana/Purdue U INED INFN - EMU, Roma, Italy INFN - Pisa INFN Pisa 15 IBM VM/SP R4 VMS MVS VM/SP HPO DEC MICROVMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP IBM VM/SP VM/SP CDC NOS 2 4.2 DEC VMS DEC VMS VM/SP DEC VMS IBM VM/IS VM/SP R3 VM/SP IBM MVS/XA 2 1.3 DEC VMS V4 5 VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP IBM VM/SP R3 IBM VM/SP R3 IBM VM/SP IBM VM/SP R4 VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP DEC VMS IBM VM/IS VER 1 5 DEC VMS DEC VMS VM/SP HPO R4 2 IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP R5 VMS IBM VM/IS VM/SP VMS HONEYWELL CP-6 C00 VM/XA SF RELEASE 2 VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP MVS/XA DEC VMS IBM VM/SP R4 DEC VMS IBM VM/SP R4 phrack6/12.txt IRMLNF ITIVAX ILNPL FRINRA11 FRINRA72 FRIRTS71 FREIBA51 FRCCRM51 FRIAP51 PTIFM IMISIAM IASSNS IASSUN DBNMEB1 AWIIMC11 IRMISS EBRIEC01 DHDIHEP1 FRILL51 FRPSTR01 FRINT51 FRCPN11 IONAACAD IONA ALISUVAX ISUMVS ISUCARD ISUEVAX ISUVAX DMZNAT51 DGAIPP5N IRIS IRUCCVAX FRISIO11 IRMISRDS TRIUVM11 ITHACA ICUNIX FRIUTO11 JAXLAB JMUVAX1 JPNJAERI JCSVAX1 ILJCT JHUNIX JHUVM JHUVMS JHHMVS JHHVM JHUHYG2 JNETDEMO ALIJKU21 JCUVAX JCVAXA JVNCC JVNCD JVNC JHUHYG JHUP JHUIGF APLVM JILA FINJYU JPNKIT KSUVAX1 KSUVM HRDKSW5 BLEKUL11 BLEKUL60 BLEKUL21 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 16 INFN/LNF DEC VMS 4 4 Information Technology Inst VMS INPL, Israel DEC VMS INRA - CTIG IBM VM/SP R4 INRA - CTIS BULL MULTICS INRETS BULL MULTICS INSEAD DEC VMS INSERM, Villejuif, France DEC VMS Inst d’Astrophysique Paris VMS Inst de Fisica e Matematica DEC VMS Inst Fisica Cosmica Milano VM/SP Inst for Advan Study VMS Inst for Advan Study UNIX BSD Inst fuer Med Statistik / Med EinrichtungeIBM VM/SP R5 Inst Med Computwiss Uni Wien IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 Instit Superiore di Sanita VM/SP Institut d’Estudis Catalans 38 CPF Institut fuer Hochenergiephysi IBM VM/SP R4 Institut Laue-Langevin VMS Institut Pasteur AOS/VS INT VMS IN2P3 Ctr de Calcul VM/SP Iona College Comp Ctr VM/SP Iona College Music Sys VM/SP Iowa S U Ames Lab Dept Energy VMS Iowa State U Comp Ctr MVS/SP Iowa State U Ctr. Agricul. & Rural Dev VM/SP Iowa State U Eng. VAX Cluster VMS Iowa State VAX Cluster VMS IPH KCH KPH Uni Mainz, Germany DEC VMS 4 6 IPP (MPI f. Plasmaphysik) VMS IRIS UNIX IRUCCVAX VMS ISIO - MIAGE VM/IS ISRDS CNR Roma, Italy IBM VM/SP R5 Istanbul Univ IBM VM/SP R3 Ithaca College VMS Ithaca College ULTRIX IUT Orsay IBM VM Jackson Lab UNIX BSD James Madison Univ VAX1 VMS Japan Atomic Energy Res Inst VM/SP Jersey City St Co VMS Jerusalem Col Tech DEC VMS JHU HCF UNIX JHU HCF VM/SP JHU HCF VMS JHU HCF MVS/XA JHU Hosp Info Sys Dept VM/SP JHU School of Public Health ULTRIX JNETDEMO, RAI, Netherlands VMS 4 6 Johannes Kepler U Linz IBM MVS/SP 1 3.8 John Carroll Univ VMS John Carroll Univ VMS John Von Neumann Ctr VMS John Von Neumann Ctr VMS John Von Neumann Ctr VMS Johns Hopkins U VM/SP Johns Hopkins U High En Phys VMS Johns Hopkins Univ - IGF VMS Johns Hopkins Univ App Phys Lab VM/SP Joint Inst for Lab Astrophysics VMS Jyvaskyla Univ , Finland DEC VMS 4 4 Kanazawa Inst. of Tech. VM/SP Kansas St U Comp Sci Dept UNIX BSD Kansas State U CC VM/SP Kapteijn Sterrenwacht Roden VMS 4 3 Kath U Leuven VM/SP R4 Kath Univ Leuven UNIX Kath. Univ Leuven, Belgium MVS/XA 2 2.0 phrack6/12.txt BLEKUL12 BLEKUL10 HNYKUN55 HEARN HNYKUN11 HNYKUN22 HNYKUN51 HNYKUN53 HTIKUB5 HNYKUN52 JPNKEIO JPNKEKVX JPNKEKTR KENTASHT KENTELIV KENTGEAU KENTVM KENTVMS KENTGOLD KENTSALM KENTSTAR KENTTRUM KENTTUSC DJUKFA11 DJUKFA21 DKAKFK3 DJUKFA53 HGRRUG51 DJUKFA54 DJUKFA52 DKAKFK11 DB0ZIB21 JPNKEKVM SEKTH BLEKUL13 JPNKUHEL JPNKUDPC JPNKYOTO JPNKISCT JPNKISCI JPNCCKU FRSOL11 FRLAAS61 LNCC FRUPS51 FRPOLY52 LAFAYETT LAKEHEAD LUSUN LUVMS FRLAL51 HWALHW5 HWALHW50 FRLAPP51 FRLASM51 FRLASH51 LAUVAX01 LAUCOSC LAUADMIN LAVALVM1 LAWRENCE SELDC51 SELDC52 LEMOYNE LEHICDC1 LEHICIM1 LEHIIBM1 LEHIGH LCVAX DM0LRZ01 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Kath. Univ Leuven, Belgium Katholieke U Leuven Mech Eng Katholieke U Nijmegen Katholieke U Nijmegen Katholieke U Nijmegen Katholieke U Nijmegen Katholieke U Nijmegen Katholieke U Nijmegen Katholieke Uni Brabant Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen Keio Univ KEK Network KEK TRISTAN Kent S U Ashtabula Kent S U East Liverpool Kent S U Geauga Kent S U Info Services Kent S U Info Services Kent S U Info Services Kent S U Salem Kent S U Stark Kent S U Trumbull Kent S U Tuscarawas Cmpus Kernforsch Juelich Kernforsch Juelich Kernforsch Karlsruhe Kernforschungsanlage Juelich G Kernfysisch Versn Inst KFA Juelich - IFF KFA Juelich - IPP KFK Karlsruhe Konrad Zuse Zentrum Infor Kou Enerugi Ken, Tsukuba Japan KTH KUL CME Kyoto U HEPL Kyoto Univ Kyoto Univ Dept Info Sci Kyushu Institute of Tech Kyushu Institute of Tech - Iizuka Kyushu Univ L.P.S.O., Orsay, France LAAS Toulouse France Lab Nat’l Comp Cientificia Lab physique des solides Labo Physique Nucl Haute Eng Lafayette College Lakehead U Lakehead U Lakehead U LAL, Orsay, France Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen Landbouwuniv Wageningen LAPP, Annecy, France LAS Marseille France LASH-ENTPE Laurentian University Laurentian University Laurentian University Laval U Lawrence Univ LDC Lund, Sweden LDC Lund, Sweden Le Moyne College Lehigh Univ CC - Cyber 850 Lehigh Univ CIM Lab VM1 Lehigh Univ Comp Ctr - IBM4381 Lehigh Univ Comp Ctr - Ntwk Server Lehman Col Acad Comp Ctr Leibniz Rechenzentrum Muenchen 17 VM/SP R4 VM/SP R3 1 VMS VM/SP R5 VM/SP HPO 4 2 MVS/SP 1 3 -TSO/EVMS VMS 4 1 VMS 4 VMS OS IV/F4 MSP VMS OS IV/F4 MSP VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 IBM MVS/XA MVS/SP VMS VMS 4 2 VMS VMS IBM VM/SP IBM MVS/SP 1 3.4 VM/SP UNIX BSD4 3 VM/SP R3 OS IV/F4 MSP OS IV.F4 MSP VM/SP VM/HPO VM/HPO OSR/F4 MSP IBM VM/SP UNIX VM/SP VAX VMS VMS UNIX UNIX SUN UNIX MICROVMS 4 5 DEC VMS 4 5 VMS 4 3 VMS 4 3 DEC VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS VMS NOS VM/SP VM/SP MUSIC/SP VMS CDC NOS 2 5 phrack6/12.txt LCLARK SELIUC51 DHHLILOG FRLIM51 FRLMCP61 FRFLU51 LIUVAX LAMPF LSUENG LSUMVS LSUVM LSUVAX LSUCHE LOYVAX LUCCPUA FRLRI61 NNOMED NSHMED BDILUC11 IRMLUISS FRLURE51 LBL LEPICS FRMNHN11 MACALSTR MCCVM1 FARMNTON MANVAX MARICOPA MARIST MARISTC MARISTA MARISTB MARFSHVM MARISTF MARMVS MARVMXA MUCSD MUVMS1 MITFBNML MITVMA MITRLEVM MITLNS SLOAN DK0UMI1 DM0MPI11 DGAMPE5D HNYMPI51 DM0MPF11 HNYMPI52 DGAIPP1S MCGILLB MCGILLC MCGILLA MCGILL2 MCGILL1 MCGILLM MCGILL3 MCGILLVS MUSOCS MCMASTER MCMVM1 TANDEM MCOIARC MUSC MCO MEDCOLWI MUN MERIT MIAMIU Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Lewis & Clark College LIDAC Linkoping, Sweden LILOG-R, Uni Hamburg, Germany LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France LMCP LMFA Long Island Univ Los Alamos Nat’l Lab Louisiana St U Coll Eng Louisiana St U Comp Ctr Louisiana St U Comp Ctr Louisiana St U Comp Ctr Louisiana State Univ Chem Eng VM Loyola College, MD Loyola U of Chicago LRI-Orsay LSU Med Ctr - New Orleans LSU Med Ctr - Shreveport LUC, Diepenbeek LUISS Roma LURE Lwrce Berkly Lab Comp Serv L3, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland M.N.H.M Macalester College Macomb Comm Co Maine - Farmington Comp Ctr Manhattan Coll Maricopa Cty Comm Coll Dist Marist Col Marist Col Marist Col Marist Col Marist Col Marist Col Marist Col Marist Col Marquette Univ Marshall U Comp Ctr Mass Inst of Tech FB Nat’l Magnet Lab Mass Inst of Tech Info Sys Mass Inst of Tech Res Lab Elec Mass Inst of Tech. Mass Inst Tech Sloan Sch of Mgmt Mathem Institut Univ Koein Max Planck I Physik Astrophysi Max Planck Inst Extraterr Physik Max Planck Inst Nijmegen Max Planck Inst Psych Forsch Max Planck Inst., Nijmegen, NL Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasm McGill U McGill U McGill U Comp Centre McGill U Comp Centre McGill U Comp Ctr McGill U MUSIC Prod Group McGill U MUSIC Prod Group McGill Univ CC McGill Univ Comp Sci McMaster U CIS McMaster U Inf Proc Svcs McMaster Univ Med Col Ohio Img Anal Res Ctr Med U S Carolina - csx/irm Medical College of Ohio Medical College of Wisconsin Memorial U. of NF Merit Comp Net Miami U Academic Comp Service 18 BERKELEY UNIX 4.3 DEC VMS IBM VM/SP R4 DEC VMS SUNOS 3 4 DEC VMS VMS VMS NOS MVS/SP VM/SP VMS VM/SP VMS MVS/SP SUN OS 3 4 MVS/XA MVS/XA VM/SP IBM VM/SP R3 1 VMS VMS IBM VM/SP HPO 4 2 IBM VM-IS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC VM/SP MUSIC MVS/XA VM/XA/SP VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VM/SP IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP R4 1 VMS VMS IBM VM/SP R3 1 VMS 4 3 IBM VM/SP R5 MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC VM/HPO VM/SP MUSIC VM/SP MVS/SP UNIX VMS VM VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP phrack6/12.txt MIAVX2 MIAVX3 MIAVX1 MSU MSUEGR MTUVAXC MTUVAXB MTUVAXA MTUS5 TRMETU MIDD MILLERSV TWNMOE10 TWNMOE20 MSSTATE MITWCCF MITVMC MITVMD MITVBUD MITWIBR MITBATES MTSUNIX1 TECMTYVM TECMTYSB VMTECMEX VMTECQRO MONTCOLA MONTCOLB MONTCOLC MTAM MTA DS0MPA52 DM0MPB51 DTUMPI51 DMZMPI5P DHHMPI5D DM0MPI12 DM0MPI53 DHDMPI50 DHDMPI5 DHDMPI5U DHDMPI5V DHDMPI5H DHDMPI5D DHDMPI52 DGAIPP5D DS0MPI11 MSUCEM MSUKBS MSUNSCL MSUPA MSVU MSRCVAX NCSUNE NIU NIUENG UMDNJVM1 CANADA01 JPNNUHEP JPNNUCBA NTIVAX JPNCUN10 JPNCUN20 NASAGISS IAFBIT SCFMVS SCFVM VPFMVS VPFVM AOVAX1 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 19 Miami Univ Hamilton Campus VAX VMS Miami Univ Middletown Campus VAX VMS Miami Univ Oxford Campus VAX VMS Mich State Univ. Computer Lab VM/SP Mich State Univ. Engineering VMS Michigan Tech Univ Comp Sci Res VAX UNIX Michigan Tech Univ Computer Sci UNIX Michigan Tech Univ Ctr for Exper Comp VMS Michigan Tech Univ Sys 5 VM/SP/HPO Middle East Tech Uni Ankara MCP Middlebury College VMS Millersville Univ of PA VM Ministry of Ed Taiwan VM/SP HPO Ministry of Ed Taiwan VM/SP Mississippi State Univ CC 1100 OS1100 MIT - Whitaker College Health Sci, Tech & VMSt MIT Admin VM/CMS VM/SP/HPO MIT Admin VM/CMS VM/SP MIT Budget, Actng, & Sponsos Programs VMS MIT Whitehead Instit for Biomed Res VMS MIT Wm. Bates Linear Accel Lab VMS Montana State Univ ULTRIX Monterrey Inst of Tech VM/SP Monterrey Inst of Tech VM/SP Monterrey Instit of Tech VM/SP Monterrey Instit of Tech Queretaro VM/SP Montgomery Coll VM/SP Montgomery Coll VM/SP Montgomery Coll MUSIC/SP/VM Mount Allison U MUSIC Mount Allison U Comp Ctr VM/SP RELEASE 3 MPA Stuttgart, Germany DEC VMS 4 7 MPI Biochemie Muenchen DEC VMS 4 6 MPI Biologie Tuebingen DEC VAX VMS 4 7 MPI Chemie VMS MPI Fuer Meteorologie Hamburg VMS MPI fuer Physik, Muenchen IBM VM/SP R5 0 MPI fuer Physik, Muenchen DEC VMS 4 6 MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg DEC VMS 4 7 MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg DEC VMS 4 7 MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg DEC VMS 4 6 MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg DEC VMS 4 7 MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg DEC VMS 4 7 MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg DEC MICROVMS 4 5 MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg DEC VMS 4 7 MPI Plasmaphysik Garching DEC VMS 4 5 MPI Stuttgart, Germany IBM VM/SP R5 MSU Dept. Chemistry VMS MSU KBS VMS MSU NSCL VMS MSU Physics Dept VMS Mt St Vincent U VMS Mt. Sinai Sch of Med Res Comp of CUNY VMS N Caro S U Dept of Nucl Eng VMS N Ill U MVS N Ill U VM/SP N J Univ. Med & Dent VM/SP N.A.C. VM/SP Nagoya U HEPL OS IV/F4 MSP Nagoya Univ of Commerce VM/SP Nanyang Technological Inst VMS Nanzan Univ VM/SP Nanzan Univ VM/SP NASA Goddard Inst Space Stud VM/SP NASA GSFC Image Analysis Fac VMS NASA Space & Earth Sci CC MVS/SP NASA Space & Earth Sci CC VM/HPO NASA Space & Earth Sci CC MVS/SP NASA Space & Earth Sci CC VM/SP Nat’l A & I Ctr - Arecibo Observ VMS phrack6/12.txt NAS NASVM TWNCTUCS NCARIO NIEHS NIEHSC NIEHSD NRAO TWNCTU01 NIHCUDEC NIHCU NIHCULSU NIHCUSV1 NIHCUTST NIHDCRT NIHKLMB TSSNRC00 NRCNET NRCCAD MVSNRC00 ICNUCEVM ICNUCEVS NUSVM NUSEEV NUSDISCS NUS3090 ILNCRD ILNITE NRCVM01 NAVPGS GUNBRF CMEAMRF NBS NBSENH NBSMICF MSMFVM NCSUPHYS NCSUMAEV NCSUMAE NCSUCE NCSUVAX NCSUVM NCSUECE NCSUIE NCSUMTE NDSUVM1 NDSUVAX NEVIS NJECNVM NJECNVS NJECNVM1 NJECNVM2 ORION MERCURY NMSUMVS1 NMSUVM1 NMSU NYSPI NYUACF NYUACF7 NYUACF1 NYUACF6 NYUCIMSA NYUCCVM NYUCMCL1 NYUMED DKNBI51 JPNNIHOC UMDNJPW1 UMDNJVM2 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Nat’l Acad of Sci PC/Netwrk Nat’l Acad of Sci VM/SP Nat’l Chiao-Tung Univ Nat’l Ctr for Atmosph Res Nat’l Instit of Environ Health Sci Nat’l Instit of Environ Health Sci Nat’l Instit of Environ Health Sci Nat’l Radio Astronomy Observ. National Chia-Tung Univ National Institutes of Health (DEC-10) National Institutes of Health (IBM 370) National Institutes of Health (LSU) National Institutes of Health (Server 1) National Institutes of Health (Test/Dev) National Institutes of Health DCRT National Institutes of Health, NIDDK/LMB National Res Council National Research Council National Research Council National Research Council National U Comp Ctr - Pisa National U Comp Ctr - Pisa National Univ of Singapore National Univ of Singapore National Univ of Singapore National Univ of Singapore Natl Cncl Res Dev MSD Natl Inst for Test and Eval Natl Res Cncl Canada Comp Ctr Naval Postgrad Sch NBRF/ Georgetown Univ Med Ctr NBS Adv. Mfg. Res Fac. NBS Consolidated Scie Comp Sys NBS Ex. Networks Host NBS Mgmt. Info. Comp. Fac. NBS Molecular Structure Model Fac NC State Univ NCSI Mech & Aerospace Eng NCSU Mech & Aerospace Eng NCSU Civil Eng NCSU Computing Center NCSU Computing Center NCSU Elec & Comp Eng NCSU Industrial Eng NCSU Materials Eng ND Higher Ed Computer Net ND Higher Ed Computer Net Nevis Lab, Columbia U New Jersey Edu Computer Net New Jersey Edu Computer Net New Jersey Edu Computer Net New Jersey Edu Computer Net New Jersey Inst of Tech Conf Ctr New Jersey Inst of Tech Conf Ctr New Mexico St U Comp Ctr New Mexico St U Comp Ctr New Mexico St U Comp Ctr New York Psych Inst New York U Academic Comp New York U Academic Comp New York U Academic Comp New York U Academic Comp New York U CIMS New York U Comp Ctr New York U Courant Math & Comp. Lab New York U Med Ctr Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark Nihon U Col of Commerce NJ Univ Med & Dent NJ Univ of Med & Dent 20 PC DOS VM/SP VMS VM/SP HPO VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS TOPS-10 MVS/XA VMS VM/SP MVS/XA 3PLUS VMS TSS/370 VAX/VMS VAX/VMS MVS/XA VM/SP IBM MVS VM HPO 4.2 VMS VMS VM HPO 4.2 DEC VMS DEC VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS NOS VMS VM/SP VM VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP4 VMS VMS VMS VM/SP UNIX VMS VM/SP MVS/SP VM/SP VM/XA VM/SP VM/SP MVS/SP VM/SP SUNOS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS DEC VMS 4 6 VM/SP VSE/SP VM/SP phrack6/12.txt NOFDB NCSUMEAS NCSUSTAT NCSUCHE NCSUMATH NCSUADM NEMOVM NEMOMUS NUHUB NEUVMS NAUVM NAUVAX NUACC NUCYB NRCBSP NRCCIT NRCHEM NRCDRA NRCDAO NRCHEP NRCHYD NRCIDO NRCPHY NSF CRNLAES CERAMICS NYBVX1 FROCF51 ORNLSTC CESARVAX OCC OBERLIN FRONI51 FROBES51 FROBOR51 FROMRS51 FRMEU51 FRNEAB51 OCLCRSUN OHSTVMB OHSTCH OHSTHR OHSTMVSA OHSTVMA OHSTPY OHSTPHRM OUACCVMB OUACCVMA OWUCOMCN JPNONRI OSUCC UCCVMS ODUVM UTOPVM HHEOUH51 HHEOUH54 HHEOUH53 HHEOUH52 DBNUOR1 ORSTATE ORSTVM JPNDENTU JPNOIT10 JPNOSKFM JPNOSAKA FINOU FINOUC FRPQT51 PACEVM PLU Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 NLH-Aas, Norway North Carolina St U North Carolina St U North Carolina St U Chem Engr North Carolina State U North Carolina State Univ Admin Comp Ctr Northeast Missouri State Univ Northeast Missouri State Univ Northeastern U Comptng Res Ctr Northeastern U Dept Physics Northern Arizona Univ Northern Arizona Univ Northwestern Univ Vogelback Comp Ctr Northwestern Univ Vogelback Comp Ctr NRC Bilogical Sciences Protein NRC Cd NRC Chemistry Division NRC Dominion Astrophysical Obs NRC Dominion Radio Astro Obs NRC High Energy Physics NRC Hydraulics Lab NRC Industry Development Off NRC Physics Division NSF NYSAES NYSC of Ceramics at Alfred Univ NYU Graduate Business School O.P.G.C, Clermont-Ferrand, FR Oak Ridge Nat’l Lab Oak Ridge Natl Lab Ctr Engg Sys Adv Res Oakland Comm Co Oberlin College Observatoire - Nice Observatoire de Besancon, Fran Observatoire de Boreaux Observatoire de Marseille, Fr Observatoire de Paris, Meudon OCDE OCLC Ohio State U CAD/CAM Ohio State U Chem Dept VAX Ohio State U Ctr for Human Resource Res Ohio State U IRCC Ohio State U IRCC Ohio State U Physics Dept. Ohio State Univ Coll of Pharm Ohio Univ Athens Ohio Univ, Athens Ohio Wesleyan Univ Okazaki Nat’l Res Instit Oklahoma State Univ CC Oklahoma State Univ CC Old Dominion U OPAL, CERN, Geneva,Switzerland Open Universiteit Heerlen Open Universiteit Heerlen Open Universiteit Heerlen Open Universiteit Heerlen Operations Research Bonn Oregon State UCS Oregon State Univ. Osaka Electro-Comm Univ Osaka Inst of Tech Osaka U HEPL Osaka Univ Ed Ctr Oulu Univ Oulu University, Finland P.Q.T., Toulouse, France Pace Univ Pleasantville-Briarcliff Camp Pacific Lutheran Univ 21 VM/SP R5 VMS VMS VMS VM/SP4 MVS/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP HPO VMS VMS NOS VAX/VMS VAX/VMS VAX/VMS VAX/VMS VAX/VMS VAX/VMS VAX/VMS VAX/VMS UNIX PRIMOS VMS VMS DEC VMS VMS VMS VM VMS VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS VMS DEC VMS UNIX 4.2 BSD VM/SP VMS VMS MVS/SP VM/SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS MVS/XA VMS VM/SP IBM VM/SP HPO 4 2 VMS 4 4 VMS 4 4 VMS 4 4 VMS 4 4 IBM VM/SP R4 NOS 2.5.1-678 VM UNIS 4.2 BSD VM/SP OS IV/F4 MSP VM/SP IBM VM/SP HPO R3 4 MICROVMS 4 6 DEC VMS VM/SP VMS phrack6/12.txt IPDUNIV PANAM2 PANAM1 PANAM PSUVALM PSUARCH PSUACL PSU2020 PSUECLC PSUECLA PSUECLB PSUHCX PSUCEMD PSUMEV PSUCHEM PSUARLB PSUARLC PSUARLA PSULEPSI PSULEPSR PSULEPSA PSULEPSH PSUECL2 PSUVAXG PSUVAXS PSUDG1 PSUPENA PSUPENB PSUALT PSUVMXA PSUSUN01 PSUED1 PSUCES1 PSUCES3 PSUVM PSUCURT PSUDEC10 PSUNUCE PSUHMC PSUHMED PSUMVS PSUPDP1 PSUVALP PSUVAX1 PEPVAX PEPPCDRM CPWPSCA CPWPSCB DMRHRZ11 DHDPHY5 DBNPIB5 ITOPOLI ITOPOLI3 ITOPOLI4 ITOPOLI1 ITOPOLI2 IMIPOLI POLYTECH POLYGRAF POMONA PCMATH PSUORVM PRATT PPLCATS PUCC PUFORBES PUNFS PU1879 PUMIS DHIAVM Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 22 Padova U Comp Ctr VM/SP RELEASE 5 Pan American Univ VMS Pan American Univ VMS Pan American Univ VMS Penn S U Comp Sci VLSI Dev UNIX BSD Penn St U Arch Comp Lab VMS Penn St U Arch Computer Lab VMS Penn St U Engr Comp Lab TOPS-20 Penn St U Engr Comp Lab VMS Penn St U Engr Comp Lab VMS Penn St U Engr Comp Lab VMS Penn St U Engr Comp Lab UNIX Penn St U Engr Comp Lab VMS Penn St U Mech. Engr. VMS Penn State - Chemistry VM/SP Penn State Applied Res Lab VMS Penn State Applied Res Lab VMS Penn State Applied Res Lab VMS Penn State Elmnt. Particle Lab VMS Penn State Elmnt. Particle Lab VMS Penn State Elmnt. Particle Lab VMS Penn State Elmnt. Particle Lab VMS Penn State Engin. Computer Lab VM/SP Penn State U UNIX BSD Penn State U UNIX BSD Penn State U AOS/VS Penn State U Agric Ext Net VMS Penn State U Agric Ext Net VMS Penn State U Altoona VMS Penn State U CAC VM/XA SP1 Penn State U CAC SUN OS 4.0 Penn State U Coll of Ed VMS Penn State U Comm. Ed Sys VMS Penn State U Comm. Ed Sys VMS Penn State U Comp Ctr VM/XA Penn State U CompSci ACIS UNIX 4.3 Penn State U Eng Comp Lab TOPS-10 Penn State U Eng. Dept. VM/SP Penn State U Hershey Med Ctr. Res. Cmptng VM/SP Penn State U Hershey Med Ctr. Res. Cmptng VMS Penn State University MVS/XA Penn State University UNIX R6 Penn SU Comp Sci VLSI Dev UNIX BSD Pennsylvania State U UNIX BSD Pepperdine Univ Acad Comp VAX ULTRIX Pepperdine Univ Admin Cmptng IBM MVS MVS/XA Pgh Supercomputer Ctr VMS Pgh Supercomputer Ctr VMS Philipps-Universitaet Marburg IBM VM/SP R4 0 Physikalisches Institut VMS Physikalisches Institut der U Bonn DEC VMS 4 6 Politecnico di Torino VMS Politecnico di Torino VMS Politecnico di Torino VMS Politecnico di Torino VMS Politecnico di Torino VMS Politecnico Milano IBM VM/SP R4 1 Polytechnic U Comp Ctr VM/SP Polytechnic U Comp Ctr VM/SP Pomona Col Comp Ctr VM/SP Pomona Col Mathematics Dept VMS Portland State Univ CC VM/SP Pratt Institute Comp Ctr PRIMOS Princeton Univ PLasma Phys. Lab VM/SP Princeton University VM/SP Princeton University VM/SP Princeton University VM/SP Princeton University VM/SP Princeton University VM/SP PSU Dairy Herd Improv. Assn. VM/SP phrack6/12.txt PSULIAS PSUADMIN PURCHE PURCCVM PURVLSI QUCDNEE1 QUCDNTRI QUCDNEE QCVAXA QCVAXB QCVAXC QCUNIX QCVAX QUCDNCMC QUCDNAST QUCIS QUCDN QUCDNSUR AWIRAP01 AWIRAP02 DACTH51 DKAUNI11 DKAUNI46 DKAUNI48 REED RCN IRTCORK GREARN RLG RHODES DKLUNI01 DKLUNI85 DKLUNI86 DBNUZR1A RICECSVM RICE ITORIPTO BGERUG51 HLERUL52 RITVM RITVAXA RITVAXB RITVAXC RITVAXD RITVAXN RITVAX RITVAXO RITVAXL ROCKVAX ROHVM1 RHIT RMC RPICMPVM RPICICGD RPICICGE RPITSMTS RPITSGW DHVRRZN0 DHVRRZN1 BANRUC01 DBORUB01 NORUNIX RUTHEP DRACO RUTGERS9 CANCER ZODIAC RUTVM1 BIOVAX DACTH01 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 PSU Library Info Access Sys PSU Mgmt. Srvs Purdue U Chem Engr Dept Purdue U Comp Ctr Purdue U EE VLSI Lab Queen’s Electrical Engineering Queen’s Electrical Engineering Queen’s Electrical Engineering Queens College CUNY Queens College CUNY Queens College CUNY Queens College CUNY Queens College CUNY Queens U Can Microelec Corp Queens Univ Astronomy Queens University Queens University Queens University Surgery RA-Physik RA-Physik Rechenzentrum der RWTH Aachen Rechenzentrum U Karlsruhe Rechenzentrum U Karlsruhe Rechenzentrum U Karlsruhe Reed College Regents Computer Network Regional Tech College Cork Research Ctr of Crete Research Libraries Grp Rhodes College CC RHRK Kaiserslautern RHRK Kaiserslautern, Germany RHRK Kaiserslautern, Germany RHRZ Uni Bonn, Germany Rice U Comp Sci Dept. Rice Univ ICSA Ricerch e Progetti Torino Rijks Univ Rijksuniver Leiden Gorl Lab RITISC Rochester Inst of Tech Rochester Inst of Tech Rochester Inst of Tech Rochester Inst of Tech Rochester Inst of Tech Rochester Inst of Tech Rochester Inst of Tech (NTID) Rochester Inst of Tech. Rockefeller University Rohm & Haas Co Rose-Hulman Inst. Royal Military College RPI Ctr Mfg Prod RPI Graphics Center RPI Graphics Center RPI Info Tech Srvs RPI Info Tech Srvs RRZN, Univ Hannover, Germany RRZN, Univ Hannover, Germany RUCA, Antwerpen, Belgium Ruhr-Univ Bochum RUNIT Rutgers U High Energy Physics Rutgers Univ CCIS Rutgers Univ CCIS MVS Rutgers Univ CCIS VAX Rutgers Univ CCIS Vax Clust Rutgers Univ CCIS VM1 Rutgers Univ Molecular Bio Comp Lab RWTH Aachen, Germany 23 HONEYWELL CP-6 MVS/XA VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS ULTRIX VMS VMS VMS UNIX VM/SP VMS VMS 4 5 LAVC VMS 4 5 LAVC VMS IBM VM/SP R4 SIEMENS BS3000 MSP 20 SIEMENS BS3000 MSP 20 BERKELEY UNIX NOS VM/IS VM/SP MVS/SP VMS SIEMENS BS3000 MSP SIEMENS BS2000 SIEMENS BS2000 IBM VM/SP HPO R4.2 VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS 4 1 VM/SP HPO VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS UNIX BSD VM/HPO VMS CP-6 VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP MTS/XA DIST 5.1C UTX CDC NOS IBM VM/SP R4 0 NOS 2 5 CDC NOS/VE ULTRIX 2 0 VMS VMS MVS/SP VMS VMS VM/SP VMS CDC NOS 2 4 phrack6/12.txt RYERSON DWUUNI21 YUBGSS21 SERVAX SER SLUVCA SALK SHSUTHOR SHSU SHSUODIN SAMFORD SDSC SCU HASARA11 JPNSUT50 JPNSUT00 JPNSUT40 JPNSUT31 JPNSUT10 JPNSUT20 JPNSUT30 JPNSUT3A JPNSUT01 JPNICEPP BMLSCK11 IPISNSVA IPISNSIB SENECA KRSNUCC1 SETONVM SETONMUS JPNSNU10 JPNSNU20 SHERCOL1 JPNSWU10 IMISIAM3 IMISIAM2 SFU SFUVM ITSSISSA SKIDMORE SLACASP SLACVM SLACESA SLACHRS SLACMAC SLACMKII SLACM2 SLACMK3 SLACPCR SLACSLC SLACSLD SLACTBF SLACTWGM SLACUCSD SLACTPCS SLACPHYS SMITH SIVM TWNSCU10 SDSUVM SEMASSU SIUCVMB SIUEVM SMUVM1 SMSVMA SMSVMB SMSVAXA SWTEXAS SWTNYSSA Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Ryerson RZ Uni Wuerzburg, Germany RZS SR Srbije, Yugoslavia S Reg Data Ctr S Reg Data Ctr Tamiami Campus Saint Louis Univ Salk Instit Sam Houston State Univ Sam Houston State Univ Sam Houston State Univ Samford Univ San Diego Supercomputer Ctr Santa Clara Univ SARA Amsterdam, Netherlands Scienc U Tokyo Y J Coll Science U of Tokyo Science U of Tokyo Science U of Tokyo Noda Science U Tokyo - Japan Science U Tokyo - Japan Kagurazaka Science U Tokyo - Japan, Noda Science U Tokyo - Japan, Noda Science Univ of Tokyo Science Univ of Tokyo ICEPP SCKCEN Mol Belgium Scuola Normale Superiore Scuola Normale Superiore Seneca College Seoul Nat’l Univ CC Seton Hall U CC Seton Hall Univ CC Setsunan Univ Setsunan Univ Sheridan College Showa Women’s Univ SIAM IFC, Milano, Italy SIAM IFC, Milano, Italy Simon Fraser U Comp Svcs Simon Fraser U Comp Svcs SISSA, Trieste, Italy Skidmore College SLAC ASP Experiment SLAC Computer Center SLAC End Station A SLAC High Res Spectrometer SLAC Magnetic Calorimeter SLAC Mark-II Detector SLAC Mark-II Detector SLAC Mark-III Detector Exp SLAC PCR SLAC SLC SLAC SLD Detector SLAC TBF SLAC TCP/Two-Gamma Experiment SLAC TCP/2-Gamma Expt (UCSD) SLAC TPC/Two-Gamma Experiment SLAC TPC/Two-Gamma Experiment Smith College Smithsonian Instit Soochow Univ South Dakota State Univ Southeastern Mass Univ Southern Illinois U - Carbondale Southern Illinois Univ Edwardsvl Southern Methodist U ACC Southwest Missouri State Univ Southwest Missouri State Univ Southwest Missouri State Univ Southwest Texas State Univ Southwest Texas State Univ 24 VM/SP IBM MVS 3 8 IBM MVS/SP 1 3.8 VMS OS 1100 VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP R4 VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP MUSIC VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP R4 DEC VMS 4 3 VM/SP VMS VM/HPO VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VM/SP IBM VM/SP HPO 4 0 IBM VM/SP HPO 4 0 MTS VM/SP UNIX UTX VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/HPO SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VMS phrack6/12.txt SWTTEGAN STSCI SLCSL STLAWU STMARYS STMARYTX SMCVAX SPCVXA SESTAK SSRL750 STANFORD SUSOLAR SUWATSON OBERON MSUS1 SFAUSTIN SITVXB SITVXC HASARA5 SEQZ11 SEQZ21 SEQZ51 SESUF51 QZCOM SEQZ01 SEQZ02 QZKOM DBNISKP5 SEGATE FRSUN12 ALBNY1VX UBVMSC UBVMSD BINGVAXA BINGVAXB BINGVAXC BINGVMA BINGVMB SUNYBING BINGTJW SUNYBCS SNYCENVM SNYDELBA SNYBROBA BROCK1P SNYBUFBA SNYBUFVA SNYCANBA SNYCOBBA SNYCORBA SNYFREBA SNYGENBA GENESEO SNYNEWBA SNYOLDBA SNYONEBA SNYOSWBA SNYPLABA SNYPLADG SNYPOTBA SNYFARBA SNYMORBA ADMBROOK SACBROOK SNYBKADM SNYBKSAC SNYALFBA SBBIOVM SBCCVM SBCCMAIL Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Southwest Texas State Univ Space Telescope Science Instit St. Lawrence College St. Lawrence Univ St. Mary’s U St. Mary’s Univ of San Antonio St. Michael’s Coll St. Peter’s Co Stacken, KTH Sweden Stanford Synchrotron Rad Lab Stanford University Stanford University Stanford University Stanford University State Univ System of Minnesota Stephen F. Austin State Univ Stevens Inst Tech Stevens Inst Tech Stichting Academ Reken Amsterdam Stockholm U Comp Ctr Stockholm U Comp Ctr Stockholm U Comp Ctr Stockholm Univ Stockholm Univ CC Stockholm Univ CC Stockholm Univ CC Stockholm Univ CC Strahlen-Kernphysik Uni Bonn SUNET SUNIST, SUNY Albany CC VAX VMS SUNY Bflo CC SUNY Bflo CC SUNY Binghamton SUNY Binghamton SUNY Binghamton SUNY Binghamton SUNY Binghamton SUNY Binghamton SUNY Binghamton Sch of Engr SUNY Buffalo Comp Sci Dept SUNY Central Admin CC SUNY Coll of Technol at Delhi SUNY College at Brockport SUNY College at Brockport - ACS SUNY College at Buffalo SUNY College at Buffalo SUNY College at Canton SUNY College at Cobleskill SUNY College at Cortland SUNY College at Fredonia SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at New Paltz SUNY College at Old Westbury SUNY College at Oneonta SUNY College at Oswego SUNY College at Plattsburgh SUNY College at Plattsburgh SUNY College at Potsdam SUNY College Farmingdale SUNY College Morrisville SUNY Health Science Ctr Brooklyn SUNY Health Science Ctr Brooklyn SUNY Health Science Ctr Brooklyn SUNY Health Science Ctr Brooklyn SUNY of NY College of Tech at Alfred SUNY Stony Brook Biol Sci Comp SUNY Stony Brook Comp Ctr SUNY Stony Brook Comp Ctr Mail 25 VMS VMS VM/CMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS TOPS-10/7 VMS MVS/XA UNIX VM/SP HPO 4.2 VM/SP HPO 5.0 VMS CP-6 VMS VMS VMS 4 IBM VM/SP R4 IBM MVS/SP 1 3.1 DEC VMS DEC VMS TOPS-10/7 CDC NOS 2 4.1 LEVEL 642 CDC NOS 2 4.1 LEVEL 642 TOPS-10/7 DEC VMS 4 4 UNIX BSD4 3 IBM VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP UNIX BSD VM/SP MCP MCP PRIMOS MCP 3.6.2 VMS MCP MCP MCP MCP MCP VMS MCP MCP MCP MCP MCP AOS/VS MCP MCP MCP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP MCP VM/SP VM/HPO VMS phrack6/12.txt SUNYSBNP UBVMSA UBVM UBVMSB UBVMS ALBNYMVS ALBNYVM1 HUTSUR51 SWATPRM SEARN SUNSET SUNRISE SUAIS SUCAD1 SUHEP SUZEUS SUVM SUMVS JPNTAMA0 FINTUTA FINTUT TAMODP TAMAGEN TAMMVS1 TAMVM1 TAMENTO TAMGEOP TARLETON HDETUD2 HDETUD5 DB0TUI6 DBSINF6 DM0TUI1S DDADVS1 TUNS TECHCDC TECHMVS TECHNION TECHSEL TECHUNIX TECHDPD HENTHT5 DB0TUI11 DB0TUM11 DB0TUZ01 DB0TUS11 ICSATAXA TAUNIVM TAUNOS TAURUS TAUENG TAUPHY TAUVE TEMPLEVM TMPLSUPR TMPLCIS TMPLNOS TNTECH TAMCGF TAMCBA TAMBIGRF TAMCHEM TAMSTAR TAMVENUS TAMUNIX TAMLSR TAMTCSL TAMVXEE TAMNIL TAMMEACA Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 SUNY Stony Brook Physics Dept SUNY/Bflo CC SUNY/Bflo CC SUNY/Bflo CC SUNY/Bflo CC SUNYA EETR MVS SUNYA EETR VM SURFnet, Netherlands Swarthmore College Sweden EARN Syracuse U Syracuse U Syracuse U AIS Syracuse U CAD/CAM Syracuse U High Energy Phys Syracuse Univ Comp. Sys. Syracuse University Syracuse University Tamagawa Univ Tampere U Tech Tampere University of Techn TAMU ODP TAMU/AG Eng TAMU/CSC TAMU/CSC TAMU/ENTO TAMU/GEOP Tarleton State Univ - DPC Tech Hoogeschool Delft Tech Hoogeschool Delft Tech U Berlin Infor KBS Tech U Braunschweig Info Tech U Informatik, Muenchen Techn Darmstadt Fachber Inform Technical Univ of Nova Scotia Technion - CDC Technion - Haifa Technion - Haifa Technion Dept Math - Haifa Technion Dept of Math Technion, Haifa Technische Hogeschool Twente Technische U Berlin Technische U Berlin Maschinen Technische U Berlin Rechenzentrum Technische U Berlin Schiffs Tecnopolis CSATA Novus Ortus Tel Aviv U Comp Ctr Tel Aviv U Comp Ctr Tel Aviv U Comp Ctr Tel Aviv U Eng Sch Tel Aviv Univ Nuc Phys Tel Aviv University Temple U Comp Activity Temple U Computer Activity Temple U Computer Activity Temple University Computer Activity Tennessee Tech Univ Texas A&M Engineering Graphics Texas A&M U Acad Comp Ctr Texas A&M U Biochem Texas A&M U Chemistry Dept Texas A&M U Comp Srvs Ctr Texas A&M U Comp Srvs Ctr Texas A&M U Computing SC Texas A&M U CS/LSR Texas A&M U EE-TCSL Texas A&M U Electrical Engr Texas A&M U Learning Tech Ctr Texas A&M U ME/CAD 26 VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS MVS/JES2 VM/HPO VMS 4 6 VMS IBM VM/SP R4 VMS VMS MVS VMS VMS VM/SP HPO VM/HPO MVS VM/SP DEC VMS 4 2 UNIX 4 3 BSD VMS VMS MVS/SP VM/SP/HPO VMS VMS NOS MVS/SP 1 3.4 VMS 4 4 UNIX 4 2 BSD ULTRIX IBM VM/SP R5 06 IBM VM/SP R3 VMS NOS 2.4.3 MVS/SP IBM VM/SP HPO 4 2 UNIX UNIX BSD 4 3 MVS/JES2 VMS 4 2 IBM VM/SP IBM VM/SP NOS IBM VM/SP IBM MVS/XA IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 CDC NOS 2 5.3 UNIX BSD 4 2 DEC VMS 4 2 DEC VMS 3 7 CDC NOS/VE 1 2.3 VM/SP VM/SP VMS NOS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS UNIX VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS phrack6/12.txt TAMVXRSC TAMVXOCN TAMPHYS TAMCOMP TAMSIGMA TAMLMSB TAMTURBO TCUAVM TCUAMUS TCUAVMS TCUBVM TTACS1 TTACS2 TTUVM1 TTUHSCVM DTUPEV5A HDETUD1 JPNTOHOK JPNTHKVX JPNTIU01 JPNTKUVM TOWSONVX TOWSON1 TOWSON2 TRANSY TRENT TSCVM TUCC TUCCVM TUNL TRINCC TRINCC2 TRINITY TRIUMFCL TRIUMFRG TRIUMFER DB0TUI0 DB0PTZ1A DB0TUI62 DBSTU1 DBSNRV0 DCZTU1 HDETUD53 HDETUD52 HDETUD51 HEITHE5 HEITUE51 HEITUE1 HEIIPO5 DGATUM5P DB0TUI66 TUFTS TULIPS TCSVM TCSMUSA TCSMVS AKRON AKRONVM AKRONVAX UABCMC UABTUCC UABCVSR UA1VM UALTAMTS UALTAVM EMDUAM11 EB0UB012 DBNVB12 DBNUAMA1 DBNRHRZ1 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 Texas A&M U MML Texas A&M U Oceanography Dept Texas A&M U Physics Dept Texas A&M Univ Cyclotron Inst Texas A&M Univ ECS Texas A&M Univ LMSB Texas A&M Univ TURBO Texas Christian Univ Texas Christian Univ Texas Christian Univ Texas Christian Univ Texas Tech U Acad Comp Srvs Texas Tech U Acad Comp Srvs Texas Tech U Comp Facil Texas Tech U Health Sci Ctr Th Astrophysik Univ Tuebingen TH Delft, Netherlands Tohoku Univ Tohoku Univ Tokyo Intern’tl Univ Tokyo Keizai U Towson State Univ Towson State Univ Towson State Univ Transylvania Univ Trent University Trenton State Co Triangle U Comp Ctr Triangle U Comp Ctr Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab Trinity College Trinity College Trinity Univ Computing Ctr TRIUMF Research TRIUMF Research TRIUMF Research - ERICH TU Berlin TU Berlin TU Berlin Informatik SWT TU Braunschweig, RZ, Germany TU Braynscgweug, NRV-Gateway TU Clausthal TU Delft TU Delft TU Delft TU Eindhoven CC, Netherlands TU Eindhoven CC, Netherlands TU Eindhoven CC, Netherlands TU Eindhoven IPO, Netherlands TU Muenchen Physik TUB Informatik ISTI Tufts U Tufts Univ Tulane U Comp Svcs - VM Tulane U Comp Svcs Music A Tulane U Comp Svcs MVS U Akron U Akron U Akron U Alabama B’ham - CMC U Alabama Birmingham U Alabama Birmingham U Alabama Comp Ctr U Alberta Comp Svcs MTS U Alberta Comp Svcs VM U Autonoma Madrid Ctr Calc U Barcelona Ctr Calculo U Bonn Chemische Inst U Bonn Inst Mathematik U Bonn Reg Hochschul 27 VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP MUSIC/SP VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP VM/HPO DEC VMS 4 3 VM/SP VM/SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VMS MUSIC/SP VMS VM/SP MVS/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VMS 4 5 VMS 4 5 VMS 4 5 XEXOX VM/SP UNIX 4 3 BSD IBM VM/SP R4 SSI XOS VM/SP VMS 4 5 VMS 4 4 VMS V4 4 VMS 4 5 VMS 4 5 VM/SP VMS 4 5 VMS UNIX 4 2 BSD VMS VMS VM/SP MUSIC MVS/SP MVS/XA 2 1.7 VM/SP HPO 5 ULTRIX VMS MVS/SP VM/IS VM/SP HPO MTS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP IBM VM/SP R3 1 IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP R5 phrack6/12.txt DBNRHRZ2 UCIPPRO UCSFBCL UCSFC255 UCSFCCB UCSFCGL UCSFVIVO UCSFMIS UCSFNMR UNCAACTC UCDASVM1 UCBEAR UCBDOROT UCBERNIE UCBEROS UCBBACH UCBAMBER UCBARPA UCBDEAN UCBDEGAS UCBBERYL UCBBIZET UCBBRAHM UCBBUDDY UCBCAD UCBCALDE UCBCARTA UCBCEVAX UCBCORAL UCBCMSA UCBCOGSC UCBCORY UCBDALI UCBEAST UCBESVAX UCBDAVIN UCBEULER UCBFRANN UCBGARNE UCBHOLDE UCBIC UCBICW UCBINGRE UCBJASON UCBJASPE UCBJI UCBKEPLE UCBKIM UCBLAPIS UCBLILAC UCBMATIS UCBMAXWE UCBMEDEA UCBMERLI UCBMIRO UCBMONET UCBNEWTO UCBOKEEF UCBOZ UCBPEARL UCBQAL UCBRENOI UCBROSE UCBSEYMO UCBSHADO UCBSIM UCBSRC UCBSYLVI UCBTOPAZ UCBTULIP Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 U Bonn Reg Hochschulrechenzent U CA Irvine, Publ Policy Rsrch U CA San Fran Biochem Lab U CA San Fran Clin Lab U CA San Fran Comp Ctr U CA San Fran Comp Grap Lab U CA San Fran Infect Lab U CA San Fran Med Info Sci U CA San Fran Nuc Mag Reson Lab U Calgary A C.T. Centre U Calgary Dept Admin Servs U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley 28 MVS/SP VM/SP MULTICS VM/SP UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD VM/SP HPO UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD MV 8000 AOS UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD phrack6/12.txt UCBUGS UCBUNIXS UCBVANGO UCBVAX UCBVIOLE UCBWEYL UCBZOOEY UCBCED UCBSOE UCBSSL UCBBKYAS UCBCCHEM UCBJADE UCBJANUS UCIVMSA UCIVMSC UCLATMOS UCLAVM UCLAMVS UCLAVMB UCLASSCF UCRVMS UCRPHYS UCSFCCA UCSFHC UCSFVM SBHEP UCSBVM UCSBUXA UCSBUXB UCSCMVS UCSCHU UCSCLICK UCSCA UCSCC UCSCD UCSCE UCSCF UCSCG UCSCH UCSCI UCSCJ UCSCK UCSCL UCSCM UCSCVM PORTAL UCSCO UCCVMA UCICP6 BUCLLN11 UCF1VM UCFCS UCHIMVS1 UCHISTEM UCCCMVS UCCCVM1 IRUCCIBM IRLEARN COLORADO COLOPHYS UCONNMVS UCONNVM DKUCCC11 BMSUEM11 BLIULG11 BLIULG12 BLIULG13 PTEARN IPGUNIV Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley U Calif Berkeley Campus U Calif Berkeley Campus U Calif Irvine Comp Ctr U Calif Irvine Comp Ctr U Calif LA UCLA Atmos Science U Calif Los Angeles Acad Comp U Calif Los Angeles Acad Comp U Calif Los Angeles Acad Comp U Calif Los Angeles Soc Sci Facil U Calif Riverside Acad Comp Ctr U Calif Riverside Phys Dept U Calif San Fran Comp Ctr U Calif San Fran Hosp & Clinics U Calif San Francisco U Calif Santa Barbara U Calif Santa Barbara Comp Ctr U Calif Santa Barbara Comp Ctr U Calif Santa Barbara Comp Ctr U Calif Santa Cruz CATS IBM (MVS) U Calif Santa Cruz H&A U Calif Santa Cruz Lick Obs U Calif Santa Cruz Unix A U Calif Santa Cruz Unix C U Calif Santa Cruz Unix D U Calif Santa Cruz Unix E U Calif Santa Cruz Unix F U Calif Santa Cruz Unix G U Calif Santa Cruz Unix H U Calif Santa Cruz Unix I U Calif Santa Cruz Unix J U Calif Santa Cruz Unix K U Calif Santa Cruz Unix L U Calif Santa Cruz Unix M U Calif Santa Cruz VM U Calif Santa Cruz VM U Calif Santa Cruz VM U Calif System-wide Admin U California Comptng Fac U Cath Louvain U Central Florida U Central Florida Comp Sci Dept U Chicago Computation Ctr U Chicago Crewe Laboratory U Cincinnati U Cincinnati U College Cork U College Dublin U Colorado Boulder Comp Svcs U Colorado Boulder Physics U Connecticut U Connecticut U Copenhagen Comp Ctr U de l’Etat Belgium U de Liege U de Liege U de Liege Belgium U de Lisboa U degli Studi di Perugia 29 UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD SUN UNIX SUN UNIX UNIX VMS ULTRIX UNIX BSD ULTIX VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP MVS/SP VM/XA SF VM/SP VMS VMS UNIX BSD VM/SP VM/SP VMS VM/SP BSD UNIX BSD UNIX MVS/XA UNIX BSD UNIX UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD UNIX BSD VM/SP VMS SUN OS VM/HPO CP6 VM/SP HPO R4 2 VM/SP UNIX BSD MVS/SP VM/SP MVS/SP VM/SP VM/SP VM/HPO RELEASE 4 2 VMS VMS MVS VM/SP HPO IBM VM/SP R5 VM/SP R5 VM/SP HPO R4 2 VM/SP R4 VM/SP R5 IBM VM/SP IBM VM/SP R3 phrack6/12.txt UDCVM UDCVAX DDOINF6 DERRZE1 UFGATE UFPINE UFENG UFFSC CGEUGE52 HGRRUG0 HGRRUG5 UOGUELPH UOGVAX2 DHVMHH1 UHCCUX UHPLATO UHCCMVS UHCCVM UHCCVX DHDTRN1 FINUHCB UHUPVM1 UHNIX1 UHNIX2 UHRCC UHRCC2 IDUI1 NCSAVMS NCSAVMSA NCSAVMSB UIUCNPL UICVM UICMVS UICPHY UICVM2 UICVMC UICMVSA UIUCMRL UIUCHEPA UIUCHEPB UIUCVME UIAMVS UIAECE UIAPRB UKANVM UKANMED DKAKFK51 DKAUNI14 UKCC UKCCB UKCCS UKWANG UKMA DKIUNI0 LAVALVM2 HLERUL53 HLERUL2 HLERUL5 HLERUL51 HLERUL54 HMARL5 ULKYVM ULKYVX02 ULKYVX04 ULKYVX05 ULKYVX03 ULKYVX06 ULKYVX07 MECAN1 MAINE Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 U Dist Columbia Comp Ctr U Dist Columbia VAX U Dortmund CC Dept U Erlangen U Florida CIRCA U Florida CIRCA U Florida Col Engr U Florida Faculty Sup Ctr U Geneva U Groningen U Groningen U Guelph VM/CMS U Guelph, CIS U Hannover U Hawaii Comp Ctr U Hawaii Comp Ctr U Hawaii Comp Ctr, Hon, USA U Hawaii Comp Ctr, Hon, USA U Hawaii Comp Ctr, Hon, USA U Heidelberg Immunol Inst U Helsinki Phys Comp U Houston Comp Ctr U Houston Comp Ctr U Houston Comp Ctr U Houston Research Comp Ctr U Houston Research Comp Ctr 2 U Idaho U Ill Ntl Crt Sprcomp Appl U Ill Ntl Ctr Sprcomp Appl U Ill Ntl Ctr Sprcomp Appl U Ill- Urb-Champ Nuc Phy Lab U Illinois Chicago U Illinois Chicago U Illinois Chicago U Illinois Chicago U illinois Chicago AISS/ACC U Illinois Chicago AISS/ACC U Illinois Comp Ctr U Illinois High Energy Physics U Illinois High Energy Physics U Illinois Urbana-Cham Comp Svcs U Iowa U Iowa U Iowa U Kansas Comp Srvs U Kansas Med Ctr Dpt Info Sys U Karlsruhe Rechenzentrum U Karlsruhe Rechenzentrum U Kentucky Comp Ctr U Kentucky Comp Ctr U Kentucky Comp Ctr U Kentucky DP Ctr U Kentucky Math Sci U Kiel U Laval U Leiden U Leiden U Leiden U Leiden U Leiden Medical Infor U Limburg U Louisville Ctrl Comp U Louisville VAX Cluster U Louisville VAX Cluster U Louisville VAX Cluster U Louisville VAX Cluster U Louisville VAX Cluster U Louisville VAX Cluster U Maine Computer Appl Network U Maine Computing Center 30 VM/SP VMS UNIX 4 2 BSD IBM VM/SP R3 VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP DEC VMS NOS VMS 4 2 VM/SP UNIX BSD IBM VM/SP R2 01 ULTRIX NOS MVS/SP 1.3.5 VM/SP/HPO 4.2 VMS IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 VMS VM/SP ATT ATT VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP MVS/SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP MVS/XA 2.1.5 VMS VMS VMS VM/SP MVS/SP UNIX BSD PRIMOS VM/SP VM/SP VMS IBM VM/SP R4 VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP HPO WANG VS UNIX BSD TOPS-10 VM/SP VMS 4 5 MVS/SP 1 3 VMS 4 1 VMS 4 1 VMS 4 1 VMS 4 VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP phrack6/12.txt PORTLAND UOFMCC UOFMCCX DMARUM8 UMDARS UMDARS1 UMCINCOM UMDB UMDC UMDT UMD2 UMBC1 UMDACC UMDD UMES UMDENP UMDHEP UMAB UMUC UMASSVM UMASS DGOGWD01 UMICHUB UMICHUM UMDSCVM UMDSCXA UMIPHYS UMINN1 UMMVSA UMVMA UMCVMB UMCECN01 UMCCSL1 UMKCVAX1 UMKCVAX2 UMRVMC UMRVMA UMRVMB UMRUNIXA UMSLVMA UMSLVMB UMSLVAXA UMKCVAX3 UDEM UNCCHEM UNCVM1 UNCVX1 UNCSPHV3 UNCSPHVX UNCSPHV2 UNLARS UNLAMC UNLASVAX UNLVAX4 UNLCDC2 UNLVAX1 UNLENVAX UNLVAX3 UNLPDVAX UNLTCVAX UNLADVAX UNLVM UNLCDC3 UNBMVS1 UNBVM1 UNMB UNFVM IRISHMVS UNDHEP IRISHVM Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 U Maine Portland Comp Ctr U Manitoba Comp Ctr U Manitoba Comp Ctr U Mannheim U Maryland College Pk ARS Lab U Maryland College Pk ARS1 Lab U Maryland College Pk Comp Sci Ctr U Maryland College Pk Comp Sci Ctr U Maryland College Pk Comp Sci Ctr U Maryland College Pk Comp Sci Ctr U Maryland College Pk Comp Sci Ctr U Maryland Comp Info Serv U Maryland Computer Admin Compt Ctr. U Maryland Computer Science Ctr U Maryland Eastern Shore U Maryland Experimental Nuclear Phys U Maryland High Energy Physics U Maryland Medical School U Maryland U College U Mass Sch of Engineering U Massachusetts at Amherst U Max-Planck-Ges Goettingen U Mich Comp Ctr. U Mich Comp Ctr. U Mich Data Sys Ctr VM U Mich Data Sys Ctr XA U Mich HEP U Minnesota St. Paul Comp Ctr U Missouri Central Facil U Missouri Central Facil U Missouri Columbia U Missouri Columbia U Missouri Columbia Campus - CC U Missouri Kansas City U Missouri Kansas City U Missouri Rolla U Missouri Rolla Campus U Missouri Rolla Campus U Missouri Rolla Campus U Missouri St. Louis Campus U Missouri St. Louis Campus U Missouri St. Louis Campus U Missouri Truman U Moncton U N Carolina ACS U N Carolina ACS U N Carolina ACS U N Carolina Sch Publ Health U N Carolina Sch Publ Health U N Carolina Sch Publ Health U Nebr-Lincoln Agric Res Srv U Nebr-Lincoln Amer Math Comp. U Nebr-Lincoln Arts & Sciences U Nebr-Lincoln CALMIT Lab U Nebr-Lincoln Comp Res Ctr U Nebr-Lincoln Comp Res Ctr U Nebr-Lincoln Eng. Coll U Nebr-Lincoln Eng. Coll U Nebr-Lincoln Print & Dup U Nebr-Lincoln Teach. Coll U Nebr-Lincoln VP Acad. Affairs U Nebraska Comp Svcs U Nebraska Lincoln Comp Ctr U New Brunswick U New Brunswick U New Mexico Comp Ctr U North Florida Comp Svcs U Notre Dame Comp Ctr U Notre Dame High Ener Phys U Notre Dame PC Lab 31 VM/SP VM SIEMENS BS2000 VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP OS 1100 VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP NOS 2.5.2 OS 1100 MTS MTS VM/SP MVS/XA 2.2 VMS VM/SP MVS/SP VM/SP VM/HPO VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/HPO5 BSD 4.3 VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS MPE V VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS NOS/VE VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP/HPO NOS MVS/XA VM/SP 5 VMS VM/SP MVS/SP VMS VM/SP phrack6/12.txt IRISHVM2 IRISHVX2 NDRADLAB ALASKA BANUIA51 ARIZVM1 ARIZJVAX ARIZRVAX UBCMTSA UCSFC450 UCSFFFFT UCSFUSE HGRRUG52 UKAG CCOL HLERUL56 HLERUL55 UC780 ECSVAX OREGON1 UOTELG01 UTORDAIS UTKVX2 UTKVX3 WATLAGER WISCAGE DOLUNI1 DOSUNI UOTTAWA UOTCSI1 UOTCSI2 UOTADM01 IPACUC PENNDRLN PENNDRLS PENNLRSM PENNHEP1 PITTVMS PITTUNIX EMDUPM11 UPEI UQAM UREGINA1 UREGINAV UREGINA2 UORCHEM UORVM UORDB2 UORHBV UORJVN UORKV UORKV2 UORMVS UORUNIX UORDBV UORGSM UORHEP UOROPT SASK BAGAMCOK UNIVSCVM KYLARA MIRRIM ZAPHOD GEO BMSR RAMOTH JAXOM MOUSE PERN Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 32 U Notre Dame PC Lab VM/SP U Notre Dame Physics Dept VMS U Notre Dame Radiation Lab VMS U of Alaska Comp Net VMS U of Antwerp VMS U of Arizona CCIT IBM VM U of Arizona CCIT VAX VMS U of Arizona CCIT VAX VMS U of BC Admin System MTS U of California San Francisco ULTRIX 32M U of California San Francisco ULTRIX U of California San Francisco UNIX U of Groningen VMS 4 2 U of KY Agri Data Ctr VM/SP U of Ky Community Colleges VM/SP U of Leiden DIOS VMS 4 2 U of Leiden DIOS VMS U of Maryland VMS U of NC Gen’l Admin Cent Office - Educat. UNIX BSDrvs U of O CC VM/SP U of Ottawa Elec Eng VMS U of T DAIS VMS U of Tennessee VMS U of Tennessee Computing Center VMS U of Waterloo, EERC VMS U of Wis, Inst on Aging VMS U Oldenburg IBM VM/SP R4 U Osnabrueck CGK BS 3 U Ottawa Computer Ctr VM/HPO U Ottawa Computer Sci Dept UNIX U Ottawa Computer Sci Dept UNIX U Ottawa Faculty of Admin VMS U Palermo VM/SP U Penn DRL Comp Facil VM/SP U Penn DRL Comp Facil VM/SP HPO U Penn Matter Lab VMS U Penn Physics VMS U Pittsburgh Comp Info Sys VMS U Pittsburgh Comp Info Sys ULTRIX U Poli Madrid Ctr Calc IBM VM/SP R4 U Prince Edward Island VMS U Quebec Montreal VM/SP U Regina VM/SP U Regina VMS 4 5 U Regina Dept Comp Services UNIX BSD U Rochester Chemistry VAX VMS U Rochester Comp Ctr VM/SP U Rochester Comp Ctr VMS U Rochester Comp Ctr VMS U Rochester Comp Ctr VMS U Rochester Comp Ctr VMS U Rochester Comp Ctr VMS U Rochester Comp Ctr MVS/SP U Rochester Comp Ctr UNIX BSD U Rochester Computing Ctr VMS U Rochester Grad Sch Mngmnt VM/SP U Rochester High Energy Physics VMS U Rochester Institue of Optics VMS U Saskatchewan DEC VMS 4 7 U South Carolina Bus College VM/SP U South Carolina Comp Svcs VM/SP U Southern Calif VMS U Southern Calif VMS U Southern Calif VMS U Southern Calif VMS U Southern Calif Biomed Simul Res VMS U Southern Calif Chemistry Dept VMS U Southern Calif Eng Dept VMS U Southern Calif Eng Dept VMS U Southern Calif Engineering Sch VMS phrack6/12.txt SC USCVM USMVAX DS0RUS1I DS0RUS1P DS0IKE51 DS0MPA51 DS0RUS51 DS0RUS0 UTCVM UTCMUSIC UTKVX1 UTKSM1 UTADNX UTA3081 UTA4341 UTGATE UTNET UTAIVC UTAIV1 UTAIV2 UTAIV3 UTAIV4 UTADP UTAPHY UTDALVM1 UTEPA UTEP UTSA4381 UTSAVM1 UOFT01 UOFT02 NORUNIT DTUZDV2 DTUZDV1 UTHSCSA SEUMDC01 HUTRUU0 HUTRUU51 UVUNIX UVPHYS UVVM VIRGINIA UWACDC UWAV1 UWAV2 UWAV3 UWAV4 MAX UWAVM UWAIS1 UWAMVS1 UWACHEM UWASH SAAM CPAC UWAEE UWAENG UWALOCKE UWAPHAST WATACS WATACO WATDCS WATCSG WATDCSU WATMTA WATSCI WATMAD WATER WATMNET Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 U Southern Calif Engineering Sch U Southern California U Southern Maine Portland Comp Ctr U Stuttgart U Stuttgart U Stuttgart Inst Kernenergetik U Stuttgart Materialpruef U Stuttgart Rechenzentrum U Stuttgart, Germany U Tenn at Chatta Ctr of Excel U Tenn at Chatta MUSIC Sys U Tennessee U Tennessee U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Comp Ctr U Texas Austin Data Proc. Sys U Texas Austin Physics Dept U Texas Dallas Acad Comp Ctr U Texas El Paso CC U Texas El Paso Comp Ctr U Texas San Antonio U Texas San Antonio Comp Res U Toledo U Toledo U Trondheim U Tubingen ZDV BASF U Tubingen Zent Datenverar U TX Hlth Sci Ctr Comp Resrcs U UME$ U Utrecht U Utrecht Neth U Victoria UNIX U Victoria VAX U Victoria VM U Virginia Acad Computing U Washington Acad Comp Ctr U Washington Acad Comp Ctr VAX1 U Washington Acad Comp Ctr VAX2 U Washington Acad Comp Ctr VAX3 U Washington Acad Comp Ctr VAX4 U Washington Acad Comp Srvs U Washington Academic Comp Ctr U Washington Admin Data Proc U Washington Admin Data Proc U Washington Chemistry VAX U Washington Cmptng. & Commun U Washington Ctr for Bioeng. U Washington Ctr for Process Analy Chem U Washington Electrical Engr U Washington Electrical Engr U Washington Locke Comp Ctr U Washington Physics VAX U Waterloo Adv Control Sys U Waterloo Arts Comp Off U Waterloo Comp Svcs U Waterloo Comp Sys Grp U Waterloo Dept Comp Svcs U Waterloo Dept Comp Svcs U Waterloo Facil Science U Waterloo Mapping Analysis & Design U Waterloo Math/ICR U Waterloo MICRONET 33 VMS VM/HPO UNIX IBM VM/SP R2 1 IBM VM/SP R2 1 VMS DEC VMS 4 7 VMS NOS VM/SP MUSIC/SP VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS MVS/XA VMS VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP OS/VS1 VM/SP VM/SP VMS IBM VM/SP R4 MVS/SP IBM VM/SP R3 VMS CDC NOS 2 3 AOS/VE VMS 4 6 VM/SP NOS NOS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP HPO MVS/SP VMS VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VM/SP VMS VM/SP VM/SP UNIX BSD VMS VMS VMS UNIX VM/SP phrack6/12.txt UWF UWOCC1 WINDSOR1 WISCPSLB WISCMAC1 WISCPSLA WISCPSLC DW0URZ0 WYOCDC1 UWYO DHBRRZ41 FRUTC51 DHDUB1 UCLASAUP UCLACH UCLAUE UCLASTRO UCLAPH UCLAHEP UCLAIEPI UCLASP UCLASS SBITP UCSFCOPE BANUFS11 BANUIA52 UIUCVMC UIUCVMD BBRBFU01 BLIULG14 BLIULG15 SEUMDC51 GRATHUN1 UNC UNCCVM GRCRUN11 GRCRVAX1 FRUNES21 DBTHRZ5 DERDBS5 DFRRUF1 DGIPIG5 DHDURZ1 DKAUNI5T DKAUNI0P DKAUNI0I DKAUNI12 DMZUK1 DK0RRZK1 DKNKURZ1 HLERUL57 HLERUL58 HLERUL5I DMSWWU0X DMSWWU5P HROEUR1 HROEUR51 CSGHSG52 CSGHSG53 DS0IND5 DS0ITA51 DS0RUS52 DS0RUS54 DS0MSV1 DS0SYN51 DS0IFU56 DS0IFF5 DTUMED1 HENTHT51 HUTRUU52 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 U West Fla Comp Ctr U Western Ontario U Windsor U Wisconsin Dept Physics U Wisconsin Madison Comp Ctr U Wisconsin Phys Sci Lab U Wisconsin Physical Sci Lab U Wuppertal HRZ U Wyoming U Wyoming U. Bremen U.T.C. Compiegne, France UB Heidelberg, Germany UCLA - Arch and Urban Plng UCLA Chem Dept. UCLA Crystallog. Res. UCLA Department of Astronomy UCLA Dept. of Physics UCLA High Energy Physics UCLA IE Physics UCLA Space & Plasma Physics UCLA Space Science UCSB Inst Theor Physics UCSF Clinic for Lab Medicine UFSIA, Antwerpen, Belgium UIA Antwerpen UIUC - ENGR UIUC _ CSO ULB/VUB ULG, Liege, Belgium ULG, Liege, Belgium UMDAC Umea, Sweden UNATH, ATHENS, GREECE UNC Comp Ctr UNCC Compt. Srvs. VM UNCR Heraklion, Crete, Greece UNCR, Heraklion, Crete, Greece UNESCO Uni Bayreuth RZ, Germany Uni Erlangen UNI Freiburg, Germany Uni Giessen Physik, Germany Uni Heidelberg Uni Karlsruhe Uni Karlsruhe (IPF), Germany Uni Karlsruhe (IRA), Germany Uni Karlsruhe, Telematik Uni Klinik Mainz, Germany Uni Koeln, Germany Uni Konstanz, Germany Uni Leiden Uni Leiden, Netherlands Uni Leiden, Netherlands Uni Muenster, Germany Uni Muenster, Kernphysik Uni Rotterdam, Netherlands Uni Rotterdam, Netherlands Uni St Gallen, Switzerland Uni St Gallen, Switzerland Uni Stuttgart, Germany Uni Stuttgart, Germany Uni Stuttgart, Germany Uni Stuttgart, Germany Uni Stuttgart, Germany Uni Stuttgart, Germany Uni Stuttgart, Germany Uni Stuttgart, Germany Uni Tuebingen, Med. Rechenzent Uni Twente Uni Utrecht, Netherlands 34 VM/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS CDC NOS 2 3 NOS VMS SIEMENS BS3000 MSP 20 DEC VMS IBM VM/SP R4 VM/SP VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS VMS ULTRIX VM/SP VMS 4 5 VM/SP VM/SP NOS VM/SP R5 VM/SP R5 DEC VMS NOS 2 5.2 (678/670) MVS/SP VM/SP VM/SP VMS 4 3 MVS/SP DEC VMS 4 6 VMS IBM VM/SP HPO R4 DEC VMS 4 5 IBM VM/SP R5 VMS PRIMOS REV. 20.0.4 UNIX 4 3 BSD IBM VM/SP R3 IBM VM/SP R5 0 IBM VM/SP R4 IBM VM/SP R5 VMS 4 5 VMS 4 5 SUN OS 3 5 IBM IX/370 VMS VM/SP R4 1 VMS 4 DEC VMS DEC VMS DEC VMS 4.4 DEC VMS 4 6 DEC VMS 4 5 DEC VMS 4 5 IBM VM/SP R4 DEC VMS 4 6 DEC VMS 4 6 DEC VMS 4 2 IBM VM/SP VMS 4 VMS 4 6 phrack6/12.txt HUTRUU53 CNEDCU51 DKARH01 DKARH02 DANPOST DKEARN NEUVM1 DKUNIL51 NEUMVS1 USUHS UNION DBNINF5 UCLARUAC UCCVMB UCLAAIS EMDUCM11 UCHCECVM UCHDCI01 CFRUNI51 USACHVM1 UTALCAVX DD0RUD81 UGAIBM1 UGA205 LAVALVX1 LAVALMU1 DMZRZU71 DMSWWU1C UNAMVM1 UNBSJ NUNO UNO ARIZMIS SOVSET ARIZEVAX UALR UAFSYSA UAFSYSB UAFMUSA UAMS UBCMTSG UBCMTSL NOBERGEN UNCAEDU UCSCZ UCSCCRLP UCSCCRLV UCSCCRLI UCSCCRLJ UCSCCRLS UCSCLOA UCSCERIS UCSD UCSDMVSA UCDAVIS UCDHEP UCHASTRO COLOLASP COLOSPGS FARRAND CUDENVER UCOLMCC DAYTON DUCAIR IFASGNV CGEUGE53 CGEUGE11 CGEUGE54 UGACDC1 UGA Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 35 Uni Utrecht, Netherlands VMS 4 4 Uni. Neuchatel, Switzerland DEC VMS UNI-C, Aarhus, Denmark (CDC) CDC NOS 2 4.1-630/628 UNI-C, Aarhus, Denmark (VAX) DEC VMS 4 4 UNI-C, Aarhus, Denmark (VAX) ULTRIX UNI-C, Lyngby, Denmark (IBM) IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 UNI-C, Lyngby, Denmark (IBM) IBM VM/SP HPO R4 2 UNI-C, Lyngby, Denmark (VAX) DEC VMS 4 5 UNI-C, Lyngby,Denmark (AMDAHL) IBM MVS/XA Uniformed Svrs Univ of Health Sci VMS Union College VNS Univ Bonn Informatik VMS Univ Calif Los Angeles UCLA/OAC VMS Univ Calif System-wide Admin VM/HPO Univ California LA AIS MVS/XA Univ Complutense de Madrid VM/SP Univ de Chile CEC VM/SP Univ de Chile DESECI VM/SP Univ de Fribourg DEC VMS 4 4 Univ de Santiago de Chile VM/SP Univ de Talca VMS Univ Duesseldorf SIEMENS BS2000 V8 0 Univ Georgia MVS/JES3 Univ Georgia VSOS Univ Laval VMS Univ Laval Music Sys MUSIC/SP Univ Mainz BULL MULTICS MR 11R Univ Muenster, Germany IBM VM/SP HPO R5 0 Univ Nat’l Auto De Mexico VM Univ New Brunswick St. John PRIMOS Univ New Orleans Admin DP MVS Univ New Orleans CRC VMS Univ of Arizona - MIS Dept VMS Univ of Arizona - Soviet Studies VMS Univ of Arizona College of Eng. EVAX2 VMS Univ of Arkansas Little Rock VMS Univ of Arkansas Main Camp VM/SP Univ of Arkansas Main Camp VM/SP HPO Univ of Arkansas Main Camp MUSIC/SP Univ of Arkansas Med Sci VMS Univ of BC General Sys MTS Univ of BC Library System MTS Univ of Bergen, Norway IBM VM/SP R5 Univ of Calgary VMS Univ of California CC Series Z VMS Univ of California Comp Res Lab Pger UNIX Univ of California Comp Res Lab Vger UNIX Univ of California Comp Res Lab VM VM/SP Univ of California Comp Res Lab, Jup UNIX Univ of California Comp. Res Lab Saturn UNIX Univ of California Lick Observ UNIX Univ of California Physics Bd UNIX 4.2 Univ of California San Diego Acad Gatwy SuSUN UNIX Univ of California San Diego AdCom Op MVS/XA Univ of California, Davis UNIX Univ of California, Davis VMS Univ of Chicago - Astron/Astrophy UNIX Univ of Colorad / LASP VMS Univ of Colorado - Colorado Springs CS VMS Univ of Colorado Boulder - Farrand Hall VMS Univ of Colorado Denver VMS Univ of Colorado Health Sci Ctr VMS Univ of Dayton VMS Univ of Denver Comptng & Info Res VMS Univ of Florida VMS Univ of Geneva DEC VMS Univ of Geneva IBM VM/SP Univ of Geneva DEC VMS Univ of Georgia NOS Univ of Georgia VM/SP phrack6/12.txt UGABUS UGAMUSIC UGAXA CCQC SREL TIFTON GRIFFIN HARTFORD UHHEPG FINUHB ISEARN IDCSVAX UIUCSCS UICBAL UKANVAX UKPR FINKUO CLSUNI51 UMBSKY UMBMAP UMAECS UMBC2 UMNACVX UMNACBR UMNACCA UMNACUX UMNADMIN UMNDUL UMNHCS UMNHSNOS UMNHSNVE UMNMOR SIMVAX UMNSOM UMSVM UMSMVS UMSNOS UMSVSOS UMSPHY UNMCVM UNOMA1 UNOMA2 UNEV UNB UNHH UNCVAX1 UNCG UNTVM1 UNTMUSIC NTSUVAXA NTSUVAXB UOKMVSA UOREGON UONEURO UOXRAY OREGON UOTADM02 UPRENET URVAX UORNSRL SCRANTON SCRVMSYS UDESVM UDESMA UDESMB USOUTHAL USMCP6 UTCHP1 UTKVX4 UTKCS1 Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 36 Univ of Georgia VM/SP Univ of Georgia MUSIC/SP Univ of Georgia VM/XA/SF Univ of Georgia VM/SP Univ of Georgia VMS Univ of Georgia Coastal Plains Exp Sta VM/SP Univ of Georgia Experiment Station VM/SP Univ of Hartford VMS Univ of Hawaii High Enrgy Phys Grp VMS Univ of Helsinki VMS Univ of Iceland VM/SP Univ of Idaho VMS Univ of Illinois Chemistry VMS Univ of Illinois Chicago Biomolec Analy LaVMS Univ of Kansas VAX Sys VMS Univ of Kentucky Prim PRIMOS Univ of Kuopio VMS Univ of Lausanne DEC VMS Univ of Mass at Boston VMS Univ of Mass at Boston VMS Univ of Mass, Eng. Comp Svrs VMS Univ of MD, Baltimore Co VMS Univ of Minnesota Acad Comptng VMS Univ of Minnesota Acad Comptng VMS Univ of Minnesota Acad Comptng NOS Univ of Minnesota Acad Comptng UMAX 4.2 Univ of Minnesota Admin Info Svcs MVS Univ of Minnesota Duluth VMS Univ of Minnesota Health Comp Sci VMS Univ of Minnesota Health Sci Cmptng Srvs NOS Univ of Minnesota Health Sci Cmptng Srvs NOS Univ of Minnesota Morris VMS Univ of Minnesota Sim Resource VMS Univ of Minnesota, Sch of Mgmt VM/SP Univ of Mississippi VM/SP Univ of Mississippi MVS/SP Univ of Mississippi NOS Univ of Mississippi VSOS Univ of Mississippi VMS Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr VM/HPO Univ of Nebraska Omaha CC VMS Univ of Nebraska Omaha CC VMS Univ of Nevada Sys CC NOS Univ of New Brunswick MVS/XA Univ of New Hampshire VMS Univ of North Carolina CH VMS Univ of North Carolina Greensboro Acad CC VMS Univ of North Texas Comp Ctr VM/SP Univ of North Texas MUSIC Univ of North Texas VAX A VMS Univ of North Texas VAX B VMS Univ of Oklahoma Norman MVS/XA-JES2 Univ of Oregon Dept. Comp. & Info Scie, UNIX BSD Univ of Oregon Inst. of Neurosci VAX VMS Univ of Oregon Molecular Bio VAX VMS Univ of Oregon VAX 8800 VMS Univ of Ottawa Univ of Puerto Rico Ed Net VMS Univ of Richmond VMS Univ of Rochester VMS Univ of Scranton Comp Ctr VMS Univ of Scranton Comp Ctr VM/SP Univ of Sherbrooke VM/SP 4 Univ of Sherbrooke Univ of Sherbrooke Univ of South Alabama VM/SP Univ of Southern Miss CP6 Univ of Tennessee - Chatta. MPE V/E Univ of Tennessee Comp Ctr VAX4 VMS Univ of Tennessee Computer Sci Dept VMS phrack6/12.txt UTMEM1 UTMEM2 UTMEM3 UTARLVM1 UTARLACS UTARLADM UTARLG UTMBEACH UTSW UTHVM1 UTCHPC UTARL UTDAL UTEPD UTHOU UTHSA UTHTYL UTMGAL UTPB UTSA UTSYS UTTYL UTSPH UTCCSP UTMSI THENIC UTHDAL JPNUTDME JPNUTINS JPNUTKOM JPNISSP UTORCSRI UTORSCG UTORSCS UTORGPU UTORMCL1 UTORME UTOROCI UTORPHYS JPNTSUKU TULSA UTAHCCA UTAHBUS UTAHLIB UTAHMED UVMVM UVMADMIN UVMVAX UWAJANUS UWAGEM UWAMATSC UWAPA2 UWOVAX WINDSOR2 UWPG02 WISCCDE WISCPHEN WISCGPS UWLAX UWMCSD4 UWSTOUT UWEC WISCSOC OSHKOSHW WISCMAC3 HROEUR0M EBCCUAB1 IMIBOCCO FINUH FINUJO Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 37 Univ of Tennessee, Memphis VMS Univ of Tennessee, Memphis VMS Univ of Tennessee, Memphis VMS Univ of Texas - Arlington VM VM/SP Univ of Texas Arlington MVS/SP Univ of Texas Arlington MVS/SP Univ of Texas Arlington VMS Univ of Texas Med Branch at Galveston VMS Univ of Texas Southwestern Med Ctr Dallas VMS Univ of Texas Sys Cancer Ctr VM/SP Univ of Texas Sys Ctr for High Perfor CmptVMS Univ of Texas Sys Off of Telecom. 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May 20, 1986 ----------------------------------------------This article in no way endorses one view over the other, but will try to look at evidence and facts pertaining to both of the above statements. Daniel Zigmond; Wants to write an article on hackers and phreaks, our general social atmosphere, and our side of the story. He IS a contributing editor on the staff of Amiga World Magazine and he has lived at 6735 Forest Glen Road, Squrill Hill, Penn. and had the phone numbers (412)422-1979/7515 for at least 3 years. Reportedly he has accounts on ARPAnet, Private Sector, and Byte Magazine BBS. He has been on several conferences and been talking to several phreaks across the nation. To name a few: Blue Buccaneer, Cap/N/Crax, Compu-Phreak, Dark Cavalier, Dead Lord, Final Impulse, Holophax Phreaker, Knight Lightning, Ninja NYC, Scan Man, Sigmund Fraud, Slave Driver, The Bootleg, The Clashmaster, The Infiltrator, The Firelord, The Seker, and TUC. He tapes all his conversations and has tried to get people to call other phreaks on 3-ways in attempts to gain their phone numbers. He did however make some attempts to help Sigmund Fraud after his near bust (see story in this issue). There are a few extremely odd things about Mr. Zigmond. 1. He wants everyone to send him their codes, extenders, PBXs, diverters, etc. Even if they no longer work. When asked why, he answered that he needed something to show his boss so he wouldn’t be turned down because of what would seem to be a b.s. article. Why doesn’t he just make things up? After all he said that the stuff didn’t have to be good. His reply to that was that his boss might check a few. Well if they were dead codes or PBXs or whatever then he would be up the creek anyway. Ok, forgetting about that for a moment, Zigmond also asked that people photocopy their notebooks and send those copies to him and that he would pay the postage and for the photocopies. This of course means he gets your address and at the very least your township and such (that is if you don’t leave a return address) from the postmark. 2. He has refused to give out a phone number to reach him at work or at Amiga World. Furthermore, he doesn’t plan to have the article in Amiga World, but rather, he has stated that it would be sold to the Washington Post. Now I talked with people at the Washington Post and they know nothing about this. I spoke with people in several different areas and turned a blank. They didn’t even know who Zigmond was. This leaves 2 possibilities. He either never really had any intention of submitting this article to them or was just sort of running with the mouth in search of glory and attention. 3. A PBX that Sigmund Fraud had found while hacking in a UNIX was given to phrack6/13.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 2 Zigmond. It had never been used before, with the exception of a single conference to test it out, and within a week of giving it to Zigmond it was gone. 4. Another biggie is that Zigmond claims that by the time he submits this article in August 1986 (to wherever) that if he gets $900 for it, he would break even. He is saying this from his phone bills and other expenses on the article. Now only breaking even after all that time, work, and effort seems a bit worthless to me, why would he do it? You know, they say that fed informants get paid very well, not that I am suggesting that Zigmond is a fed informant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some other stuff that may be interesting to know is that Zigmond insists that he will be getting accounts to Metal Shop Private and Stronghold East when Taran King and Slave Driver have given very strong "no"s. He goes around telling this to people. His phone answering machine gives you less than ten seconds to leave a message, this is perhaps to prevent hacking, but nevertheless annoying. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Now please everyone take this file in the way it was intended. This is not saying that Daniel Zigmond is helping the feds, he may be completely interested and wanting to learn about our society. From this I gather that he will learn that in the phreak community we try to protect each other from getting busted and that a reporter like him could literally destroy the phreak world if he was working with the feds and left unquestioned and unchecked. This article is a warning to all who may contact Zigmond to use your own good judgement in dealing with him. I’m sure that once he answers the questions raised in this article then everything will be alright. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only other thing I wanted to say is that in general reporters have hurt the phreak/hack world tremendously in the past. They bring too much attention to the phreaks and bring us into the public eye. As a result there has been much more legislation creating news laws against us. Some examples are evident in this very issue of PWN. Blue Buccaneer points out all sorts of things in the new hacking laws article. Remember the new laws about sysops being responsible for the boards? Did you see how that was used in the Teltec busts? It getting incredibly dangerous out there friends, lets try not to make it any worse. :Knight Lightning _______________________________________________________________________________ Defeat Richard Proctor In 4 Easy Steps! June 10, 1986 --------------------------------------Who is this new investigator Atlanta? What makes him today’s newest and possibly greatest threat to the phreak world? The following information concerns an MCI investigator named Richard Proctor, alias; John Proctor. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Richard Proctor, who also introduces himself to others as John Proctor, is one of the various MCI investigators that now lurk the nation. He is in charge of most of MCI’s security/investigation divisions, and is in charge of running the southeast, east coast, and northeast MCI Investigations. He has also been involved with phreaks in the midwest and southwest. I am not sure of the extent of his "jurisdiction," but all users of MCI should be careful no matter where they are located. Holophax Phreaker and The Infiltrator can personally tell you how he runs the MCI Investigations as they have been under investigation twice to date. Holophax Phreaker is currently still under investigation by Proctor and even by his own local Bell Operating Company (BOC). The first thing most investigators would do when they find an access code has been abused is to wait until it has a large bill to act upon it (which may never happen). This is because it is unprofitable to the long distance service to try to find and prosecute a person who has made less than $500.00 worth of calls (depending on the LD service). phrack6/13.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 3 Richard Proctor is a very different case. As soon as he finds an access code is being abused, he will take immediate action. The following is the series of events which will take place once Proctor discovers an abused account. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the following steps, "you" are the phreaker in question that was making the calls (heaven forbid). The steps listed are for both "you" and the person(s) receiving the illegally made phone calls. Step 1: Proctor will personally call *EVERY* destination number on the account and ask for information on who called them on the date(s) the call(s) were made. If it is a bulletin board, he will contact the sysop by voice or if there is no voice number available, he will send one or more investigators from the nearest MCI Investigations Department to question the sysop. He will ask them for information pertaining to the phreaker. Hopefully, your amnesiac friends will somehow forget all about you and be able to tell Proctor nothing. Step 2: Proctor waits a couple of days, then he again contacts the person(s) that received calls and says that he has found you and that you have told him that the people "you" had been speaking with also made those calls and that the Proctor will bust the person(s) who were called unless they would like to pay for the calls. (If this part pertains to you, that is if you were the one who received calls and Proctor or any agent said this then, at this point you should contact an attorney as this is telephone harassment, a federal crime committed over an interstate communications carrier, and you could sue MCI or whichever company it involved). Step 3: If some of the person(s) called by you weren’t as amnesiac as you would have liked when Proctor spoke to them and then Proctor calls you or your parents, then you should deny everything that Proctor accuses you of, no matter how many people he says turned you in. Proctor will be lying (one hopes) so deny everything. Step 4: Proctor will call you again in a couple of days and tell you that you have one last chance to turn yourself in. When you say no again, Proctor will try to scare you by telling you that MCI is going to make an example of you and prosecute to the fullest extent. If Proctor does this, then you know he has no evidence on you or at most, circumstantial evidence. You might get a couple of calls after that. Keep denying it and make sure you drop out of phreaking for approximately 1 1/2 - 2 months. If you get a call from your local phone company then drop out for at least 6 months to a year. They will most likely put a pen register or a DNR on your line. Proctor has PhDs in Psychology and Criminal Psychology so be very careful! He can’t do anything to you if you follow the above guidelines unless he had a trace put on the account you were using. If that is the case, then he will show up at your door arrest you. Your best bet is to stay away from it entirely. Proctor’s home phone is unlisted (of course), but his office number can be obtained from any MCI operator. Information Provided by Holophax Phreaker and The Infiltrator _______________________________________________________________________________ Quick Notes ----------Stronghold East is now running on a new Apple //e thanks to their friends at AMEX. They formally ran SE off of a Franklin Ace. May 3, 1986 Most recently the hard drive at SE crashed and until they acquire the new ProDos Apple net, they will be running Phlash-Net written by Phlash Gordon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rumor has it that the Apple Wizard was busted for dealing and using coke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------A guy named the CPTN was busted in Nevada for something pertaining to the Captain Midnight incident. He was also busted for carding and was caught with illegally obtained modems. Info by Death Angel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- phrack6/13.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 4 A member of the Underworld Elite, run by Night Stalker, got busted for calling the White House and making a bomb threat. The Secret Service came to his house and they knew he used illegal extenders to make the calls. This user decided to give them the number and his passwords to the Underworld Elite. He was deleted. Info by Night Stalker, 5/11/86...The Underworld (216)356-9464 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Telenet Bob was busted. The full story appeared in the April issue of 2600 Magazine. Nineteen year old from New Jersey. Name Robert Davenport. $500 fine, $890 restitution to AT&T. Info by Sally Ride:::Space Cadet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bad Boy In Black has given up BBSing and Phreaking (for the most part) so you probably won’t be hearing from him again. He claims he has gotten bored of BBSing and have had little time since the summer is rolling around. Therefore, he decided to give it up all together. Info by [bad boy in black] 5/11/86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shooting Shark has also left the phreak world for the more or less same reasons plus the fact that he is going to college. Info by Shooting Shark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Texas, some cop was running a bbs called the Tunnel. No one was busted, but names and handles of those posting illegal codes were collected. The cop has received several death threats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Slayer was busted on April 25, 1986. Reportedly he was visited by agents from Metrophone, MCI, New Jersey Bell, and the FBI. His bust concerned Metro abuse. The Godfather, in Rhode Island, was also linked to this bust as well and as of now has quite the phreak world, but no further information is available on that. Most recently it has been discovered that the Slayer has been hired as a TSPS operator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------More news on The Sprinter here; after all was said and done, Sprinter plea bargained (as expected) and plead guilty to the charges. He spent 14 days in jail, has a $2000 fine, 2 years probation, 200 hours community service, and of course those lawyer costs. He at this point has not accepted a job with MicroSoft. Info by Jester Sluggo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------It has been reported that The Mentor and Crustaceo Mutoid are now writing for a newsletter in California called The Underground Informer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Arabian Knight was busted for conferencing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Guardian Demon (215) was apparently busted for Metrophone abuse, but formal charges have not been brought forth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jester Sluggo has officially retired from all board calling and is now into straight hacking. He will maintain his contacts in the phreak world. Sysops are asked to remove his accounts. _______________________________________________________________________________ \003 ========================================================================= phrack6/2.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 2 of 13 \‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\ Phrack Pro-Phile 3 Featuring: User Groups and Clubs Written By Knight Lightning and Taran King On June 10, 1986 \‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\ Welcome to issue 3 of Phrack Pro-Phile. The information herein was originally supposed to appear as a special issue of PWN, but instead was made this issue’s Phrack Pro-Phile. Taran King and I have collected much information about the different clubs and groups of today and yesterday and compiled in the form that you will now see. \‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\‘\ Extasyy Elite: The story of Extasyy Elite is a sad one for the group was literally destroyed by its own members. The Poltergeist turned in all of Extasyy after he got busted for carding. This led the authorities to The Mentor who had stolen 30 Apple //es. Mentor’s bust almost led to The Protestor, but luckily, The Mentor was able to warn Protestor in time. (See Phrack World News Issue III). The membership of the club included: Bit Blitz Crustaceo Mutoid The Mentor The Protestor Cisban Evil Priest Kleptic Wizard The Poltergeist Crustaceo Mutoid later joined the Racketeers, but now he and The Mentor write for a California newsletter called the Underground Informer. Extasyy hung out on Hack Net BBS and FWSO, a bbs in Colorado. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fargo 4A: This group was started on a conference consisting of Bioc Agent 003, TUC, Big Brother, Quasi-Moto, Video Warhead, and the Wizard of Arpanet. What they did was get several Directory Assistants on the conference, and each person assumed a role of some sort of telco agent. Now they told the DA’s that all their calls were going to be re-routed to a different location. They got some of the DA’s to believe them, and some of them were almost laid off because of this conference. By the way, Fargo is in North Dakota, that’s where the first DA was from. It is believed that Wizard of ARPAnet was busted by John Maxfield and that BIOC completely retired from the phreak world. This group was unofficially disbanded, but several of the members are still active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Five-O: A reasonably new IBM kracking group, which was formally the Imperial Warlords. Currently they are re-kracking software and claiming it to be original by themselves. They are known for placing insulting messages towards certain people inside their re-kracked software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------IBM Syndicate: This group was formed around April 6, 1986. Its charter members included; Dark Creaper (916), Brew Associates (215), Major Havoc (301), and one other whose handle remains unknown to me at the current time. They were a new phreak/hack/pirate group. Unfortunately, this group (like so many others) died within its first month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- phrack6/2.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 2 Icub (International Computer Underground Bandits): This is a hack/phreak group who’s main emphasis is on phreaking. It is based in Memphis, Tennessee. It has 10 members in it, and the only semi-active member left is Doc Holiday. Not much else is really known about this group except that it is inactive and there have not been any announced plans to revive it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOD/H: Legion Of Doom/Hackers These two groups are very closely intertwined. They both were formed on Plovernet. The founding member was Lex Luthor. Through the years, there have been LOD/H bulletin boards such as Blottoland, LOD, FOD, etc. Today there is Catch 22 and a new LOD bbs, supposedly being run by King Blotto. The current member list of the group is as follows: Legion Of Hackers ----------------Blue Archer Gary Seven Kerrang Khan Lex Luthor Master Of Impact Silver Spy (Sysop of Catch 22) The Marauder The Videosmith Legion Of Doom -------------Phucked Agent 04 Compu-Phreak LOD/H is known for being one of the oldest and most knowledgeable of all groups. In the past they have written many extensive g-philes about various topics. (Please forgive any mistakes in the member list since this list was provided by Lex Luthor approximately 1 1/2 - 2 months ago). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metal Communications: A very large group that has written many files throughout its existence. Some of the boards in its menagerie include Speed Demon Elite, Metal AE, Metal Works AE, Metalland I and several others. The membership of Metal Communications includes: Cobalt 60/Crimson Pirate/Dr. Local/Red Pirate/Shadow Lord/The Angel Of Destiny The Apothecary/The Byte/The Byte Byter/The Dark Wizard/The Duke/The Dutchman The Man In Black/The Prophet/The Pink Panther/The Voice Over/The Radical Rocker The Warlock Lord/White Knight Red Pirate, Crimson Pirate, and Dr. Local are the group’s main ware distributors. A subsidiary of Metal Communications is the Neon Knights whose membership includes: Baby Demon/Jolly*Roger/The Blade aka Killer Kurt/The Master of Reality The Metallian/The Outland/Zandar Zan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAG/PAP: Phreaks Against Geeks/Phreaks Against Phreaks Against Geeks PAG: This group was formed by TWCB Inc. as a joke on a conference in December, 1985. The charter members were TWCB, Inc. taRfruS, Blue Adept, The Clashmaster and a few others. Later, Catcher in the Rye and the Slovak wanted to join. PAP: In resistance to PAG, Boston Stangler and Micro Man formed PAP. Several others sided with them but were never formal members. All of this nonsense was really started on the Dartmouth system and was mainly a feud between phreaks in the Boston (617) area until TWCB got involved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Administration: This group was sort of in two parts; The Administration and Team Hackers ’86. The membership of these groups include: Adolph Hitler...............Team Hackers ’86 phrack6/2.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 3 Alpha Centauri Author Unknown..............Team Hackers ’86 British Bloke...............Team Hackers ’86 Dark Priest David Lightman (214)........Administration Leader/ Team Hackers ’86 Dr. Pepper Hewlett Hackard Major Havock................Team Hackers ’86 Mane Phrame Mark Twain Phoneline Phantom 1 - *Not* a member of Phoneline Phantoms. Red Baron Renegade Rebel Sasha Kinski................Team Hackers ’86 The President Walter Mitty The group did disband temporarily for reasons dealing with security, but now is back together. For other news about this group see the current PWN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Nihilist Order: This group was really a loosely connected bunch of friends and phreaks and not a true club. It is based in Fremont and Sunnyvale, California. It was started by TRASk and The Highwayman. The membership includes: BelGarion/Ogre Ogre/The Animator/The Highwayman/TRASk All of the members of the group have been busted or been involved in busts in the past few months. The Highwayman bit it in the Phoenix Phortress Sting Operation, and the others all got caught on a carding scam. Although BelGarion was later released with no record. One of the boards in the Nihilist Order’s network is the Shattered World Elite, which is sysoped by TRASk. The group is currently inactive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The P.H.I.R.M.: A somewhat new group that recently has been accused (without proof) of being fed invested. Not much is really known about this group as they would disclose very little information. Some of the boards that are now P.H.I.R.M operated include Thieve’s Underworld, sysoped by Jack The Ripper, World’s Grave Elite sysoped by Sir Gamelord, and SATCOM IV. The P.H.I.R.M. reportedly will be releasing a newsletter. The membership of the P.H.I.R.M. supposedly includes: Archangel Jack The Ripper The Stingray Blade Runner Sir Gamelord It is rumored that Blade Runner is the same person as Archangel and/or The Stingray. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------TPM (The Punk Mafia): This group when last checked had eight members. The following is a complete listing. Arthur Dent Erik Bloodaxe Ninja NYC Rudolph Smith (703) Creative Chaos Gin Fizz Peter Gunn The Godfather (703) The group will be going through a rebirth this summer. Their main goals include burglary, fraud, hacking, and phreaking. Most recently The Godfather retired and Ninja NYC came very close to being busted. See Phrack World News Issue V. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Racketeers: The new Apple pirating group was assembled by Apple Rebel. The phrack6/2.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 4 membership now includes: Apple Rebel/Crustaceo Mutoid/Hot Rod/The Micron/The Warezird ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tribunal Of Knowledge: This group was formed very recently by Blue Buccaneer and High Evolutionary with one purpose in mind: to get together to trade knowledge and information and to discuss this information until all the members had a good working knowledge of it. The final result would be g-philes written by the group about the topic. On the whole it was a good idea. The complete membership includes: Blue Buccaneer Chef Boy R Dee Cyclone II High Evolutionary Night Stalker Paradox Professor Pixel Slave Driver The Inspectre The Seker The Wild Phreak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2300 Club: Based in Cleveland, Ohio. The 2300 Club is now being compared and treated as miniature mafia by local authorities. This is mainly for crimes including the blowing up of cars. Two of the members were caught for fraudulent use of a credit card and one has been arrested for car theft. Which of the members that refers to, I don’t know, but the membership of the 2300 Club included: Dr. Gorey Dr. No Eagle Eyes Judge Dredd King Blotto Mr. Modem Prince Squid Spectreman The Formatter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2600 Club/New 2600 Club: Both groups are no longer in existence. Originally started as a local group of friends in St. Louis, Missouri, it gained members quickly, too quickly, and as the membership grew, the unity and productivity of the group lessened until the group(s) finally broke up. However many of the members of 2600 Club now write (or have in the past) for Phrack Inc. Among them are: Cheap Shades/Data Line/Dr. Crash/Forest Ranger/Gin Fizz/Jester Sluggo Knight Lightning/Monty Python/Phantom Phreaker/Taran King/The Clashmaster 2600 Club had no relation to 2600 Magazine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Warelords: There are 13 members in the Warelords and they are based in California, Maryland, Tennessee, Washington D.C., and Wyoming. Billibuster, a member of the group, said that the Warelords are a phreaking and carding group that also writes programs and sells them. He claims that they are not pirates. The group isn’t very active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other groups: -----------Catholics Anonymous: A pirate group Elite Phreakers and Hackers Club: From World of Cryton Feds R Us: Joke by King Blotto High Mountain Hackers Imperial Warlords: See Five-O Inner Circle: The Cracker (Author of "Out of The Inner Circle") Kaos Inc. Knights of Shadow: Sir Knight MPG: Midwestern Pirates Guild NASA Elite: Captain Kid Neon Knights: See Metal Communications Phlash: A relatively new Amiga kracking group. Phoneline Phantoms: The Colonel, The Duke, The Executioner, and The Sprinter. phrack6/2.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 5 Phreak Hack Delinquents: Metro Man and the Reaper (212) Project Genesis: Sigmund Fraud RDTF: Red Dawn Text-Files, Saltheart Foamfollower (SE) and Brain Gadget (Ca.) Shadow Brotherhood 65C02 Elite (612): Wizard of ARPAnet and The Count. BBSes: Irongate, North Pole, The Guild, and The Graveyard. The Dange Gang: Maxwell’s Demon Triple Entente 2601 Club: Formed by taRfruS to combat 2600 Club. 1200 Club Ware Brigade phrack6/3.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 1 Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 3 of 13 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The Techno-Revolution by Doctor Crash $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Hacking. It is a full time hobby, taking countless hours per week to learn, experiment, and execute the art of penetrating multi-user computers. Why do hackers spend a good portion of their time hacking? Some might say it is scientific curiosity, others that it is for mental stimulation. But the true roots of hacker motives run much deeper than that. In this file I will describe the underlying motives of the aware hackers, make known the connections between Hacking, Phreaking, Carding, and Anarchy, and make known the "techno-revolution" which is laying seeds in the mind of every hacker. To fully explain the true motives behind hacking, we must first take a quick look into the past. In the 1960’s, a group of MIT student built the first modern computer system. This wild, rebellious group of young men were the first to bear the name "hackers". The systems that they developed were intended to be used to solve world problems and to benefit all of mankind. As we can see, this has not been the case. The computer system has been solely in the hands of big businesses and the government. The wonderful device meant to enrich life has become a weapon which dehumanizes people. To the government and large businesses, people are no more than disk space, and the government doesn’t use computers to arrange aid for the poor, but to control nuclear death weapons. The average American can only have access to a small microcomputer which is worth only a fraction of what they pay for it. The businesses keep the true state of the art equipment away from the people behind a steel wall of incredibly high prices and bureaucracy. It is because of this state of affairs that hacking was born. Hackers realize that the businesses aren’t the only ones who are entitled to modern technology. They tap into online systems and use them to their own advantage. Of course, the government doesn’t want the monopoly of technology broken, so they have outlawed hacking and arrest anyone who is caught. Even worse than the government is the security departments of businesses and companies. They act as their own "private armies" and their ruthless tactics are overlooked by the government, as it also serves their needs. Hacking is a major facet of the fight against the computer monopoly. One of the ways hackers accomplish their means has developed into an art in itself: Phone Phreaking. It is essential that every Hacker also be a Phreak, because it is necessary to utilize the technology of the phone company to access computers far from where they live. The phone company is another example of technology abused and kept from people with high prices. Hackers often find that their existing equipment, due to the monopoly tactics of computer companies, is inefficient for their purposes. Due to the inexorbitantly high prices, it is impossible to legally purchase the necessary equipment. This need has given still another segment of the fight: Credit Carding. Carding is a way of obtaining the necessary goods without paying for them. It is again due to the companies stupidity that Carding is so easy, and shows that the world’s businesses are in the hands of those with considerably less technical know-how than we, the hackers. There is one last method of this war against computer abusers. This is a less subtle, less electronic method, but much more direct and gets the message across. I am speaking of what is called Anarchy. Anarchy as we know it does not refer to the true meaning of the word (no ruling body), but to the process of physically destroying buildings and governmental establishments. This is a very drastic, yet vital part of this "techno-revolution." Hacking must continue. We must train newcomers to the art of hacking. We phrack6/3.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 2 must also increase computer Crashing. I know that crashing a computer seems a waste, but when there is no other way to subvert a business, their system must be shut down. As I stated above, this is only on the motives. If you need a tutorial on how to perform any of the above stated methods, please read a file on it. And whatever you do, continue the fight. Whether you know it or not, if you are a hacker, you are a revolutionary. Don’t worry, you’re on the right side. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you have a question or comment about this file or the "technorevolution" just leave mail for me on the Metal Shop AE (314)256-7284, or any other BBS I may happen to be on. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ phrack6/4.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 1 Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 4 of 13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "How To Have Fun With a Bic Lighter" by The Leftist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= First off, let me say, that I am not responsible for any personal damage done by the use of the information in this file. Shower of sparks from nowhere: ----------------------------This trick is done usually with an empty lighter. Disassemble the top, being careful not to loose the flint, and the spring, which are under the striker wheel. Throw away everything else, unless there is still some fluid in the lighter, which can be used for some of the other things in this file. Save the flint and spring. Ok, now take the spring, and pull on the end a little, and stretch the spring out a little longer than the flint. Next, take the flint, and kind of wrap the end of the spring around it. It should look sort of like fig. A. Next, the fun part. Take the spring, and hold it by the end that doesn’t have flint on it, and heat the flint till it glows. Don’t worry, the heat won’t burn your fingers. Then, throw it flint first at victim, pavement, or whatever. Fig. A \/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\-----/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\------ <- heat this end ^ ^ | | spring flint What to do with leftover lighter casing: --------------------------------------Light one of the striker wheel supports, and lay it upside down in a corner and run like hell! This will blow pretty good. You can also take the casing and wrap it loosely in a paper towel, light the towel, step back, and shoot it with a BB gun. Fun. Experiment, but don’t ever puncture the lighter, while you’re holding it, that would be foolish. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Any questions or comments? Contact me on the 2400 Baud Exchange 404-925-9657. The Leftist. ^*^ _______________________________________________________________________________ phrack6/5.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 5 of 13 =============================================================================== -----------Unix Nasties -----------By Shooting Shark Written on April 3, 1986 =============================================================================== Summary: Methods of sabotaging your favorite Unix system. Preface: I do not advocate utilizing ANY of the methods I put forth in this file. Unix is a cool operating system, perhaps one of the best systems ever designed in many respects. If you have access to a Unix system, you should LEARN UNIX AND LEARN C, because that is where the money is in the computer world. However, Unix is a relatively insecure operating system which is easy to fuck up. This file explains a few ways of doing so. Crash The System ---------------Unix has no built-in provision for the maximum amount of disk space allowed per user. Thus, one user can grab all the disk space on the system and effectively prevent anyone else from writing to the disk. A simple way of grabbing all the disk space is to create subdirectory after subdirectory until it is no longer possible. Here are a few ways of doing it. 1> Create a file with the following lines: mkdir subdir cd subdir source /u1/mydir/crash Call it crash. The last line ("source /u1/mydir/crash") should be altered so that it will look for the file in your directory. If your directory is /u3/students/jeff, the last line should say "source /u3/students/jeff/crash". After you write the above file, type: % source crash and wait...within a few minutes the program will abort because it won’t have any more room on the disk. Neither will anyone else. 2> Here’s a more elegant way of doing the same thing. loop" shellscript: Create this "endless while : ; do mkdir subdir cd subdir done and then "source" the file. If you are in the "sh" shell (if you are, you will probably have a "$" prompt) you can type "while : ; do" from the $ prompt. You will then get a > prompt. Type the next three lines and sit back. 3> If you’d like to set the process in motion and hang up, and the file is called crash, type: % nohup source crash & and log off. This will start it as a background process, allowing you to log off. However, log off QUICKLY, since if you used the first example for your crash file, it will also eat up background processes like crazy which will also fuck up the system to some extent. Which brings us to... phrack6/5.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:49 2022 2 Slow Down The System Immensely -----------------------------There are many ways of doing this, the method being creating a sufficiently large number of background processes. Here’s one specific example. Create a file called "slow1" with the following lines: w & source slow1 create a file called "slow2" with: source slow1 & source slow2 and execute slow2 with % slow2 or % slow2 & This will create 25 background processes, each one running 25 background processes. The system will hardly move after you’ve got each one running. Messing Up A Directory ---------------------Many file-handling commands use "-" options. beginning of its name by doing this: Create a file with a "-" at the cat > -filename [now type a few lines, maybe something rude like "ha ha you can’t delete this file".] Type a ^D (control-d) to end input. You now have a file called -filename in your directory. It will be VERY difficult to remove this file. If you were to try rm (remove) -filename or mv (rename) -filename, the rm or mv program would interpret -filename as an option, not a file, and would give you an error message telling you that -filename was not a valid option...thus, the file stays there obnoxiously. Create a couple of hundred files with "-" as the first characters in their names...it will be a royal pain for the person who is blessed with these new files, and they will probably just have to get a new login. Conclusion The use of any of these techniques is quite irresponsible, and if anyone did this to my Unix system, I’d be quite pissed. That is why I strongly recommend that you never use these tricks. So Long, Shooting Shark "Some people have a bad attitude, and I say, if they want to act tough, beat ’em up!" - Blue Oyster Cult ------------------------------------------------------------------------------For more information on UNIX sabotage and cracking, see the following articles: Ritchie, Dennis M. [he wrote Unix] "On the Security of UNIX." Programmers Manual for UNIX System III Volume II. Supplementary Documents. Filipski, Alan and Hanko, James. "Making UNIX Secure." BYTE Magazine, April 1986, pp 113-128. =============================================================================== phrack6/6.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 6 of 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------* / /=-=-=-=-=-\ < Smoke Bomb > >----------< < by > > Alpine < < Kracker > \-=-=-=-=-=/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------IngredientsSaltpetre (Potassium Nitrate) Sugar Alcohol (100% is best, but plain rubbing alcohol will work) Gunpowder (or some ground-up rocket engines) Matches (Get a box of 50 packs -they can be very useful.) Coffee can Cigarette Instructions: -----------Combine the sugar and saltpetre in a 3:1 ratio (Sugar:saltpetre) and heat over a low flame until the mixture has thoroughly melted together. (It will look like sticky white lumps when ready) You need to stir this continually while heating, and remove it from the flame at the very first sign of smoke. I had a batch go off in my face once, and the workroom was filled with smoke for a good half hour. It is easier and safer to work with smaller batches. Now, dump all of this "smoke powder" into a coffee can, add some match heads, moisten it with a little alcohol, and add gunpowder until all the smoke powder is coated. Now tape a cigarette between the match heads in an unopened book. Imbed the book into the mixture. Light the but, and walk casually away to find a nice alibi within 5 minutes. Notes: ----You should be able to find some Saltpeter in a local drug store. All of the gunpowder, match heads, and alcohol is simply to insure good ignition. You can omit them, but if you have them, mix them in for reliability’s sake. For the fuse, you can either use the one listed, or either some canon fuse, or a rocket igniter and an electrical system. A quarter pound of this stuff is supposed to fill a city block. I’m not sure if that is accurate, but it sure fills a public bathroom nicely. /\ | / / \ | / /====\ | / | | | \ | lpine | racker _______________________________________________________________________________ phrack6/7.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 7 of 13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cellular Telephones [Written By The High Evolutionary] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I assume that most of us know many of the technical aspects of Cellular Phreaking therefore this file is intended for general information as to how these unique devices operate. -------------------------------------------------------------Cellular is likely to be successful because it provides dramatic improvements over the historic automobile phones. For years, mobile radio-telephone service was an extremely limited proposition. There were only forty-four radio channels available, and a maximum of about thirty were assigned to any one area. That meant if all thirty channels were occupied-one conversation per channel-and you were the thirty-first mobile phone user who wished to make a call, you would have to wait thirty minutes or more, even in a city the size of New York. As you can imagine, mobile radio-telephone service like that could not become very popular. Even with the limited number of channels, long delays in making calls during busy periods, and often poor quality transmission, there were big waiting lists for mobile service. But with a fully equipped cellular radio-telephone system, it is possible to make 5000 times as many calls simultaneously in the same metropolitan area, opening up the service to anyone that can pay the hefty prices. That is because cellular radio-telephones systems are technically quite different from traditional mobile telephones. First, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has allocated far more channels to cellular, 666 in all. Second, those 666 channels are broadcast from many different locations. In the old mobile telephone systems, there was one powerful radio station with a large antenna that served an entire city. In the new system, a geographical area is honeycombed with many cells, hence the name ’Cellular’. Each cell has its own low-powered radio transmitter and receiver. As a car with a cellular telephone or a person carrying a portable moves from one cell to the next, the call is transferred automatically. You’re unlikely to notice when this transfer takes place, even though your phone is suddenly switched to a different radio station and to another channel while you are talking. Because the cellular signal is low-powered, it doesn’t go very far. This permits the same channel you are talking on to be used for calls in other parts of the same metropolitan area without interference. This would mean cellular radio-telephone systems can serve a very large number of customers in an area because there are more channels than before-and the larger number of channels are reused. Unlike local telephone service, which is provided by a monopoly, there is competition in cellular. Two classes of companies are allowed to offer cellular telephone service in every market. One cellular system can be owned by a telephone company, the other by someone else. The two-company rule was adopted by the FCC so that AT&T, which developed cellular, could not monopolize the whole thing. Cellular Telephones come in two basic versions, as car phones and portable phones, with a briefcase hybrid. Car phones are by far the most common, because they are much cheaper. But most believe that, ultimately, portables will be the most popular. Washington Post Company president Richard Simmons, whose company is a partner in several cellular systems, even predicts that by the early 1990’s "There will be phones roughly the size of a calculators that you carry around in your pocket. They will cost no more than five hundred dollars. They will emancipate people from the necessity of locating a phone to make calls. The bad news is, you will never be able to get away from the phone, and we’ll call it progress." phrack6/7.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 2 Car telephones include a small transmitter-receiver unit that is usually mounted in the trunk, an antenna and a control head that includes the handset. In most cellular systems, the telephone touchpad is located on the handset. Many domestic and foreign manufacturers make cellular car phones, but so far only Motorola makes portables, the DYNA T-A-C 8000X and 8000S. Motorola’s portables look like a slightly enlarged, somewhat chunky telephone handset, with a stubby antenna at one end. Portables are less powerful than car units, so they can’t be used with some cellular systems. The portable’s other limitation is battery life. A portable can listen for calls for about eight hours, but it can only transmit for only thirty minutes. After that time it must be charged for a minimum of an hour. The following American cities have cellular telephone service or soon will get it: New York Denver Los Angeles Seattle Chicago Milwaukee Philadelphia Tampa Detroit Cincinnati Boston Kansas City San Francisco Buffalo Washington Phoenix Dallas San Jose Houston Indianapolis St. Louis New Orleans Miami Portland Pittsburgh Cleveland San Diego Atlanta Baltimore Minneapolis -------------------------------------------------------------- phrack6/8.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 8 of 13 !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.! Jester Sluggo presents an insight on Wide-Area Networks Part 2 !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.! Part 1 contains information on ARPANET and CSNET. Part 2 contains information on BITNET, MFENET, UUCP and USENET. It is best if you read both files to better understand each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------These files will cover general information on wide-area networks, (I.E. ARPANET, CSNET, BITNET, MFENET, UUCP and USENET), but may contain information in relationship with other networks not emphasized in these files. These files are NOT a hacker’s tutorial/guide on these systems. BITNET ˜˜˜˜˜˜ BITNET. In 1981, City University of New York (CUNY) surveyed universities on the East Coast of the U.S. and Canada, inquiring whether there was interest in creating and easy-to-use, economical network for interuniversity communication between scholars. The response was positive. Many shared the CUNY belief in the importance of computer-assisted communication between scholars. The first link of the new network, called BITNET, was established between CUNY and Yale University in May 1981. The network technology chosen for BITNET was determined by the availability of the RSCS software on the IBM computers at the initial sites. [The name BITNET stands for Because It’s Time NETwork.] The RSCS software is simple but effective, and most IBM VM-CMS computer systems have it installed for local communications, supporting file transfer and remote job entry services. The standard BITNET links are leased telephone lines running at 9600 bps. Although all the initial nodes were IBM machines in university computer centers, the network is in no way restricted to such systems. Any computer with an RSCS emulator can be connected to BITNET. Emulators are available for DEC VAX-VMS systems, VAX-UNIX systems, and for Control Data Corp. Cyber systems and others. Today, more than one-third of the computers on BITNET are non-IBM systems. BITNET is a store-and-forward network with files and messages sent from computer to computer across the network. It provides electronic mail, remote job entry, and file transfer services, and supports and interactive message facility and a limited remote logon facility. Most BITNET sites use the same electronic mail procedures and standards as the ARPANET, and as a result of the installation of electronic mail gateway systems at the University of California at Berkley and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, most BITNET users can communicate electronically with users on CSNET and the ARPANET. BITNET has expanded extremely rapidly -- a clear indication that is providing service that people need and want. The simplicity of the connection to the network -- acquiring a 9600-bps leased line to the nearest neighboring computer node and in installing an additional line interface and modem -provides the service at the right price. By the end of 1985 the number of computers connected was expected to exceed 600, at more than 175 institutions of higher education throughout the U.S. BITNET is open without restriction to any college or university. It is not limited to specific academic disciplines, and may be used for any academic purpose. However, use for commercial purposes is prohibited. In special cases, connection of commercial organizations may be sponsored by universities. A particular case is the connection of Boeing Computer Services to BITNET, as part of the NSFnet initiative, to provide remote job entry services to their Cray X-MP/24 to NSF supercomputer grantees who have access to BITNET. Until recently BITNET had no central management structure, and was coordinated by an executive board consisting of members from the major institutions participating. This worked because most of the computers connected were managed and operated by professional service organizations in university computer centers. However, the growth in the network made it phrack6/8.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 2 possible to continue in this ad hoc fashion, and a central support organization was established with support from an IBM grant. The central support organization, called the BITNET network support center (BITNSC), has two parts: A user services organization, the network information center (BITNSC), which provides user support, a name server and a variety of databases, and the development and operations center (BITDOC) to develop and operate the network. A major question facing the members of BITNET is how the funding of this central organization will be continued when the IBM grant expires in 1987. BITNET, with support from the NSFnet Program, is now examining ways to provide ARPANET-like services to existing BITNET sites. The project, which is similar to the CSNET CYPRESS project, will explore a strategy to provide an optional path to the use of the TCP-IP procedures on existing 9.6-kbps leased lines. The possibility of upgrading these lines to multiple alternate links, providing higher reliability and availability, or to higher speed 56-kbps links is also being studied. The project will offer a higher level of service to BITNET sites choosing this path and also enable a low-cost connection to NSFnet. MFENET ˜˜˜˜˜˜ MFENET. The DOE’s magnetic fusion energy research network was established in the mid-1970’s to support access to the MFE Cray 1 supercomputer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The network uses 56-kbs satellite links, and is designed to provide terminal access to the Cray time-sharing system (CTSS), also developed at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. The network currently supports access to Cray 1, Cray X-MP/2, Cray 2, and Cyber 205 supercomputers. The network uses special-purpose networking software developed at Livermore, and, in addition to terminal access, provides file transfer, remote output queuing, and electronic mail, and includes some specialized application procedures supporting interactive graphics terminals and local personal computer (PC)-based editing. Access to the network is in general restricted to DOE-funded researchers. Recently the network has been expanded to include the DOE-funded supercomputer at Florida State University. MFENET is funded by DOE and managed by Livermore. MFENET has been successful in supporting DOE supercomputer users. However, the specialized nature of the communications protocols is now creating difficulties for researchers who need advanced graphics workstations that use the UNIX BSD 4.2 operating system and the TCP-IP protocols on LAN’s. For these and other reasons, DOE is examining how best to migrate MFENET to the TCP-IP, and later to the OSI, protocols. The combination of the CTSS operating system and the MFENET protocols creates an effective interactive computing environment for researchers using Cray supercomputers. For this reason, two of the new NSF national supercomputer centers -- San Diego (SDSC) and Illinois -- have chosen the CTSS operating system. In SDSC’s case, the MFENET protocols have also been chosen to support the SDSC Consortium network. In Illinois case, a project to implement the TCP-IP protocols for the CTSS operating system has been funded by the NSFnet program, and these developments will be shared with SDSC (and with DOE) to provide a migration path for the SDSC Consortium network. UUCP and USENET ˜˜˜˜ ˜˜˜˜˜˜ UUCP and USENET. The UUCP network was started in the 1970’s to provide electronic mail and file transfer between UNIX systems. The network is a host-based store-and-forward network using dialup telephone circuits and operates by having each member site dialup the next UUCP host computer and send and receive files and electronic mail messages. The network uses addresses based on the physical path established by this sequence of dialups connections. UUCP is open to any UNIX system which chooses to participate. There are "informal" electronic mail gateways between UUCP and ARPANET, BITNET, or CSNET, so that users of any of these networks can exchange electronic mail. USENET is a UNIX news facility based on the UUCP network that provides a news bulletin board service. Neither UUCP nor USENET has a central management; volunteers maintain and distribute the routing tables for the network. Each member site pays its own costs and agrees to carry traffic. Despite this reliance on mutual cooperation and anarchic management style, the network operates and provides a useful, if somewhat unreliable, and low-cost service to its members. Over the years the network has grown into a world-wide network with thousands of computers participating. phrack6/8.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 3 OTHERS ˜˜˜˜˜˜ Other Wide-Area Networks. Of necessity this file of wide-area networks has been incomplete: Other networks of interest include the Space Plasma Analysis Network (SPAN) -- a network of DEC VAX computers using 9.6-kbps links and the DECNET protocols for National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s researchers; the planned Numerical and Atmospheric Sciences (NAS) network centered at Ames Research Center -- a network that is expected to use existing and planned NASA communications links and the TCP-IP protocols; and the planned high-energy physics network -- a network based largely on VAX computers and using the standard X.25 network level protocols plus the so called "coloured books" protocols developed in the United Kingdom. Also, many high-energy physicists, at the Stanford Linear Accelerator, at the Lawrence Berkley Laboratory, and at Fermi Laboratory, among others, have used DECNET to connect their DEC VAX computers together. / \ / luggo !! Please give full credit for references to the following: Dennis M. Jennings, Lawrence H. Landweber, Ira H. Fuchs, David J. Faber, and W. Richards Adrion. Any questions, comments or Sluggestions can be emailed to me at Metal Shop, or sent via snailmail to the following address until 12-31-1986: J. Sluggo P.O. Box 93 East Grand Forks, MN 56721 phrack6/9.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 1 ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 9 of 13 ˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜ *-=+^ Phrack World News ^+=-* Issue Five/Part 1 Compiled and Written By Knight Lightning ˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜-˜ Where is Taran King? May 10, 1986 -------------------Taran King is generally thought to be a very mellow, easy going person. For the most part this is true. However he also gets into major fights with his dad. When Taran does get pissed he, gets violent. In the past he has punched a hole into his bedroom door and put dents in his refrigerator with his fists. Most recently his dad found out about his collection of illegal knives, including stilettos, butterflies, and survival knives. They got into an argument about this and eventually into a fight. Taran stormed off to his room. Meanwhile, unknown to him, his dad called the police. They took him to a nearby hospital’s adolescent psychiatric ward, supposedly for evaluation. As of June 14, 1986 he has been there for five weeks and the end isn’t in sight. For a while he had no phone of visitor privileges and there was no way of contacting him. This now has changed, but the problems have not been solved. On May 23, 1986 he was let out on a pass to go see Judas Priest in concert (it was great). He has been let out on pass several times since then as well, mostly on weekends. As far as Metal Shop Private... Well on May 12, 1986, the /\/impha and I decided to go to Taran’s house to collect the Phrack files and to add a few new modifications to the bbs so that I could control it better remotely. Taran’s sister let us in, no problem. Unfortunately, before we were done Taran’s dad came home. He immediately spotted my car outside and burst into the house. He was pissed that we were there and made sure we weren’t stealing anything (like I am really going to steal from my best friend right?). He assumed that the bbs had crashed and that we were there fixing it. He then decided that he didn’t want us to come over every time the board crashed and TOOK IT DOWN! Metal Shop Private will return when Taran gets out, hopefully sometime in June. _______________________________________________________________________________ Metal Shop AE April 27, 1986 ------------Metal Shop AE is now the proud possessor of a full 40 megs of online storage. It also has added an individual password system for greater board security and now has an email messaging service online. Metal Shop AE is sysoped by Cheap Shades. It is one of the main distribution centers for Phrack Inc. It has the complete Phrack series online as well as almost 1000 other files. To become a member of Metal Shop AE, contact Cheap Shades, Taran King, or Knight Lightning. To upload files for distribution in Phrack Inc. be sure to upload them to drive E which will save your file to a non-public viewable drive where it will stay until it is edited for Phrack. _______________________________________________________________________________ phrack6/9.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 2 Mark Tabas and Karl Marx Busted May 2, 1986 ------------------------------The story goes like this; Mark Tabas was working at a plant in Denver where credit card blanks are manufactured. He decided to take a few. He and Karl Marx then went about finding someone with an embossing machine to print some stuff onto the blanks. They were able to find someone and agreed to meet at a motel to do the work. Everything went well. They were able to print card numbers, names, and expiration dates that they had gotten onto the blanks. To celebrate they ordered a bottle of champagne from room service, and paid for it with one of the cards. At that point the guy with the embosser pulled his badge, Secret Service! Now Mark Tabas and Karl Marx are facing forgery and carding charges along with theft for the blanks. Information provided by Sally Ride...Space Cadet (Editor’s Note: At the time that this information was gained, Sally Ride commented that it may be a rumor. Any inconsistencies are not his fault) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 15, 1986 We at Phrack have since uncovered more information about this bust. Apparently a guy named Will Bell, who’s handle was Jack Bell, set up Karl Marx and Mark Tabas. Will Bell had the embossing machine and was not a member of the Secret Service. Instead, he was the son of a member of the Secret Service (although maybe he was the son of a member of the FBI). Since he was not a fed, this was not a case of entrapment. It is believed that Will/Jack Bell is originally from the 312 (Chicago) area. Information Provided by Jester Sluggo and The Sprinter _______________________________________________________________________________ FBI/Wylon In Action ------------------On May 2, 1986, the homes of Cheap Shades and Kleptic Wizard received visits from Edward P. Nowicki, Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This was not a bust in any way. This agent was trying to gain evidence for a telecommunications company known as Wylon, which is mainly based in the Colorado/Wyoming area. Apparently someone or several people had been calling Kleptic Palace AE and Metal Shop AE illegally and Mr. Nowicki wanted to know who had been placing these calls. As far as Kleptic Palace AE, the calls in question were made on 2/9/86 5:12 AM, 2/9/86 4:33 PM, and 2/10/86 7:30 AM. Although no specific order is mentioned. The times of the calls made to Metal Shop AE are not available. A third place called was the home of TWCB Inc. At the time of these calls Whackoland was still up. The agent expected all of them to have a caller log on the board but of course neither of their AEs kept caller logs. Not to mention the fact that no one would kept a caller log for three months anyway. Kleptic Wizard got a message to Taran King which was then sent to me, and within the hour I arrived at Klepto’s house where I discovered the FBI still around, so after killing another 45 minutes, I went inside and met with Klepto. Mr. Nowicki had left behind two things, his business card and a list of four suspects that he was specifically trying to bust. Apparently all four had been caught for Wylon abuse in the past. I recognized the name at the top of the list almost instantly and as a result, saved a fellow phreak from a possible bust. Two of the others are rumored to have been warned as well. However if this is untrue then the other three still may be in great danger as of this writing. All of the suspects live in the Wyoming/Colorado area. The homes of Cheap Shades and Kleptic Wizard were not searched and their boards were not looked at. The FBI agent even declined an invitation from Kleptic Wizard to see the bbs. This may be because he didn’t have a warrant. Information provided by phrack6/9.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 3 Kleptic Wizard and Cheap Shades _______________________________________________________________________________ Administration Nominations? May 6, 1986 --------------------------In late April 1986, The Administration decided to have their yearly membership drive for the group. The phreaks/hackers being voted on for membership included: Blade Runner/Jester Sluggo/Knight Lightning/Oryan Quest/Phlash Gordon Recent Change/Sally Ride/Slave Driver/Taran King/The Marauder Many of the above and others had thought that they had been voted into the Administration without even being asked. However this was not the case. David Lightman stated that the nominations were made public so that the Administration members would know of the vote taking place on Administration BBS 1. Once the nominations were voted on, then the phreaks/hacks would be formally invited. I now pose an important question. If David Lightman is the only regular board caller of the Administration, then how would the other members know how to vote? So far the results of the votes have not been made public. Not that it matters that much because The Administration has now more or less completely fallen apart. It would appear that this new membership drive was an attempt to revive the group with new blood. However the group has been revived on its own, since the formers members regrouped again...at least temporarily. Some Information Provided by David Lightman _______________________________________________________________________________ Trouble in Texas June 2, 1986 ---------------In the last week of May, David Lightman, decided to do a credimatic check on Blade Runner. To his great surprise, he found that Blade Runner worked for Southwestern Bell Security. He confronted Blade Runner with this information and shortly afterward received a visit from Southwestern Bell Security, who confiscated his terminal programs, his user files, notebooks, and g-phile disks. He claims that his user files and g-philes were scrambled so no one should worry too much. Later that day, Sir Gamelord, sysop of World’s Grave Elite, called David Lightman and said that Blade Runner was on the board and acting really strange. David Lightman told him what happened and they then hung up. The next day Blade Runner is a cosysop of World’s Grave Elite as well as Thieve’s Underground, sysoped by Jack The Ripper. Now Sir Gamelord denies the incident ever occurred. At this writing, David Lightman is laying low and retiring from the phreak world until things clear up. Sir Gamelord’s side to this story is quite different. Sir Gamelord said that he, Blade Runner, and Jack the Ripper were forming a group called the P.H.I.R.M. (see Phrack Pro-Phile 3 this issue) and that Lightman wanted to be in and to lead the group as a subsidiary of The Administration (like Team Hackers’86). They refused, and took away his cosysop access on their boards. Sir Gamelord says that Lightman is making this whole Southwestern Bell Security story up to get revenge on them. However, Lightman claims that he was asked to be a member of The P.H.I.R.M., but refused because he didn’t have the time. He did however recommend Digital Logic, Ford Prefect, and The Lineman (sysop of the Lost City Of Atlantis). David Lightman has since received his disks back but will not be around on boards very much. The decision is up to you. I will try to get more information out on boards as soon as possible. Information provided by David Lightman and Sir Gamelord _______________________________________________________________________________ phrack6/9.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 4 Ninja NYC/Sigmund Fraud; Close Calls -----------------------------------Sigmund Fraud, famous for his incredible proficiency at "social engineering" is now laying incredibly low after what is considered the closest call of his life. The following must be regarded as pure rumor for the sake of non-incrimination of those involved. You readers know what I mean. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The story goes like this, Sigmund Fraud and a friend (the same one who went to the Telepub’86 meeting in New York, however he has no handle) were able to convince their local Bell company that they were another part of the same company and were able to acquire; Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, Speed Calling, and Three Way Calling on to Sigmud Fraud’s personal phone line. Since SF’s friend lived in a Cross Bar (X-Bar) area he could not get these services so they decided to get them for Ninja NYC. They told him about it later. Less than a week later, on the first Thursday of May 1986, Ninja NYC came home to discover 2 telco agents awaiting his return from school. What it boiled down to was that "he" had committed several felonies and to make matters worse, the people at the local Bell company identified Ninja NYC’s voice as being the caller, AND HE ISN’T THE ONE WHO MADE THE CALL!!!! What it finally boiled down to was that Ninja NYC had really received a very scary personal warning. About this same time Sigmund Fraud is getting home and to his great dismay, all of his new found phone features have been turned off!!?! Sometime later (most likely after the telco agents had left) Sigmund gets a call from Ninja NYC. Ninja NYC of course tells him everything that had happened and warned him that he was next. Sigmund immediately called me. We both thought Sigmund was doomed and would be picked up very soon. However this was not the case. The agents didn’t show up and Sigmund had been given a golden opportunity to dump all his illegal items and get his story right. That night I received a call from Slave Driver and Sigmund call me on three-way and we discussed what to do next. The problem was that Sigmund didn’t want to get rid of his illegal items. He had boxes, manuals, notebooks, and even a PBX in his room. I told he had 2 choices; Choice A: SF gets rid of his shit somewhere anywhere, and the telcos don’t get any more evidence or, Choice B: SF leaves the stuff where it is, the telcos come over and take it and SF gets nailed worse. When I left the conversation SF was still discussing what he should do. The next day, he was not visited by the telcos, he was not busted, but instead received a call from his local bell company and was given a very strong verbal warning. Since that time, He has stopped answering his personal phone and believes that line to be monitored. Ninja NYC is almost definitely being monitored and people have been asked not to call him. Of course that didn’t stop Daniel Zigmond from calling him. This was in an attempt to help Sigmund Fraud, but regardless may have done more damage than good. Information Provided by Sigmund Fraud/Slave Driver/Knight Lightning _______________________________________________________________________________ Telecomputist; Printed Newsletter ---------------------------------From: Forest Ranger and "TeleComputist" staff, To: You! June 8, 1986 I have drafted the idea for a newsletter and I stress the word newsletter. TWCB had promised everyone a 40+, glossy page magazine for an outrageous amount. I do not want to say that we are taking TAP over because we are not, but instead making amends for what TWCB did not do. To show our sincerity we will be offering the first issue free. It will be your basic newsletter with exceptional articles from experienced phone phreaks, computer hackers, and phrack6/9.txt Fri Jul 01 13:24:50 2022 5 telecom buffs. Each issue will be a set four pages but since this is the grand opening issue it will be longer (20 pages). For the first free issue please send a postage paid, self addressed envelope to: TeleComputist Newsletter P.O. Box 2003 Florissant, Mo. 63032 Also, please send subscriptions to the same address. The subscription fee for the newsletter will be twelve dollars a year, fifty cents for back issues. This is a monthly circulation and we encourage letters. The "TeleComputist" Staff includes: Forest Ranger/Data Line/Reverend Enge Ax Murderer/Chris Jones/Knight Lightning/Taran King/Mad Molester Information Provided by Telecomputist Staff _______________________________________________________________________________