============== Page 1/1 ============== THEGALACTIC HACKER PARTY ICATA ' 8 9 AUGUST 2 , 3 & 4 , 1989. 3 z - r — s r a r - N - - u u r — a A W T T —1 TA - 7 J B E . T 7 C C U I I 1 n i The Galactic Hacker Party and ICATA'89 are organized j o i n t l y by Hack-Tic and Paradiso, Amsterdam's prime c u l t u r a l centre and pop venue. T h e r e i s a c o l l a boration with the West German Chaos Computer Club ( w i t h a p a r a l l e l node i n Hamburg), w i t h Terminal i n France (node i n P a r i s ) , and w i t h the magazine 2600 in New York. I n Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zeeland, an antipodean Galactic H a c ker Party w i l l be held j o i n t l y with ours, keeping i n constant electronic touch with us i n Amsterdam. ICATA'89, whose a c t i v i t i e s w i l l be mainly i n the morning hours, w i l l c a r y a different theme each day: Wednesday, August 2 , 1989: " T O BYTE OR NOT TO BYTE" There w i l l be discussions about the relationship between "man" and machine, t h e Imitation o f the human brain, computer and c r e a t i v i t y, democracy by computer (-networks), various aspects & consequences o f virusses(-scare), and the manysided l i n k s between ecology and computers. Thursday, August 3 , 1989: " T H E HACKER IN THE LION'S DEN" This day w i l l be about the complex relationship between b i g money, governemnts and t h e i r (secret) services, and the r i g h t t o information with regard t o computers and t h e i r users. I s a computer a crow-bar? How do hackers and i n t e l l i gente services interact? F r e e flow o f information, t h e l e g i s l a t i o n on hacking both a t the national (Dutch) and international l e v e l , censorship i n networks and BBs, b u t also f a c i s t computer games and virusses w i l l be reviewed. Friday, August 4 , 1989: " T H E FUTURE BEH1ND THE COMPUTER" Subtitled " t h e I l l u s i o n o f the Global Communication Vi l l a g e " , t h i s l a s t day w i l l explore the f a n t a s t i c Ideals and the none too pleasant r e a l i t i e s o f the " f r e e flow o f information" world-wide, especially from the p o i n t o f view o f the "Third World". To g e t h e r with communication s p e c i a l i s t s from a l l over Africa gathered in Nairobi, we w i l l examine wether " d e - l i n k i n g " , r a t h e r than global connection, is n o t a b e t t e r option f o r the so-called less developed countries. A s a h e f i t ting f i n a l e , t h e various conclusions t o which the participants w i l l have arrived at w i l l be subsumed i n a declaration embodying the aims & wishes o f the ICATA'89. z 0 Meanwhile, during the middays and afternoons, t h e Galactic Hacker Party w i l l have 0. the building r e e l and shiver under wawes o f unlindted information-transfer, spectacular data-travels and unheard-of demos. T h e GAMENIGHT, on Thursday, w i l l p r o vide the ultimate i n electronic entertainment. A r t s and culture w i l l n o t be f o r gotten e i t h e r with performances by computer a r t i s t s and l i t e r a r y events. 4 u Etegereelatieffroal e i I Fem7 Z . V 2 . U Z T ••• 1-•-• .1'12 t a t e ' gINTERNATIONALCONFERENCEON NE ALTERNATIVEUSEOF TECHNOLOGY ci EMMA. F10,- DAYTICKg F 25,- 3 DAYSPASS, F 21 HACI:-TICSUESCR., F100,-COPPORATEFEE, vomimme:An Tu n e , VW PARADISOWETERINIGSCHANS6-9,1017 50AMSTERDAM,WENETHERLANDS,TEL'31 20 264521431 20 237348, FAX +3120 222721 PARTICIPATING ASSOCIATIONS, CLUBS, INSTITUTIONS ALTERNATIK/CIII/TERMINAL P a r i s - b a s e d network (hy M i n i t e l ) , association and Journal concerned w i t h the social consequences o f information technology. T h e y f o s t e r a c r i t i c a l y e t well-informed a t t i t u d e towards computer and hi-tech i n general. Op 2, 3 en 4 augustus 1989 vindt in Paradiso, Amsterdam, de eerste International Conference on Alternative Use of TechnoloKy (ICATA '89) plaals. Computer-, data-, network en telecommunicatiespecialisten zullen elkaar hier outnuteten en informatie uitwisselen. Dankzij moderne telecommunicatietechnieken kunnen ook geinteresseerden op andere plaatsen op de wereld aan het gesprek deelnemen en de resultaten hiervan worden op een groot scherm zichtbaar gemaakt. Hei is de bedoeling dat alle aanwezigen, of hei nu captains of industry, computenvetenschappers, computerkrakers of PC gebruikers zijn, aan het Forum over de ontwikkeling van dc informatietechnologie deelnemen. Ilet belangrijkste Thema van de conferentie betrefl de democratisering en demystilleatie van moderne computertechnologie in bet lijdperk van de schaalvergroting. TenvijI enerzijds de mogelijkheden van geavanceerde technologie vooral door de industrie en het publiek doorgaans zijn °verschal, is anderzijds erg weinig aandacht gegeven aan de soetale, politieke en economische consequenties van deze technologie. Niet alleen worden de problemen in technische lernten gesteld; ook de oplossingen worden gezecht in de almachtige techniek. De telecommunicatie wordt beheerst door een relalief klein aantal ondernemingen en complexen. Zetre! dc individuele gebruiker als andere minder machtige partijen als bijvoorbeeld denk wereld landen zijn athankelijk van datgene wat hen ler beschikking wordt gesteld. De mattier waarop dc computerindustrie gestructureerd is, kan leiden tot de situatie dat toegang tot- en gebruik van moderne informatielechnologie exclusief wordl voorbehoutlen aan een kleine elfte van professionals, al dan nie) met zakelijke belangen. Ilet zal duidelijk zijn dal in dit licht hei fenomeen computerkraken een ethisch aspeet krijgt. Daarbij krijgt de discussie over deze problematiek een extra dintensie, omdat een aantal deelnemers aan dc conferentie hun standpunt hierover meer dan eens in de praktijk hebben gebracht (NASA cornputerkraak, KGB affaire). Een demonstrafit van de "methoden & lechnicken" door deze super-krakers maakt deel uit van hei programma. Verder is er ruime aandacht, in theorie en praktijk, voor computertechniek, kunstmalige intelligentie, computeramusement, netwerkdemonstraties, fascistiese software, illegale software, virussen, datareizen en interactieve installalies. CHAOSCOMPUTER CLUB is t h e now world famous German club o f computer hackers that became a legend thanks t o a few well-publicized hacks (Btx, t h e NASA-hack, and the pseudo-pilfering o f the Hamburg Saving Bank, various VAX/VMS systems world-wide). T h e i r motto i s "use public data f r e e l y, protect private data f i r m l y " . D u e t o the prevailing German s o c i n - p o l i t i c a l climate, the CCC i s increasingly belog viewed as a radical p o l i t i c a l nmvement, w i t h consequent harassment from the authorities. DER DATENSCHLEUDER "The data-catapult" i s the o f f i c i a l organ o f the CCC. HACK-TIC is t h e Dutch hacker magazine, f i r s t published i n January 1989. l t spreads technical knowledge t o computer hackers and phonephreaks. HACK-TIC i s co-organizer o f the GHP/ICATA'89. 2600 MAGAZINE The New York-based leading American publication f o r "phone Phreaks". T h e y have a track record i n exposing devious practices and p o l i c i e s o f the major telecommunication companies. ARTburo HAaVFTIES Amsterdam-based group specializing i n counter-cultural demontage 8 multi-nedia entertainment: image/sound/light/odors. BILWET(ADILKNO) is t h e Amsterdam-based "Foundation f o r the Advancement o f Illegal knowledge". T h e i r rather flamboyant brand o f underground a c t i v i t i e s include lecture tours, radio/TV programmes seminars and various publications. RAVIJN PUBLISHERS Recently started Amsterdam publishing house specialized i n c r i t i c a l l i t e r a t u r e . T h e i r releases include a photo-book on Palestinians, a book on Shell and Apartheid, and P. Klerks' book on terrorism-control i n the Netherlands. T h e y are b r i n ging out P.M.'s "Bolo'bolo" a t the time o f the conference and w i l l s h o r t l y publish the Dutch translation o f Daniel de Roulet's h a c k e r - t h r i l l e r "Ne comptez pas s u r nous". Theo WAMS Paradiso and Hack-Tic present: (Amsterdam/NL) i s member the Dutch "Environment Defense" group and an expert i s t h e f i e l d o f waste managment i n the THE GALACTIC HACKER PARTY computer industry. Steffen WERNERY (Hamburg/FRG) i s a computer s p e c i a l i s t and leading member of the Chaos Computer Club. A major proponent o f Information openness, he has become o f own experience, a special i s t an o f f i c i a l secrecy and repression as w e l l . T h e i r e ICATA'89 of Philips-France, when he had entered t h e i r i l l - p r o t e c t e d International Conference an the Alternative use of Technology in Amsterdam system,put him behind French bars f o r 2h month i n 1988. Dr. Gerard DE ZEEUW 2nd, 3rd and 4th of August 1989 (Amsterdam/NL) i s professor i n Andragology ( t h e science of social change) a t the University o f Amsterdam. H e spe- Paradiso, Amsterdam cialises i n computer application 8 development f o r the s o cial sciences and i n user-oriented languages 8 cybernetics. Paradiso Weteringschans 6-8 1017 SG Amsterdam The Netherlands tel: +31 20 264521 / + 31 20 237348 tax: + 31 20 222721 In co-oporation with: 2600 Magazine, New York Terminal / Ctll, Paris Chaos Computer Club Computers: Entry: day ticket 3 days pass Hack-Tic subscr. Corporate fee f 10J f 25r f f 100,- Acom Econet LAN with Archlmedes micros supplled by E . C . D . Computers Deift E.C.G. Netherlands Ethernet around SUN 350 running UNIX with ATARI ST and Apple Macintosh computers as terminals Lots of vlskor-supplled equipment (bring yours!) Limited accomodation available through us; please confirm your arrival (date, number of persons, period of stay) by conventional mail or fax only to Paradiso (address above). Hans HUBNER (Hamburg/FRG) i s a computer s p e c i a l i s t who was recently (alias "Pengo") involved i n an "information transfer" with the KGB. Though the deal allegedly involved payment o f DM one lakh, i t i s rumoured t h a t the information transferred was e n t i r e l y o f public domain nature. Peter KLERKS (Amsterdam/NL) i s a p o l i t i c a l s c i e n t i s t who has specialized in law and order p o l i c i e s , i n t e l l i g e n c e services and p r i v a cy protectlon i n the Netherlands. H e i s the author o f " Te r reurbestrijding i n Nederland" (Ravijn Publishers, 1989). Allan LUNDALL ( B a y Area/USA) i s the top American expert i n the f i e l d o f computer virusses. H i s j u s t published book VIRUS: w i l l be presented a t the conference ( t o be confirmed). Marieke NELISSEN ( A m s t e r d a m / N L ) teaches and develops computer systems f o r the Amsterdam Municipal Corporation, and i s active i n spreading computer l i t e r a c y among women. Werner PIEPER ( L ö r b a c h / F R G ) i s a publisher specializing i n underground books and media experiments. H e i s the e d i t o r o f the Chaos Computer Club's "Hackerbibel 1 + I I " (1985, 1988). P.M. ( Z U r i c h / C H ) i s an author and techno-anarchist. H i s books include "Weltgeist Superstar" (where Karl Marx = ET), " T r i pura Transfer" ( a post-atomic t a l e ) and the radical utopia "Bolo'bolo" whose Dutch version w i l l be launched a t the GHP. Patrice RIEMENS ( A m s t e r d a m / N L ) i s a t r a v e l l e r and a geographer. H e writes about development economics and modern French n i l o s o p h y. Rolf SNIJDERS (Utrecht/NL) i s a wedical b i o l o g i s t who specializes i n brain & behaviour. H e i s a l s o a communication t r a i n e r f o r neurolinguistic programming and an expert i n the f i e l d o f knowledge e l l i c i t a t i o n f o r expert systems. Suzan UGURSOY (Köln(Cologne)/FRG) heads a community association and edits "Chip Generation", a magazine f o r the Turkish-German youth. She i s a s p e c i a l i s t an v i c i o u s / r a c i s t computer games. Velibor WELLER ( A m s t e r d a m / N L ) i s a computer composer and musician. SOMEINFORMATION ABOUT DUR PARTICIPANTS Dr. Kwame BOAFO W E D N E S D AY August 2nd ,1989 (Nairobi/Kenya) i s ä communication expert working with the African Council o f Gommunication Education. H e i s 'To byte or not to byte" The reiationship between "man" and machine a s p e c i a l i s t i n the f i e l d o f telecommunication planning. Daniel DE ROULET (Genöve/CH) i s the author o f the h a c k e r - t h r i l l e r "Ne comptez pas s u r nous" (Don't count an u s ) . H e a l s o d e - 10.00 Zero hour of GHP / ICATA'89 FORUM / PERAT8 veloped, and now heads, a major medical computer system. Guests: John DRAPER John Draper, alias Captain Crunch (San Francisco/USA) i s probably the best known telecom- (alias "Captain Crunch") m u n i c a t i o n "expert" i n hackers c i r c l e s . H i s u n a u t h o - Lee Felsenstein 11.00 Captain Crunch opens network links with other nodes (Germany, USA, New Zealand, France) rized "know-how" landed several times i n j a i l . H e i s 11.45 Lee Felsenstein : The computer as a tool tor democracy now working with Autodesk I n c . on computer aided design and pursues h i s own advanced research. 12.30 Chat with Moscow Lee FELSENSTEIN (Berkeley/USA) has a long h i s t o r y o f grassroot technological activism behind him and i s co-founder o f the famous "Community Memory" p r o j e c t i n Berkeley. H e i s now i n contact with the San Francisco/Moscow Teleport, a USA- 14.00 Network Demonstrations: WORKSHOPS; Citizen networks S. Wemöry Ecology & Computer T. Wams Is A.I. the Future evolutional design of humanity? R. Snilders USSR network system,in order t o s e t up a shared software development computer system i n these two countries. H e is also presently engineering a t o t a l l y new computer concept, t h e "Cyberpunk". Bernd FIX. (Heidelberg/FRG) i s an astro-physician and leading member o f the Chaos Computer Club. H e i s t h e author o f a Computer Wusses A. Lundell B. Fix crypto-programme and a s p e c i a l i s t i n computer-virusses. Dr. Cees HAMELINK • NEABBS • Peacenet • Green-net • D e Zwarte Ster • T h e Weil - USA • EsGRRRI D • u FN ne t • EARN U C •BiTnetUP • MINITEL - Alter-France (Minitel) (Amsterdam/NL & Nairobi/Kenya) i s professor i n communica- 14. oo Workshops tion science a t the University o f Amsterdam and the ISS i n The Hague. H i s research focuses on power and influence 16. oo Debate on Community Memory with Lee Felsenstein & Prof. Gerard de Zeeuw in the media, hardware/software balances i n communication p o l i t i c s , and the a c t i v i t i e s o f information multinationals, especially with regard t o the "Third World". Wau HOLLAND (Hamburg/FRG) i s a reputed system developer and analyst and a keen advocate o f computer-"Glasnost" i n society and government. H e i s a leading member o f the Chaos Computer Evening: Editing committee compiles the day's abstracts 20.00 F i l m : "Brazil" • (Terry Gilliam, 1985) Club. The "Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster" will be served T H U R S D AY F R I D AY A u g u s t 3rd ,1989 August 4th ,1989 "The hacker In the Ilon's den" On $$,secrets & the right to information 'The future behind the computer" The illusion of "The global information village" FORUM / DEBATE Guests: Wau Holland 10.00 Previous day's abstracts + comments & messages from nodes are presented 10.00 Previous day's abstracts FORUM / DEBATEz Guests (all on-line from Nairobi): 11 . 00 Captain Crunch: The Sovlet telephone system Prof. Cees Hamellnk 11 . 00 Link with Nairobi Pengo (Hans Hübner) Dr. Kwame BOAFO 12.00 Debate between Wau Holland and Pengo on Hacker-Ethics and students Moderator: Pahlee Riemens 14.00 Debate: Information under and as a threat WORKSHOPS' Security issues and intelligence services S. Wern6ry Repression & Prosecution of hackers and phone phreaks Captain Crunch Hackers in the Hospital Information System Daniel de Roulet Hacker press: Hack-Tic, 2600, Datenschleuder & Terminal on: Freedom of information Overflow of information Balanced flow of information Computer literacy Participants: WORKSHOPS: -Peter Klerks o n Privacy versus Computer -Zwarte ster a n Bulletin Boards -Werner Pieper an Sabotage -Suzan Ugursoyon Naziware (Chip Generation / Turkish Byte) Cyberpunk Bilwet & Lee Felsenstein Final drafting of the ICATA'89 declaration 14.00 Workshops 17.30 Presentation of Hack-Tic No 5/6 22.00 Party at the end of the universe 17.00 B o c k presentation by Ravijn Publishers: Bolo'Bolo, by P.M. (Switzerland) 20 . 00 GAME NIGHT 14.00 Free chat on 1-Moking & Bussiness and the sponsoring of information 16.00 ICATA'89 Declaration adopted 16.00 Political debate: The breach of computer-peace. Groen Links invites other Dutch Political parties: PvdA, CDA, WD, D'66 Select committee prepares draft for the ICATA'89 final declaration to: the African Council on Communication Education & the University of Nairobi Moderator: M a r l e k e Nelissen 14.00 Workshops Evening: E d i t i n g committee compiles the days abstracts comments & messages from the other nodes • F i r s t DTP-ed copies of proceedings ICATA'89 presented Extras: • V e l l b o r Weiler Multi-user games, adventures etc. etc. within Paradiso and .... far beyond Please bring your own games as well ARTburo H / E V F T I E S video deformation B I LW E T ' s metarealistic manifest° Created through multi-user writing • R o c k 'n Roll: Cross your heart and the Playtex