Chaos Computer Club e.V.



You all might have heard of the Chaos Computer Control (how Microsoft put it). This ActiveX control is a small program being sucked into your PC by Microsoft Internet Explorer without your knowledge and without a chance for you to do anything against it except for switching off ActiveX completely (or change your browser). Once in your system, the control (you might call it a virus) can do whatever it wants to do with your computer.

Cool, eh? So watch out! It's...

If you want to get the whole story, try this:

By the authors of the CCC ActiveX control:
The full story so far [German version]

To get an idea what all this fuss is about and why Microsoft had to send out a letter informing their Internet Explorer customers of a potential security hole in their browser, we are collecting links to other storys about it here.

iX: Attention, traps! [Vorsicht, Falle!]

--- press releases ---

Intuit: Press Release: Intuit Recommends Internet Users Take Common-Sense Precautions When Browsing The Web With Activex-Enabled Browsers

--- articles ---

C|Net: ActiveX used as hacking tool

C|Net: Intuit warns against ActiveX

C|Net: Actively defending ActiveX

C|Net: Microsoft server not secure

Wired: Crackers Shuffle Cash With Quicken, ActiveX

Yahoo/Reuters: Magazine Warns Of Computer Banking Scam

PC Week: Mirosoft debuts security program to address ActiveX issues

Microsoft: Microsoft Responds to an Unsigned, Malicious Control

Packet: Deadly Controls

--- other bug IE bug reports ---

Cybersnot: Microsoft Internet Explorer bug

C|Net: Windows can be hacked through IE

TechWire: Security Breach Found In Internet Explorer

InfoWorld: IE flaw opens security risk for computer users

ActiveX or how to put nuclear bombs in web pages

Yet another Internet Explorer bug... (The "UMD" Bug)

Cybersnot Industries Internet Explorer Bug

Internet Explorer Does it Again

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