near berlin, germany
6/7/8 august 1999

the story
the camp

what is a project?

a project is your activity at the camp. everybody is invited to bring up good ideas and contact the camp crew for coordination ( tell us what you want to do, give the project a name and send us a short description along with a contact person with email address.

There are a number of projects we definitely like to see at the camp but which we are unable to organize ourselves. the camp will be a joint effort and we will try to support you as much as possible.

We see a project as something independent and self-organizing at the camp. we will provide electricity, internet access and a space for your tents or other activities. we will list your project here so that people thinking of doing something similar can join your effort. please set up a web page giving details on what you think to do to get the message out.

There will be 2 workshop tents (170 m2 each) you can use for speeches, lessons or lectures (or whatever makes you happy). please summarize your needs and get in contact with us on anything that comes to your mind.