Chaos Computer Club


In dieser Bibliothek finden sich zahlreiche interessante Artikel und Dokumentationen zu unterschiedlichen Technologien. Wir laden ein zu einer Reise zu den Untiefen der Informationstechnik und anderer bemerkenswerer Bereiche.

Hacking & Phreaking Archive

In this archive you will find information about all kinds of boxes (blue ones, red ones and more). Check out the HPA: Boxing in different colours section for a deep dive into the phone phreaking world.

Chip cards are a nice technology too. If you want to know more about it, have a look at the HPA: Chip Cards section to get an idea.

German EC Cards are a never-ending story, which is told here.

Digital TV is a brand new topic that will keep us busy for years. Read more about it in our Digital TV section.

Ever had a problem with doors? Well, we had. And that's why we dived into another way of hacking things: HPA: Lockpicking. Loosing your key shouldn't mean there is no fun anymore.

At the end, there is another fine summary of articles and other second sources in the HPA: Mags, Stories and FAQs section.

Global Communications

You will find information about telephone cards, quite related to the chip card section above, in the GCOM: Telephone Cards section.

We have a list of frequencies and information for radio transmission in the GCOM: Funk section.

Although most of the web will cover this in great detail today, our GCOM: PGP Information section complements the above.

A detailed (german) description of the POCSAG code is available in the GCOM: POCSAG page.

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