[Phile 1.1]

                      [#                              #]
                      [#  THE PHREAKER'S HANDBOOK #1  #]
                      [#                              #]

                  **** An Official Phortune 500 Product ****

                a useful source for the phreaker covering both
                     the basics and advances of phreaking

                                 GENERAL NOTE
         The purpose of this newsletter is purely educational. It has
         been released in order to teach and advance the knowledge of
         today's declining phreaks. However, the author does not take
         any responsibility over the  misuse of  the herein contained
         information, and the newsletter itself does not encourage or
         support the  above type of  activity. Also, any wrong or old
         information in this document is not to the responsibility of
         the  author, and the  reader accepts any consequences due to
               information that may be mistaken in this manner.

                                NOTE TO ABUSERS
          All information contained within this document was intended
          towards educational purposes. Any  misuse or illegal use of
          the information  contained in  this document is strictly at
          the  misuser's risk. The  author assumes  NO responsibility
          of the reader's actions following the release this document
            (in otherwords, you're on your own if you get nailed!)

        TPH Issue #1, Volume 1               Release Date :AUGUST 31 1992

                        WRITTEN BY::DOCTOR DISSECTOR
 [Phile 1.2]

                           TPH #1 Table Of Contents:

        Title Page & Disclaimer Notes............................. 1.1

        Table Of Contents & Introduction.......................... 1.2

        The Phreak's Vitals....................................... 1.3
            True Definition Of The Phreaker
            The Phone Phreak's Ten Commandments

        The Phreaker's Glossary................................... 1.4

        Other Fone Information.................................... 1.5
            Voltages & Technical Stuff
            Scanning Phun Fone Stuff

        References & Suggested Reading............................ 1.6

                            Introduction To TPH #1
      This  phile  was  written  for  beginning  as  well as those uninformed
 "advanced"  phreaks  who  need  something  as  a  reference  when reading or
 writing  philes concerning phreaking or fone phraud. Of course, you could be
 a  beginning  phreak and use this phile to B.S. your way into a big group by
 acting  like  you know a lot, or something, but that is up to you. Anyway, I
 compiled  this  listing  phrom  various  sources,  the majority is listed as
 references at the end of this phile.

      This  phile's  only  goal  is  to  educate  and  inform. Any illegal or
 fraudulent  activity  is  neither  encouraged nor supported by the author of
 this  phile,  not  by  the  majority  of the >TRUETRUE PHORTUNE 500 <==============================