Credit Card Fraud Made Easy

The information in the following file is of an illegal nature, I don't suggest trying the topic subject because YOU CAN GO TO JAIL if you get caught. It is illegal, and therefore I do not participate in it, neither should you.

There are main parts to the basic

Finding a Credit Card Number.

They can be found almost ANYWHERE. If you work at a place where plastic is accepted, simpily set aside the little carbons that you get from a charge. If you don't happen to work in a place that Uses credit, simpily start digging in the trash. You'll find a bun ch of carbons, don't stick them in you're pocket becasue they'll ruin. Also, don't go to a place that offers their own plastic ( What would you wan't to buy from ALPHA BETA?!? )

Ordering Items.

What you should do is either mail order, or telephone order. You should usually stay away from mail, just because it is traceable. If you choose telephone, get one of your friends with the deepest voice because the sales person won't (If he running on all four cylinders) Ac cept a charge from a 12 year old. Also, if possible, call up late at night, the sales person will be tired. He'll ask for the card number, give it to him, then he'll ask for an adderss, Give him the DROP address.

Finding a suitable DROP.

The drop is the place where you wan't the goods to be dropped off at. The ideal location is either a neighbor's house where they wen't off on vacation and YOU KNOW HOW LONG THEY WILL BE GONE. Usually allow A week or so. Also, a great drop would be a house that is abandoned AND YOU KNOW THAT IT IS ABANDONED. KNow for SURE, because if someone is accidentally there, you just blew it. Alright once you have found a drop, that NO one will be there, write a note saying that you will be out for the afternoon, (This means that noone has to sign the clipboard ) And include just to leave the package on the doorstep. Once you see the package on the doorstep, either get it yourself, or pay some kids $5.00 to go get it. Well, thats about it. For additional info, contact me on a WWIV BBS where you got this file from.

Credit Card formatting.

This will let you get the neccessary information needed for a cred it fraud scam. This format is general, not exact.

           |                         |
           |  X XXXX XXXXX XXX X     | Credit NUMBER
           |    John S Doe           | Cardholder's name
           |              JUN 1989   | Date good through
The Sales person will ask for a name, give him the one on the card. Make sure the card isn't expired, too.

Thanks for you're support.
