By: Cablecast 0perator
The box's basic design allows you to call anywhere on earth (or elsewhere for all we care) without fear of being billed or traced. But it's uses do not stop there! When hooked up properly, it can be used to emulate multi-line bridges, loop lines and direct in-dials.
It's really quite simple. The device is plugged into two phone lines, other than your own, or one end into a phone line and the other into another box. When there is an incoming call, the device senses this and picks up the phone. Your call is then transferred to the other line or onto the loop. When you hang up, the device senses this, too, and it hangs up also, waiting for the next caller.
To illustrate this, whip out your good old analog multimeter and hook it up to your phone line. See that nice, juicy voltage on there? Now call it on your other line. The voltage will jump and the polarity will go all to hell. This version of the Dark Box uses an alternating current detector to tell if the phone is ringing because sensing voltage is unreliable and not entirely universal. Now pick up your second line. There is a momentary blackout on it and then the voltage becomes constant. Now hang up the phone you called in on. There will be another blackout on your other line ans then the voltage will pop back up again. On the box, hangup is detected by the line current passing through an optoisolator that is holding the relay open. When it is cut off for the split second the blackout occurs, the relay is cut off and the phone hangs up.
NOTE: With the rapid expansion of digital ESS's, the little phone company quirks that are essential for the device's operation might not be available in your area. Check your line with the meter as directed to be sure!
If you can't display the schematic that goes along with this, we'll do it like connect the dots, it'll be fun!!
+ O P Q _________ ________ ___|_____|_____|_____|___ A -|o |- H I -|o |- N | C | B -| 555 |- G J -| OptoIs |- M | O DPDT/DPST | C -| ICTimer |- F K -|________|- L | I Relay | D -|_________|- E |___L_____________________| | | | | - R S TThis is the wiring diagram for X1, the 1:1 Audio Transformer:
RED --(white)--------O||O--------------(red)-- YEL O||O GRN --(black)--------O||O-----------(yellow)-- BLKThey don't have to be paired exactly like that, just remember that white goes with black, and red goes with yellow.
Text coding of the schematic is very simple. If you have ever assembled one of those 1,000,000,000,000-in-1 electronics kits from Shack, you can do this... I will guide you with TO and THRU. There is a difference:
A ----*---- B A ----- R1 ----- B | R1 "A TO R1 TO B" "A THRU R1 TO B" Parallel Circuit Series CircuitThese are the abbreviations for the components:
RED, GRN, YEL, BLK = Phone line red and green respectively Dx(Anode/Cathode) = The Diodes Where x={1,2} Qx(Emitter/Base/Collector) = Transistors x={1,2} C1(+/-) = Electrolytic Capacitor (observe polarity!) C2 = Disc Capacitor R1 = 1k Resistor Rx = 100k Resistor x={2,3}Ya dig it, mon? If this is too complex for you, try and view the schematic through Generic Software's CADD, or try to draw your own out from the directions below. Sometimes it helps to do this in visual terms!
Ok, let's go to it...
A voltmeter and a logic probe can come in handy here... Connect the battery, but not the phone line yet. Your relay should not throw. If it does, check the 555 and the transistor triggering it.
If that's ok, short out the emitter and collector on Q1 momentarily. The relay should throw for about two or three seconds then shut off. If not, check that trigger circuit again.
Now plug in RED and GRN. If your relay trips, you might have the RED and GRN reversed, or Q1 is not wired properly.
If you're ok, call it on your other line. It should ring once and then pick up. If it's busy, perhaps D1 is not right. If it doesn't answer the phone, check Q1 to make sure all contacts are right.
Ok, FINAL TEST! Connect YEL and BLK and call the line that RED and GRN are on. It should pick up and you should hear a steady dial tone and be able to dial DTMF on it, etc etc etc. There are several problems that could arise here. 1) No dial tone means it's either not hooked up right, or the transformer is bad. 2) If you only get it for about three seconds before it hangs up on you, you are not getting complete isolation from the other line. Check the transformer. 3) If the dial tone you hear is "bobbled" then you have a major voltage spillover, isolate the second line from the rest of the circuit.
If everything checks out, you have just built a DARK BOX!! Now let's have fun with it...
If you want to use this box from long distance without having to pay for it yourself, you could wire a black box resistor onto the RED/GRN pair. It's not your phone line, what do you care?
For loop lines and cheese boxes, wire two Dark Boxes back to back on any two phone lines.
For a multiple line bridge, you need as many boxes as you want dial- ins. Loop all the YEL's and BLK's together respectively and plug the RED/GRN's into a hunt group (You know, call 555-0000 and if it's busy, you'll be transferred to 555-0001, etc etc), this way, hackers can drop in and out at will. Didn't Cap'n Crunch do something like this?
If you want to make credit card calls instead of dialing direct, attach the box to two payphones that are next to each other. That way, you don't have to freeze your ass off to avoid having your phone number put on the guy's card bill. Make sure the payphones will accept incoming calls!
Patch YEL/BLK into an audio amplifier and into the paging system at someplace like K-Mart. Imagine the riot you can start by paging "INS! Stay where you are!" The xfrmer should push out a line level audio, so interfacing to most sound applications should be a snap.
A word about Caller ID. CI has been introduced scince the invention of the box. The box can bypass CI to an extent, being that if the box calls someone who caller ID's you, they'll get the second phone line of the box, and not you. However, if the indialing line for the box has CI and you call directly into it and someone happens to be there to get it, you could be in serious trouble. A soloution to this would be to use the box on a payphone that will accept incoming calls. Scince noone gives a fuck who calls a pay phone, chances are it won't CI'd. You could also place the box in an area that doesn't have CI, whereas in order for CI to work, both the caller and the callee must be in service areas.
Don't be limited by only these suggestions! Be creative and let us know how you use it! Make a DID for your school's PABX, or get your VICModem to autoanswer! There HUNDREDS of uses for this revoloutionary device waiting to be discovered!
Enjoy you new toy....
Cablecast 0perator