The Bud Box

Revision 1.0 By: Dr. D-Code & The Pimp

Necessary Materials


  1. Find a neighbor's house that has a little gray box on the side. This box should have a Bell logo on it (the gay little bell in a circle).
  2. Apply pressure underneath the box and the front should come right off. Pull the end off of the length of the telephone wire. Then strip the ends of all the different colored wires inside. These should be green, red, yellow and black. Attach an alligator clip to each of the wires. Then clip the clips to the same colors in the box. Yellow to yellow, red to red and so on.
  3. Then run the wire across the street back to your house and then plug a phone into the other end of the wire.
  4. Now you can dial out and receive the neighbors calls. Great for tapping the phones and then blackmailing them. You can also stop phreaking because any outgoing calls will be charged to the neighbors! Great eh?

All sysops may use these plans if they do not change them in any way at all.

(c) 1985 by Dr. D-Code & The Pimp