UBZ-LF Chipset/Parts Inspection

The processor is a Kenwood-labeled Mitsubishi M38223M4-xxxGP. This processor is a member of the 8bit 740-family with integrated LCD-controller, the programming documentation can be downloaded here. The user documentation is damaged at the Mitsubishi-Server. The ATMEL 93C46 is a 3-wire 128*8 serial EEPROM wich is suspected to store the factory settings including frequency range, features and maybee output power.

The AK2342AV is an integrated CTCSS Encoder/Decoder from AKM with several audio filtering and improvement features. It also hosts the scrambling funktion. So we can assume know, that the scrambler feature is activated by the software version in the EEPROM. The documentation for the AK2342AV can be downloaded here (1 MB, scanned datasheets as PDF).