Letters to the editorJohn Draper, alleged to be Captain Crunch, pleaded no contest to Toll Fraud charges on November 28 and received a $1000 fine ana 5 years probation. John's glad the whole thing is over, even though the plea bargaining was a little unfairly balanced. Anyway the real Captain Crunch informs us that the busy test for San lose is 1999, and that if any of our readers getting an overseas trunk by dialing KP Oll XXX ST they should realize that 011 will only work on IOTC accessable lines, such as N. Y. or California information. Most 800 numbers will not accept 011. The Captain also says that stacking trunks is now too dangerous and has no useful purposes.
Deax YIPL,
[HaBi 1]
Letters to the editor