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in the former republics of Yugoslavia


Since the summer of 1991, when the peace groups of former Yugoslavia began to organise themselves and coordinate activities, they have encountered immense communication difficulties. With the start of open warfare in, Croatia normal communications were disrupted. Not only did travel by train or road between Croatia and Serbia become impossible but the destruction of many telephone connections caused an overload of the existing lines. Telephone calls between Zagreb and Belgrad, for example, became almost impossible. The disruption of the postal system meant an almost total breakdown of communication between the peace groups, especialy those working on opposite sides of the fighting. The few telephone lines which exist to Bosnia-Herzegovina are being increasingly destroyed by the war.


The purpose of this project is to help the peace groups in the various countries and regions of former Yugoslavia to be able to communicate better with each other. Additionally, it should helkp the peace groups there to communicate with groups in the rest of the world.

In a situation where prejudice, hate and fear between people of different ethnic backgrounds has grown almost unchallenged, it is necessary to start with building up communication links. Helping people to reach out to each other, to begin new relationships, to revive old friendships is of outmost importance.

The Columunications Aid could be used not only for an exchange of letters, messages, news and ideas among the peace groups, but it could for example, be the basis of a comunication network to help refugees and displaced persons to find each other, or to help people from both sides of the conflict begin to communicate again with each other; (This idea was first expressed in a proposal of the IPPNW doctors in former Yugoslavia for a "Trust Link" between the conflicting sides). It could also be enlarged to enable humanitarian aid groups and others to use the network. How far it could be developed is dependent largely upon the amount of financial support the project receives.

This project for communications aid for the peace groups in former Yugoslavia has been developed together with the Center for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence (Ljublana) the Antiwar Campaign (Zagreb) and the Center for Antiwar Action (Belgrad). Of course it is planned to include any Peace groups in former Yugoslavia that may want to join it. In 1992 both the Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the Komittee für Grundrecht und Demokratie have given financial support to this project.

FAXHELP - the first step

In 0ctober1191 several r peace groups (WRI, IFOR,etc...) from countries that still had good telephone connections to Zagreb and Belgrad agreed to relay FAXes received from one peace group on to the other group. This was a big help for the groups in former Yugoslavia and also for groups from countries, like Germany, that had great difficulties reaching Belgrad directly, but better communications was needed.


continues to support the exchange of fax messages. It could also help to place fax machines with peace groups that are still in need of them.

ELECTRONIC MAIL - the next step

Because the telephone lines were not completely destroyed but the remaining ones were just overloaded, it was suggested that they could be used at night for communication by computers using electronic mail. We found out that even until the Spring of 1992 it was generally possible to make telephone connections between Belgrad and Zagreb or Ljubljana or even more distant cities, if it was done during the night (after midnight). This meant that electronic mail - a BBS (Bulletin Board System) using computers, modems and the telephone lines - would work. And even if it would later not be possible to connect directly with another city from former Yugoslavia, then we would connect indirectly through Austria, Germany or Britain. This would also enable a connection with the world-wide networks of BBS's.

Some of the existing BBS's in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia were willing to support the development of a larger network. The existing AdriaNet was to be supported and enlarged.

Phase 1

The first Phase begann in December 1991 and January 1992. Modems were given to Peace groups in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Belgrad and Sarajevo; the connections between the AdriaNet and GreenNet were started; people from different peace groups were given preliminary training and the first steps taken to connect a BBS in Belgrad into the AdriaNet. The AdriaNet introduced two new topic areas, called conferences, for the use of the peace groups.

Unfortunately the system operator (sysop) of the BBS in Zagreb was not able to keep his system running on a regular basis. The email exchange with other BBS's in the AdriaNet did not always work. The BBS in Belgrad was also not able to carry out a regular exchange with other BBS's in the AdriaNet. The cause of these difficulties were overwork and or inavailability of the sysop and also the very poor quality of the telephone lines. The help which was given in phase I was not enough to get the communication going. Several peace goups now had the means to communicate by email, but the local BBS's were not able fulfill their role.

In the mean-time a foreign volunteer experienced in email joined the Antiwar Campaign in Zagreb and connected directly into the world-wide email network by directly telephoning to London. This step provided excellent and speedy communications to and from Zagreb, but was very expensive. Also it was no help for the peace groups in Belgrad. Therefore it was necessary to begin the next phase of the project.

Das Wort zum Alltag

"Schreib mal wieder", sagte

der Mann, der sich an die Post-

werbung erinnerte, und

schrieb dem Minister einen


Phase II

The Antiwar Campaign in Zagreb and the Center for Antiwar Actions in Belgrad decided to set-up their own BBS system. In July, 1992 a BBS was installed in Zagreb and in Belgrad. In both cities the BBS was installed in a computer which was in use for other purposes during the day and also had to use a telephone line which was normally used for voice communication. The new BBS's "ZaMir-ZG" (For Peace - Zagreb) and "ZaMir-BG" (For Peace - Belgrade) which exchanged mail by way of Austria were now connected with each other and the rest of the world. Within 12 hours letters could be sent and received to and from any other BBS in the APC (Association for Progressive Communications) Network and associated networks. Gateways (connections) to other email networks are also available.

Unfortunately, the ZaMir Network is not running as well as it should. The computer in Belgrad (a laptop) is not adequate for the task of a DES. The programmer has problems with the limited hardware. Also the single telephone line, which has to be shared between voice, fax and computer communications, is overloaded. Training for a system operator is also needed.

In Zagreb they also need a computer dedicated to the BBS. And a dedicated telephone line is necessary as well. Here there is no problem with technical knowledge and within the limits of the hardware (limited number of hours online each day) it is working very well. The international e-mail exchange works. The telephone costs have been reduced. The BBS " ZaMir-ZG" is being used by people from the peace groups there and has even attracted a number of other users. It is also possible to use the BBS to send faxes. To seriously implement this phase of the communication help there is a need for additional funding. The most important item is a dedicated computer system and telephone line in both Zagreb and BeIgrad. Regular support for the costs of running the system are also needed. Although the internatonal networks, to which the ZaMirNet is connected, have waived most of the costs for the time being (they run on a nonprofit basis), there are regular expenditures which have to be covered.

To complete phase II we need DM 37 400 to set up the system and DM 8 088 to cover the running costs for the first year. (Finance plan with more details is attached. [It is not. See E-Mail address below.])

Phase III

It is not only useful for the peace groups in Zagreb and Belgrad to be able to communicate with each other and the world, but it would be very helpful for groups from other cities to be able to use this means of communication. This means finding financial support to buy modems and software for the other groups. (Many groups have a member or friend who has a computer which can be used for the communication.) The next place for a BBS could be Sarajevo, later Prishtina, Skopje, Ljubljana, Titograd, Novi Sad, Peace groups from Rijeka, Osijek, Split, Pancevo and other cities are interested in linking up and using the email system.

For phase III another DM 53 700 for set-up costs and DM 4 044 for running costs is needed, (See the attached finance plan for more details.)

Future Possibilities

Possible future developments of the communication system could include the following ideas.

To find volunteers or to find funds to pay people so that each major city would have a person who could facilitate access to the communications network. This could also mean that the necessary hardware (a computer terminal) would also have to be financed. (See the suggestions in the "MODEM PEACE PLAN".)

A further possibility would be to set up a BBS in each of the capitals of the republics of former Yugoslavia, or other major cities as would be necessary.

As noted above, the BBS's could be used not only for the peace groups, but it could, for example, be the basis of a communication network to help refugees and displaced persons to find each other.

Eric Bachman 21.11.92
Bund für Soziale Verteidigung

Questions and comments can be sent via email CL, Z-NETZ: E.BACHMAN@BIONIC.COMLINK.APC.ORG


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