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RFC 2457:
Definitions of Managed Objects for Extended Border Node


Network Working Group                                        B. Clouston
Request for Comments: 2457                                 Cisco Systems
Category: Standards Track                                       B. Moore
                                                         IBM Corporation
                                                           November 1998

                     Definitions of Managed Objects
                        for Extended Border Node

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it defines objects for monitoring and controlling
   network devices with APPN (Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network) EBN
   (Extended Border Node) capabilities.  This memo identifies managed
   objects for the EBN architecture.

Table of Contents

   1.0  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.0  The SNMP Network Management Framework   . . . . . . . . . .   2
   3.0  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.1  EBN MIB Structure   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.1  enbDir group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.2  ebnIsRscv group   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.3  ebnDirConfig group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.1.4  ebnCos group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.1.5  ebnSubnetRoutingList group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.1.6  hbn group   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.0  Definitions   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.0  Security Considerations   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   6.0  Intellectual Property   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   7.0  Acknowledgments   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   8.0  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25

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   9.0  Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
   10.0  Full Copyright Statement   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28

1.0 Introduction

   This document is a product of the SNA NAU Services MIB Working Group.
   It defines a MIB module for managing devices with Advanced Peer-to-
   Peer Networking (APPN) Extended Border Node (EBN) capabilities.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119, reference

2.0 The SNMP Network Management Framework

   The SNMP Network Management Framework presently consists of six major
   components.  They are:

   o   the overall architecture, described in RFC 2271 [7].

   o   the SMI, described in RFC 1902 [3], - the mechanisms used for
       describing and naming objects for the purpose of management.

   o   the MIB-II, STD 17, RFC 1213 [2], - the core set of managed
       objects for the Internet suite of protocols.

   o   the protocol, STD 15, RFC 1157 [1] and/or RFC 1905 [6] and/or RFC
       2272 [8] -- the protocol for accessing managed information.

   o   the user-based security model defined in RFC 2274 [10].

   o   the view-based access control model defined in RFC 2275 [11].

   Textual conventions are defined in RFC 1903 [4], and conformance
   statements are defined in RFC 1904 [5].  Common applications are
   defined in RFC 2273 [9].

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

   This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2.  A
   MIB conforming to the SMIv1 can be produced through the appropriate

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3.0 Overview

   This document identifies the proposed set of objects for monitoring
   the configuration and active characteristics of devices with EBN
   capabilities.  The Extended Border Node function is an APPN
   enhancement for an APPN network node (NN).  It supports topology
   isolation, subnet interconnection, and session establishment between

   In a single APPN network, all network topology information is
   propagated to all network nodes.  Directory searches can also be
   forwarded to all network nodes.  As the network grows, this network
   traffic could become prohibitive.  Also, in networks where different
   enterprises are connected via APPN, it may be desirable to shield an
   enterprise from the network traffic of another enterprise.  EBNs
   allow customers to partition a network into subnets to reduce or
   shield such network traffic.

   An EBN provides this function by blocking topology information
   exchange between subnets, and controlling where directory searches
   are forwarded.  A subnetwork is a cluster of APPN NNs which share the
   same network topology.  Subnetwork boundaries, or partitions, occur
   where an EBN and an NN adjacent to it have different network
   identifiers (NETIDs).  They may also occur where an EBN and adjacent
   NN have the same NETID but are configured to have a subnetwork

   The connection between two APPN nodes is an APPN transmission group
   (TG).  A TG at a subnet boundary is called an Intersubnetwork
   Transmission Group (ISTG).

   The subnet in which an EBN resides is called its native subnetwork.
   The subnet across the subnet boundary is called the non-native
   subnetwork, with respect to the EBN.

   A cost of the EBN function is that customers may have difficulty
   determining the end-to-end route of sessions that cross subnet
   boundaries, and understanding how the EBN will control directory
   searches between subnets.  This MIB addresses these issues.

   Another challenge facing customers is to identify subnet boundaries
   formed by EBNs.  The SNANAU APPN MIB [14] identifies subnet
   boundaries in the appnNnTopology group.  The SNANAU APPN MIB provides
   management of APPN objects, and contains some tables that are
   extended by this MIB.

   In this document, we describe EBN managed objects.

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   The EBN terms and overall architecture are available from the
   networking.raleigh.ibm.com ftp site [15].

   Highlights of the management functions supported by the EBN MIB
   module include the following:

   o   Identifying the subnet affiliation of LUs (logical units)

   o   Identifying session routes in non-native subnets, with
       correlation to the route in the native subnet provided in the

   o   Identifying the COS (Class of Service) mappings between subnets.

   o   Identifying the subnet routing lists

   This MIB module does not support:

   o   Configuration of EBN nodes.

   o   Historical information about session initiation failures.

   o   Peripheral Border Node (PBN) support.  PBN is an APPN function
       that only supports communication to adjacent subnetworks, and is
       not expected to be widely implemented.

   o   Traps.  The APPN MIB contains a trap for Alert conditions that
       may affect EBN resources.  Although no APPN/EBN Alerts are
       defined today in the APPN MIB [14], they could exist in the
       future.  The value for the affectedObject object contained in the
       alertTrap is determined by the implementation.  It may contain a
       VariablePointer from the EBN MIB.

3.1 EBN MIB Structure

   The EBN MIB module contains the following groups of objects:

   o   ebnDir - subnet information about LUs.

   o   ebnIsRscv - provides the RSCV (Route Selection Control
       Vector) and COS for the subnetwork on the BIND destination side
       of the EBN.

   o   ebnDirConfig - objects related to the EBN directory.

   o   ebnCos - COS mapping between subnetworks,

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   o   ebnSubnetRoutingList - the customer-supplied list of where to
       forward search requests.

   o   hbn - HPR (High Performance Routing) EBN intermediate session

   These groups are described below in more detail.

3.1.1 enbDir group

   The ebnDir group contains the ebnDirTable, which is an extension to
   the appnDirTable.  It specifies the subnet affiliation of LUs in the
   EBN's directory.

3.1.2 ebnIsRscv group

   The ebnIsRscv group contains the ebnIsRscvTable, which is an
   extension to the appnIsInTable.  The appnIsInTable only allows for
   the RSCV and COS name for one subnetwork traversed by a session.
   This extension contains the RSCV and COS name for the other

   When an EBN changes RSCVs before forwarding a BIND, appnIsInRouteInfo
   contains the incoming RSCV, and ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute contains
   the outgoing RSCV.

   The following three cases illustrate the contents of
   appnIsInRouteInfo and ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute at Extended Border

   1.  EBN connected to another EBN

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                     EBN1             EBN2
          PLU                                    SLU
                (1)   |--------------->|
                              (2)      |---------->

          PLU = Primary Logical Unit (session initiator)
          SLU = Secondary Logical Unit (session destination)

       The value of the appnIsInRouteInfo object at EBN1 is the RSCV
       containing the route, represented by (1), from the PLU (or the
       entry EBN in its subnet) to EBN2.  The value of
       ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute object at EBN1 is the RSCV, represented
       by (2), containing the one-hop route from EBN1 to EBN2.  The

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       appnIsInRouteInfo object at EBN2 also contains the RSCV
       represented by (2).  The value of ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute in
       EBN2 is the RSVC containing the route to the SLU (or to the next
       subnet's entry EBN), represented by (3).

   2.  EBN connected to a NN or PBN

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                     EBN1            NN/PBN
          PLU                                    SLU
              (1)     |--------------------------->

       The value of the appnIsInRouteInfo object at EBN1 is the RSCV
       containing the route from the PLU (or the entry EBN in its
       subnet) to the NN or PBN, represented by (1).  The value of the
       ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute object at EBN1 is the RSCV containing
       the route from EBN1 to the SLU, represented by (2).  Note that
       the SLU must be in subnet 2, because the entry node is an NN or
       PBN rather than an EBN.  The appnIsInRouteInfo object at NN/PBN
       contains the same RSCV, as represented by (2).

   3.  NN or PBN connected to EBN

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                    NN/PBN            EBN1
          PLU                                    SLU
                    (1)                |---------->

       The value of the appnIsInRouteInfo object at the NN/PBN is the
       RSCV containing the route from the PLU to EBN1, represented by
       (1).  Note that the PLU must be in subnet 1, because the exit
       node is an NN/PBN rather than an EBN.  The appnIsInRouteInfo
       object at EBN1 contains the same RSCV.  The value of the
       ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute object at EBN1 is the RSCV containing
       the route from EBN1 to the SLU (or the next subnet's entry border
       node), as represented by (2).

   The following three cases illustrate the contents of
   ebnIsRscvDestinationCos at Extended Border Nodes.

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   1.  EBN connected to another EBN

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                     EBN1             EBN2
          PLU                                    SLU
                 COS A
                                          COS B

          PLU = Primary Logical Unit (session initiator)
          SLU = Secondary Logical Unit (session destination)

       The value of ebnIsRscvDestinationCos object at EBN1 is COS A.
       The value of ebnIsRscvDestinationCos object at EBN2 is COS B.

   2.   EBN connected to a NN or PBN

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                     EBN1            NN/PBN
          PLU                                    SLU
                 COS A
                                     COS B

       The value of the ebvIsRscvDestinationCos object at EBN1 is COS B.

   3.  NN or PBN connected to EBN

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                    NN/PBN            EBN1
          PLU                                    SLU
                 COS A
                                           COS B

       The value of the ebnIsRscvDestinationCos object at the EBN2 is

3.1.3 ebnDirConfig group

   The ebnDirConfig group consists of simple objects that provide EBN-
   specific information about directory caching and the local default
   value for the maximum number of subnetworks a LOCATE search procedure
   may traverse.

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3.1.4 ebnCos group

   The ebnCos group contains the ebnCosMapTable, which specifies how COS
   values are mapped between the non-native subnetwork and the native

3.1.5  ebnSubnetRoutingList group

   The ebnSubnetRoutingList group contains information about the
   customer-supplied EBN subnetwork routing list, which indicates to
   which adjacent nodes an EBN will forward LOCATE search requests. It
   consists of the following tables:

   1.  ebnSubnetSearchTable

       This table has an entry for each LU name that has a defined
       subnet routing list.  The LU name may identify a single LU, or it
       may contain a wildcard character that could identify a group of
       LUs (partial wildcard) or all LUs (full wildcard).  The objects
       in the table indicate whether the EBN may add dynamic entries to
       the subnet routing list, and whether the subnet routing list
       entries may be reordered for better search performance.

   2.  ebnSearchTable

       This table has an entry for each control point name which is
       included in a multi-subnet search for a particular LU name.  The
       index to the table is the LU name to be searched for, and an
       index which lists the order in which the CP names are to be
       searched.  Both the CP name and the LU name entries in the table
       allow for partial and full wildcards.  The CP name also allows
       for  special entries that indicate that the EBN will search
       itself and its own native subnetwork at this point in the search,
       or will search all native EBNs.

3.1.6 hbn group

   The hbn group contains information about HBN (HPR EBN) intermediate
   sessions.  The hbnIsInTable is an extension to the appnIsInTable.
   This table is present for intermediate sessions when there are back-
   to-back RTP (Rapid Transport Protocol) connections in an HBN.  It
   provides the NCE ID (network connection endpoint identifier) and TCID
   (transport connection identifier) for the second RTP connection.

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4.0 Definitions


           MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32
                       FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                       FROM SNMPv2-CONF
           DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
                       FROM SNMPv2-TC
                   -- Because the characters allowed in an SNA control
                   -- point name come from a restricted character set,
                   -- these names are not subject to internationalization.
                   FROM APPN-MIB
                   FROM SNA-NAU-MIB;

          LAST-UPDATED "9804281800Z" -- April 28, 1998
                          Bob Clouston
                          Cisco Systems
                          7025 Kit Creek Road
                          P.O. Box 14987
                          Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
                          Tel:    1 919 472 2333
                          E-mail: clouston@cisco.com

                          Bob Moore
                          IBM Corporation
                          P.O. Box 12195
                          Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
                          Tel:    1 919 254 4436
                          E-mail: remoore@us.ibm.com

              " The MIB Module for Extended Border Node"

          ::= { snanauMIB 7 }

   -- snanauMIB ::= { mib-2 34 }

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   -- ******************************************************************
   -- Textual Conventions
   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
   SnaNAUWildcardName   ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS current
            "Fully-qualified network NAU name. Entries take one of three
               - Explicit entries do not contain the character '*'.
               - Partial Wildcard entries have the form 'ccc*', where
                 'ccc' represents one to sixteen characters in a legal
                 SNA NAU Name.
               - A full wildcard  consists of a single character '*'.

            Because the characters allowed in an SNA NAU name come from
            a restricted character set, these names are not subject to

   SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..17))

   -- ******************************************************************
   ebnObjects              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnMIB 1 }
   -- ******************************************************************

   -- ******************************************************************
   -- EBN Directory Group
   -- The ebnDirTable is an extension to the appnDirTable.  It specifies
   -- the subnet affiliation for LUs in the EBN's directory.
   -- ******************************************************************

   ebnDir                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnObjects 1 }

   ebnDirTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EbnDirEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "The EBN Directory Table.  This table is an extension
            to the APPN MIB's appnDirTable.  Entries in this table
            are in one-to-one correspondence with entries in the
            appnDirTable, with corresponding entries having identical
            values for their respective indexes."

        ::= { ebnDir 1 }

   ebnDirEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX EbnDirEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

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        STATUS current
            "Entry in the EBN Directory Table."

        INDEX { ebnDirLuName }

        ::= { ebnDirTable 1 }

   EbnDirEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           ebnDirLuName             SnaNAUWildcardName,
           ebnDirSubnetAffiliation  INTEGER     }

   ebnDirLuName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SnaNAUWildcardName
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "Fully qualified network LU name in the domain of a serving
            network node.  If this object has the same value as the
            appnDirLuName object in the APPN MIB, then the two objects
            are referring to the same LU."

        ::= { ebnDirEntry 1 }

   ebnDirSubnetAffiliation OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX INTEGER { native (1),
                         nonNative (2),
                         subarea (3) }
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "Specifies the subnetwork affiliation of the LU:
                - native(1)    : The LU is in the native APPN subnetwork.
                - nonNative(2) : The LU is in a non-native APPN subnetwork.
                - subarea(3)   : The LU is in a subarea network."

        ::= { ebnDirEntry 2 }

   -- ******************************************************************
   -- EBN Intermediate Session RSCV Group
   -- This table is a sparse extension to the appnIsInTable.  For
   -- sessions crossing ISTGs adjacent to the EBN, it contains the RSCV
   -- and COS used in the direction of the BIND destination.
   -- ******************************************************************

   ebnIsRscv               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnObjects 2 }

   ebnIsRscvTable OBJECT-TYPE

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        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EbnIsRscvEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "The EBN Intermediate Session RSCV table.  This table is an
            extension to the appnIsInTable.  It contains the RSCV and COS
            used in the direction of the BIND destination.  There is an
            entry in this table for each session that traverses an ISTG
            when it enters or leaves this EBN, with corresponding entries
            having identical values for their respective indexes."

        ::= { ebnIsRscv 1}

   ebnIsRscvEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX EbnIsRscvEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "Entry in ebnIsRscvTable."
        INDEX { ebnIsRscvCpName,
                ebnIsRscvPcid }

        ::= { ebnIsRscvTable 1 }

   EbnIsRscvEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           ebnIsRscvCpName            SnaControlPointName,
           ebnIsRscvPcid              OCTET STRING,
           ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute  OCTET STRING,
           ebnIsRscvDestinationCos    DisplayString }

   ebnIsRscvCpName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SnaControlPointName
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "The network-qualified control point name of the node at
            which the session and PCID originated.  For APPN and LEN
            nodes, this is either CP name of the APPN node at which
            the origin LU is located or the CP name of the NN serving
            the LEN node at which the origin LU is located.  For DLUR
            resources it is the name of the owning SSCP.

            If this object has the same value as the appnIsInFqCpName
            object in the APPN MIB, then the two objects are referring to
            the same APPN control point."

        ::= { ebnIsRscvEntry 1 }

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   ebnIsRscvPcid OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "The procedure correlation identifier (PCID) of a session.
            It is an 8-octet value.

            If this object has the same value as the appnIsInPcid object
            in the APPN MIB, and if the corresponding ebnIsRscvCpName
            object has the same value as the corresponding
            appnIsInFqCpName object, then the entries indexed by these
            objects are referring to the same session."

        ::= { ebnIsRscvEntry 2 }

   ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..255))
        MAX-ACCESS read-only

        STATUS current
            "The route selection control vector (RSCV x'2B') used in the
            direction towards the SLU."

        ::= { ebnIsRscvEntry 3 }

   ebnIsRscvDestinationCos OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..8))
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "The Class of Service (COS) name used in the direction
            towards the SLU.

            Because the characters allowed in an SNA COS name come from
            a restricted character set, these names are not subject to

        ::= { ebnIsRscvEntry 4 }

   -- ******************************************************************
   -- EBN Directory Config Group
   -- The following simple objects provide information about EBN
   -- directory.
   -- ******************************************************************

   ebnDirConfig            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnObjects 3 }

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   ebnSearchCacheTime    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Unsigned32
        UNITS "minutes"
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "The amount of time in minutes an extended border node will
            retain information about a multi-subnetwork search, once
            that that search terminates.  A value 0 indicates that the
            EBN has no defined limit, and the number of entries is
            bounded only by memory."

        ::= { ebnDirConfig 1 }

   ebnMaxSearchCache OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Unsigned32
        UNITS "entries"
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "The maximum number of multi-subnet entries to be cached.
            The value 0 indicates that the local node has no defined
            limit, and the number of entries is bounded only by

        ::= { ebnDirConfig 2 }

   ebnDefaultSubnetVisitCount  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Unsigned32
        UNITS "topology subnetworks"
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "The default maximum number of subnetworks a LOCATE search
            procedure may traverse."

        ::= { ebnDirConfig 3 }

   -- ******************************************************************
   -- EBN COS Mapping Group
   -- The ebnCosMap Table specifies how non-native COS values are mapped
   -- to COS values defined in the native subnetwork.  The COS mappings
   -- that an EBN performs are determined by multiple factors, one of
   -- which is a set of user-defined mappings.  This table returns the
   -- COS mappings that the EBN is actually performing, rather than
   -- the user-defined mappings.
   -- ******************************************************************

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   ebnCOS                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnObjects 4 }

   ebnCosMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EbnCosMapEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "The EBN COS Mapping Table.  This table specifies how non-
            native COS values are mapped to COS values defined in the
            native subnetwork.

            Note:  The COS mappings that an EBN performs are determined
            by multiple factors, one of which is a set of user-defined
            initial mappings.  This table returns the COS mappings that
            the EBN is actually performing at the time it is queried,
            rather than the user-defined initial ones."

        ::= { ebnCOS 1 }

   ebnCosMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX EbnCosMapEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "An entry in the EBN COS Mapping table."

        INDEX { ebnCosMapCpName,
                ebnCosMapNonNativeCos }

        ::= { ebnCosMapTable 1 }

   EbnCosMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           ebnCosMapCpName              SnaNAUWildcardName,
           ebnCosMapNonNativeCos        DisplayString,
           ebnCosMapNativeCos           DisplayString }

   ebnCosMapCpName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SnaNAUWildcardName
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "Fully qualified network CP name for which the COS mapping

        ::= { ebnCosMapEntry 1 }

   ebnCosMapNonNativeCos OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..8))

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        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "This object contains one of the following values:

               - An 8-character COS name used in a non-native subnetwork.
               - The single character '*', identifying the entry with the
                 default native COS for a non-native CP name.  This entry
                 is used when there is no entry in the table for a
                 non-native CP name / non-native COS pair.

            Because the characters allowed in an SNA COS name come from
            a restricted character set, these names are not subject to

        ::= { ebnCosMapEntry 2 }

   ebnCosMapNativeCos OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..8))
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "An 8-byte name for the class-of-service, as known in the
            native subnetwork.

            Because the characters allowed in an SNA COS name come from
            a restricted character set, these names are not subject to

        ::= { ebnCosMapEntry 3 }

   -- ******************************************************************
   -- EBN Subnet Routing List Group
   -- The EBN Subnet Routing List indicates to which nodes an EBN
   -- forwards search request.  This group contains information
   -- pertaining to the CONFIGURED Subnet Routing List at an EBN.  How a
   -- particular search request is routed is determined by a transient
   -- list that the EBN creates based on the configured list and other
   -- factors.
   -- *******************************************************************

   ebnSubnetRoutingList    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnObjects 5 }

   ebnSubnetSearchTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EbnSubnetSearchEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current

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            "This table contains one entry for each fully qualified LU
            name for which an associated subnet routing list has been
            defined.  An entry in this table contains general
            characteristics of the subnet search routing list for an
            LU name.  The routing list itself is represented by a set
            of contiguous entries in the ebnSearchTable."

        ::= { ebnSubnetRoutingList 1 }

   ebnSubnetSearchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX EbnSubnetSearchEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "An entry for the ebnSubnetSearchTable.  The entry
            represents the configured parameters the EBN uses when it
            is determining how to search for the LU identified by the
            ebnSubnetSearchLuName object."

        INDEX { ebnSubnetSearchLuName }

        ::= { ebnSubnetSearchTable 1 }

   EbnSubnetSearchEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           ebnSubnetSearchLuName   SnaNAUWildcardName,
           ebnSubnetSearchDynamics INTEGER,
           ebnSubnetSearchOrdering INTEGER   }

   ebnSubnetSearchLuName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SnaNAUWildcardName
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "Fully qualified network LU name."

        ::= { ebnSubnetSearchEntry 1 }

   ebnSubnetSearchDynamics OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1),
                         limited (2),
                         full (3) }
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "Indicates whether an EBN may add dynamic entries to a
            subnetwork routing list.  none(1) means no entries may be
            added to the subnetwork routing list.  limited(2) means
            only likely entries may be added to the subnetwork routing

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            list.  full(3) means all native extended border nodes and
            adjacent, non-native EBNs and NNs will be added to the
            subnetwork routing list."

        ::= { ebnSubnetSearchEntry 2 }

   ebnSubnetSearchOrdering OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX INTEGER{ priority(1),
                        defined(2) }
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "Indicates whether an EBN may reorder a subnetwork routing
            list so that entries which are more likely to be successful
            move to the top of the subnetwork routing list and entries
            which are more likely to be unsuccessful move to the bottom
            of the list.
            The following values are defined:

               - priority(1):  Entries may be reordered.
               - defined(2):   Entries must not be reordered."

        ::= { ebnSubnetSearchEntry 3 }

   -- Border node search table

   ebnSearchTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EbnSearchEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "This table indicates the CONFIGURED list of control points
            to which the EBN sends Locate searches for a given fully
            qualified LU name.  Each entry in the table indicates one
            control point that should be included in a multi-subnet
            search for a particular LU name."

        ::= { ebnSubnetRoutingList 2 }

   ebnSearchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX EbnSearchEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "An entry in the ebnSearchTable.  An entry can exist in
            this table only if an entry exists in the
            ebnSubnetSearchTable with an ebnSubnetSearchLuName value
            matching this entry's ebnSearchLuName.

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            For a given ebnSearchLuName value, the ordering of entries
            provides by the ebnSearchIndex values corresponds to the
            order in which the control points to be searched appear in
            the CONFIGURED search list for the ebnSearchLuName."

        INDEX { ebnSearchLuName,
                ebnSearchIndex }

        ::= { ebnSearchTable 1 }

   EbnSearchEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           ebnSearchLuName  SnaNAUWildcardName,
           ebnSearchIndex   Unsigned32,
           ebnSearchCpName  DisplayString,
           ebnSearchSNVC    Unsigned32  }

   ebnSearchLuName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SnaNAUWildcardName
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "Fully qualified network LU name.  If this object has the
            same value as the ebnSubnetSearchLuName object, then the
            two objects are referring to the same LU."

        ::= { ebnSearchEntry 1 }

   ebnSearchIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "Secondary index enumerating the CONFIGURED order in which
            a search is forwarded to CPs for a particular LU name.  The
            order for an actual search is determined dynamically by the
            EBN, based on this configured information and on other
            factors, including whether search dynamics and search
            ordering are enabled.  Information on these last two settings
            is available in, respectively, the ebnSubnetSearchDynamics
            and ebnSubnetSearch ordering objects."

        ::= { ebnSearchEntry 2 }

   ebnSearchCpName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..17))
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current

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            "This object specifies the CP(s) to which a search should be
            forwarded.  It either follows the SnaNAUWildcardName textual
            convention or takes one of the following special formats:

               '*' indicates that all native EBNs and all adjacent non-
               native EBNs and NNs may be added to the routing list

               '*SELF' indicates that the EBN should search itself and
               its native subnetwork at this time during the
               cross-subnet search,

               '*EBNS' indicates all native EBNs.

            Because the characters allowed in a CP name come from a
            restricted character set, and because the three formats
            listed here use no special characters, this object is not
            subject to internationalization."

        ::= { ebnSearchEntry 3 }

        SYNTAX Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "The maximum number of subnets a Locate search procedure may
            traverse.  "

        ::= { ebnSearchEntry 4 }

   -- *******************************************************************
   -- HPR Extended Border Node Intermediate Session Group
   -- The hbnIsInTable is a sparse extension to the appnIsInTable.
   -- For sessions that use back-to-back RTP connections in an HBN,
   -- this table provides the network connection endpoint identifier
   -- (NceId) and the transport connection identifier (Tcid) for the
   -- second RTP connection.
   -- *******************************************************************

   hbn                     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnObjects 6 }

   hbnIsInTable OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "The HBN Intermediate Session table."

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        ::= { hbn 1}

   hbnIsInEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX HbnIsInEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "Entry of the HBN Intermediate Session Table.  An entry
            exists in this table for every intermediate session being
            routed between back-to-back RTP connections in the HBN.

            When an entry for a session exists in this table, the
            NceIds and Tcids for the back-to-back RTP connections are
            made available in the following four objects:

               RTP connection in the direction of the PLU:
                  - NceId:  appnIsInRtpNceId (in the APPN MIB)
                  - Tcid:   appnIsinRtpTcid (in the APPN MIB).

               RTP connection in the direction of the SLU:
                  - NceId:  hbnIsInRtpNceId (in this table)
                  - Tcid:   hbnIsInRtpTcid (in this table)."

        INDEX { hbnIsInFqCpName,
                hbnIsInPcid }

   ::= { hbnIsInTable 1 }

   HbnIsInEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           hbnIsInFqCpName    SnaControlPointName,
           hbnIsInPcid        OCTET STRING,
           hbnIsInRtpNceId    OCTET STRING,
           hbnIsInRtpTcid     OCTET STRING }

   hbnIsInFqCpName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SnaControlPointName
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "The network-qualified control point name of the node at
            which the session and PCID originated.  For APPN and LEN
            nodes, this is either the CP name of the APPN node at
            which the origin LU is located or the CP name of the NN
            serving the LEN node at which the origin LU is located.

            If this object has the same value as the appnIsInFqCpName
            object in the APPN MIB, then the two objects are referring
            to the same APPN control point."

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        ::= { hbnIsInEntry 1 }

   hbnIsInPcid OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
            "The procedure correlation identifier (PCID) of a session.
            It is an 8-octet value.

            If this object has the same value as the appnIsInPcid object
            in the APPN MIB, and if the corresponding hbnIsInFqCpName
            object has the same value as the corresponding
            appnIsInFqCpName object, then the entries indexed by these
            objects are referring to the same session."

        ::= { hbnIsInEntry 2 }

   hbnIsInRtpNceId OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "The HPR local Network Connection Endpoint of the session in
            the direction of the SLU."

        ::= { hbnIsInEntry 3 }

   hbnIsInRtpTcid OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
            "The RTP connection local TCID of the session in the direction
            of the SLU."

        ::= { hbnIsInEntry 4 }

   -- *******************************************************************
   -- Conformance Statement
   -- *******************************************************************
   ebnConformance          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnMIB 2 }

   ebnCompliances          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnConformance 1 }
   ebnGroups               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ebnConformance 2 }

   -- Compliance statements
   ebnCompliance     MODULE-COMPLIANCE

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     STATUS current
         "The compliance statement for the SNMPv2 entities which
         implement the ebnMIB."

     MODULE   -- this module

     --  Unconditionally mandatory groups
                   ebnSubnetRoutingListGroup }

     -- Conditionally mandatory groups
        GROUP hbnIsInGroup
            "The hbnIsInGroup is mandatory only for HPR extended border

        ::= {ebnCompliances 1 }

   -- Group definitions
   ebnDirectoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { ebnDirSubnetAffiliation }
        STATUS current
            "The EBN-related directory objects."

        ::= { ebnGroups 1 }

   ebnIsRscvGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { ebnIsRscvDestinationRoute,
                  ebnIsRscvDestinationCos }
        STATUS current
            "Two objects representing RSCV and class of service
            information saved by an EBN."

        ::= { ebnGroups 2 }

   ebnDirectoryConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { ebnSearchCacheTime,
                  ebnDefaultSubnetVisitCount }
        STATUS current

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            "The EBN Directory Configuration Group."

        ::= { ebnGroups 3 }

   ebnCosMappingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS {  ebnCosMapNativeCos }
        STATUS current
            "The EBN COS Mapping Group."

        ::= { ebnGroups 4 }

   ebnSubnetRoutingListGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { ebnSubnetSearchDynamics,
                   ebnSearchSNVC }
        STATUS current
            "The Subnet Routing List Group."

        ::= { ebnGroups 5 }

   hbnIsInGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { hbnIsInRtpNceId, hbnIsInRtpTcid }
        STATUS current
            "The HBN-related Intermediate Session Objects."

        ::= { ebnGroups 6 }


5.0 Security Considerations

   Certain management information defined in this MIB may be considered
   sensitive in some network environments.  Therefore, authentication of
   received SNMP requests and controlled access to management
   information SHOULD be employed in such environments.  An
   authentication protocol is defined in [10].  A protocol for access
   control is defined in [11].

   None of the read-only objects in the EBN MIB reports a password, user
   data, or anything else that is particularly sensitive.  Some
   enterprises view their network configuration itself, as well as
   information about network usage and performance, as corporate assets;

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RFC 2457                Extended Border Node MIB           November 1998

   such enterprises may wish to restrict SNMP access to most of the
   objects in the MIB.

   There are no read-write objects in the EBN MIB.

6.0 Intellectual Property

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it
   has made any effort to identify any such rights.  Information on the
   IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and
   standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11.  Copies of
   claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of
   licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to
   obtain a general license or permission for the use of such
   proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification can
   be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF Executive

7.0 Acknowledgments

   This MIB module is the product of the IETF SNA NAU MIB WG and the AIW
   APPN/HPR MIBs SIG.  Thanks to Dave Billing, Cisco Systems; Katie Lee,
   IBM Corporation; and Marcia Peters, IBM Corporation, for their
   contributions and review.

8.0 References

   [1]  Case, J., Fedor, M. Schoffstall, M. and J. Davin, "Simple
        Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, May 1990.

   [2]  McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
        Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II", STD 17,
        RFC 1213, March 1991.

   [3]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and Waldbusser S.,
        "Structure of Management Information for Version 2 of the Simple
        Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1902, January 1996.

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RFC 2457                Extended Border Node MIB           November 1998

   [4]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and Waldbusser, S., "Textual
        Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management
        Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1903, January 1996.

   [5]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and Waldbusser, S.,
        "Conformance Statements for Version 2 of the Simple Network
        Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1904, January 1996.

   [6]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and Waldbusser, S.,
        "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network
        Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1905, January 1996.

   [7]  Harrington D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "An Architecture for
        Describing SNMP Management Frameworks", RFC 2271, January 1998.

   [8]  Harrington D., Presuhn, R. and B. Wijnen, "Message Processing
        and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMP)", RFC 2272, January 1998.

   [9]  Levi D., Meyer P. and B. Stewart, "SNMPv3 Applications", RFC
        2273, January 1998.

   [10] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model (USM)
        for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMPv3)", RFC 2274, January 1998.

   [11] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R. and K. McCloghrie, "View-based Access
        Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol
        (SNMP)", RFC 2275, January 1998.

   [12] Hovey, R. and S. Bradner, "The Organizations Involved in the
        IETF Standards Process", BCP 11, RFC 2028, October 1996.

   [13] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
        Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [14] Clouston, B. and B. Moore, "Definition of Managed Objects for
        APPN", RFC 2455, November 1998.

   [15] IBM, APPN Extended Border Node Architecture Reference Version
        1.0, available only via anonymous FTP at
        networking.raleigh.ibm.com, as

   [16] IBM, SNA/MS Formats, GC31-8302-01

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RFC 2457                Extended Border Node MIB           November 1998

9.0 Authors' Addresses

   Bob Clouston
   Cisco Systems
   7025 Kit Creek Road
   P.O. Box 14987
   Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA

   Phone: +1-919-472-2333
   EMail: clouston@cisco.com

   Robert Moore
   Dept. BRQA/Bldg. 501/G114
   IBM Corporation
   P.O.Box 12195
   3039 Cornwallis
   Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA

   Phone: +1-919-254-4436
   EMail: remoore@us.ibm.com

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RFC 2457                Extended Border Node MIB           November 1998

10.0  Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an

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