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RFC 2266:
Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802


Network Working Group                                           J. Flick
Request for Comments: 2266                       Hewlett Packard Company
Category: Standards Track                                   January 1998

    Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.12 Repeater Devices

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets.
   In particular, it defines objects for managing network repeaters
   based on IEEE 802.12.

Table of Contents

   1.  The SNMP Network Management Framework ......................    2
   1.1.  Object Definitions .......................................    2
   2.  Overview ...................................................    2
   2.1.  Repeater Management Model ................................    3
   2.2.  MAC Addresses ............................................    4
   2.3.  Master Mode and Slave Mode ...............................    4
   2.4.  IEEE 802.12 Training Frames ..............................    4
   2.5.  Structure of the MIB .....................................    6
   2.5.1.  Basic Definitions ......................................    7
   2.5.2.  Monitor Definitions ....................................    7
   2.5.3.  Address Tracking Definitions ...........................    7
   2.6.  Relationship to other MIBs ...............................    7
   2.6.1.  Relationship to MIB-II .................................    7  Relationship to the 'system' group ...................    7  Relationship to the 'interfaces' group ...............    8
   2.6.2.  Relationship to the 802.3 Repeater MIB .................    8

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

   2.7.  Mapping of IEEE 802.12 Managed Objects ...................    9
   3.  Definitions ................................................   12
   4.  Acknowledgements ...........................................   53
   5.  References .................................................   53
   6.  Security Considerations ....................................   54
   7.  Author's Address ...........................................   55
   8.  Full Copyright Statement ...................................   56

1.  The SNMP Network Management Framework

   The SNMP Network Management Framework consists of several components.
   For the purpose of this specification, the applicable components of
   the Framework are the SMI and related documents [2, 3, 4], which
   define the mechanisms used for describing and naming objects for the
   purpose of management.

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

1.1.  Object Definitions

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base (MIB).  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [1]
   defined in the SMI [2].  In particular, each object type is named by
   an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an administratively assigned name.  The object
   type together with an object instance serves to uniquely identify a
   specific instantiation of the object.  For human convenience, we
   often use a textual string, termed the descriptor, to refer to the
   object type.

2.  Overview

   Instances of these object types represent attributes of an IEEE
   802.12 repeater, as defined by Section 12, "RMAC Protocol" in IEEE
   Standard 802.12-1995 [6].

   The definitions presented here are based on Section 13, "Layer
   management functions and services", and Annex C, "GDMO Specifications
   for Demand Priority Managed Objects" of IEEE Standard 802.12-1995

   Implementors of these MIB objects should note that the IEEE document
   explicitly describes (in the form of Pascal pseudocode) when, where,
   and how various repeater attributes are measured.  The IEEE document
   also describes the effects of repeater actions that may be invoked by
   manipulating instances of the MIB objects defined here.

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

   The counters in this document are defined to be the same as those
   counters in IEEE Standard 802.12-1995, with the intention that the
   same instrumentation can be used to implement both the IEEE and IETF
   management standards.

2.1.  Repeater Management Model

   The model used in the design of this MIB allows for a managed system
   to contain one or more managed 802.12 repeaters, and one or more
   managed 802.12 repeater ports.

   A repeater port may be thought of as a source of traffic into a
   repeater in the system.  The vgRptrBasicPortTable contains entries
   for each physical repeater port in the managed system.  An
   implementor may choose to separate these ports into "groups".  For
   example, a group may be used to represent a field-replaceable unit,
   so that the port numbering may match the numbering in the hardware
   implementation.  Note that this group mapping is recommended but
   optional.  An implementor may choose to put all of the system's ports
   into a single group, or to divide the ports into groups that do not
   match physical divisions.  Each group within the system is uniquely
   identified by a group number.  Each port within a system is uniquely
   identified by a combination of group number and port number.  The
   method of numbering groups and ports is implementation-specific.
   Both groups and ports may be sparsely numbered.

   In addition to the externally visible ports, some implementations may
   have internal ports that are not obvious to the end-user but are
   nevertheless sources of traffic into the repeater system.  Examples
   include internal management ports, through which an agent
   communicates, and ports connecting to a backplane internal to the
   implementation.  It is the decision of the implementor to select the
   appropriate group(s) in which to place internal ports.

   Managed repeaters in the system are represented by entries in the
   vgRptrInfoTable.  There may be multiple repeaters in the managed
   system.  They are uniquely identified by a repeater number.  The
   method of numbering repeaters is implementation-specific.  Each port
   will either be associated with one of the repeaters, or isolated (a
   so-called "trivial" repeater).  The set of ports associated with a
   single repeater will be in the same contention domain, and will be
   participating in the same instance of the Demand Priority Access
   Method protocol.  The mapping of ports to repeaters may be static or
   dynamic.  A column in the vgRptrBasicPortTable,
   vgRptrPortRptrInfoIndex, indicates the repeater that the port is
   currently associated with.  The method for assigning a port to a
   repeater is implementation-specific.

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2.2.  MAC Addresses

   All representations of MAC addresses in this MIB module are in
   "canonical" order defined by 802.1a, i.e., as if it were transmitted
   least significant bit first.  This is true even if the repeater is
   operating in token ring framing mode, which requires MAC addresses to
   be transmitted most significant bit first.

2.3.  Master Mode and Slave Mode

   In an IEEE 802.12 network, "master" devices act as network
   controllers to decide when to grant requesting end-nodes permission
   to transmit.  These master devices may be repeaters, or other active
   controller devices such as switches.

   Devices which do not act as network controllers, such as end-nodes or
   passive switches, are considered to be operating in "slave" mode.

   An 802.12 repeater always acts in "master" mode on its local ports,
   which may connect to end nodes, switch or other device ports acting
   in "slave" mode, or lower-level repeaters in a cascade.  It acts in
   "slave" mode on cascade ports, which may connect to an upper-level
   repeater in a cascade, or to switch or other device ports operating
   in "master" mode.

2.4.  IEEE 802.12 Training Frames

   Training frames are special MAC frames that are used only during link
   initialization.  Training frames are initially constructed by the
   device at the "lower" end of a link, which is the slave mode device
   for the link.  The training frame format is as follows:

       | DA | SA | Req Config | Allow Config |   Data   | FCS |

               DA = destination address (six octets)
               SA = source address (six octets)
               Req Config = requested configuration (2 octets)
               Allow Config = allowed configuration (2 octets)
               Data = data (594 to 675 octets)
               FCS = frame check sequence (4 octets)

   Training frames are always sent with a null destination address.  To
   pass training, an end node must use its source address in the source
   address field of the training frame.  A repeater may use a non-null
   source address if it has one, or it may use a null source address.

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

   The requested configuration field allows the slave mode device to
   inform the master mode device about itself and to request
   configuration options.  The training response frame from the master
   mode device contains the slave mode device's requested configuration
   from the training request frame.  The currently defined format of the
   requested configuration field as defined in the IEEE Standard
   802.12-1995 standard is shown below.  Please refer to the most
   current version of the IEEE document for a more up to date
   description of this field.  In particular, the reserved bits may be
   used in later versions of the standard.

       First Octet:       Second Octet:

        7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
       |v|v|v|r|r|r|r|r|  |r|r|r|F|F|P|P|R|
       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

       vvv: The version of the 802.12 training protocol with which
            the training initiator is compliant.  The current version
            is 100.  Note that because of the different bit ordering
            used in IEEE and IETF documents, this value corresponds
            to version 1.
       r:   Reserved bits (set to zero)
       FF:  00 = frameType88023
            01 = frameType88025
            10 = reserved
            11 = frameTypeEither
       PP:  00 = singleAddressMode
            01 = promiscuousMode
            10 = reserved
            11 = reserved
       R:   0  = the training initiator is an end node
            1  = the training initiator is a repeater

   The allowed configuration field allows the master mode device to
   respond with the allowed configuration.  The slave mode device sets
   the contents of this field to all zero bits.  The master mode device
   sets the allowed configuration field as follows:

       First Octet:       Second Octet:

        7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0    7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
       |v|v|v|D|C|N|r|r|  |r|r|r|F|F|P|P|R|
       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

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       vvv: The version of the 802.12 training protocol with which
            the training responder is compliant.  The current version
            is 100.  Note that because of the different bit ordering
            used in IEEE and IETF documents, this value corresponds
            to version 1.
       D:   0  = No duplicate address has been detected.
            1  = Duplicate address has been detected.
       C:   0  = The requested configuration is compatible with the
                 network and the attached port.
            1  = The requested configuration is not compatible with
                 the network and/or the attached port.  In this case,
                 the FF, PP, and R bits indicate a configuration that
                 would be allowed.
       N:   0  = Access will be allowed, providing the configuration
                 is compatible (C = 0).
            1  = Access is not granted because of security
       r:   Reserved bits (set to zero).
       FF:  00 = frameType88023 will be used.
            01 = frameType88025 will be used.
            10 = reserved
            11 = reserved
       PP:  00 = singleAddressMode
            01 = promiscuousMode
            10 = reserved
            11 = reserved
       R:   0  = Requested access as an end node is allowed.
            1  = Requested access as a repeater is allowed.

   Again, note that the most recent version of the IEEE 802.12 standard
   should be consulted for the most up to date definition of the
   requested configuration and allowed configuration fields.

   The data field contains between 594 and 675 octets and is filled in
   by the training initiator.  The first 55 octets may be used for
   vendor specific protocol information.  The remaining octets are all
   zeros.  The length of the training frame combined with the
   requirement that 24 consecutive training frames be exchanged without
   error to complete training ensures that marginal links will not
   complete training.

2.5.  Structure of the MIB

   Objects in this MIB are arranged into OID subtrees, each of which
   contains a set of related objects within a broad functional category.
   These subtrees are intended for organizational convenience ONLY, and
   have no relation to the conformance groups defined later in the

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2.5.1.  Basic Definitions

   The basic definitions include objects for managing the basic status
   and control parameters for each repeater within the managed system,
   for the port groups within the managed system, and for the individual
   ports themselves.

2.5.2.  Monitor Definitions

   The monitor definitions include monitoring statistics for each
   repeater within the system and for individual ports.

2.5.3.  Address Tracking Definitions

   This collection includes objects for tracking the MAC addresses of
   the DTEs attached to the ports within the system.

   Note that this MIB also includes by reference a collection of objects
   from the 802.3 Repeater MIB which may be used for mapping the
   topology of a network.  These definitions are based on a technology
   which has been patented by Hewlett-Packard Company (HP).  HP has
   granted rights to this technology to implementors of this MIB.  See
   [8] and [9] for details.

2.6.  Relationship to other MIBs

2.6.1.  Relationship to MIB-II

   It is assumed that a repeater implementing this MIB will also
   implement (at least) the 'system' group defined in MIB-II [5].  Relationship to the 'system' group

   In MIB-II, the 'system' group is defined as being mandatory for all
   systems such that each managed entity contains one instance of each
   object in the 'system' group.  Thus, those objects apply to the
   entity even if the entity's sole functionality is management of

   Note that all of the managed repeaters (i.e. entries in the
   vgRptrInfoTable) will normally exist within a single naming scope.
   Therefore, there will normally only be a single instance of each of
   the objects in the system group for the entire managed repeater
   system regardless of how many managed repeaters there are in the

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998  Relationship to the 'interfaces' group

   In MIB-II, the 'interfaces' group is defined as being mandatory for
   all systems and contains information on an entity's interfaces, where
   each interface is thought of as being attached to a 'subnetwork'.
   (Note that this term is not to be confused with 'subnet' which refers
   to an addressing partitioning scheme used in the Internet suite of

   This Repeater MIB uses the notion of ports on a repeater.  The
   concept of a MIB-II interface has NO specific relationship to a
   repeater's port.  Therefore, the 'interfaces' group applies only to
   the one (or more) network interfaces on which the entity managing the
   repeater sends and receives management protocol operations, and does
   not apply to the repeater's ports.

   This is consistent with the physical-layer nature of a repeater.  An
   802.12 repeater has an RMAC implementation, which acts as the
   repeater end of the Demand Priority Access Method, but does not
   contain a DTE MAC implementation, and does not pass packets up to
   higher-level protocol entities for processing.

   (When a network management entity is observing a repeater, it may
   appear as though the repeater is passing packets to a higher-level
   protocol entity.  However, this is only a means of implementing
   management, and this passing of management information is not part of
   the repeater functionality.)

2.6.2.  Relationship to the 802.3 Repeater MIB

   An IEEE 802.12 repeater can be configured to operate in either
   ethernet or token ring framing mode.  This only affects the frame
   format and address bit order of the frames on the wire.  An 802.12
   network does not use the media access protocol for either ethernet or
   token ring.  Instead, IEEE 802.12 defines its own media access
   protocol, the Demand Priority Access Method (DPAM).

   There is an existing standards-track MIB module for instrumenting
   IEEE 802.3 repeaters [7].  That MIB module is designed to instrument
   the operation of the repeater in a network implementing the 802.3
   media access protocol.  Therefore, much of that MIB does not apply to
   802.12 repeaters.

   However, the 802.3 Repeater MIB also contains a collection of objects
   that may be used to map the topology of a network.  These objects are
   contained in a separable OBJECT-GROUP, are not 802.3-specific, and
   are considered useful for 802.12 repeaters.  In addition, the layer

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

   management clause of the IEEE 802.12 specification includes similar
   functionality.  Therefore, vendors of agents for 802.12 repeaters are
   encouraged to implement the snmpRptrGrpRptrAddrSearch OBJECT-GROUP
   defined in the 802.3 Repeater MIB.

2.7.  Mapping of IEEE 802.12 Managed Objects

   IEEE 802.12 Managed Object        Corresponding SNMP Object

     .aCurrentFramingType            vgRptrInfoCurrentFramingType
     .aDesiredFramingType            vgRptrInfoDesiredFramingType
     .aFramingCapability             vgRptrInfoFramingCapability
     .aMACAddress                    vgRptrInfoMACAddress
     .aRepeaterHealthState           vgRptrInfoOperStatus
     .aRepeaterID                    vgRptrInfoIndex
     .aRepeaterSearchAddress         SNMP-REPEATER-MIB -
     .aRepeaterSearchGroup           SNMP-REPEATER-MIB -
     .aRepeaterSearchPort            SNMP-REPEATER-MIB -
     .aRepeaterSearchState           SNMP-REPEATER-MIB -
     .aRMACVersion                   vgRptrInfoTrainingVersion
     .acRepeaterSearchAddress        SNMP-REPEATER-MIB -
     .acResetRepeater                vgRptrInfoReset
     .nRepeaterHealth                vgRptrHealth
     .nRepeaterReset                 vgRptrResetEvent

     .aGroupCablesBundled            vgRptrGroupCablesBundled
     .aGroupID                       vgRptrGroupIndex
     .aGroupPortCapacity             vgRptrGroupPortCapacity

     .aAllowableTrainingType         vgRptrPortAllowedTrainType
     .aBroadcastFramesReceived       vgRptrPortBroadcastFrames
     .aCentralMgmtDetectedDupAddr    vgRptrMgrDetectedDupAddress
     .aDataErrorFramesReceived       vgRptrPortDataErrorFrames
     .aHighPriorityFramesReceived    vgRptrPortHighPriorityFrames
     .aHighPriorityOctetsReceived    vgRptrPortHCHighPriorityOctets, or
                                     vgRptrPortHighPriorityOctets and
     .aIPMFramesReceived             vgRptrPortIPMFrames
     .aLastTrainedAddress            vgRptrAddrLastTrainedAddress
     .aLastTrainingConfig            vgRptrPortLastTrainConfig

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     .aLocalRptrDetectedDupAddr      vgRptrRptrDetectedDupAddress
     .aMulticastFramesReceived       vgRptrPortMulticastFrames
     .aNormalPriorityFramesReceived  vgRptrPortNormPriorityFrames
     .aNormalPriorityOctetsReceived  vgRptrPortHCNormPriorityOctets, or
                                     vgRptrPortNormPriorityOctets and
     .aNullAddressedFramesReceived   vgRptrPortNullAddressedFrames
     .aOctetsInUnreadableFramesRcvd  vgRptrPortHCUnreadableOctets, or
                                     vgRptrPortUnreadableOctets and
     .aOversizeFramesReceived        vgRptrPortOversizeFrames
     .aPortAdministrativeState       vgRptrPortAdminStatus
     .aPortID                        vgRptrPortIndex
     .aPortStatus                    vgRptrPortOperStatus
     .aPortType                      vgRptrPortType
     .aPriorityEnable                vgRptrPortPriorityEnable
     .aPriorityPromotions            vgRptrPortPriorityPromotions
     .aReadableFramesReceived        vgRptrPortReadableFrames
     .aReadableOctetsReceived        vgRptrPortHCReadableOctets, or
                                     vgRptrPortReadableOctets and
     .aSupportedCascadeMode          vgRptrPortSupportedCascadeMode
     .aSupportedPromiscMode          vgRptrPortSupportedPromiscMode
     .aTrainedAddressChanges         vgRptrAddrTrainedAddressChanges
     .aTrainingResult                vgRptrPortTrainingResult
     .aTransitionsIntoTraining       vgRptrPortTransitionToTrainings
     .acPortAdministrativeControl    vgRptrPortAdminStatus

   The following IEEE 802.12 managed objects have not been included in
   the 802.12 Repeater MIB for the indicated reasons.

   IEEE 802.12 Managed Object        Disposition

     .aGroupMap                      Can be determined by GetNext sweep
                                     of vgRptrBasicGroupTable

     .aRepeaterGroupCapacity         Meaning is unclear in many
                                     repeater implementations.  For
                                     example, some cards may have
                                     daughter cards which make group
                                     capacity change depending on the
                                     cards installed.  Meaning is also
                                     unclear in a stackable
                                     implementation.  Also, since
                                     groups are not required to be
                                     numbered from 1..capacity, but may
                                     be computed algorithmically or

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                                     related to Entity MIB indices,
                                     this object was not considered

     .aRepeaterHealthData            Since the data is implementation
                                     specific and non-interoperable,
                                     it was not considered useful.

     .aRepeaterHealthText            Implementation experience with
                                     similar object in 802.3 Rptr MIB
                                     indicated it was not useful.

     .acExecuteNonDisruptiveSelfTest Implementation experience with
                                     similar object in 802.3 Rptr MIB
                                     indicated it was not useful.

     .nGroupMapChange                Since aGroupMap was not included,
                                     a notification of a change in that
                                     object was not needed.

     .aPortMap                       Can be determined by GetNext sweep
                                     of vgRptrBasicPortTable
     .nPortMapChange                 Since aPortMap was not included,
                                     a notification of a change in that
                                     object was not needed.

     .aMediaType                     This object is a function of the
                                     Physical Media Dependent (PMD)
                                     layer, which is defined
                                     differently for each type of
                                     network. For an 802.3 network,
                                     .aMediaType corresponds to the PMD
                                     definitions in the 802.3 MAU MIB.
                                     For management of an 802.12
                                     network, mapping of this object is
                                     deferred to future work on an
                                     802.12 PMD MIB which will include
                                     both repeater and interface PMD
                                     information and redundant link

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

3.  Definitions


              mib-2, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64,
                  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
              MacAddress, TruthValue, TimeStamp
                  FROM SNMPv2-TC
                  FROM SNMPv2-CONF;

               LAST-UPDATED "9705192256Z"  -- May 19, 1997
               ORGANIZATION "IETF 100VG-AnyLAN Working Group"
                       "WG E-mail: vgmib@hprnd.rose.hp.com

                            Chair: Jeff Johnson
                           Postal: RedBack Networks
                                   2570 North First Street, Suite 410
                                   San Jose, CA  95131
                              Tel: +1 408 571 2699
                              Fax: +1 408 571 2698
                           E-mail: jeff@redbacknetworks.com

                           Editor: John Flick
                           Postal: Hewlett Packard Company
                                   8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5556
                                   Roseville, CA 95747-5556
                              Tel: +1 916 785 4018
                              Fax: +1 916 785 3583
                           E-mail: johnf@hprnd.rose.hp.com"
                       "This MIB module describes objects for managing
                       IEEE 802.12 repeaters."
               ::= { mib-2 53 }

          vgRptrObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrMIB 1 }
          vgRptrBasic        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrObjects 1 }
          vgRptrBasicRptr    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrBasic 1 }

          vgRptrInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF VgRptrInfoEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      "A table of information about each 802.12 repeater
                      in the managed system."
              ::= { vgRptrBasicRptr 1 }

          vgRptrInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     VgRptrInfoEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "An entry in the table, containing information
                      about a single repeater."
              INDEX      { vgRptrInfoIndex }
              ::= { vgRptrInfoTable 1 }

          VgRptrInfoEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                  vgRptrInfoIndex                 Integer32,
                  vgRptrInfoMACAddress            MacAddress,
                  vgRptrInfoCurrentFramingType    INTEGER,
                  vgRptrInfoDesiredFramingType    INTEGER,
                  vgRptrInfoFramingCapability     INTEGER,
                  vgRptrInfoTrainingVersion       INTEGER,
                  vgRptrInfoOperStatus            INTEGER,
                  vgRptrInfoReset                 INTEGER,
                  vgRptrInfoLastChange            TimeStamp

          vgRptrInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A unique identifier for the repeater for which
                      this entry contains information.  The numbering
                      scheme for repeaters is implementation specific."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 1 }

          vgRptrInfoMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     MacAddress
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The MAC address used by the repeater when it
                      initiates training on the uplink port.  Repeaters
                      are allowed to train with an assigned MAC address

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                      or a null (all zeroes) MAC address."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 2 }

          vgRptrInfoCurrentFramingType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The type of framing (802.3 or 802.5) currently
                      in use by the repeater."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 3 }

          vgRptrInfoDesiredFramingType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                      "The type of framing which will be used by the
                      repeater after the next time it is reset.

                      The value of this object should be preserved
                      across repeater resets and power failures."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 4 }

          vgRptrInfoFramingCapability OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                      "The type of framing this repeater is capable of
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 5 }

          vgRptrInfoTrainingVersion OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..7)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The highest version bits (vvv bits) supported by
                      the repeater during training."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 6 }

          vgRptrInfoOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The vgRptrInfoOperStatus object indicates the
                      operational state of the repeater."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 7 }

          vgRptrInfoReset OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {

              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                      "Setting this object to reset(2) causes the
                      repeater to transition to its initial state as
                      specified in clause 12 [IEEE Std 802.12].

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                      Setting this object to noReset(1) has no effect.
                      The agent will always return the value noReset(1)
                      when this object is read.

                      After receiving a request to set this variable to
                      reset(2), the agent is allowed to delay the reset
                      for a short period.  For example, the implementor
                      may choose to delay the reset long enough to
                      allow the SNMP response to be transmitted.  In
                      any event, the SNMP response must be transmitted.

                      This action does not reset the management
                      counters defined in this document nor does it
                      affect the vgRptrPortAdminStatus parameters.
                      Included in this action is the execution of a
                      disruptive Self-Test with the following

                          1) The nature of the tests is not specified.
                          2) The test resets the repeater but without
                             affecting configurable management
                             information about the repeater.
                          3) Packets received during the test may or
                             may not be transferred.
                          4) The test does not interfere with
                             management functions.

                      After performing this self-test, the agent will
                      update the repeater health information (including
                      vgRptrInfoOperStatus), and send a
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 8 }

          vgRptrInfoLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     TimeStamp
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The value of sysUpTime when any of the following
                      conditions occurred:

                          1) agent cold- or warm-started;
                          2) this instance of repeater was created
                             (such as when a device or module was
                             added to the system);

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                          3) a change in the value of
                          4) ports were added or removed as members of
                             the repeater; or
                          5) any of the counters associated with this
                             repeater had a discontinuity."
              ::= { vgRptrInfoEntry 9 }

          vgRptrBasicGroup  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrBasic 2 }

          vgRptrBasicGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF VgRptrBasicGroupEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A table containing information about groups of
              ::= { vgRptrBasicGroup 1 }

          vgRptrBasicGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     VgRptrBasicGroupEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "An entry in the vgRptrBasicGroupTable, containing
                      information about a single group of ports."
              INDEX      { vgRptrGroupIndex }
              ::= { vgRptrBasicGroupTable 1 }

          VgRptrBasicGroupEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                  vgRptrGroupIndex                Integer32,
                  vgRptrGroupObjectID             OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
                  vgRptrGroupOperStatus           INTEGER,
                  vgRptrGroupPortCapacity         Integer32,
                  vgRptrGroupCablesBundled        INTEGER

          vgRptrGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2146483647)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "This object identifies the group within the
                      system for which this entry contains information.
                      The numbering scheme for groups is implementation

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                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicGroupEntry 1 }

          vgRptrGroupObjectID OBJECT-TYPE
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The vendor's authoritative identification of the
                      group.  This value may be allocated within the
                      SMI enterprises subtree ( and
                      provides a straight-forward and unambiguous means
                      for determining what kind of group is being

                      For example, this object could take the value
             if vendor 'Flintstones,
                      Inc.' was assigned the subtree,
                      and had assigned the identifier
             to its 'Wilma Flintstone
                      6-Port Plug-in Module.'"
              ::= { vgRptrBasicGroupEntry 2 }

          vgRptrGroupOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "An object that indicates the operational status
                      of the group.

                      A status of notPresent(4) indicates that the
                      group is temporarily or permanently physically
                      and/or logically not a part of the system.  It
                      is an implementation-specific matter as to
                      whether the agent effectively removes notPresent
                      entries from the table.

                      A status of operational(2) indicates that the
                      group is functioning, and a status of

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                      malfunctioning(3) indicates that the group is
                      malfunctioning in some way."
              ::= { vgRptrBasicGroupEntry 3 }

          vgRptrGroupPortCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2146483647)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The vgRptrGroupPortCapacity is the number of
                      ports that can be contained within the group.
                      Valid range is 1-2147483647.  Within each group,
                      the ports are uniquely numbered in the range from
                      1 to vgRptrGroupPortCapacity.

                      Some ports may not be present in the system, in
                      which case the actual number of ports present will
                      be less than the value of vgRptrGroupPortCapacity.
                      The number of ports present is never greater than
                      the value of vgRptrGroupPortCapacity.

                      Note:  In practice, this will generally be the
                      number of ports on a module, card, or board, and
                      the port numbers will correspond to numbers marked
                      on the physical embodiment."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicGroupEntry 4 }

          vgRptrGroupCablesBundled OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is used to indicate whether there are
                      any four-pair UTP links connected to this group
                      that are contained in a cable bundle with multiple
                      four-pair groups (e.g. a 25-pair bundle).  Bundled
                      cable may only be used for repeater-to-end node
                      links where the end node is not in promiscuous

                      When a broadcast or multicast packet is received
                      from a port on this group that is not a

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      promiscuous or cascaded port, the packet will be
                      buffered completely before being repeated if
                      this object is set to 'someCablesBundled(1)'.
                      When this object is equal to 'noCablesBundled(2)',
                      all packets received from ports on this group will
                      be repeated as the frame is being received.

                      Note that the value 'someCablesBundled(1)' will
                      work in the vast majority of all installations,
                      regardless of whether or not any cables are
                      physically in a bundle, since packets received
                      from promiscuous and cascaded ports automatically
                      avoid the store and forward.  The main situation
                      in which 'noCablesBundled(2)' is beneficial is
                      when there is a large amount of multicast traffic
                      and the cables are not in a bundle.

                      The value of this object should be preserved
                      across repeater resets and power failures."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicGroupEntry 5 }

          vgRptrBasicPort   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrBasic 3 }

          vgRptrBasicPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF VgRptrBasicPortEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A table containing configuration and status
                      information about 802.12 repeater ports in the
                      system.  The number of entries is independent of
                      the number of repeaters in the managed system."
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPort 1 }

          vgRptrBasicPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     VgRptrBasicPortEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "An entry in the vgRptrBasicPortTable, containing
                      information about a single port."
              INDEX      { vgRptrGroupIndex, vgRptrPortIndex }
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortTable 1 }

          VgRptrBasicPortEntry ::=

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              SEQUENCE {
                  vgRptrPortIndex                 Integer32,
                  vgRptrPortType                  INTEGER,
                  vgRptrPortAdminStatus           INTEGER,
                  vgRptrPortOperStatus            INTEGER,
                  vgRptrPortSupportedPromiscMode  INTEGER,
                  vgRptrPortSupportedCascadeMode  INTEGER,
                  vgRptrPortAllowedTrainType      INTEGER,
                  vgRptrPortLastTrainConfig       OCTET STRING,
                  vgRptrPortTrainingResult        OCTET STRING,
                  vgRptrPortPriorityEnable        TruthValue,
                  vgRptrPortRptrInfoIndex         Integer32

          vgRptrPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "This object identifies the port within the group
                      for which this entry contains information.  This
                      identifies the port independently from the
                      repeater it may be attached to.  The numbering
                      scheme for ports is implementation specific;
                      however, this value can never be greater than
                      vgRptrGroupPortCapacity for the associated group."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 1 }

          vgRptrPortType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "Describes the type of port.  One of the

                          cascadeExternal - Port is an uplink with
                                            physical connections which
                                            are externally visible
                          cascadeInternal - Port is an uplink with

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                                            physical connections which
                                            are not externally visible,
                                            such as a connection to an
                                            internal backplane in a
                          localExternal   - Port is a downlink or local
                                            port with externally
                                            visible connections
                          localInternal   - Port is a downlink or local
                                            port with connections which
                                            are not externally visible,
                                            such as a connection to an
                                            internal agent

                      'internal' is used to identify ports which place
                      traffic into the repeater, but do not have any
                      external connections.  Note that both DTE and
                      cascaded repeater downlinks are considered
                      'local' ports."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 2 }

          vgRptrPortAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                      "Port enable/disable function.  Enabling a
                      disabled port will cause training to be
                      initiated by the training initiator (the slave
                      mode device) on the link.  Setting this object to
                      disabled(2) disables the port.

                      A disabled port neither transmits nor receives.
                      Once disabled, a port must be explicitly enabled
                      to restore operation.  A port which is disabled
                      when power is lost or when a reset is exerted
                      shall remain disabled when normal operation

                      The value of this object should be preserved
                      across repeater resets and power failures."

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                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 3 }

          vgRptrPortOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "Current status for the port as specified by the
                      PORT_META_STATE in the port process module of
                      clause 12 [IEEE Std 802.12].

                      During initialization or any link warning
                      conditions, vgRptrPortStatus will be

                      When Training_Up is received by the repeater on a
                      local port (or when Training_Down is received on
                      a cascade port), vgRptrPortStatus will change to
                      'training(3)' and vgRptrTrainingResult can be
                      monitored to see the detailed status regarding

                      When 24 consecutive good FCS packets are exchanged
                      and the configuration bits are OK,
                      vgRptrPortStatus will change to 'active(1)'.

                      A disabled port shall have a port status of
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 4 }

          vgRptrPortSupportedPromiscMode OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      "This object describes whether the port hardware
                      is capable of supporting promiscuous mode, single
                      address mode (i.e., repeater filters unicasts not
                      addressed to the end station attached to this
                      port), or both.  A port for which vgRptrPortType
                      is equal to 'cascadeInternal' or 'cascadeExternal'
                      will always have a value of 'promiscModeOnly' for
                      this object."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 5 }

          vgRptrPortSupportedCascadeMode OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object describes whether the port hardware
                      is capable of supporting cascaded repeaters, end
                      nodes, or both.  A port for which vgRptrPortType
                      is equal to 'cascadeInternal' or
                      'cascadeExternal' will always have a value of
                      'cascadePort' for this object."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 6 }

          vgRptrPortAllowedTrainType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                      "This security object is set by the network
                      manager to configure what type of device is
                      permitted to connect to the port.  One of the
                      following values:

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                          allowEndNodesOnly        - only non-
                                                     promiscuous end
                                                     nodes permitted.
                          allowPromiscuousEndNodes - promiscuous or
                                                     end nodes
                          allowEndNodesOrRepeaters - repeaters or non-
                                                     promiscuous end
                                                     nodes permitted
                          allowAnything            - repeaters,
                                                     promiscuous or
                                                     end nodes

                      For a port for which vgRptrPortType is equal to
                      'cascadeInternal' or 'cascadeExternal', the
                      corresponding instance of this object may not be
                      set to 'allowEndNodesOnly' or

                      The agent must reject a SET of this object if the
                      value includes no capabilities that are
                      supported by this port's hardware, as defined by
                      the values of the corresponding instances of
                      vgRptrPortSupportedPromiscMode and

                      Note that vgRptrPortSupportPromiscMode and
                      vgRptrPortSupportedCascadeMode represent what the
                      port hardware is capable of supporting.
                      vgRptrPortAllowedTrainType is used for setting an
                      administrative policy for a port.  The actual set
                      of training configurations that will be allowed
                      to succeed on a port is the intersection of what
                      the hardware will support and what is
                      administratively allowed.  The above requirement
                      on what values may be set to this object says that
                      the intersection of what is supported and what is
                      allowed must be non-empty.  In other words, it
                      must not result in a situation in which nothing
                      would be allowed to train on that port.  However,
                      a value can be set to this object as long as the
                      combination of this object and what is supported
                      by the hardware would still leave at least one
                      configuration that could successfully train on the

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                      The value of this object should be preserved
                      across repeater resets and power failures."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 7 }

          vgRptrPortLastTrainConfig OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a 16 bit field.  For local ports,
                      this object contains the requested configuration
                      field from the most recent error-free training
                      request frame sent by the device connected to
                      the port.  For cascade ports, this object contains
                      the responder's allowed configuration field from
                      the most recent error-free training response frame
                      received in response to training initiated by this
                      repeater.  The format of the current version of
                      this field is described in section 3.2.  Please
                      refer to the most recent version of the IEEE
                      802.12 standard for the most up-to-date definition
                      of the format of this object."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 8 }

          vgRptrPortTrainingResult OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(3))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This 18 bit field is used to indicate the result
                      of training.  It contains two bits which indicate
                      if error-free training frames have been received,
                      and it also contains the 16 bits of the allowed
                      configuration field from the most recent
                      error-free training response frame on the port.

                        First Octet:    Second and Third Octets:
                        7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
                       |0|0|0|0|0|0|V|G| allowed configuration field |

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                          V:   Valid: set when at least one error-free
                               training frame has been received.
                               Indicates the 16 training configuration
                               bits in vgRptrPortLastTrainConfig and
                               vgRptrPortTrainingResult contain valid
                               information.  This bit is cleared when
                               vgRptrPortStatus transitions to the
                               'inactive' or 'training' state.
                          G:   LinkGood: indicates the link hardware is
                               OK.  Set if 24 consecutive error-free
                               training packets have been exchanged.
                               Cleared when a training packet with
                               errors is received, or when
                               vgRptrPortStatus transitions to the
                               'inactive' or 'training' state.

                      The format of the current version of the allowed
                      configuration field is described in section 3.2.
                      Please refer to the most recent version of the
                      IEEE 802.12 standard for the most up-to-date
                      definition of the format of this field.

                      If the port is in training, a management station
                      can examine this object to see if any training
                      packets have been passed successfully.  If there
                      have been any good training packets, the Valid
                      bit will be set and the management station can
                      examine the allowed configuration field to see if
                      there is a duplicate address, configuration, or
                      security problem.

                      Note that on a repeater local port, this repeater
                      generates the training response bits, while on
                      a cascade port, the device at the upper end of
                      the link originated the training response bits."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 9 }
          vgRptrPortPriorityEnable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     TruthValue
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                      "A configuration flag used to determine whether
                      the repeater will service high priority requests
                      received on the port as high priority or normal
                      priority.  When 'false', high priority requests

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                      on this port will be serviced as normal priority.

                      The setting of this object has no effect on a
                      cascade port.  Also note that the setting of this
                      object has no effect on a port connected to a
                      cascaded repeater.  In both of these cases, this
                      setting is treated as always 'true'.  The value
                      'false' only has an effect when the port is a
                      localInternal or localExternal port connected to
                      an end node.

                      The value of this object should be preserved
                      across repeater resets and power failures."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 10 }

          vgRptrPortRptrInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object identifies the repeater that this
                      port is currently mapped to.  The repeater
                      identified by a particular value of this object
                      is the same as that identified by the same value
                      of vgRptrInfoIndex.  A value of zero indicates
                      that this port is not currently mapped to any
              ::= { vgRptrBasicPortEntry 11 }

          vgRptrMonitor      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrObjects 2 }

          vgRptrMonRepeater  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrMonitor 1 }

          vgRptrMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF VgRptrMonitorEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A table of performance and error statistics for
                      each repeater in the system.  The instance of the
                      vgRptrInfoLastChange associated with a repeater
                      is used to indicate possible discontinuities of
                      the counters in this table that are associated
                      with the same repeater."

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              ::= { vgRptrMonRepeater 1 }

          vgRptrMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     VgRptrMonitorEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "An entry in the table, containing statistics
                      for a single repeater."
              INDEX      { vgRptrInfoIndex }
              ::= { vgRptrMonitorTable 1 }

          VgRptrMonitorEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                  vgRptrMonTotalReadableFrames    Counter32,
                  vgRptrMonTotalReadableOctets    Counter32,
                  vgRptrMonReadableOctetRollovers Counter32,
                  vgRptrMonHCTotalReadableOctets  Counter64,
                  vgRptrMonTotalErrors            Counter32

          vgRptrMonTotalReadableFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The total number of good frames of valid frame
                      length that have been received on all ports in
                      this repeater.  If an implementation cannot
                      obtain a count of frames as seen by the repeater
                      itself, this counter may be implemented as the
                      summation of the values of the
                      vgRptrPortReadableFrames counters for all of the
                      ports in this repeater.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrInfoLastChange changes."
              ::= { vgRptrMonitorEntry 1 }

          vgRptrMonTotalReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The total number of octets contained in good
                      frames that have been received on all ports in
                      this repeater.  If an implementation cannot

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                      obtain a count of octets as seen by the repeater
                      itself, this counter may be implemented as the
                      summation of the values of the
                      vgRptrPortReadableOctets counters for all of the
                      ports in this repeater.

                      Note that this counter can roll over very
                      quickly.  A management station is advised to
                      also poll the vgRptrReadableOctetRollovers
                      object, or to use the 64-bit counter defined by
                      vgRptrMonHCTotalReadableOctets instead of the
                      two 32-bit counters.

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrInfoLastChange changes."
              ::= { vgRptrMonitorEntry 2 }

          vgRptrMonReadableOctetRollovers OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The total number of times that the associated
                      instance of the vgRptrMonTotalReadableOctets
                      counter has rolled over.

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrInfoLastChange changes."
              ::= { vgRptrMonitorEntry 3 }

          vgRptrMonHCTotalReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter64
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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                      "The total number of octets contained in good
                      frames that have been received on all ports in
                      this repeater.  If an implementation cannot
                      obtain a count of octets as seen by the repeater
                      itself, this counter may be implemented as the
                      summation of the values of the
                      vgRptrPortHCReadableOctets counters for all of the
                      ports in this repeater.

                      This counter is a 64 bit version of
                      vgRptrMonTotalReadableOctets.  It should be used
                      by Network Management protocols which support 64
                      bit counters (e.g. SNMPv2).

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrInfoLastChange changes."
              ::= { vgRptrMonitorEntry 4 }

          vgRptrMonTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The total number of errors which have occurred on
                      all of the ports in this repeater.  If an
                      implementation cannot obtain a count of these
                      errors as seen by the repeater itself, this
                      counter may be implemented as the summation of the
                      values of the vgRptrPortIPMFrames,
                      vgRptrPortOversizeFrames, and
                      vgRptrPortDataErrorFrames counters for all of the
                      ports in this repeater.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrInfoLastChange changes."
              ::= { vgRptrMonitorEntry 5 }

          vgRptrMonGroup     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrMonitor 2 }
          -- Currently unused

          vgRptrMonPort      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrMonitor 3 }

          vgRptrMonPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF VgRptrMonPortEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

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              STATUS     current
                      "A table of performance and error statistics for
                      the ports.  The columnar object
                      vgRptrPortLastChange is used to indicate possible
                      discontinuities of counter type columnar objects
                      in this table."
              ::= { vgRptrMonPort 1 }

          vgRptrMonPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     VgRptrMonPortEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "An entry in the vgRptrMonPortTable, containing
                      performance and error statistics for a single
              INDEX      { vgRptrGroupIndex, vgRptrPortIndex }
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortTable 1 }

          VgRptrMonPortEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                  vgRptrPortReadableFrames        Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortReadableOctets        Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortReadOctetRollovers    Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortHCReadableOctets      Counter64,
                  vgRptrPortUnreadableOctets      Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortUnreadOctetRollovers  Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortHCUnreadableOctets    Counter64,
                  vgRptrPortHighPriorityFrames    Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortHighPriorityOctets    Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortHighPriOctetRollovers Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortHCHighPriorityOctets  Counter64,
                  vgRptrPortNormPriorityFrames    Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortNormPriorityOctets    Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortNormPriOctetRollovers Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortHCNormPriorityOctets  Counter64,
                  vgRptrPortBroadcastFrames       Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortMulticastFrames       Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortNullAddressedFrames   Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortIPMFrames             Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortOversizeFrames        Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortDataErrorFrames       Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortPriorityPromotions    Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortTransitionToTrainings Counter32,
                  vgRptrPortLastChange            TimeStamp

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          vgRptrPortReadableFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is the number of good frames of
                      valid frame length that have been received on
                      this port.  This counter is incremented by one
                      for each frame received on the port which is not
                      counted by any of the following error counters:
                      vgRptrPortIPMFrames, vgRptrPortOversizeFrames,
                      vgRptrPortNullAddressedFrames, or

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 1 }

          vgRptrPortReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of octets
                      contained in good frames that have been received
                      on this port.  This counter is incremented by
                      OctetCount for each frame received on this port
                      which has been determined to be a readable frame
                      (i.e. each frame counted by

                      Note that this counter can roll over very
                      quickly.  A management station is advised to
                      also poll the vgRptrPortReadOctetRollovers
                      object, or to use the 64-bit counter defined by
                      vgRptrPortHCReadableOctets instead of the two
                      32-bit counters.

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 2 }

          vgRptrPortReadOctetRollovers OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of times
                      that the associated instance of the
                      vgRptrPortReadableOctets counter has rolled over.

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 3 }

          vgRptrPortHCReadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter64
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of octets
                      contained in good frames that have been received
                      on this port.  This counter is incremented by
                      OctetCount for each frame received on this port
                      which has been determined to be a readable frame
                      (i.e. each frame counted by

                      This counter is a 64 bit version of
                      vgRptrPortReadableOctets.  It should be used by
                      Network Management protocols which support 64 bit
                      counters (e.g. SNMPv2).

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 4 }

          vgRptrPortUnreadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of octets
                      contained in invalid frames that have been
                      received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by OctetCount for each frame received
                      on this port which is counted by
                      vgRptrPortIPMFrames, vgRptrPortOversizeFrames,
                      vgRptrPortNullAddressedFrames, or
                      vgRptrPortDataErrorFrames.  This counter can be
                      combined with vgRptrPortReadableOctets to
                      calculate network utilization.

                      Note that this counter can roll over very
                      quickly.  A management station is advised to
                      also poll the vgRptrPortUnreadOctetRollovers
                      object, or to use the 64-bit counter defined by
                      vgRptrPortHCUnreadableOctets instead of the two
                      32-bit counters.

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 5 }

          vgRptrPortUnreadOctetRollovers OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of times
                      that the associated instance of the
                      vgRptrPortUnreadableOctets counter has rolled

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 6 }

          vgRptrPortHCUnreadableOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter64
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of octets
                      contained in invalid frames that have been
                      received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by OctetCount for each frame received
                      on this port which is counted by
                      vgRptrPortIPMFrames, vgRptrPortOversizeFrames,
                      vgRptrPortNullAddressedFrames, or
                      vgRptrPortDataErrorFrames.  This counter can be
                      combined with vgRptrPortHCReadableOctets to
                      calculate network utilization.

                      This counter is a 64 bit version of
                      vgRptrPortUnreadableOctets.  It should be used
                      by Network Management protocols which support 64
                      bit counters (e.g. SNMPv2).

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,

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              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 7 }

          vgRptrPortHighPriorityFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of high priority frames
                      that have been received on this port.  This
                      counter is incremented by one for each high
                      priority frame received on this port.  This
                      counter includes both good and bad high priority
                      frames, as well as high priority training frames.
                      This counter does not include normal priority
                      frames which were priority promoted.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 8 }

          vgRptrPortHighPriorityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of octets
                      contained in high priority frames that have been
                      received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by OctetCount for each frame received
                      on this port which is counted by

                      Note that this counter can roll over very
                      quickly.  A management station is advised to
                      also poll the vgRptrPortHighPriOctetRollovers
                      object, or to use the 64-bit counter defined by
                      vgRptrPortHCHighPriorityOctets instead of the two
                      32-bit counters.

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 9 }

          vgRptrPortHighPriOctetRollovers OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of times
                      that the associated instance of the
                      vgRptrPortHighPriorityOctets counter has rolled

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 10 }

          vgRptrPortHCHighPriorityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter64
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of octets
                      contained in high priority frames that have been
                      received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by OctetCount for each frame received
                      on this port which is counted by

                      This counter is a 64 bit version of
                      vgRptrPortHighPriorityOctets.  It should be used
                      by Network Management protocols which support
                      64 bit counters (e.g. SNMPv2).

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 11 }

          vgRptrPortNormPriorityFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of normal priority frames
                      that have been received on this port.  This
                      counter is incremented by one for each normal
                      priority frame received on this port. This
                      counter includes both good and bad normal
                      priority frames, as well as normal priority
                      training frames and normal priority frames which
                      were priority promoted.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 12 }

          vgRptrPortNormPriorityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of octets
                      contained in normal priority frames that have
                      been received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by OctetCount for each frame received
                      on this port which is counted by

                      Note that this counter can roll over very
                      quickly.  A management station is advised to
                      also poll the vgRptrPortNormPriOctetRollovers
                      object, or to use the 64-bit counter defined by
                      vgRptrPortHCNormPriorityOctets instead of the two
                      32-bit counters.

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 13 }

          vgRptrPortNormPriOctetRollovers OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of times
                      that the associated instance of the
                      vgRptrPortNormPriorityOctets counter has rolled

                      This two-counter mechanism is provided for those
                      network management protocols that do not support
                      64-bit counters (e.g. SNMPv1).  Note that
                      retrieval of these two counters in the same PDU
                      is NOT guaranteed to be atomic.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,

              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 14 }

          vgRptrPortHCNormPriorityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter64
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of octets
                      contained in normal priority frames that have
                      been received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by OctetCount for each frame received

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      on this port which is counted by

                      This counter is a 64 bit version of
                      vgRptrPortNormPriorityOctets.  It should be used
                      by Network Management protocols which support
                      64 bit counters (e.g. SNMPv2).

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 15 }

          vgRptrPortBroadcastFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of broadcast packets that
                      have been received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by one for each readable frame
                      received on this port whose destination MAC
                      address is the broadcast address.  Frames
                      counted by this counter are also counted by

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 16 }

          vgRptrPortMulticastFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of multicast packets that
                      have been received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by one for each readable frame
                      received on this port whose destination MAC
                      address has the group address bit set, but is not
                      the broadcast address.  Frames counted by this

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      counter are also counted by
                      vgRptrPortReadableFrames, but not by
                      vgRptrPortBroadcastFrames.  Note that when the
                      value of the instance vgRptrInfoCurrentFramingType
                      for the repeater that this port is associated
                      with is equal to 'frameType88025', this count
                      includes packets addressed to functional

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 17 }

          vgRptrPortNullAddressedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of null addressed packets
                      that have been received on this port.  This
                      counter is incremented by one for each frame
                      received on this port with a destination MAC
                      address consisting of all zero bits.  Both void
                      and training frames are included in this

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 18 }

          vgRptrPortIPMFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of the number of frames
                      that have been received on this port with an
                      invalid packet marker and no PMI errors.  A
                      repeater will write an invalid packet marker to
                      the end of a frame containing errors as it is

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      forwarded through the repeater to the other
                      ports.  This counter is incremented by one for
                      each frame received on this port which has had an
                      invalid packet marker added to the end of the

                      This counter indicates problems occurring in the
                      domain of other repeaters, as opposed to problems
                      with cables or devices directly attached to this

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 19 }

          vgRptrPortOversizeFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of oversize frames
                      received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by one for each frame received on
                      this port whose OctetCount is larger than the
                      maximum legal frame size.

                      The frame size which causes this counter to
                      increment is dependent on the current value of
                      vgRptrInfoCurrentFramingType for the repeater that
                      the port is associated with.  When
                      vgRptrInfoCurrentFramingType is equal to
                      frameType88023 this counter will increment for
                      frames that are 1519 octets or larger.  When
                      vgRptrInfoCurrentFramingType is equal to
                      frameType88025 this counter will increment for
                      frames that are 4521 octets or larger.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 20 }

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

          vgRptrPortDataErrorFrames OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is a count of errored frames
                      received on this port.  This counter is
                      incremented by one for each frame received on
                      this port with any of the following errors: bad
                      FCS (with no IPM), PMI errors (excluding frames
                      with an IPM error as the only PMI error), or
                      undersize (with no IPM).  Does not include
                      packets counted by vgRptrPortIPMFrames,
                      vgRptrPortOversizeFrames, or

                      This counter indicates problems with cables or
                      devices directly connected to this repeater, while
                      vgRptrPortIPMFrames indicates problems occurring
                      in the domain of other repeaters.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 21 }

          vgRptrPortPriorityPromotions OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This counter is incremented by one each time the
                      priority promotion timer has expired on this port
                      and a normal priority frame is priority

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 22 }

          vgRptrPortTransitionToTrainings OBJECT-TYPE

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This counter is incremented by one each time the
                      vgRptrPortStatus object for this port transitions
                      into the 'training' state.

                      This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                      the value of the corresponding instance of
                      vgRptrPortLastChange changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 23 }

          vgRptrPortLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     TimeStamp
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The value of sysUpTime when the last of the
                      following occurred:
                        1) the agent cold- or warm-started;
                        2) the row for the port was created
                           (such as when a device or module was
                           added to the system); or
                        3) any condition that would cause one of
                           the counters for the row to experience
                           a discontinuity."
              ::= { vgRptrMonPortEntry 24 }

          vgRptrAddrTrack   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrObjects 3 }

              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrAddrTrack 1 }

          -- Currently unused

              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrAddrTrack 2 }
          -- Currently unused

              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrAddrTrack 3 }

          vgRptrAddrTrackTable OBJECT-TYPE

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF VgRptrAddrTrackEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "Table of address mapping information about the
              ::= { vgRptrAddrTrackPort 1 }

          vgRptrAddrTrackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     VgRptrAddrTrackEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                  "An entry in the table, containing address mapping
                  information about a single port."
              INDEX      { vgRptrGroupIndex, vgRptrPortIndex }
              ::= { vgRptrAddrTrackTable 1 }

          VgRptrAddrTrackEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                  vgRptrAddrLastTrainedAddress   OCTET STRING,
                  vgRptrAddrTrainedAddrChanges   Counter32,
                  vgRptrRptrDetectedDupAddress   TruthValue,
                  vgRptrMgrDetectedDupAddress    TruthValue

          vgRptrAddrLastTrainedAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0 | 6))
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is the MAC address of the last
                      station which succeeded in training on this port.
                      A cascaded repeater may train using the null
                      address.  If no stations have succeeded in
                      training on this port since the agent began
                      monitoring the port activity, the agent shall
                      return a string of length zero."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrAddrTrackEntry 1 }

          vgRptrAddrTrainedAddrChanges OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      "This counter is incremented by one for each time
                      that the vgRptrAddrLastTrainedAddress object for
                      this port changes."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrAddrTrackEntry 2 }

          vgRptrRptrDetectedDupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     TruthValue
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "This object is used to indicate that the
                      repeater detected an error-free training frame on
                      this port with a non-null source MAC address which
                      matches the value of vgRptrAddrLastTrainedAddress
                      of another active port in the same repeater.  This
                      is reset to 'false' when an error-free training
                      frame is received with a non-null source MAC
                      address which does not match
                      vgRptrAddrLastTrainedAddress of another port which
                      is active in the same repeater.

                      For the cascade port, this object will be 'true'
                      if the 'D' bit in the most recently received
                      error-free training response frame was set,
                      indicating the device at the other end of the link
                      believes that this repeater's cascade port is
                      using a duplicate address.  This may be because
                      the device at the other end of the link detected a
                      duplicate address itself, or, if the other device
                      is also a repeater, it could be because
                      vgRptrMgrDetectedDupAddress was set to 'true' on
                      the port that this repeater's cascade port is
                      connected to."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrAddrTrackEntry 3 }

          vgRptrMgrDetectedDupAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     TruthValue
              MAX-ACCESS read-write
              STATUS     current
                      "This object can be set by a management station

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      when it detects that there is a duplicate MAC
                      address.  This object is OR'd with
                      vgRptrRptrDetectedDupAddress to form the value of
                      the 'D' bit in training response frames on this

                      The purpose of this object is to provide a means
                      for network management software to inform an end
                      station that it is using a duplicate station
                      address.  Setting this object does not affect the
                      current state of the link; the end station will
                      not be informed of the duplicate address until it
                      retrains for some reason.  Note that regardless
                      of its station address, the end station will not
                      be able to train successfully until the network
                      management software has set this object back to
                      'false'.  Although this object exists on
                      cascade ports, it does not perform any function
                      since this repeater is the initiator of training
                      on a cascade port."
                      "IEEE Standard 802.12-1995,,
              ::= { vgRptrAddrTrackEntry 4 }

          vgRptrTraps         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrMIB 2 }
          vgRptrTrapPrefix    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrTraps 0 }

          vgRptrHealth NOTIFICATION-TYPE
              OBJECTS    { vgRptrInfoOperStatus }
              STATUS     current
                      "A vgRptrHealth trap conveys information related
                      to the operational state of a repeater.  This trap
                      is sent when the value of an instance of
                      vgRptrInfoOperStatus changes.  The vgRptrHealth
                      trap is not sent as a result of powering up a

                      The vgRptrHealth trap must contain the instance of
                      the vgRptrInfoOperStatus object associated with
                      the affected repeater.

                      The agent must throttle the generation of
                      consecutive vgRptrHealth traps so that there is at
                      least a five-second gap between traps of this
                      type.  When traps are throttled, they are dropped,

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      not queued for sending at a future time.  (Note
                      that 'generating' a trap means sending to all
                      configured recipients.)"
                      "IEEE 802.12, Layer Management,,
              ::= { vgRptrTrapPrefix 1 }

          vgRptrResetEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
              OBJECTS    { vgRptrInfoOperStatus }
              STATUS     current
                      "A vgRptrResetEvent trap conveys information
                      related to the operational state of a repeater.
                      This trap is sent on completion of a repeater
                      reset action.  A repeater reset action is defined
                      as a transition to its initial state as specified
                      in clause 12 [IEEE Std 802.12] when triggered by
                      a management command.

                      The vgRptrResetEvent trap is not sent when the
                      agent restarts and sends an SNMP coldStart or
                      warmStart trap.

                      The vgRptrResetEvent trap must contain the
                      instance of the vgRptrInfoOperStatus object
                      associated with the affected repeater.

                      The agent must throttle the generation of
                      consecutive vgRptrResetEvent traps so that there
                      is at least a five-second gap between traps of
                      this type.  When traps are throttled, they are
                      dropped, not queued for sending at a future time.
                      (Note that 'generating' a trap means sending to
                      all configured recipients.)"
                      "IEEE 802.12, Layer Management,,
              ::= { vgRptrTrapPrefix 2 }

          -- conformance information

          vgRptrConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrMIB 3 }

                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrConformance 1 }

          vgRptrGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vgRptrConformance 2 }

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

          -- compliance statements

          vgRptrCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
              STATUS     current
                      "The compliance statement for managed 802.12

              MODULE  -- this module
                  MANDATORY-GROUPS { vgRptrConfigGroup,
                                     vgRptrNotificationsGroup }

                  GROUP        vgRptrStats64Group
                         "Implementation of this group is recommended
                         for systems which can support Counter64."

                  OBJECT       vgRptrInfoDesiredFramingType
                  MIN-ACCESS   read-only
                          "Write access to this object is not required
                          in a repeater system that does not support
                          configuration of framing types."

              MODULE     SNMP-REPEATER-MIB
                  GROUP        snmpRptrGrpRptrAddrSearch
                          "Implementation of this group is recommended
                          for systems which have the necessary
                          instrumentation to search all incoming data
                          streams for a particular source MAC address."
              ::= { vgRptrCompliances 1 }

          -- units of conformance

          vgRptrConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS    {

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

              STATUS     current
                      "A collection of objects for managing the status
                      and configuration of IEEE 802.12 repeaters."
              ::= { vgRptrGroups 1 }

          vgRptrStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS    {
              STATUS     current

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

                      "A collection of objects for providing statistics
                      for IEEE 802.12 repeaters.  Systems which support
                      Counter64 should also implement
              ::= { vgRptrGroups 2 }

          vgRptrStats64Group OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS    {
              STATUS     current
                      "A collection of objects for providing statistics
                      for IEEE 802.12 repeaters in a system that
                      supports Counter64."
              ::= { vgRptrGroups 3 }

          vgRptrAddrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS    {
              STATUS     current
                      "A collection of objects for tracking addresses
                      on IEEE 802.12 repeaters."
              ::= { vgRptrGroups 4 }

          vgRptrNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
              NOTIFICATIONS {
              STATUS        current
                      "A collection of notifications used to indicate
                      802.12 repeater general status changes."
              ::= { vgRptrGroups 5 }


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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

4.  Acknowledgements

   This document was produced by the IETF 100VG-AnyLAN Working Group,
   whose efforts were greatly advanced by the contributions of the
   following people:

       Paul Chefurka
       Bob Faulk
       Jeff Johnson
       Karen Kimball
       David Lapp
       Jason Spofford
       Kaj Tesink

   This document is based on the work of IEEE 802.12.

5.  References

   [1] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),
       International Organization for Standardization.  International
       Standard 8824 (December, 1987).

   [2] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and
       S. Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information for Version 2
       of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1902,
       January 1996.

   [3] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and
       S. Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple
       Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1903, January 1996.

   [4] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and
       S. Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for Version 2 of the
       Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1904, January

   [5] McCloghrie, K. and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
       Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets - MIB-II", STD 17,
       RFC 1213, March 1991.

   [6] IEEE, "Demand Priority Access Method, Physical Layer and
       Repeater Specifications for 100 Mb/s Operation", IEEE Standard

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

   [7] de Graaf, K., D. Romascanu, D. McMaster, and K. McCloghrie,
       "Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater Devices",
       RFC 2108, 3Com Corporation, Madge Networks (Israel) Ltd., Cisco
       Systems, Inc., February, 1997.

   [8] McAnally, G., Gilbert, D. and J. Flick, "Conditional Grant of
       Rights to Specific Hewlett-Packard Patents In Conjunction With
       the Internet Engineering Task Force's Internet-Standard Network
       Management Framework", RFC 1988, August 1996.

   [9] Hewlett-Packard Company, US Patents 5,293,635 and 5,421,024.

6.  Security Considerations

   Certain management information defined in this MIB may be considered
   sensitive in some network environments.  Therefore, authentication of
   received SNMP requests and controlled access to management
   information should be employed in such environments.  The method for
   this authentication is a function of the SNMP Administrative
   Framework, and has not been expanded by this MIB.

   Several objects in the vgRptrConfigGroup allow write access.  Setting
   these objects can have a serious effect on the operation of the
   network, including modifying the framing type of the network,
   resetting the repeater, enabling and disabling individual ports, and
   modifying the allowed capabilities of end stations attached to each
   port.  It is recommended that implementers seriously consider whether
   set operations should be allowed without providing, at a minimum,
   authentication of request origin.

   One particular object in this MIB, vgRptrPortAllowedTrainType, is
   considered significant for providing operational security in an
   802.12 network.  It is recommended that network administrators
   configure this object to the 'allowEndNodesOnly' value on all ports
   except ports which the administrator knows are attached to cascaded
   repeaters or devices which require promiscuous receive capability
   (bridges, switches, RMON probes, etc.).  This will prevent
   unauthorized users from extending the network (by attaching cascaded
   repeaters or bridges) without the administrator's knowledge, and will
   prevent unauthorized end nodes from listening promiscuously to
   network traffic.

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7.  Author's Address

   John Flick
   Hewlett Packard Company
   8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5556
   Roseville, CA 95747-5556

   Phone: +1 916 785 4018
   Email: johnf@hprnd.rose.hp.com

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RFC 2266                IEEE 802.12 Repeater MIB            January 1998

8.  Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an

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