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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 2100 - 2199]    RFC 2150: Humanities and Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet
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RFC 2150:
Humanities and Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet


Network Working Group                                             J. Max
Request for Comments: 2150                                    W. Stickle
FYI: 31                                                         Rainfarm
Category: Informational                                     October 1997

       Humanities and Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.


   This document is designed primarily for individuals who have limited
   knowledge of, or experience with, the Internet.

   The purpose of this document is to provide members of the Arts and
   Humanities communities with an introduction to the Internet as a
   valuable tool, resource, and medium for the creation, presentation,
   and preservation of Arts and Humanities-based content.

   The intended audience is practicing artists, scholars, related
   professionals, and others whose knowledge, expertise and support is
   important to ensuring that the Arts and Humanities are well-placed in
   the global information infrastructure.

Table of Contents

   1.    Introduction...............................................   3
   1.1    Definition of Arts and Humanities.........................   3
   2.    What does the Internet mean to the "Artist?"...............   4
   2.1    Access to the Global Community............................   5
   2.2    Sharing Your Work and Collaborating with Others...........   6
   2.3    Freely Available Software, and Other Information..........   8

   3.    What is the Internet?......................................   8
   3.1    What is the World Wide Web?...............................   9

   4.    How does the Internet Work?................................  10
   4.1    Internet Addresses........................................  11
   4.1.1   Computer Addresses and Hostnames.........................  12
   4.1.2   Addresses of People on the Internet......................  12
   4.1.3   Information Addresses, Locators, URLs....................  13
   4.2    How Does the World Wide Web Work?.........................  14

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   4.3    Other, Higher Level Protocols on the Internet.............  15

   5.    Forums.....................................................  16
   5.1    Message Based Communications..............................  16
   5.1.1   Electronic Mail - email..................................  17
   5.1.2   Newsgroups...............................................  17
   5.1.3   Electronic Bulletin Board System - BBS ..................  18
   5.2    Real-Time Communications..................................  19
   5.2.1   Chat - IRC...............................................  19
   5.2.2   Multicasting.............................................  20
   5.2.3   MUD - Multi-User Dungeon.................................  20
   5.2.4   Audio/Video Conferencing.................................  21
   5.3    Archives..................................................  22
   5.3.1   Searching................................................  22

   6.    Accessing the Internet.....................................  25
   6.1    Internet Service Providers................................  26
   6.2    Computer Hardware and Software Tools......................  26
   6.3    Multimedia................................................  31

   7.    Creating Content...........................................  32
   7.1    Getting Help..............................................  33
   7.2    About File Formats........................................  34
   7.3    Creating Text and Hypertext Documents.....................  35
   7.4    Creating Graphic and Moving Images........................  35
   7.4.1   Bitmap Image Formats.....................................  36
   7.4.2   Vector Image Formats.....................................  37
   7.4.3   Video Formats............................................  37
   7.5    Creating Music and Sound Files............................  38
   7.6    Content Design Issues.....................................  40
   7.7    Publicizing Your Work.....................................  41

   8.    Issues and Challenges......................................  42
   8.1    Security Issues...........................................  43
   8.2    Viruses...................................................  44
   8.3    The Standard Disclaimer...................................  44
   8.4    Copyrights and Intellectual Property Issues...............  45
   8.4.1   Copyright................................................  45
   8.4.2   Trademark................................................  46
   8.4.3   Privacy..................................................  47
   8.4.4   Seek Professional Advice.................................  47
   8.5    Conducting Business over the Internet.....................  47
   8.6    Netiquette................................................  48

   9.    Glossary...................................................  49

   10.   Resources, References, etc.................................  51
   10.1   RFCs and Internet-Drafts..................................  51

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   10.2   Internet Documents........................................  52
   10.3   Other Sources.............................................  53
   10.4   Freely Available Web Browser Software.....................  54
   10.5   The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority...................  54

   11.   Security Considerations....................................  55
   11.1   Formulate a security policy...............................  55
   11.1.1  Talk to your Internet Service Provider...................  56
   11.1.2  Make sure your systems are up to date....................  56
   11.1.3  Use the tools available..................................  56
   12.   Acknowledgments............................................  57
   13.   Authors' Addresses.........................................  57

   Appendix A.  Internet Projects of Interest to the
                Arts and Humanities Communities.....................  58
   Appendix B.  Starting Points; A brief list of related sites......  60
   Appendix C.  Examples for using the RFC server RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU..  62

1. Introduction

   This document has been structured to provide information about, and
   examples of, the wide range of functions and capabilities available
   on the Internet today.  It is intended to illustrate the potential of
   current networking technologies for personal and cultural growth.

   Some basic functions of the Internet are described, along with their
   applications and forums for building online communities of interest,
   such as the World Wide Web, Email, and Network News.

   This is followed by discussion and examples of hardware and software
   being used to support the creation and presentation of artistic and
   literary works, along with examples of how Arts and Humanities
   content is being represented, stored, and retrieved on the Internet.

   In addition to illustrating the great potential of the Internet, this
   document provides a brief introduction to the issues and challenges
   that affect the development and presentation of Arts and Humanities
   content online, such as privacy and property rights.

   Included is a brief Glossary, and a number of Appedices which provide
   pointers to other sources of information about the Internet.

1.1 Definitions of Arts and Humanities

   For purposes of this document the term "Arts" includes, but is not
   limited to, dance, design arts, folk arts, literary arts, media and
   film arts, music, theater, and visual arts.

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   The term "Humanities" includes, but is not limited to, the study of
   the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics;
   literature; history; jurisprudence philosophy; archaeology;
   comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of
   the arts; those aspects of social sciences which have humanistic
   content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application
   of the humanities to the human environment.

   For purposes of simplicity this document will use the word "Artist"
   to mean both Artist and Humanist: "all practitioners who work in the
   fields of the visual, performance, and literary arts, as well as
   museum curators, librarians, and others who are involved in the
   research, restoration, and presentation of that which comprises our
   cultural heritage."

2. What does the Internet mean to the Artist?

   The Internet is exerting a profound influence on our society.  Even
   now in its infancy, the effects of the Internet can be easily seen in
   popular media as well as in the way we do business.  But the most
   dramatic influences are in the children who are now growing up with
   the net.  Many parents are aware of the influence television has over
   their children.  With the advent of WEB-TV, the Internet has begun to
   assimilate Television, transforming it into something more powerful.
   This coming integration of information, communication and
   entertainment will play a major role in teaching and shaping the
   minds of those who live and grow up with it.

   Because of this power, it is critical that the best parts of human
   culture are represented on the Internet. If we raise the Internet
   right, it will return the favor by nurturing a generation that may
   well grow up wiser than ourselves.

   This is where artists are needed.  Because the net is primarily built
   and run by Scientists and Engineers who are creatures of mind, it is
   the heart and soul of the Internet that is weak.  Artists are the
   heart and soul of human culture, and must bring the fruits of their
   efforts to the net to give the net culture, and future generations
   their essence of humanity.

   If that does not convince you, we will also introduce you to some of
   the many tools artists may use to exploit the net for their own
   personal gain.  As the online culture becomes a more balanced
   representation of humanity, the net will become an essential tool for
   collaboration, communication, and distribution of art and humanities
   content.  The day is coming where those who are not on the net will
   be greatly handicapped in the expression and distribution of their

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   The net is the new frontier for the growth of humanity.  Can you
   afford not to be involved?

2.1 Access to the Global Community

   In the past, artist's audiences and collaborators were limited to the
   people around them.  Improvements in transportation and communication
   have allowed these associations to expand, but even today few members
   of the artistic community have gone global.  The Internet changes all
   this by allowing anyone access to a global community.

   A great many arts institutions and organizations have now established
   sites on the World Wide Web and a significant number of online
   discussion groups focus on the arts and humanities.  Consortiums of
   museums and libraries are now using networking technologies to
   support research and projects involving more effective ways to
   collect, store, and disseminate objects of antiquity and other non-
   textual primary sources, as well as textual sources.

   Sites are also created by individuals and for institutions,
   organizations, and businesses for reasons ranging from commerce to
   simple self-expression.  The Internet connects hundreds of countries,
   thousands of cities, and countless groups and individuals around the

   On the Internet today you can find information on topics ranging from
   art and music to guns and ammunition; among which are astronomy,
   news, astrology, agriculture, acupuncture, botany, biology, zoology,
   food, psychology, medicine, space exploration, genetics, media,
   chemistry, microbreweries, aeronautics, scuba diving, meteorology,
   neurology, artificial intelligence, mathematics, literature, wine
   tasting, law, painting, photography, dance, history, social sciences,
   politics, crafts, clothing, economics, genealogy, pets, sports,
   languages, dictionaries, encyclopedias, technical manuals, schools,
   shops, entertainment, furniture, flowers, software, hardware,
   computers and the Internet, just to name a few.  Whatever your work
   requires, whatever your whim desires, you can find it on the net.

   People all around the world will be looking for what they want on the
   net, and if you have what they want, then through the magic of the
   Internet, you are their next door neighbor.

   With access to the Internet, the world is at your fingertips.  Bring
   your questions on health, the environment, government, and religion,
   and look though volumes of documentation on your concerns, or discuss
   your questions with others electronically.  Once you get used to it,
   you will even be downloading more information and tools to assist you

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   The Internet provides a forum in which diverse cultures can merge,
   and allows people to visit faraway places from the privacy and safety
   of their own computer.  The Internet explorer will also find that
   many sites are multilingual.

   Once you have the basic tools for using the Internet you will begin
   to understand how easy, helpful, informative, and exciting it can be.
   With a few quick strokes you have accessed a great library, museum,
   or gallery, toured a faraway city, or looked up an old friend.  You
   might find an out of print book you have always wanted, then either
   read it on your computer screen, or print it out on your printer.  If
   you do not have a printer, simply save it to your floppy disk and
   bring that to a printshop or friend with a printer.  It really is
   that easy.

   You could spend the afternoon at the Smithsonian, or the Louvre
   without ever leaving your chair.  For a more athletic adventure, you
   could put your computer in front of your treadmill, and jog through
   the online Olympics site.

   When you are ready, you can explore deeper.  Follow other links to
   smaller sites, lesser known writers, artists, poets, and thinkers,
   and discover the emerging world they are creating.  With the proper
   tools you can even view moving pictures, and listen to music and
   other audio.

   Perhaps you would like to locate a rare album, or debate one
   musicians merit over anothers.  Perhaps you prefer to discuss and
   compare the works of others with producers, collectors, gallery
   owners or other professionals in your field, or related fields.  You
   might want to find out who's hot and why.  You could also find out
   where, and when shows, showings, benefits, conferences, releases,
   signings, and performances are taking place, or announce your own.

   They say that for every artist, there is a critic, and you could meet
   one, or be one, on the Internet.

2.2 Sharing Your Work and Collaborating with Others

   Artists often want to share their work with other artists so that
   they can get peer comments and recognition.  The Internet is a great
   place to explore new ideas with other artists as well.

   Perhaps you are a painter who has developed a method for keeping
   acrylics moist during long sessions, or a photographer who has
   discovered a new lighting technique.  You could make the information
   available over the Internet to enlighten others, or to get their

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   Perhaps you've had difficulty in some aspect of your work, and you'd
   like to talk to others who have had similar experiences to find out
   how they solved them.

   There are many types of content that artists can share.  Including:

      - text: stories, poetry, historic accounts, transcripts, etc.
      - images of their visual work: paintings, photographs,
        sculpture, etc.
      - images of themselves: photographs, self-portraits, etc.
      - sound files of their audio works or voice presentations of
        their works: books on tape, speeches, tutorials, music, etc.
      - moving pictures: video arts, performance arts, etc.
      - a description of their art process and works of art
      - resumes and biographical data
      - contact information in the form of electronic mail address,
        postal mail address, phone, etc.  Electronic mail is most
        popular because it allows people to respond spontaneously.

   After you've met some of the global critics, and compared your work
   with others, you may feel so bold as to share your work with others.
   Perhaps emailing a manuscript to a publisher, or putting up scans of
   your art will entice a buyer.  Perhaps it will entice a critic to say
   wonderful things about your work.

   Perhaps putting your work on the Internet will bring fortune and
   fame, or perhaps it will encourage others to put their work up.
   Increasing the cultural content of the Internet will have profound
   results in all areas of the Arts.

   There are many ways of collaborating over the Internet.  As mentioned
   in previous sections it is easy to see how to communicate and
   exchange work with other artists from anywhere in the world.  In
   addition, there are art and literature projects which explore the
   Internet by asking people to submit their feelings, thoughts, and
   ideas through the Internet.  Some of these projects will allow
   interested people to come to them, others may be distributed in
   various ways to actively seek out people interested in participation.

   There are also games which are played over the Internet, by players
   all over the planet.  These types of games, which are described in
   greater detail in Section 5, can be both entertaining and
   educational.  Some games offer players the opportunity to alter the
   environment, so that ideas and information contained in the game
   evolve over time into a jointly constructed experience.

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2.3 Freely Available Software, and Other Information

   There is a world of useful software available to you via the
   Internet.  Known as Shareware, Public Domain, or Freely Copyable, you
   can find many software programs you may download and use on your own
   machine, often completely free, occasionally for a small and/or
   optional fee which helps the author to afford to create more software
   for general use. There are also libraries, stores, and news groups
   you can peruse in search of just the tool or information you want.

   As you explore the Internet, you will begin to find information that
   is beyond your reach without the right tools for viewing, listening,
   etc.  For example, someone may have put up a sound file using a
   format which cannot be recognized by the software you have installed.
   In these cases, that person will often have included a pointer to the
   exact tool necessary to recognize their format, or convert the
   format, and you can download, install, and use this tool right away.
   More information on file formats is provided throughout the document.

   Using the basic tools acquired to access the Internet, you can begin
   to add to your collection software tools, both for accessing the
   information already on the Internet, and for creating your own
   content.  After reading this document you will have the tools
   necessary to find and use this information.

   Appendix B provides a list of Internet sites, where communication
   about the arts, and freely copyable software tools and art, among
   other things, can be found.

   There are many people both like, and unlike, yourself with whom you
   can meet, communicate, and share ideas.  Some like to just talk, you
   can listen if you like.  Others like to just listen, so you and
   others can talk.

   There are also many forms that communication can take, from private
   electronic mail, to group video conferencing, to moderated
   newsgroups, to public bulletin boards.  See Section 5 for additional
   information on Electronic Forums.

3. What is the Internet?

   As new users, the first question that probably comes to mind is:
   "What is the Internet?"  A good answer is: "People, computers and
   information electronically linked around the world by a common
   protocol for communicating with each other."

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   The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was founded in the late
   1960s.  Among its many projects, ARPA created a network of computers
   called the ARPANET.  As other networks were created, most were
   connected to the ARPANET, and the resulting network that
   interconnected many networks was named, "The Internet".  At last
   count, this "Information Superhighway" connects several million
   computers and over 40 million users from all over the world.

   The Internet should not be confused with America OnLine (AOL),
   CompuServe, Prodigy, and other type service providers, which may use
   their own, often proprietary protocols and are sites unto themselves
   but may also have connections to the Internet.  The Internet should
   also not be confused with the World Wide Web which is the topic of
   the next section.

3.1 What is the World Wide Web?

   The World Wide Web, generally referred to as simply, The Web, is
   comprised of a subset of the computers on the Internet.

   You can visualize the World Wide Web as a giant magazine stand with a
   vast web of strings connecting various words pictures and ideas.
   Like a magazine rack, you may quickly select a chosen magazine, or
   you may browse, following the strings from magazine to magazine.

   More formally, the Web is vast multimedia "document" distributed
   among a large number of the computers on the Internet.

   There is no central hierarchy that organizes the Web.  Instead, the
   information is distributed among many "Web Sites" created and used by
   the many people on the Internet.  Each Web Site is much like a
   magazine in that it has a Cover Page, called the Home Page, and other
   pages of related information that can be connected in whatever way
   the author wishes.  This "document" is in a format called "hypertext"
   which allows information in the web to be linked by words or pictures
   viewed on the computer.

   The Web is broken up into a large set of pages, called "Web Pages",
   of information connected by hypertext "links" which let you click on
   a highlighted word or picture to call up a page of related
   information.  This is what differentiates hyper-text from "normal"
   text.  In "normal" text, each idea, sentence or paragraph is
   connected in a sequence or "train of thought", from beginning to end.
   In hypertext however, tracks of ideas branch out through "Links", so
   that each idea may be connected to many different "trains of
   thought".  This ability to follow an idea to many different
   destinations allows you to read hypertext documents in a way more
   naturally resembling human thought.

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   For example, you might create a "Cool Music" Web Page and place it on
   a "Web Server", which is any computer somewhere on the Internet
   running the software needed to provide access to the resident Web
   Pages.  Anyone on the Internet could then use a piece of software
   called a "Web Browser" to ask the Web Server to view your Home Page.

   This Home Page could be a striking artwork featuring a list of your
   favorite albums and a few labeled buttons.  While your music plays
   from their speakers they might choose to click on any album that
   catches their eye, or go to lists of information sorted by Artist,
   Label, or Genre.  Once they get to the page for a particular album,
   they might see the artwork, a song list, and other links to follow.
   Clicking on a song might pull up the song lyrics, or perhaps even
   download the song.  Or they could follow a link you provided from
   your page to the HomePage of the artists record company, or to a
   magazine interview of the band.  If the information is out there,
   your page could link to it.

   At last check there were hundreds of thousands of web sites, home
   pages, and hosts on the Web.  The contents of those sites are almost
   as varied.  Some pages are personal pages containing photos of family
   members, lists of hobbies, or the sharing of collections such as song
   lyrics.  Some pages are strictly business, selling everything from
   abalone to zymoscopes.  Still other pages provide services such as
   information searches, and weather reports.

   Human culture is based on communication, and the widespread
   availability of information and the thought-like constructions of
   hypertext are the most powerful new ideas in communication since the
   invention of writing.  A glance back at history will easily show how
   written language has shaped our societies.  These results are only a
   foreshadowing of the things to come.

4. How Does the Internet Work?

   While it is not necessary to understand how the Internet works in
   order to use it, a brief technical overview will introduce you to
   some concepts and terms that will be used in the sections ahead.

   As we go into more detail here, we are assuming that you, the reader,
   have at least a passing familiarity with computers.  Section 6.2
   provides more information on computer hardware and software.

   On one level, networks are built out of wires, phone lines, and other
   pieces of hardware, and the Internet is indeed built of all these
   things.  The essence of the Internet however is built out of an idea
   called the Internet Protocol.

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   There are many different kinds of computers.  Most of them work by
   encoding information into ones and zeroes, which they can manipulate
   at incredible speeds.  Unfortunately, there are many different ways
   of encoding information.  Computers that use different methods can be
   said to speak different languages.  In order for computers to talk to
   each other there must be a thing called a "Communication Protocol"
   that provides a set of procedures for talking and a common language
   to use.

   The Internet Protocol, or IP, is the Communication Protocol that all
   computers on the Internet must use and understand.  It allows
   computers to find each other, and to send packages, or "packets", of
   information back and forth.  Much like the Postal service reads your
   country code, city code, etc., but not the contents of your letter,
   the Internet Protocol does not care what is inside most of these
   packets of information.  This is a great thing because it means that
   other, higher level protocols may transmit any possible kind of
   information simply by stuffing it into a packet and handing it off to
   the software responsible for speaking IP.

   Another important protocol upon which the Internet is built is the
   Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP.  IP by itself provides a way
   of sending a message to another computer, but no guarantee that it
   will get through.  Since reliable communication is a necessity, the
   TCP protocol was invented which uses IP to send packets and
   guarantees their delivery by requiring the receiver to acknowledge
   the information received.  TCP and IP form the heart of a group of
   protocols aptly named the TCP/IP protocol suite.  This suite of
   protocols provides most of the functionality of the Internet.

   We will be mentioning these protocols throughout the rest of the
   document.  Information on IP and other Internet Protocols can be
   obtained through the resources referenced in Section 10.

4.1  Internet Addresses

   There are many things we would like to be able to find on the net,
   including people, information, and the computers themselves.  An
   important part of IP and other protocols is the way they label things
   so that the computers can find and identify them.  The U.S. Post
   Office finds people by their Postal Address, which is just a label
   containing information about who you are, and where you live.
   Likewise, the various protocols of the Internet have given computers,
   people, and information, addresses which can be used to find them.
   The following sections will describe several different kinds of

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4.1.1 Computer Addresses and Hostnames

   When speaking IP, computers locate each other using a thing called
   their IP Address.  Each computer on the Internet must have a unique
   IP Address.  Some programs allow or require you to use the IP Address
   directly, if so, it will appear as four groups of numbers separated
   by dots. (i.e., Most of the time though, you will
   not need to worry about the actual IP Address number, because all
   computers have a "Host Name" to which the number is mapped.

   A computers hostname also comes in parts, separated by dots.  The
   first part is the name of the machine, and the second part is the
   name of the "domain" in which that computer is registered.

   For example, if I had a machine named "foo" registered in the
   commercial domain known as "com", my machine's hostname would be
   "foo.com".  When speaking out loud, this machine's address would be
   spoken as "foo dot com".

   A domain is just an abstract category to which machines and networks
   may be registered into in order to organize them.  Domains are
   organized in a hierarchy of top level domains and their subdomains.
   Top Level Domains include,

         .edu   for educational institutions
         .gov   for government sites
         .com   for commercial companies
         .org   for other organizations
         .net   for network infrastructure sites
         .us    for sites in the United States
         .ca    for sites in Canada
         .nl    for sites in the Netherlands
         .jp    for sites in Japan

   to name a few.  Domain names may be further subdivided by inserting
   one or more subdomain names before the top level domain, still
   separating everything with dots.  For example, "law.harvard.edu", for
   the Law School at Harvard University, and "la.ca.us" for computers in
   Los Angeles, California in the United States.

   More information about the Domain Naming System can be found in the
   documents referenced in Section 10.

4.1.2  Addresses of People on the Internet

   Every human being has a given name, or full name with which we
   address them.  When you begin to use a computer, you will be
   introduced to your "username".  Your username, sometimes called your

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   user i.d., may be your initials, your last name and first initial,
   your nickname, a number, or anything else that is just normal letter
   or number characters.  (Your username usually cannot contain
   "special" characters such as "&", or "%".)  Sometimes you get to
   choose your own username, and sometimes your service provider or
   system administrator will choose one for you.

   Your username is used when you connect to other computers, and to
   identify you in electronic mail. Your electronic mail, or Email
   Address, will consist of your username followed by the symbol "@",
   followed by your computers hostname.

   So, for Joe Cool, who has the username "jcool", and gets his Internet
   service from Dirigible Online, his email address might be
   "jcool@dirigible.com".  When spoken out loud, the "@" symbol is
   pronounced simply "at" so this would typically be spoken as "jcool at
   dirigible dot com".

   Email is moved around on the Internet using the Simple Mail Transfer
   Protocol, SMTP, over IP.  Information on SMTP can be found in the
   documents listed in Section 10.

4.1.3  Information Addresses, Uniform Resource Locators, or URLs.

   In order to retrieve information from the Internet, you need to be
   able to find it and know how to ask for it.  This is the job of the
   Uniform Resource Locator, or URL which functions as an address for
   information.  Every file or document intended to be accessible
   through the Internet has a URL.

   URLs (or simplified versions of them) are now appearing frequently in
   TV, billboard, and magazine advertising as a company's Internet
   Address; basically the hostname of their web site.

   In previous sections we've identified IP Addresses, hostnames and
   email addresses; a URL contains more information.  Not only does it
   tell you what the information is, and where to find it, it also tells
   you precisely which protocol you need to use to retrieve it.

   A URL is a machine readable, and hence somewhat cryptic, text string,
   in a form such as "http://www.something.com/location/filename.ext".
   This string can be broken down into the following pieces.

    http    is the name of the communications protocol which can be used
            to access the information.  In this case, it identifies the
            HyperText Transfer Protocol, which is used in the World Wide
            Web, and will be described later.  Other protocols are
            described in Section 4.3.

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      :     separates the protocol from the hostname

     //     indicates that what is to follow is the hostname

   www.something.com  is the hostname of the computer on which the
            document resides.  In this case, the "www" indicates that
            it is a machine named for the fact that it is running a
            World Wide Web server.  "something.com" is the domain in
            which that server is registered.  Typically the "something"
            part is the name of the organization running the server.

     /      separates the hostname from directory on the machine in
            which the information resides.

   location is the location of the information on the machine

   filename is the first part of the file name of the information you
            are retrieving.

     .      a dot separates the filename from its extension

     ext    the extension, or file "type" actually says a great deal
            about the file, how to handle it, and how to present it.

   The URLs you see will usually be simpler than this.  The people at
   something.com assume you are going to use a modern web browser to
   access the information, so they may leave off the protocol
   information, "http://",  because this is probably your web browsers
   default protocol.  Also, if they configure their server to have a
   default homepage to display, they can leave off everything after the
   hostname part of the URL.  This puts it into the form that is most
   commonly seen, www.something.com.

   URLs can specify any file and most protocols.  In this example, the
   URL is using the protocol for moving HyperText, the HyperText
   Transfer Protocol, HTTP, over IP.  More information on HyperText and
   HTTP can be found in the next section, and in the Resources section.

4.2 How Does the World Wide Web Work?

   Web pages are computer files written in a format called HTML, the
   HyperText Markup Language.  HTML is the protocol for putting specific
   strings of letters and symbols (such as parentheses) into an ordinary

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   text document which can specify that words link to other pages, or be
   viewed in a particular type font, or display images, or many other
   things when viewed with the appropriate software.  The appropriate
   software would generally be a web browser.  More information about
   software tools is provided in Section 6.2.

   HTML is simple enough that most people can learn to use it, but rich
   enough in possibility that there will always be a thriving community
   of people making web pages for others.

   Links within a hypertext documented are implemented using references
   to the URL of the information to be linked to.

   In order to download information from distant places in the web, your
   computer will typically be using a protocol called HTTP, the
   HyperText Transfer Protocol.  HTTP was designed to allow web browser
   software to connect to web server software on other machines and
   request the transmission of a web page in the form of an HTML
   document and any associated images, audio, video, etc.  The latest
   version of the HTTP can actually tell what type of browser is
   connecting and the server is now able to better customize its default
   homepage to its audience.

   More information on HTML, HTTP, and hypertext can be found in Section
   7.3, and through the references listed in the Resources section.

4.3  Other Higher Level Protocols on the Internet.

   There are many other higher level protocols built on top of IP.
   We've provide examples throughout the document, but we'll mention a
   few here to make you more familiar with them.

      telnet: a protocol for providing remote terminal service.  Telnet
            software allows you to log in to remote computers across the
            net by giving you a virtual terminal on that computer.

      ftp: the File Transfer Protocol.  FTP allows diverse machines to
            send simple files back and forth.  FTP is usually used by
            archive sites to allow multiple users to download files

      smtp: the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.  The SMTP specification
            allows electronic mail to be sent, stored, and forwarded,
            around the Internet.  SMTP does not specify how a mail
            "reader" operates, just the transmission of email.

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      nntp: the Network News Transfer Protocol.  NNTP specifies how
            Internet News is passed, stored and forwarded around the

      gopher: the Gopher protocol creates linkages, much like the web,
            which is called, "gopherspace".  The specification allows
            a gopher server to serve files in a text rather than graphic

   Many other protocols function on the Internet, and are specified in
   technical documents, such as are referenced in the Resources section.

5. Forums

   Websters defines a forum as "A public meeting place for open
   discussion."  In the world that could be a park or an auditorium.  In
   the Internet, a forum will be electronic, but it may still feel like
   a roomful of people.

   Many forums exist on the Internet.  There are interactive forums
   where you can share information in real-time and carry on discussions
   with others.  There are message-based forums where you send or
   receive a message and others involved in that forum can respond
   later, and there are archived forums where information is stored, and
   may be retrieved by anyone but modified only by its owner.

   While we have attempted to list and describe a few of the more
   popular forums, we have not created an exhaustive, complete, or up-
   to-the-minute list here.  You can find information on forums, lists
   and sites in many magazines and books today.

5.1 Message-based Communications

   In Message-based communication, a message is sent by one user, and
   can be received by one or many.  For example, you might send a dinner
   invitation to an individual, a couple, or a group.  In the same way,
   you send electronic messages to individuals or groups.  Just like a
   postal service for physical mail, there are electronic mail servers
   for electronic mail.  Just like you have a physical address to which
   your physical mail is sent, there is an electronic mail address to
   which your electronic mail is sent.

   Message-based Communications includes electronic mail, newsgroups,
   and bulletin boards.

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5.1.1 Email

   Electronic mail, called EMAIL, is a system whereby a computer user
   can exchange messages with other computer users, or groups of users
   via a communications network.  This can be the Internet, or a smaller
   internal office network.

   Typical use of email consists of downloading messages as received
   from a mailbox or mail server, then reading and replying to them
   solely electronically using a mail program which behaves much like a
   word processor for the most part.  The user can send mail to, or
   receive mail from, any other user with Internet access.  Electronic
   mail is much like paper mail, in that it is sent, delivered, and
   contains information.  That information is usually textual, but new
   innovations allow for graphics, and even sound to sent in email.

   Email is superior to paper mail in that it can arrive at its
   destination within minutes of being sent, and it can be replied to,
   appended to, forwarded, formatted, saved, or deleted just as quickly.

   Some sites on the Internet run a type of file server which can
   respond with a file automatically, for those who have email but not
   web or ftp access.

   An email address consists of a username, and the address of the
   machine to which the mail should be delivered for that user.

   Reviewing Section 4.1.2, email addresses take the form
   "username"@"site"."domain"  For example, if your name is Joe Cool and
   you get your Internet service from Dirigible Online, where you login
   as "jcool",  your email address might be "jcool@dirigible.com".

   You will usually get your Email address from your System
   Administrator, in a work or school environment, or from your Internet
   Service Provider.  Section 6 provides more information on Internet
   Service Providers.

5.1.2 Newsgroups

   Someday everyone will be able to get their news electronically,
   saving paper, money, time, and the environment.

   A Newsgroup is an electronic bulletin board system created originally
   by the Unix community and which is accessible via the Internet.
   Usenet News forms a discussion forum accessible by millions of users
   in almost every country in the world.  Usenet News consists of
   thousands of topics arranged in a hierarchical form.  Major topics
   include "comp" for computer topics, "rec" for recreational topics,

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   "soc" for social topics, "sci" for science topics, and there are many
   others we will not list here.  Within the major topics are subtopics,
   such as "rec.music" for general music content, and
   "rec.music.classical" for classical music, or "sci.med.physics" for
   discussions relating to the physics of medical science.

   If you have access to newsgroups, it would be wise to read any
   postings on the newsgroup "news.announce.newusers" first.  This
   newsgroup provides detailed information on newsgroups, such as
   finding the right place to post, and information on newsgroup writing

   Local newsgroups are those that are accessible through your
   organization or company which contain news that is relevant only to
   your organization.  For example, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center,
   GSFC, has many internal newsgroups that are of interest only to GSFC
   employees and none of the other NASA centers.  Therefore, newsgroups
   have been formed to provide internal information to NASA GSFC
   employees only and no one else.  Some examples are: gsfc.carpool,
   gsfc.dialup or gsfc.220.civil.servants.

   Another example of a local newsgroup is news that is posted regarding
   your community or the vicinity in which you live.  For example, if
   you lived in the Washington D.C. area some of the local newsgroups
   might be:  dc.biking, dc.jobs or dc.smithsonian.

   Many newsreaders are available, and many web browsers now also
   support news.  The URL to use for a newsgroup will have the protocol
   news: followed by the group name, as in news:dc.smithsonian.  A
   domain address is not necessary, as the browser would be configured
   to know which host you will get news from.

5.1.3 Electronic Bulletin Board System - BBS

   An Electronic Bulletin Board System, or BBS, consists of a computer,
   and associated software, typically providing electronic messaging
   services, archives of files, and any other services or activities of
   interest to the bulletin board systems' operator.

   Typically a BBS user must dial into the BBS via their modem and
   telephone line, and select from a hierarchy of lists, files,
   subdirectories, or other data maintained by the operator.  Once
   connected, the user can often send messages to other BBS users within
   the system.

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   Although BBSs have traditionally been the domain of hobbyists, an
   increasing number of BBSs are connected directly to the Internet, and
   many BBSs are currently operated by government, educational,
   research, and commercial institutions.

   BBSs usually advertise their services in the backs of magazines and
   newspapers and by word of mouth.  Many companies now offer a BBS via
   which their customers can retrieve their latest technical support
   documents and product literature.

5.2  Real-Time Communications

   The communications methods described in Section 5.1 involve delays
   between when you send a message and when you receive a response, with
   the result that both parties are not involved simultaneously.  The
   net can also be used to communicate in "Real-Time" by making the sure
   the delays are short enough that both parties can be involved
   simultaneously in a "conversation".

   Typically this is done in a text based format where each user has two
   special regions on their screen: One that they type in, and another
   that the other users type is displayed in.  The delay between when
   one user types and the other sees it on their screen is called "net-
   lag" and usually ranges from "too short to be aware of" to about 30
   seconds.  Lag can occur due to network congestion or a variety of
   bottlenecks including link speed, processor speed, and typing speed.

   Although it is still rather expensive, it is also possible to use
   both audio and video in "Real-Time".  However the reasons for it's
   expense are temporary, and you should expect to see more and more of
   this in the future.

   Forums which communicate in real-time are the Internet Relay Chat
   (IRC), the Multi-User Dungeon (MUD), Audio-Video Conferencing (AVC),
   and WhiteBoard Systems (WBS).

5.2.1  IRC - Internet Relay Chat, WebChat

   Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, provides a text-based mechanism for
   communication with multiple participants.  IRC is an interactive
   forum set up in virtual rooms that you can move between, and where
   others can virtually "hang out".  Chat rooms can be used to discuss
   common ideas or topics, or as part of a collaborative process.  The
   connection method used will be specific to each IRC site.  IRC sites
   can be found using search tools, as outlined in Section 5.3.1.

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   Web chat is like IRC but it is done via a web browser, and it is not
   a text only forum.  Section 6.2 provides more information on web
   browser software.

   Many webchat sites require the user to register before being able to
   participate in the activity.  If any additional software is needed
   based on your particular software and PC configuration the site will
   point you in the right direction so you can download the necessary

   Some sites will provide you with chat etiquette guidelines.  Please
   be sure to read the directions before you participate in the chat

   Once you begin to chat you may find that there are some abbreviations
   used with which you are not familiar.  These abbreviations are for
   various actions or phrases.  Some very common ones are: by the way
   (btw), in my humble/honest opinion (imho), and ta ta for now (ttfn).

   Appendix B provides a few Chat sites to start you off.

5.2.2  Multicasting

   Multicasting is a technical term that means that you can send pieces
   of data, called "packets", to multiple sites simultaneously.  How big
   a packet is depends on the protocols involved and it may range from a
   few bytes to a few thousand.  The usual way of moving information
   around the Internet is by using unicast protocols, which send packets
   to one site at a time.

   You can think of multicasting as the Internet's version of
   broadcasting.  A site that multicasts information is similar in many
   ways to a television station that broadcasts its signal. The signal
   originates from one source, but it can reach everyone in the
   station's signal area.  The signal takes up some of the finite
   available bandwidth, and anyone who has the right equipment can tune
   it in. The information passes on by those who don't want to catch the
   signal or don't have the right equipment.

5.2.3  MUD - Multi-User Dungeon

   A MUD is an interactive game environment where both real other
   players and virtual other players exist and with whom you can
   communicate to share ideas or solve puzzles, etc.

   The word "Dungeon" refers to the setting of many of the original
   games of this sort, in which you, our hero, must escape from a
   dungeon-like environment where evil goblins, demons, and other "bad-

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   guys" are wandering around ready to kill you.  Generally the goal, in
   order to win the game, is to find and retrieve some treasure, or
   reach some hidden place, and find the way out.

   MUDs have applications in education, as for problem solving and
   leadership skills, as well as in building teamwork to share ideas and
   to enhance creativity.  Having a virtual world in which people from
   diverse backgrounds and cultures can come, again and again, to work
   on a common project, allows ideas to accrue and cultures to grow over

   For more information on MUDs, and other collaborative environments,
   explore the references in the appendices.

5.2.4 Audio Video Conferencing

   Audio Video Conferencing has many applications in the arts as well as
   in business.  Using the Internet, teachers can reach students who
   cannot get to their schools, doctors can give medical consultations
   from around the world, and artists can perform in front an audience
   they would never have otherwise.

   CU-SeeMe is a freeware desktop videoconferencing software tool.  CU-
   SeeMe allows Macintosh and Windows users with an Internet connection
   and a desktop camera (some go for as little as $100) to see, hear and
   speak with other CU-SeeMe users across the world.  This program was
   developed at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, USA and is
   freely available.

   CU-SeeMe allows the user to have a one-to-one communication.  It is
   also possible to have a one-to-many or many-to-many communication by
   installing a reflector on another machine running the appropriate
   software.  The reflector software must be installed on a Unix
   machine.  The software can be obtained from Cornell University's CU-
   SeeMe page listed in Appendix B.

   Whiteboard systems also enhance audio visual conferencing.  A
   Whiteboard, which is analogous to a chalkboard, is physically quite
   similar.  Using a write-on wipe-off style of whiteboard, which has
   been electronically enhanced, allows people on the Internet to share
   text, drawings, and other graphic information which is being written
   in real-time.

   Software exists which allows connections between two sites, or
   hundreds, over the Internet, the Web, or your telephone.

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5.3  Archives

   Archive is defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as:
    n. 1 a) a place where public records, documents, etc. are kept b) a
    place where material having documentary interest, as private papers,
    institutional records, memorabilia, or photographs, is kept.

   Archives on the Internet are pretty much the exact same thing.  The
   motivation and much of the content is the same, but the media changes
   (from paper files, to electronic files), and as such allows for a
   much greater diversity of content.

   Archives on the Internet also allow many people access to their files
   simultaneously, and from all over the world.  Many archives on the
   Internet still reside on Anonymous FTP Servers, which allow users to
   log in without a user i.d. or password.  When connecting to these
   servers the protocol used is "ftp" the File Transfer Protocol, as
   mentioned previously in Section 4.3.

   Any and all information that people want to make available on the
   Internet can be.  This means there is a truly vast amount of
   information out there, with more being added every day.  In fact
   there is so much information that it is sometimes difficult and
   confusing to find the information you want.  This is the topic of our
   next section.

   Some anonymous ftp sites are provided in Appendix B.

5.3.1 Searching

   One of the great challenges facing the Internet is how to organize
   the vast amounts of information in ways that allow most people to
   find what they want.  In theory, there may be a "perfect"
   organization, but in practice, we will never achieve it.  This means
   that finding the information you want on the net may require some
   skill on your part.  Fortunately there are many tools and strategies
   that may be helpful.

   One of the all time great ideas for finding the information you want
   is a thing called a search engine.  A search engine is a computer
   program usually living on a remote computer that spends its time
   downloading information from other computers and building an index of
   what lives where.  This behavior has given them the nickname of Web
   Crawlers.  What this means to you, is that you can call up the Search

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   Engine's home page, and enter in a subject, name, title, or random
   string pattern, which is then used to search the engines index for
   stuff out on the net that seems related.  This can lead to both a
   large volume of information, and some rather startling discoveries of
   information from unsuspected sources.

   Some of the available Searchers and Indices on the Internet include:

   Yahoo      - Index of WWW sites, with search capabilities
   DejaNews   - USENET (news groups) search engine
   WebCrawler - http://query.webcrawler.com/
   Lycos      - http://www.lycos.com/
   AltaVista  - WWW and USENET search engine
   Magellan   - Index of reviewed and rated Internet sites, with
                search capabilities

   Yahoo, for example, has a high-level category called "Arts", which
   has a multitude of subcategories below it, most of which have further
   subdivision, each of which can contain lists of lists.

   For example, to find information on Modern Dance, from a starting
   point of http://www.yahoo.com/, you can follow the links to
   http://www.yahoo.com/Recreation/Dance/Modern/Groups or simply type
   "Modern Dance" into the search field and choose from a list of
   selections returned.

   On a typical attempt on March 25, 1997, Yahoo returned 4 major
   categories of Modern Dance, and offered 82 other links to related
   pages around the web.  Statistics, however, can be changing by the

   There are many other Searchers and Indices on the Internet, and a
   good way to find them, is to do a search for them in one of the
   services above, or others you encounter in your travels.  The
   resources in Appendix B may also be helpful.

   After experimenting with the available search engines, it quickly
   becomes clear that searching on a broad category can result in too
   much information.  For example, a recent search at AltaVista for the
   subject "Rembrandt" matched over 8500 individual items, including
   information on the famous artist (Rembrandt von Rijn (1606-1669)),
   His Self-Portrait, a hotel in Thailand (Rembrandt Hotel and Plaza,
   Bangkok),  and a pizza restaurant in California.  (The URLs for these
   sites are listed under Rembrandt in Appendix B.)

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   To be more particular in what you find, all of the available search
   engines allow you to do compound searches, in which multiple keywords
   are used, possibly in combination with Boolean logic operators such
   as AND, OR, and NOT. For example, to focus in on Rembrandt the
   artist, at the exclusion of pizza cafes, try the following advanced
   search in Magellan:

   Rembrandt AND artist AND portrait NOT pizza

   Note that the method of entering search items differs slightly from
   service to service.  When trying a new service, check the available
   help topic before searching.  And as with any new skill, practice,
   practice, practice!

   Test of search scope:
     Lycos:     rembrandt.                       1837 relevant documents
     Lycos:     rembrandt and artist and portrait   6 relevant documents
     Yahoo:     rembrandt                 2 Category and 39 site matches
     Yahoo:     rembrandt and artist      2 Category and 11 site matches
     AltaVista: rembrandt                        about "10000" documents
     AltaVista: rembrandt +artist +museum          about "100" documents
     WebCrawler: rembrandt.                     347 matching "rembrandt"
     WebCrawler: rembrandt and artist and portrait 21 matching documents
     Magellan:  rembrandt                                    666 results
     Magellan:  rembrandt and artist and portrait          39379 results

   You will notice, in the above statistics, that the numbers for
   Magellan are quite different from the others.  This is because
   different search engines may function differently.  When you do a
   this+that search on Magellan, it looks for all instances of This AND
   all instances of That rather than the standard response of Only
   documents which contain both This AND That.  On almost all the sites
   I have explored, there is an explanation of how the search process
   works on that site.  You should read that explanation if you are
   having trouble or need further information.

   You will also begin to see patterns in the way people name, or file,
   their information, which will help you find more information.  Some
   may list their links to ART, while others list their links to
   PAINTINGS.  Also many people put links to related pages in their
   pages, so one page you find that does not have what you are looking
   for, may have a pointer to another page that does have what you are
   looking for. Searching is an iterative process, keep going from one
   search key to another, and continue down multiple levels to see what
   is out there.  Its known as Exploring, or Surfing the Net, and it is
   a major part of the joy of the Internet.

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6. Accessing the Internet

   Having decided to explore the Internet, you will need some tools and
   information to get you started.

   Accessing the Internet in terms of simply receiving, downloading, and
   viewing files, uses most of the same tools (software and hardware)
   needed to create files and make them available on the Internet.
   Sections 6 and 7 overlap a great deal in the areas of basic hardware
   and software.

   The Internet can be accessed in many comfortable ways: at school, at
   home, at work, and even at trendy CyberCoffeeHouses.  Accessing the
   Internet is not synonymous with publishing and displaying on the
   Internet, however.  You may need different equipment for creating
   content, then you need for retrieving content.  Section 6 focuses on
   the specific needs of those who wish to create content and publish on
   the Internet.

   If you live near a major metropolitan area you may have already begun
   to see advertising for Internet access from your local telephone
   company, or cable TV provider.  Contact them to get information on
   equipment needed, services provided, access restrictions and costs

   Local libraries and schools may now offer both Internet Access, and
   instruction on Internet related subjects, including getting
   connected.  Check the Internet sections of your bookstore and
   magazine stands.

   Do not be dissuaded if you find limited access.  The Internet will
   soon be everywhere, but if you do not want to wait, then you might
   consider taking matters into your own hands as these enterprising
   youths did...

      When several students from large universities returned home to
      Taos, NM, a few summers ago, they left behind their Internet
      connections.  Missing their connectivity, they approached the
      owner of a local bakery and suggested he start an Internet room
      where he could charge people by the hour to use the Internet.  The
      entrepreneurial baker applied for a government grant and received
      a few computers with high speed modems.

   You may be able to find a place like this, often called a CyberCafe,
   rather than having to create one.  Try your local magazine stand for
   the latest periodicals, or your public library or bookstore for
   pointers to other people who will know more.

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   Once you have some Internet access, you can find out more about
   Cybercafes, InternetCafes, and other physical Internet access points,
   by searching as described in Section 5.3.1. and in the newsgroup

6.1 Internet Service Providers

   Being an Internet Service Provider (ISP) these days is pretty easy
   and can be financially worthwhile, so there are alot of them, and
   they are starting and failing every day.  In addition to the
   information and pointers you will find in this document, many
   organizations exist to help you locate, and choose a service

   As with any service, be sure to get references, and get their
   features and terms in writing.  Some ISPs provide access only to
   their site, others may provide email only, or provide access to the
   web but charge by the minute for access.  Have some idea of what you
   want to do and what the vendor provides before making any deals.

   Many Internet Service Providers offer free instruction to get you
   started in accessing the Internet as well as creating content.  With
   the competition of Internet providers, you should be able to find one
   or two that offer the instruction you need.

   Some organizations exist solely to recommend those who pay them.
   Most Internet related magazines these days will contain extensive
   advertising by ISPs in your area.

   As discussed in Section 4.1, every machine on the Internet needs an
   address by which it is accessed.  Even machines which are only
   browsing need an address to which the browsed information is
   returned.  This is actually called your IP address.  The address is
   the number with which your hostname is associated.  Usually you will
   get your IP address from your work, school, or ISP when you get your
   configuration information for your Internet connection.  If you were
   trying to get an IP Address on your own, you would go to the Internet
   Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

   More information about IANA, IP addresses, and domain names can be
   found in the information referenced in the Resources section.

6.2  Computer Hardware and Software Tools

   A basic computer system consists of a box containing a Central
   Processor Unit (CPU), main controller (motherboard), and Floppy

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   Drive.  It will also come with a keyboard, and you will need a Hard
   Drive, Memory, and a Video Monitor.  How much memory, how large a
   hard drive, and how fabulous a monitor, will vary with your needs and
   experience.  To connect to an ISP you will usually also need a modem.

   This is simply an overview to familiarize you with some basic terms.
   There are many current magazines devoted to computer and Internet
   related subjects now available in most bookstores and magazine stands
   which provide much better and more timely information on computers,
   operating systems, software, and peripherals.

   There are many types of computers available including Personal
   Computers (PCs), Apple Macintosh Computers (Macs), and various Unix
   based Workstations.  The most affordable systems are generally PCs
   and Macs.

   You may also need to choose an Operating System (OS) for the machine
   you choose.  PCs can run a version of "DOS", anything from Microsoft
   (Windows, NT, Windows95, etc.), or a version of Unix (BSDI, FreeBSD,
   Linux, etc.) Macs can run the common Mac Windows, or Apples version
   of Unix.  Workstations generally run a Unix derived OS, but there are
   also quite a few machines available which run their own proprietary

   Each type of system has its features, functions, and drawbacks, as
   well as its proponents and opponents.  Each system has different
   costs associated with it.  You will need to understand much of this
   before you are ready to buy your first computer.  Much of the free
   software available on the Internet, for example, was written for the
   Unix operating system because that has been the main OS of the
   Internet for many years.  That, of course, doesn't mean there isn't
   alot of free software available for other OSs, Windows software, for
   example, is becoming quite popular.  The system of choice for most
   musicians is the Mac because of the variety and quality of the music
   software available for them. Windows users will need a pc to run
   their software.  Now, actually, there are many operating systems
   available for personal computers.

   Common operating systems come in two basic types; single tasking and
   multi-tasking.  This is a reference to how many different things or
   "tasks" the computer "seems" to be doing at once.  The earliest
   computers were single tasking.  They did only one thing at a time,
   and could be used by only one person at a time.  DOS is a modern
   example of a single tasking operating system.  Since people rarely do
   more than a few things every second, this often left the computer
   simply waiting around for the next keystroke.

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   Even back then, computers could do all the work needed to listen to a
   human in a few milliseconds every second, so time-slicing was
   invented to get more use out of computers.

   A time-slicing operating system is said to be Multi-tasking. It
   executes programs in little slices of time, typically shorter than 25
   milliseconds (or 1/40 of a second) and switches to another task for
   each new slice.  If you remember that most video runs at 25 or 30
   discrete frames per second, and yet humans perceive it as continuous,
   you can see how time-slicing can provide a convincing illusion of
   doing many things at the same time.

   Multi-tasking operating systems have the option of being set up as
   single-user or Multi-user machines Windows 95 and the MacOS are
   modern examples of multi-tasking operating systems that were designed
   to be used by a single user most of the time.  Other operating
   systems, such as UNIX, VMS, NT, and others are more prepared to be
   set up as multiuser machines.  Multiuser machines are typically
   connected to a network, or a network of terminals, so that more than
   one person can use the processor and other peripherals at the same

   Some operating systems can also take advantage of Parallel Processing
   hardware that actually does more than one thing at a time.  However
   as of this writing, this hardware is somewhat rare and expensive, so
   we won't go into the details here.

   Different OSs also have different File Systems.  The File System is
   the way in which your programs and other computer files are stored
   and displayed.  Different Operating Systems also have different "User
   Interface"s.  The User Interface is the way in which you interact
   with the computers OS.  Some use "Text" interfaces, which require the
   user to type all commands using a keyboard.  Others use a "Graphical"
   user interface, which provides graphical images of buttons and icons
   which the user "clicks" on to start programs and perform save and
   delete functions among other things.

   In order for the software to run on the computer, the software must
   be written specifically for the operating system.  Just like Internet
   traffic must use the Internet Protocol, software must speak the OS
   language of the computer on which it wants to run.  Translation
   programs exist, but there are still problems.

   One of the problems is with file"names".  The DOS Operating System,
   for example, supports names that consist of an 8-character filename,
   and a 3-character "extension", separated by a ".".  For example
   "foo.txt", and "myprog.exe" are valid DOS filenames, but sadly,
   "foo.html" is not.  This means that HTML files on a dos system must

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   use the extension ".htm" rather than the ".html" extension used on
   many other systems.  This problem also affects many other common
   extensions such as ".jpeg", ".mpeg" and others.

   A filename's extension is very important in that it tells not only
   you, but your software, the kind of file it is, and what it needs in
   order to be understood.  For example, when your web browser
   encounters a file with a .html or .htm extension, it will assume it
   is hypertext, and will know how to display it and follow its links.
   When it gets a .txt file, it knows to display it, and that it will
   have no links.  Your browser can also be configured to understand
   other file formats which can be made to be displayed with the
   browser, or another program, or saved to disk, etc.  For example, you
   might configure your browser to start up Word when it encounters a
   .doc file.

   File extensions indicate file format.  Just as there are different
   file extensions for different text file formats, there are different
   extensions for different graphic file formats.  That goes for sound
   file formats, video file formats, data base files, and others.

   Different software understands different file formats and will create
   and display only those formats it understands.  For this reason,
   software which translates a file from one format to another is often

   For example, if you create a file with Microsoft Word you will
   usually save it in Word's native format as a ".doc" file. You can
   also choose the "save as" option to save it as plain text in the .txt
   file format.  Although some format information will be lost in the
   translation, words and numbers should remain unchanged.  If you
   wanted to give others access to the file, and you couldn't assume
   that they all have Word, you would want to present it in .txt format.
   Note that a .txt file is also easily formatted into .html.

   File formats and extensions are discussed throughout the following

   After you've resolved to some extent, what it is you want to do, and
   what hardware and OS you'll need, there are a great deal of software
   packages available to help you with all sorts of things on the

   Software designed to make your life easier by using your computer,
   include dictionaries and other reference materials, accounting,
   bookkeeping desktop publishing and other business needs software, as

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   well as landscape and architectural planning software, health and
   nutrition software, educational and entertainment software, and much,
   much more.  Your computer need not only be your link to the world,
   but also a major organizational tool in your life.

   For accessing the Internet, you'll need communication software.
   There are a few different pieces to this part of the puzzle.  There
   is the software which communicates between the operating system and
   the modem or network card, there's the software which speaks IP and
   allows communication over the Internet, and there's the software
   which you use which is called the "user interface", or application
   program.  For accessing the web, your application will be a "web

   Web browsers are available in stores that sell software packages, and
   are also available free on the Internet.  Since you would not be able
   to reference the online material without a browser, and since most
   available periodicals will be likely to focus on commercial browsers,
   the Resources section provides a pointer to a free browser available
   by mail for the cost of postage, or over the Internet using the File
   Transfer Protocol, FTP.

   Ftp software is available both free and commercially.  Other Internet
   communication software, referenced throughout this document, are
   email, news, gopher, and telnet among others.

   With any system, you should ensure that it contains the software and
   hardware necessary to maintain both itself and your data.  While
   computer data is not particularly fragile, it is still sometimes lost
   due to hardware or software problems or simple human error.  For this
   reason it is considered important to "back up" your system by making
   extra copies of important data.  While simply copying data onto
   floppy disks could work, the small storage size of the disks makes it
   both time consuming and prone to human error.  Many large capacity
   disk and tape drives are available with special software specifically
   for doing backups.  It is highly recommended that you purchase a
   backup solution along with your computer.

   It is also important to protect your data from being damaged by
   computer viruses.  When you connect to the net and move data back and
   forth, it is possible that there can be a small piece of software
   called a "virus" that could hide in some of the data and infect your
   system, possibly then using your system to infect other machines that
   you connect to.  These viruses are often created by misguided people
   as a sort of computer prank, and can accidentally or maliciously

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   damage your data.  Fortunately it is possible to obtain virus
   checking software that can regularly scan your system to see if it
   has been infected.  This software is important whether you are
   downloading information from the net, or using other peoples floppy
   disks.  See Section 8.2 for more information on viruses.

   Determining your ideal hardware and software configuration will take
   some time and patience.  You need an understanding of what you want
   to do, and how, and whether you wish to simply view, or create.

   You'll also want to know the limitations and expandability potential
   of the system, so you can determine if it will have a useful
   lifespan.  If the machine cannot grow for the foreseeable few years,
   it will become obsolete before its given you its fullest value.

6.3 Multimedia

   When one media is not enough.

   Depending upon your needs, you may require special hardware installed
   in the machine, or attached externally by cables.  These additional
   pieces of hardware are known as peripherals.

   The peripherals needed for accessing information on the Internet
   might include the following:

   - a sound card and speakers to hear sounds, music, speech, etc.
   - a CD-ROM player to read commercially available computer CDs
   - midi equipment for audio artists
   - video equipment
   - a printer to make hardcopy of files, or images
   - Other equipment for creating content See Section 7.

   Most of these peripherals will also require specialized software.  If
   you plan to purchase all the hardware and software at once, find a
   vendor who will connect and test all the hardware, software, and
   peripherals for you.  Due to the complexity of these systems, they
   can be difficult to configure for the inexperienced user.

   Also, verify that the vendor will stand behind their equipment, and
   this configuration in the event that it doesn't work the way you want
   it to.  Hook the system up, and test it extensively right away, so as
   to determine any problems before your warrantee period expires.

   Many of the Internet related periodicals available run articles on
   choosing a computer, as well as the latest software and hardware news
   and reviews.

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   You can also explore the pointers in Appendix B for the information
   you need.

7.  Creating Content

   As the hardware and software of the net becomes cheaper and better
   understood, the technology itself will become less important than the
   content which lives on the net.  Many of the rewards of the Internet
   will go to the people who create such content.

   There are different ways to add content to the Internet.  One may
   start with pre-existing content, such as paintings or stories, and
   find a place for it, or one may create content specifically for the
   computer such as web pages, graphics, video and audio files, etc.

   Let us for the moment assume that you have already created something
   which you would like to make available on the net.  There are many
   ways in which you could do this.  You could deal with agencies who
   provide this service professionally, find friends or others willing
   to do it for free or barter, or get yourself on the net in some
   fashion, learn, and create a place for it yourself.

   If you chose to do it yourself, you will need your own computer and
   some form of Internet access from an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
   or Web Space Provider (WSP).

   Once you have a place to put your content, you will need to
   understand a little more about file formats.  Images may have to be
   digitized, audio may have to be recorded into computer files, etc.

   While hardware, such as image scanners, are readily available, there
   are also many other options available.  For example, most print, or
   copy shops today can do high quality image scans and some photolabs
   now provide photos-on-disk as one of their services.

   If you are placing your content on the Web, a web page must be
   created for it in the form of an HTML document.  While this is easy
   enough to do yourself, many WSPs also offer this service, and there
   are also independent web page designers who may be able to do a
   better job.

   Creating online content involves moving your art into an electronic
   form and then perhaps, re-formatting it for the Internet.  For some
   art forms, the initial electronic step is fairly painless: typing a
   short story, poem, novel, or other text into HTML is fairly

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   straight forward.  Moving a computer graphic to the Internet may
   require a conversion program to make it useful to others.  Performing
   arts, sculpture, and other pieces may be more difficult to capture on
   a computer disk, and may require more work and creative thinking.

   Much of the information needed to help you think creatively about
   publicizing your work online is available in classes, books, local
   Internet cafes, and on the Internet itself.  Many Internet magazines
   are available for subscriptions or individual issues can help get you
   started.  Most new bookstores and, to some extent, used bookstores
   provide numerous volumes of Internet information.  However, even the
   most recently published books may contain outdated information.  The
   latest 'standards' can be obtained directly from the Internet
   Engineering Task Force, or IETF, at http://www.ietf.org/.  The
   document you are reading now is a product of that organization.  The
   documents of the IETF are collected and maintained on anonymous ftp
   sites, as well as in the web.  These sites are referenced in the
   Resources section, and Appendix B.

   A really good way to learn how to write html documents is to look at
   the source code of html files already available.  Just use your
   browser to look for pages you like, and then use your browsers "view
   source" feature to see how it was done.

   If however, you learn better by having someone teach you, you may be
   interested in taking a HTML or Internet Introduction course at a
   local college.  Most larger metropolitan area schools provide classes
   for the basics, which can also expose you to other artists.  Make
   sure you read the course description; some courses may only cover
   accessing the Internet while you may want to actually be creating
   documents.  If no colleges in your area offer classes, contact the
   computer science department or the continuing education office and
   suggest a topic.  If the school can obtain enough support, they may
   offer a class the following semester.

   Artists in smaller communities may need to rely more heavily upon
   online sources of information.  Appendix B provides some useful sites
   to get you started.

7.1  Getting Help

   Once you are connected to the Internet, there are many more ways of
   getting help with it.  Try the forums, listed in Section 5, such as
   Newsgroups, Bulletin Boards, and Chat rooms.  If you have checked the
   local netiquette guidelines, and behave accordingly, the Internet
   community will usually be very helpful toward new arrivals.

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   When looking for good consultants and web page designers, start with
   the sites you like, and find out who did their pages.  Discuss your
   needs with other artists, or check the phone book, library, books,
   magazines and other periodicals for artist collectives and groups who
   may be available to assist you.  Look for groups whose cause is
   artistically motivated, rather than trusting people who are paid to
   point you at a particular consultant or assistant.

   Know what you want.  If it takes you a while to figure out what you
   want, take that time.  This should not be something you are rushed
   into.  The Internet is not going to go away.  Whatever you decide to
   do, do not be afraid to ask for references.  A good provider of
   services will always be happy to provide you with a list of happy

7.2 About File Formats

   As described in Section 6.2, there are many file formats available on
   the Internet.  You'll need to understand a bit more about the formats
   you'll want to present, in order to create them for others to see.
   Some formats are called Public Domain, and are freely copyable, and
   the software tools used to create this content is available for you
   and others to download off the net.  Other formats are called
   "proprietary", and are only readable and creatable using software
   that must be purchased from the vendor who created it, or their
   authorized reseller.

   Some formats, and their associated formatting tools, come along with
   other software packages.  For example, Microsoft Windows comes with a
   Sound Recorder, which makes and plays back .wav files.  Apple also
   offers Quicktime free for their OS, as well as Windows and others,
   which also records and plays back .wav files.  So many Internet
   explorers already have access to tools which will allow them to hear
   your .wav file, if you were so inclined.  They may not, however, have
   a player for a proprietary format for which they would need special

   When creating content for the Internet, its important to consider the
   format most likely to be understood by your target audience.

   More information on file formats can be found at:
   http://www.matisse.net/files/formats.html and

   Some artists are actually using html as an artform in itself and are
   helping to push the boundaries of this exciting new medium.  The
   current HTML specification can be found in the RFCs referenced in the
   Resources section.

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7.3 Creating Text and Hypertext Documents

   Text files are stored on a computer by encoding the text in ASCII,
   "American Standard Code for Information Interchange", which
   substitutes a distinct number for each character of text, and stores
   the result in a file.  Text files are often given the file extension

   Text files can be created in many ways.  The two most common types of
   programs used are called "text editors" and "word processors".
   Actually both types of programs are similar.  They both allow you to
   move around within the document, and add, delete, and otherwise
   modify text, as well as create and save text files.  Word processors
   differ from text editors in that they usually also have a great deal
   of options for formatting and printing text, and may support
   alternative file formats, such as ".doc" which inserts many
   formatting commands that are understood by printers, but not always
   by browsers.

   Since HTML formatting is simply ASCII text with special formatting
   commands, you may use either text editors or word processors to
   create a ".html" file.  Alternatively, there are many Web authoring
   tools that will allow you to use a graphical interface to specify how
   you want your page to look, and will automatically generate the HTML
   formatting commands and output an ".html" file directly.

   Text editors, Word Processors, and other document creation tools are
   available both freely and commercially for all operating systems.

   Look to currently available computer related books and periodicals to
   provide sources of information about text editors, word processors,
   and document and web page authoring tools.

   HTML is a technical specification of the Internet Engineering Task
   Force, and the most current documents can be found on the IETF
   site(s) listed in the Resources Section.

7.4  Creating Graphic and Moving Images

   Whether you want to put your existing images on the Internet, or
   create new images using electronic creation tools, there are a few
   basic pieces of information which will be useful.  The following two
   sub-sections provide an overview of image formats, and creation

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7.4.1  Bitmap Image Formats

   Pictures may be stored on computers in many different ways.  One of
   the most common, is a simple bitmap consisting of a list of pixel
   colors, and header information describing how to map this list of
   pixels back into the image.  Bitmap formats are .bmp in windows, and

   Bitmap images may be created by scanning in existing images, or by
   creating images directly on the computer, using programs such as
   Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photo Paint, Windows Paintbrush, and many
   others available both freely and commercially.

   A scanner works very much like a copy machine, or fax machine, in
   that it "scans" your artwork or text and "encodes" it into a machine
   readable format of numbers and formulas.  A scanner is a hardware
   tool, and usually comes with at least some of the software you need
   to use it.  Generally it will connect to your computer and you will
   either place your work on it, or run the scanner slowly over your
   work, depending on the type of scanner you select.  Scanners are only
   available commercially, and come in a variety of sizes and styles
   with a variety of features and prices.  As with all computer tools,
   understanding what you want to accomplish will help you decide what
   you need to purchase.

   Since it can take a lot of data to encode an image, there are many
   different kinds of file formats that contain compressed versions of
   the file data.  These formats vary greatly in how they compress the
   data.  Two of the most popular compressed image formats on the net
   are .gif and .jpg.

   GIF, short for Graphic Image Format, compresses an image by reducing
   the number of colors in the palette the image is reconstructed from,
   allowing them to shrink down the size of the color specification for
   each pixel.  Even if you only save a few bits per pixel, there are
   typically enough pixels that the savings are significant.  Under
   extreme amounts of compression, images start to look like childrens
   coloring books, but it is possible to get great looking images with
   moderate amounts.  GIF files typically use the extension ".gif".

   The JPEG format uses complex mathematics to approximate the whole
   image.  Under extreme amounts of compression, images start to look
   like bizarre cubist interpretations of the original image, but
   because everything about the image is compressed, it is still
   possible to get dramatic reductions in file size while retaining
   acceptable image quality.  JPEG files typically use the extensions
   ".jpeg" or ".jpg"

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   Both of these formats are what is known as "lossy" compression
   because they actually lose information from the original image, thus
   degrading (hopefully by a negligible amount) the image quality.
   There are also "lossless" compression schemes that offer smaller
   reductions in file size, but allow perfect reconstruction of the

7.4.2  Vector Image Formats

   Another way images may be stored is in "vector" format.  This format
   is useful because of one of the techniques for creating images on a
   computer.  There are programs that allow you to create images by
   creating shapes like circles and polygons, and specifying colors for
   them.  If the entire image is constructed this way, it is possible to
   encode the list of information describing each polygon using only a
   fraction of the information it would take to describe each pixel.

   Vector images also have the wonderful quality that they may be scaled
   without loss of image quality.  For example, if you were to enlarge a
   bitmap image of a circle large enough to see individual pixels, you
   will find that pixels are actually square dots, and if enlarged
   enough, the circle will have very jagged edges.  However if you
   enlarge a vector image of a circle, it remains perfect down to the
   limit of resolution of the screen or printer, because it is stored as
   the mathematical representation of a circle which is independent of

   For this reason, much commercial art and layout is often done in
   vector formats.

   Vector formats may be created using many commercially available
   software packages, and many freely copyable conversion tools are also

7.4.3  Video Formats

   Images received by the retina of the eye persist for a short period
   of time, and then fade.  A sequence of images or "frames", with small
   changes, sufficiently close together, will give the illusion of a
   moving picture.  How much of the picture changes between one image
   and the next affects how smoothly or jerkily the movement will
   appear.  Frame rates of 10 per second and above are enough to give a
   reasonably realistic rendition of natural scenes.  In fact, the way
   that motion is perceived by the human brain means that less detail is
   required in fast moving segments of a picture.

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   Video on your television, or Video Cassette Recorder (VCR), is
   formatted quite differently from video formatted for viewing,
   storage, and transmission over the Internet.  Disk space and
   bandwidth being constantly at a premium, methods of compressing video
   data have been developed to shrink the size these video files might
   otherwise be.

   Just as described in Section 7.4.1. regarding compression of static
   images, there are different compression utilities and formats for
   video images.  There are many video compression formats, and we have
   provided information on two here.

   MPEG (pronounced M-peg), stands for Moving Picture Experts Group.
   The mpeg format creates files with a .mpg or .mpeg extension.  Mpeg
   players are freely available on the Internet.  Mpeg files can be
   created using a number of commercially available products.  More
   information on mpeg can be found by following the links available in
   Appendix B under Video Resources.

   Quicktime was created by Apple, and is currently available for both
   Macintosh and Windows systems.  Quicktime files have a .wav extension
   and can be played with many freely available viewers.  Quicktime
   creation and viewing tools can be found via the links in Appendix B.

   There are other video formats being created all the time.

7.5  Music and Sound

   The World Wide Web supports audio data as well as visual data.  The
   most obvious way to send audio across the net would be to use digital
   audio like that used for the Compact Disc or "CD".  However, CD
   format digital audio requires 44,100 16 bit words per second for a
   mono signal, and twice that for a stereo signal.  While there are
   many places where one can find digital audio in Windows ".wav", or
   the Macintosh ".au" format, these files typically take a very long
   time to download even a few seconds of audio.  The size of these
   formats makes them too inefficient for widespread use on the net

   It is however possible to do "useful" audio over the net. The
   emerging "de facto" standard seems to be _RealAudio_, based on the
   freely distributable server/player application, _RealAudio_ version
   2.0, developed by the Seattle based company Progressive Networks.
   First released in 1995, RealAudio allows useable digital audio in
   realtime over a 28.8 kB line, and has already been put into service
   on the home pages of most major record companies as well as in many
   niche applications.  In addition, RealAudio provides a "Voice mode"
   optimized for understandable speech transmission over a 14.4kB line.

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   Unfortunately the quality of _RealAudio_ leaves much to be desired.
   In particular, the sample rate in Music Mode is only 8Khz (as
   compared to CD quality 44.1 Khz), meaning that all high frequencies
   above 4khz are simply missing.  The resulting audio is still pleasing
   to listen to, but sounds very dull and dark.

   More information about RealAudio can be found at www.RealAudio.com.

   Clearly Digital Audio is the way of the future, but until more
   bandwidth is available to the average person, it may not be the way
   of the present.  Fortunately, at least in the area of music, there is
   an interesting alternative.

   MIDI (the Musical Instrument Digital Interface), as developed for
   electronic musical instruments (keyboards, samplers, drum machines,
   etc.) works well for certain kinds of music over the net.  It
   involves sending no sound sources at all, just the description of the
   music -- kind of like the score, without the instruments.  If the
   receiver has the right instruments on their computer (such as the
   sounds defined in the General Midi soundset found on many
   soundcards), they can play back the musical score.

   The big disadvantage to using MIDI is that other than the limited
   selection of sounds in the General Midi set, it is extremely
   difficult to make sure the music sounds more than approximately like
   the original.  And there is no way to handle non-MIDI instruments
   such as guitar or voice, so it is useless to hear the new song by
   your favorite rock and roll band.

   The big advantage to MIDI is how fast it works over slow net
   connections.  For example, five minutes of music, fits in a mere 30k
   file, and usually will not take more than a few seconds even on the
   slowest of dialup connections!  This makes it ideal for applications
   such as networked games, or music to go along with a web page.

   There are many ways of embedding MIDI files into HTML documents, for
   Internet distribution.

   Anyone who wants to add MIDI to a page can choose to use existing
   public access MIDI file banks, of which there are many, or to produce
   new MIDI themselves.

   Crescendo is one package available for embedding MIDI files in HTML
   http://www.liveupdate.com Crescendo works for both Macintosh and

   Helpful Links: Publicly Available Audio and Music Applications

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   Music of J.S. Bach for keyboard

   RISM (repertoire of manuscript sources), plus other access to online
   scholarly music resources. http://rism.harvard.edu/RISM/

   Crescendo is used in the web pages at http://mcentury.citi.doc.ca
   along with a growing number of others.  One very interesting use of
   Crescendo occurs on the Music Theory Online publication, a serious
   scholarly site for publishing and debating musicology and music
   theory.  Articles there now routinely include short musical examples,
   a great sign of the future of scholarly publishing in the age of
   dynamic, interactive content.

   Formerly, debate on musical form and structure occurred in the pages
   of journals, referring usually to music examples in terms of its
   visual notation.  This notation requires a certain degree of training
   to decode, effectively restricting the potential readership to those
   with this professional training.  With sound examples embedded
   directly in the text, at least the aural effect of the music comes
   across, even to those unable to read the notation accurately.  This
   shift is appropriate to the newer trends in music scholarship, which
   talk about music in terms of its social and cultural context, instead
   of only in formal terms.

7.6  Content Design Issues

   Know your intended audience.  If you want more people to see your
   work, you'll need to make it more accessible.

   Many sites are very careful about what content they will allow access
   to.  If you want all audiences to be able to view your work, make
   sure you are careful about your content and language.

   Another content design issue is tool friendliness.  Some machines
   have limitations which will not allow them to see or hear what you'd
   like them to.  For example, older or less expensive models of
   monitors may have monochrome, or one-color displays, or display only
   16 colors, or 256 colors.  If you create and view images which look
   fabulous with a 64,000 color display, you may want to test them using
   a 16 color display to see what the effect is.  Sometimes you can
   modify your image slightly to get a wider audience while only having
   a minor impact on the effect.

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   The following sites give you pointers on what to consider when
   designing a web page that is content- rich:

   - Sun's Guide to Web Style - http://www.sun.com/styleguide/
   - Yale C/AIM Web Style Guide - http://info.med.yale.edu/caim/manual/
   - Web Development - http://www.december.com/web/develop.html
   - A Guide to Creating a Successful Web Site =
   - Bandwidth Conservation Society - http://www.infohiway.com/faster/
     This is resource for web developers with an interest in optimizing

   See Section 8 for other issues and challenges relating to content.

   Artists should post how they want their art treated on the web, and
   how it may be used and post their copyright notice there.

   For example, some artists allow their work to be used freely as long
   as it is not used for financial gain, and request that people contact
   them for permission if they wish to use their works for a commercial

   Artists need to be aware that when people view their works from the
   web, their art is downloaded to the viewers computer as that is how
   browsers work.

7.7  Publicizing your work

   The fastest way to publicize your work on the Internet, is to have
   the most popular sites link to your pages.  There are many sites on
   the net, such as the search sites mentioned earlier, that are
   interested in listing a pointer to your site for their own purposes.

   It is also helpful to have other artists link to your site and it is
   great to have other art sites link to you as well.  "Art on the Net",
   Art.net, offers free linking to artist sites and provides this as a
   service to the artist community on the Internet.  There are also
   other art related sites which do this.

   It can also be helpful to put your URL on your business card.

   The Internet's origins in the Research and Education communities
   played an important role in the foundation and formation of Internet
   culture.  This culture defined rules for network etiquette
   (netiquette), and communication based on the Internet's being
   relatively off-limits to commercial enterprise.

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   Certain styles of marketing and advertising will therefore not be
   effective on the Internet, and mass mailings or inappropriate
   postings to newsgroups, will most likely do more harm to your
   enterprise than good.  If you intend to do marketing on the Internet,
   please read the Netiquette Guidelines document RFC 1855 listed in the
   Resources section.

8.  Issues and Challenges

   The Internet has many issues and challenges, among which are
   security, privacy, property rights, copyrights and freedom of speech.
   Security issues involve both the security of your data, as well as
   your image.  Viruses can be transmitted easily over the net, and
   precautions should always be taken.  If you choose to keep your own
   information available on the net it can be the subject of vandalism
   and theft.  You may also find yourself being persecuted for the
   information you provide as more and more people join the Internet
   community and feel the need to impose their morality upon it.

   This is no different from any society.  We must draw our own lines,
   and our own conclusions.  This section is terribly brief, and
   entirely summary in nature, and is in no way intended to be
   comprehensive.  It is intended to warn you and advise you.  If you
   have real concerns about your property rights, copyrights, and/or
   personal rights, please do your own research.  Internet laws are in
   such a state of flux that they are changing as I write this, and they
   will be changing as you read it.

   At last check, however, freedom of speech was prevailing in the
   United States, and so far the government has not upheld any laws
   prohibiting the exhibition of anything on the Internet.  Support your
   local constitutional rights.

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8.1 Security Issues

   There are three major security areas of which the Internet user
   should be aware; Security of content, Site security, and Security of

   Security of Content, ensures that that which you put on the Internet
   is not altered, or vandalized.  Some Web Servers are inadequately
   secured, allowing vandals to modify your pages on your web sites,
   without your knowledge or permission.  If your pages are your
   business, you can imagine the problems this might cause.  Your words,
   art, and other work could be changed, your image tarnished.  If you
   cannot ensure that the content of your site cannot be corrupted, at
   least check it frequently to ensure that it has not been.  Keep
   frequent back-ups and periodically verify that you can retrieve data
   from them.

   Site security, will protect your data from viruses, worms, and sneak
   piracy.  Some software pirates, on the Internet, use unsuspecting
   sites to run their schemes.  Anonymous FTP servers which have write
   permission are most vulnerable.  Pirates can upload software onto
   your machine using cryptic filenames you may not even see in standard
   directory listings, and then publish the softwares whereabouts for
   others to download.  Not only will this compromise your reputation on
   the Internet for responsible system administration, it may make you
   liable for damages.  Learn what you need to learn to secure your
   system, or hire some security muscle to tighten down your site for
   you.  Section 11 provides some good information to get you started.

   Security of Ownership, involves copyrights and intellectual property
   laws.  If your work is your livelihood, having your rights
   compromised could be disastrous.  Section 8.4 provides an
   introduction to copyrights.

   This document only intends to bring the issues to your attention, and
   does not aspire to thoroughly cover these subjects.

   Please read another project of the IETF, the Site Security Handbook
   (FYI 8, RFC 2196), ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc2196.

   The Handbook is a guide to developing computer security policies and
   procedures for sites that have systems on the Internet.  The purpose
   of this handbook is to provide practical guidance to administrators
   trying to secure their information and services.  The subjects
   covered include policy content and formation, a broad range of
   technical system and network security topics, and security incident

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   Section 11 provides more information on site security.

8.2 Viruses

   A "virus" is a program that modifies other programs by placing a copy
   of itself inside them.  It cannot run independently.  It requires
   that its host program be run to activate it.

   The damage caused by a virus may consist of the deletion of data or
   programs, maybe even reformatting of the hard disk, but more subtle
   damage is also possible.  Some viruses may modify data or introduce
   typing errors into text.  Other viruses may have no intentional
   effects other than replicating itself.

   Viruses can be transmitted over the Internet inside other programs,
   but usually they are transmitted by floppy disk.  Your best bet is to
   purchase a really versatile and up-to-date virus checking program
   from your local software retailer, and run it over every floppy you
   plan to read, and every program you plan to run, as well as
   periodically over the entire machine.

   Computer viruses are enough like organic viruses that many of the
   same precautions apply.  Early detection is key.  Diligence will
   mitigate potential damage, but frequent incremental backups are your
   best strategy for recovery.

8.3  The Standard Disclaimer

   As you have observed throughout the document, it is not common for
   you to get Internet access without having a provider of that access.
   Some Providers, such as universities and business, often require that
   you provide a disclaimer on every page stating that your opinions are
   your own, and not necessarily those of your affiliation.  What
   follows is a  sample Standard Disclaimer:

      This information is provided as-is. No warranty as to the accuracy
      is guaranteed.  Opinions expressed are entirely those of myself
      and/or my colleagues and cannot be taken to represent views of our
      employer.  If you notice something incorrect or have any comments,
      feel free to mail me.

   Other examples of disclaimers can be found via the search links
   listed in Appendix B.

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8.4 Copyrights and Intellectual Property Issues

   The arrival of the Information Age has emphasized many questions that
   human society must answer.  One of the most important of these is the
   question of "Intellectual Property", which asks: "when and where is
   it appropriate to allow people to own information?"

   Copyright, Trademark, and Patent law are some of society's responses
   to earlier versions of this question.  They support the idea of
   ownership of ideas, or information, which can be used to assist the
   creators of the information in making a living from its creation.
   This is good for society.

   It is also good for society for information to flow freely.  Our
   technology, and even our society are built on a growing pool of
   shared information.  If we restrict the flow of information into that
   pool, then we restrict the rate at which society grows and becomes

   These two opposing drives have been highlighted by our newfound
   ability to distill many different things down to information that can
   be stored on a computer.  One of the computers greatest virtues is
   that once you network them together, the information they hold
   becomes more fluid, more easily moved, changed or copied.  This is
   great for society, but may not be so great if you spent your life
   creating that "information", and would like compensation.

   Because Copyright, Trademark, and Patent law were never designed for
   an economy built out of information, understanding how they apply to
   your information can be a tricky thing.  Since these laws vary from
   place to place, it is also difficult to know how to apply them to the
   Internet which has no definite location.  Worse yet, most of these
   laws are in the process of being rewritten today, a state that will
   continue for a long time because no one seems to know what to do
   about it.

   With that in mind though, here is how things stand today...

8.4.1 Copyright

   A Copyright is first established when a work is "set in media", which
   extends from paper to the Internet.  A work, once published in a web
   page, for example, is said to be "owned" by its owner.  However,
   applying for, and being granted, a copyright on your work by The
   Copyright Office of the Library of Congress will give your rights
   more legal weight.  Whether you plan to put your own works on the
   Internet, or simply download the works of others, you may want to
   familiarize yourself with the rights granted by "Copyright" as well

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   as The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic

   Sample Copyright Notice

      Permission is granted to transfer this document electronically
      only for the purposes of viewing it on the world wide web. Subject
      to fair use provisions, the right to print this document or to
      make electronic copies of this document available to others is
      expressly retained although direct requests will be considered.

8.4.2 Trademark

   A Trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or the combination
   of words, phrases, symbols or designs, used to identify and
   distinguish the goods or services of one party from those of others.

   Trademark issues include both Trademarks which you own, and
   Trademarks which are owned by others.  If you own your own Trademark,
   you may want to familiarize yourself with legal ways of protecting
   it.  Some of the pointers in Appendix B provide that information, but
   we recommend retaining your own legal council.

   Trademark Infringement occurs when there is a "likelihood that
   consumers will be mislead or confused as to the source or origin of
   the goods or services.  This is the basic test used under both common
   law, and U.S. Federal Law.

   One issue regarding Trademarks on the Internet, is that of Domain
   Names which resemble, or infringe upon registered Trademarks.  Each
   case is being handled individually, and the text of cases can be
   found on many Internet sites.  The short version is that if a Domain
   Name is registered in good faith, "innocent registrations", the
   register can often keep the name, however, if the domain name is
   being used by a competitor, or to "force the trademark owner to pay a
   sum of money to acquire the name", the courts will generally not
   allow the register to keep the name, or profit from it.

   Trademark Dilution occurs when unauthorized use of a mark on
   dissimilar products or for dissimilar services causes the mark to
   cease functioning as a unique identifier, or becomes consciously or
   unconsciously linked with poor quality goods or services.  The
   Federal Trademark Dilution Act covers these issues.  If you may put
   trademarks on your web page, be sure you do not infringe upon the
   rights of the owner of the trademark.

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   A good rule of thumb, offered by one company with concerns for their
   trademark, is that, if you mean a tissue, you should say "tissue", if
   you use the Kleenex(R) name, use its Registration mark "(R)".

8.4.3 Privacy

   The concept of trademarks extends to personal names or likenesses, in
   that you can infringe on their rights, including their right to
   privacy.  This issue has both legal and ethical implications.

   U.S law currently recognizes four types of invasions of privacy:
   intrusion, appropriation of name or likeness, unreasonable publicity
   and false light.  In most states people have a "Right of Publicity"
   which gives individuals the exclusive right to license the use of his
   identity.  You will want familiarize yourself with privacy law if you
   want to make other peoples likeness, name, address, or others
   personal information available on the Internet.

   Rights vary from state to state and country to country and many
   international, and U.S. sites are provided in the Law section of
   Appendix B.

8.4.4 Seek Professional Advice

   A number of organizations exist which can be of assistance in
   ascertaining the appropriate legal status, law, statute, or standing,
   of your particular issue and helping you understand your rights and

   One of these is The Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition, CIEC.
   CIEC is a large and diverse group of Internet users, businesses,
   non-profit groups, and civil liberties advocates, who share the
   common goal of protecting the First Amendment and the viability of
   the Internet as a means of free expression, education, and commerce.

   The CIEC homepage URL is listed and a number of sites in the U.S. and
   other countries are represented in Appendix B, under the heading

8.5 Conducting Business over the Internet

   Since people are doing business over the Internet, they want to
   ensure that their personal information, credit card number, etc. is
   not used or compromised in any way.  Since the Internet is a public
   place, the only way to get information across it without anyone being
   able to retrieve it, is to encrypt it.  Encryption, is a process for
   scrambling access codes to prevent illicit entry into a system.  The
   study and work for people creating these system is called

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   Secure HTTP (S-HTTP) provides secure communication mechanisms between
   an HTTP client-server pair in order to enable spontaneous commercial
   transactions for a wide range of applications.  SHTTP and SHTML are
   Internet-Drafts, which are "works in progress" of the Internet
   Engineering Task Force WTS working group.  The Resources section
   provides information on retrieving Internet-Drafts.

   You should be aware that encrypted communications are illegal in some
   parts of the world.  You should check your local laws regarding legal
   uses of encryption.

   Before you begin installing any encryption software, back up your
   files and make sure your computer is not needed for any deadline
   tasks in the next few minutes or hours. If you mess up the
   installation or forget some password along the way, your files will
   be protected from everyone, including you.

8.6 Netiquette

   Like any community, the Internet has a code of conduct, for which the
   users have created the term "Netiquette".  Much of it will probably
   seem like common sense, but since the Internet spans many cultures'
   ideas of "common sense", its worth paying attention.  Remember, when
   you put something onto the Internet, you're publishing it in front of
   a very large audience.

   What follows is a few short ideas to start out with.  If you wish to
   behave well on the Internet, you really should read:

   FYI 28 "Netiquette Guidelines", (Also RFC 1855), October 1995.
   available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1855.txt

   First of all, most forums have their own guidelines posted near the
   door for new arrivals.  For Usenet News, for example, read
   news.announce.newusers.  It never hurts to keep silent until you know
   your audience better.  Once you join a forum, see how others behave
   before making too much of an impression.  Also, try not to jump to
   conclusions about others.  Internet media conveys attitudes and
   emotions differently than face-to-face, or even telephone
   communication.  You are also dealing with more cultural diversity on
   the Internet than you are likely familiar with.  Realize that many
   things have very different meanings in other cultures than they might
   in yours.  Try not to take things too personally.  Avoid attributing
   to malice what might be adequately explained by ignorance.  And hope
   others will do the same.

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9.  Glossary

   This glossary contains a few of the words used in this document,
   which were least likely to appear in any common dictionary.  If there
   are other words in the document which are not in your dictionary,
   some other glossaries are referenced in the Resources section which

      Boolean:    adj. Of or relating to an algebraic combinatorial
                  system treating variables, as propositions and
                  computer logic elements through the operators AND, OR,
                  NOT, IF, THEN, and EXCEPT.

      access:     n. 1. A means of approaching, passage; 2. The right to
                  enter or use.  v. To gain access. e.g., computer

      bandwidth:  Technically, the difference, in Hertz (Hz), between
                  the highest and lowest frequencies of a transmission
                  channel.  However, as typically used, the amount of
                  data that can be sent through a given communications

      bit:        n. (From "Binary digIT") 1. A single character of a
                  language having just two characters, as either of the
                  binary digits 0 or 1.  2. a unit of information
                  storage capacity, as of computer memory.

      bitmap:     A graphic image format which consists of a list of
                  pixel colors, or shades of gray, and header
                  information describing how to map this list of pixels
                  back into the image.  Bitmap formats are .bmp in
                  Windows, .pict on a Macintosh, and .anm and .btm on

      broadcast:  A special type of multicast packet which all nodes on
                  the network are always willing to receive.  See also:
                  multicast, unicast.

      btw:        By The Way

      byte:       8 bits

      encryption: The manipulation of a packet's data in order to
                  prevent any but the intended recipient from reading
                  that data. There are many types of data encryption,
                  and they are the basis of network security.

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      fyi:        For Your Information

      html:       HyperText Markup Language:
                  The language used to create hypertext documents.  It
                  is a subset of SGML and includes the mechanisms to
                  establish hyperlinks to other documents.

      http:       HyperText Transfer Protocol:
                  The protocol used by WWW to transfer HTML files.  A
                  formal standard is still under development in the

      hyperlink:  A pointer within a hypertext document which points
                  (links) to another document, which may or may not also
                  be a hypertext document

      hypertext:  A document format which contains "hyperlinks" to
                  other documents.

      imho:       In My Humble/Honest Opinion

      interactive: Capable of acting on, or influencing each other.

      lag:        The failing behind or retardation of one phenomenon
                  with respect to another to which it is closely
                  related; time delay.

      multicast:  A packet with a special destination address which
                  multiple nodes on the network may be willing to
                  receive.  See also: broadcast, unicast.

      multimedia: Transmission that combine media of communication (text
                  an graphics and sound etc.)

      netlag:     time delay over the Internet.  See also: lag.

      packet:     The unit of data sent across a network.

      proprietary:Manufactured articles which some person or persons
                  have exclusive right to make and sell. [from

      protocol:   A formal description of message formats and the rules
                  two computers must follow to exchange those messages.
                  Protocols can describe low-level details of machine-
                  to-machine interfaces (e.g., the order in which bits

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                  and bytes are sent across a wire) or high-level
                  exchanges between allocation programs (e.g., the way
                  in which two programs transfer a file across the

      realtime:   occuring at and in the present time

      reflector:  A file server whose purpose is to receive packets from
                  a source site and forward it to other sites.

      ttfn:       ta ta for now  - a colloquialism for goodbye.

      unicast:    An address which only one host will recognize.  See
                  also: broadcast, multicast.

      url:        Uniform Resource Locator:
                  A URL is a compact string representation for a
                  resource available on the Internet. The syntax and
                  semantics for URLs are defined in RFC 1738.

      virtual:    Not real, but similar in relevant ways.

10.  Resources, References, etc.

   The information in this document has been gleaned from the minds of
   its authors and contributors, and from some of the following sources.
   More information on the topics discussed can be found in these
   sources, and in the information referenced in Appendix B.

10.1 RFCs and Internet-Drafts

   One of the most important collections of informational documents
   about the Internet are written as Requests for Comment by the
   Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF.  The name Request for Comment
   is historical, as these documents are submitted by their authors' for
   the approval of the Internet community as Internet Standards, and
   valid Informational RFCs called FYIs, of which this document is one.

   Basically, if the IETF collective uses a tool or resource, they
   document its use in an RFC so that there is no mystery to its
   functionality, uses, designations, specifications, or purposes.

   More information on RFCs, FYIs, the IETF, and its organizations,
   documents, policies and purposes can be found in the RFCs themselves,
   or at http://www.ietf.org/ and http://www.isi.edu/rfc-editor/

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   There are many way to get copies of RFCs over the Internet (see
   ConneXions, Vol.6, No.1, January 1992).  Most of these simply access
   a directory of files where each RFC is in a file.  The searching
   capability is generally limited to the filename recognition features
   of that system.

   The ISI RFC-INFO server is a system through which you can search for
   an RFC by author, date, or keyword (all title words are automatically

   RFC-INFO is an e-mail based service to help in locating and retrieval
   of RFCs and FYIs.  Users can ask for "lists" of all RFCs and FYIs
   having certain attributes ("filters") such as their ID, keywords,
   title, author, issuing organization, and date.  Once an RFC is
   uniquely identified (e.g., by its RFC number) it may also be

   To use the service send e-mail to RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU with your requests
   in the body of the message.  Feel free to put anything in the
   SUBJECT, the system ignores it.  This service is case independent.
   Appendix C provides examples for using the RFC server.

10.2 Internet Documents

   FYI 18 "Internet Users' Glossary", (Also RFC 1983), August 1996.
   Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1983.txt

   FYI 22 "Frequently Asked Questions for Schools", (Also RFC 1941), May
   1996.  Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1941.txt

   FYI 28 "Netiquette Guidelines", (Also RFC 1855), October 1995.
   Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1855.txt

   FYI 29 "Catalogue of Network Training Materials", (Also RFC 2007),
   October 1996.  Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc2007.txt

   RFC 1866 "Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0", November 1995.  Available
   at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1866.txt

   RFC 1942 "HTML Tables", May 1996.  Available at

   RFC 2070 "Internationalization of the Hypertext Markup Language",
   January 1997.  Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc2070.txt

   RFC 2068 "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", January 1997.
   Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc2068.txt

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   RFC 2084 "Considerations for Web Transaction Security", January 1997.
   Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc2084.txt

   RFC 1738 "Uniform Resource Locators", December 1994.  Available at

   RFC 977 "Network News Transfer Protocol", February 1986.  Available
   at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc977.txt

   RFC 821 "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", STD 10, August 1982.
   Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc821.txt

   RFC 959 "The File Transfer Protocol", STD 9, October 1985.  Available
   at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc959.txt

   RFC 1034 "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities", STD 13, November
   1987.  Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1034.txt

   RFC 1035 "Domain Names - Implementation and Specification", STD 13,
   November 1987. Available at ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1035.txt

   RFC 791 "Internet Protocol", STD 5, September 1981.  Available at

Internet Drafts

   The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol, SHTTP.

10.3 Other Sources

   The Getty Research Institute for the history of art and the
   humanities is one of six independent entities of the J. Paul Getty
   Trust.  Its goals as a research institute are to promote innovative
   scholarship in the arts and the humanities, cross traditional
   academic boundaries, and provide a unique environment for research,
   critical inquiry, and debate.  You can contact the institute at:

      The Getty Research Institute
      401 Wilshire Blvd.
      Santa Monica, CA 90401
      PHONE: (310) 458-9811,  FAX: (310) 458-6661

   The National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH)
   is a broad coalition of arts, humanities and social science
   organizations formed to assure the fullest possible participation of
   the cultural sector in the new digitally networked environment.

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RFC 2150          Humanities and Arts on the Internet       October 1997

      National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH)
      21 Dupont Circle NW, Washington, DC 20036
      Tel: 202/296-5346 http://www-ninch.cni.org  Fax: 202/872-0886

10.4  Freely Available Web Browser Software

   The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, National Center for
   Supercomputing Applications, NCSA, developed the first Mosaic
   Browser, and continues to maintain and update it, as well as making
   it freely available over the Internet at http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/.
   Hardcopy manuals and software disks and tapes can be ordered through
   the NCSA Technical Resources Catalog for postage and handling charges
   only.  Postage and handling on all orders must be prepaid.  For a
   copy of the catalog, contact NCSA Orders by email at
   orders@ncsa.uiuc.edu, by phone at 217-244-4130, or by U.S. mail at:

   NCSA Orders, 152 Computing Applications Building, 605 E. Springfield
   Avenue, Champaign, IL 61820-5518

10.5  The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

   The IANA coordinates the assignment and use of various Internet
   protocol parameters, manages the Internet address space, and manages
   domain names.  See: http://www.iana.org/iana/

   You should get your IP address (a 32bit number) from your
   network service provider.

   Your network service provider works with a regional registry
   to manage these addresses.  The regional registry for the US
   is the Internic, for Europe is RIPE, for the Asia and Pacific
   region is the AP-NIC, and parts of the world not otherwise
   covered are managed by the Internic.

   If for some reason your network service provider does not
   provide you with an IP address, you can contact the your
   regional registry at one of the following addresses:

            Internic     <hostmaster@internic.net>
            RIPE         <ncc@ripe.net>
            AP-NIC       <admin@apnic.net>

   Please do contact your network service provider first, though.  The
   regional registry will want to know all the gory details about why
   that didn't work out before they allocate you an address directly.

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RFC 2150          Humanities and Arts on the Internet       October 1997

11. Security Considerations

   There are a wide variety of ways in which systems can be violated,
   some intentional, some accidental.  Of the intentional attacks, a
   portion may be exploratory, others simply abusive of your resources
   (using up your CPU time) but many are actively malicious.  No system
   is 100% safe, but there are steps you can take to protect against
   misconfigured devices spraying packets, casual intruders, and a
   variety of focused assaults.

   Your best defense is to educate yourself on the subject of security.
   There are places on the net devoted to teaching users about security
   - most prominently, the CERT Coordination Center located at the
   Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon university.  You
   can point your web browser (or direct your ftp connection) to
   ftp://info.cert.org/pub/cert_faq to start.  This is a frequently
   asked questions guide and general overview on CERT.  It includes a
   bibliography of suggested reading and a variety of sources to find
   more information.

   Next, you should probably read


   which contains a (primarily based on the UNIX operating system)
   checklist to help you determine whether your site has suffered a
   security breach.  You can use it to guide you through handling a
   specific incident if you think your system has been compromised or
   you can use it as a list of common vulnerabilities.  CERT also
   maintains a wide variety of bulletins, software patches, and tools to
   help you keep up to date and secure.

   Before you are even online, you should consider some basic steps:

11.1 Formulate a security policy.

   It should include policies regarding physical access procedures,
   security incident response, online privileges and back-up media.  Put
   a message at the login to establish your policy clearly.

   An example:

   "This system is for the use of authorized users only.  It may be
   monitored in the course of routine operation to detect unauthorized
   use.  Evidence of unauthorized use or criminal activity may result in
   legal prosecution."

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11.1.1. Talk to your Internet Service Provider.

   Depending upon your provider and router management situation, there
   are a number of things your ISP should be able to do for you to make
   your site more secure.  Foremost, packet filtering on the router that
   connects you to the Internet.  You will want to consider IP filters
   to allow specific types of traffic (web, ftp, mail, etc.) to certain
   machines (the mailhost, the web server, etc.) and no others.  Other
   filters can block certain types of IP spoofing where the intruder
   masks his or her identity using an IP address from inside your
   network to defeat your filters.  Discuss your concerns and questions
   with your provider - the company may have standards or tools they can

11.1.2. Make sure your systems are up to date.

   A significant number of incidents happen because older versions of
   software have well-known weaknesses that can be exploited from almost
   anywhere on the Internet.  CERT provides a depository for software
   patches designed by concerned net.citizens, CERT's engineers, and by
   the vendors themselves.

11.1.3. Use the tools available.

   Consider recording MD5 checksums on read-only media (the MD5-digest
   algorithm determines an electronic "fingerprint" for files to
   indicate their uniqueness -comparing more recent checksums to older
   ones can alert you to changes in important system files), installing
   tripwire on your systems (notes size and MD5 checksum changes, among
   other sanity checks), and periodically testing the integrity of your
   machines with programs an intruder might use, like SATAN and crack.
   [Details on MD5 are contained in RFC 1321.]

   Most files and fixes go through the basics before leaving you to
   figure things out on your own, but security can be a complicated
   issue, both technically and morally.  When good security is
   implemented, no one really notices.  Unfortunately, no one notices
   when it's not taken care of either.  That is until the system
   crashes, your data gets corrupted, or you get a phone call from an
   irate company whose site was cracked from your machines.  It doesn't
   matter if you carry only public information.  It doesn't matter if
   you think you're too small or unimportant to be noticed.  No one is
   too small or too big, no site is immune.  Take precautions and be

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12. Acknowledgments

   The following people are being acknowledged for their contributions
   to this document.

   Joseph Aiuto
   Sepideh Boroumand
   Michael Century
   Kelly Cooper
   Lile Elam
   Sally Hambridge
   Dan Harrington
   Julie Jensen
   Scott Stoner

   Thank you all for your help.

13. Authors' Addresses

   Janet Max

   EMail: jlm@rainfarm.com

   Walter Stickle
   EMail: wls@rainfarm.com

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RFC 2150          Humanities and Arts on the Internet       October 1997

Appendix A.  Internet Projects of Interest to the Arts and Humanities

   The commonplace insight about the web as a new distribution channel
   for cultural products is that it effaces the traditional border
   between producer and consumer.  Publishers exploit two-way
   interactivity by re-designing the editorial mix to include reader
   response.  What follows are some examples of the way creative artists
   attempt to design structures flexible enough for significant viewer

   RENGA (http://renga.ntticc.or.jp) - An inspired transposition of a
      traditional collaborative writing practice into the realm of
      digital media supported by the NTT InterCommunication Centre in
      Tokyo.  Renga means linked-image or linked-poem, and draws on the
      Japanese tradition of collaboration which effaces the unique
      notion of original author.

   PING (http://www.artcom.de/ping/mapper) - by Art+Com, a Berlin
      based media centre and thinktank.  Art+Com is a leader in
      producing high-end net visualization projects.  Ping lets the
      browser add a link, which then becomes a part of the ongoing
      visual structure.  It is similar, in this sense, to the Toronto
      Centre for Landscape Architecture's OASIS site.

   Art+Com's T-Vision project (http://www.artcom.de/projects/terra)
      which uses satellites and networked VR computers to permit an
      astonishing fly-in to earth from space: acclaimed as one of the
      most imaginative realizations of the potential of networked

   OASIS(Image)INTERNET-DRAFT Toronto Centre for Landscape
      Architecture's OASIS site requires a specialized browser, but from
      a standard Netscape connection, you can view stills that give a
      sense of the beautiful images produced by the collaborative
      "design process".  It is introduced by its designers as follows:

      Oasis is a shared 3-Dimensional navigational environment for the
      world wide web.  This virtual landscape allows one to bury their
      own information links throughout the terrain or to discover and
      connect to new information left by others.

   TechnoSphere (http://www.lond-inst.ac.uk/TechnoSphere/)
   Is TechnoSphere a Game?
      Yes and no. It's an experiment on a global scale, a chance to
      develop complex artificial life on digital networks.  TechnoSphere
      is interactive like a game, but transgresses the linear boundaries
      of branching and hierarchical games narrative to enable freer

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      movement.  TechnoSphere is designed to encourage a non-linear
      experiential exploration.

   Body Missing (http://yorku.ca/BodyMissing/index.html)
      Toronto artist Vera Frenkel created this richly evocative site on
      the disappearance of art and memory as an extension of her Transit
      Bar installation.  It is conceived as a site open to new
      'reconstructions' of the artworks confiscated during the Third
      Reich.  First opened to the public as part of the ISEA95
      exhibition in Montreal, it has since earned widespread critical
      comment and praise.

   Molecular Clinic 1.0
      Molecular Clinic 1.0 ' is an art project realized through a
      collaboration between ARTLAB and Seiko Mikami, and is one of the
      most elaborate custom designed art projects yet created for the
      Web.  During their initial visit users should download the
      MOLECULAR ENGINE VIEWER, which is a type of molecular laboratory
      for their computer.  What they will see on the web site after this
      initial download is a virtual space containing a three dimensional
      computer generated Spider and Monolith object.  The user will be
      able to navigate through and into this virtual space and can zoom
      into the spider all the way to the molecular level.

   File Room (http://fileroom.aaup.uic.edu/FILEROOM.html) -
      Cumulative database info on Censorship, hosted in Chicago but
      conceived by Spanish artist Antoni Muntadas.

   Idea Futures  (http://if.arc.ab.ca/~jamesm/IF/IF.html) -
      Winner of the grand prize at the 1995 Ars Electronica competition
      for Web Sites, Idea Futures is a stock market of ideas, based on
      the theories of mathematical economist Robin Hanson.  The 'truth'
      of any claim is assigned a weight calculated by the amount of
      virtual cash which members of the exchange are willing to bet.
      The scheme leads might lead toward a radical democratization of
      academic discourse, but just as easily, toward the trivialization
      of thought.  See the following for a philosophical critique of the
      system. (http://merzbau.citi.doc.ca/~henry/Matrix/Erewhon.html)

   Firefly (http://www.agents-inc.com/) also a prize winner at Ars
      Electronica in 1995, Firefly is an prototypical example of what
      enthusiasts call a "personal music recommendation agent", which
      makes suggestions for what you might like to listen to, based on a
      stored profile of your own likes and dislikes, and the evolving
      ratings submitted to the system by other members.  Worth visiting,
      if only to understand what all the fashionable hype about
      'intelligent agents' is all about; skeptics should know that even

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RFC 2150          Humanities and Arts on the Internet       October 1997

      the promoters of these services admit the circularity of their
      systems: they're capable of reinforcing existing taste, but little

Appendix B:  Some other URL's of interest

   Art Education
   Artist Memorials
   Audio Video Conferencing
   Building Arts Audiences on the Web
   Chat Forums
   Frequently Asked Questions, pointers to lists
   Filtering Software
   FTP Archives
   Gopher Sites

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   Music Production
   Musical Groups
   Other Standards Organizations
   Search Sites

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RFC 2150          Humanities and Arts on the Internet       October 1997

   Video Resources

Appendix C:  Examples for using the RFC server RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU

   To get started you may send a message to RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU with
   requests such as in the following examples (without the explanation
   between []):

        Help: Help              [to get this information]

        List: FYI               [list the FYI notes]
        List: RFC               [list RFCs with window as keyword or
                                 in title]
         keywords: window
        List: FYI               [list FYIs about windows]
         Keywords: window
        List: *                 [list both RFCs and FYIs about windows]
         Keywords: window
        List: RFC               [list RFCs about ARPANET, ARPA
                                 NETWORK, etc.]
         title: ARPA*NET
         List: RFC              [list RFCs issued by MITRE, dated
          Organization: MITRE
          Dated-after:  Jan-01-1989
          Dated-before: Dec-31-1991
        List: RFC               [list RFCs obsoleting a given RFC]
          Obsoletes: RFC0010
        List: RFC               [list RFCs by authors starting with
         Author: Bracken*       [* is a wild card matches everything]
        List: RFC               [list RFCs by both Postel and Gillman]
          Authors: J. Postel    [note, the "filters" are ANDed]
          Authors: R. Gillman
        List: RFC               [list RFCs by any Crocker]
          Authors: Crocker

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