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RFC 2128:
Dial Control Management Information Base using SMIv2


Network Working Group                                 G. Roeck, Editor
Request for Comments: 2128                               cisco Systems
Category: Standards Track                                   March 1997

          Dial Control Management Information Base using SMIv2

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes managed objects used for managing demand
   access circuits, including ISDN.

   This document specifies a MIB module in a manner that is compliant to
   the SNMPv2 SMI.  The set of objects is consistent with the SNMP
   framework and existing SNMP standards.

   This document is a product of the ISDN MIB working group within the
   Internet Engineering Task Force.  Comments are solicited and should
   be addressed to the working group's mailing list at isdn-
   mib@cisco.com and/or the author.

Table of Contents

   1 The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework ......................    2
   1.1 Object Definitions .........................................    2
   2 Overview .....................................................    2
   2.1 Structure of MIB ...........................................    2
   2.2 Relationship to the Interfaces MIB .........................    3
   2.2.1 Layering Model and Virtual Circuits ......................    3
   2.2.2 ifTestTable ..............................................    4
   2.2.3 ifRcvAddressTable ........................................    4 ifEntry for a single peer ..............................    5
   2.3 Multilink and backup line support ..........................    5
   2.4 Support for generic peers ..................................    5
   3 Definitions ..................................................    6
   3.1 Dial Control MIB ...........................................    6
   4 Acknowledgments ..............................................   32
   5 References ...................................................   33

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   6 Security Considerations ......................................   33
   7 Author's Address .............................................   34

1.  The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework

   The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework presently consists of three
   major components.  They are:

   o    the SMI, described in RFC 1902 [1] - the mechanisms used for
        describing and naming objects for the purpose of management.

   o    the MIB-II, STD 17, RFC 1213 [2] - the core set of managed
        objects for the Internet suite of protocols.

   o    the protocol, STD 15, RFC 1157 [3] and/or RFC 1905 [4], -
        the protocol for accessing managed objects.

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

1.1.  Object Definitions

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
   defined in the SMI.  In particular, each object type is named by an
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an administratively assigned name.  The object
   type together with an object instance serves to uniquely identify a
   specific instantiation of the object.  For human convenience, we
   often use a textual string, termed the descriptor, to refer to the
   object type.

2.  Overview

2.1.  Structure of MIB

   Managing demand access circuits requires the following groups of

   o    General configuration information.

   o    Information to describe peer configuration and peer statistics.
        In this respect, peer configuration means information on how to
        connect to peers on outgoing calls, how to identify peers on
        incoming calls, and other call related configuration

   o    Information to store active call information.

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   o    Information to retain call history.

   The MIB, therefore, is structured into four groups.

   o    The dialCtlConfiguration group is used to specify general
        configuration information.

   o    The dialCtlPeer group is used to describe peer configuration
        and peer statistics.

   o    The callActive group is used to store active call information.

   o    The callHistory group is used to store call history information.
        These calls could be circuit switched or they could be virtual
        circuits. History of each and every call is stored, of successful
        calls as well as unsuccessful and rejected calls.  An entry will
        be created when a call is cleared.

2.2.  Relationship to the Interfaces MIB

   This section clarifies the relationship of this MIB to the Interfaces
   MIB [8].  Several areas of correlation are addressed in the following
   subsections.  The implementor is referred to the Interfaces MIB
   document in order to understand the general intent of these areas.

2.2.1.  Layering Model and Virtual Circuits

   On an occasional access channel, there are a number of peer systems
   that are permitted to call or be called, all of which need to be
   treated as active from a routing viewpoint, but most of which have no
   call in progress at any given time.

   On dialup interfaces, this is further complicated by the fact that
   calls to a given peer float from channel to channel. One cannot
   definitively say "I call this peer on that interface." It is
   necessary, therefore, to provide a mapping algorithm between the
   low-level interfaces, and the various logical interfaces supporting
   the peers.  This is solved by creating a logical interface (ifEntry)
   for each peer and a logical interface (ifEntry) for each low-level
   interface.  These are then correlated using the ifStackTable.

   The low-level interfaces are either physical interfaces, e.g.  modem
   interfaces, or logical interfaces, e.g. ISDN B channels, which then
   in turn are layered on top of physical ISDN interfaces.

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   The model, therefore, looks something like this, taking ISDN as an

|               Network Layer Protocol                  |
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
       | |       | |       | |       | |       | | <== appears active
     +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+
     | PPP |   | PPP |   | F/R |   | PPP |   | F/R |
     | for |   | for |   | for |   | for |   | for |   ifEntry with
     |Peer1|   |Peer2|   |switch   |Peer3|   |switch   shadow PeerEntry
     |     |   |     |   |  A  |   |     |   |  B  |
     +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+
                 | |                 | |           <== some actually are
    +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
    |   B   | |   B   | |   B   | |   B   | |   B   |
    |channel| |channel| |channel| |channel| |channel|
    +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
       | |       | |       | |       | |       | |
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
|             Basic/Primary Rate Interface              |

   Mapping of IP interfaces to Called Peers to B Channels

   IfEntries are maintained for each peer.

   In this model, each peer is required to have an associated
   encapsulation layer interface. This interface can be of any kind,
   e.g. PPP or LAPB.

   In order to specify the network address for a given peer, one would
   then usually add a routing/forwarding table entry, pointing to the
   encapsulation layer interface through which this peer can be reached.

2.2.2.  ifTestTable

   The ifTestTable usage is defined in the MIBs defining the
   encapsulation below the network layer.  For example, if PPP
   encapsulation is being used, the ifTestTable is defined by PPP.

2.2.3.  ifRcvAddressTable

   The ifRcvAddressTable usage is defined in the MIBs defining the
   encapsulation below the network layer.  For example, if PPP
   encapsulation is being used, the ifRcvAddressTable is defined by PPP.

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RFC 2128                    Dial Control MIB                  March 1997  ifEntry for a single peer

   IfEntries are defined in the MIBs defining the encapsulation below
   the network layer.  For example, if PPP encapsulation is being used,
   the ifEntry is defined by PPP.

   ifEntries will never be created by the Dial Control MIB.  The Dial
   Control MIB always depends on some other ifIndex of some set of
   ifTypes.  That is, to create an entry in the Dial Control MIB, the
   base ifEntry must already have been created through some other

   The Dial Control entry does have its own RowStatus, permitting the
   Dial Control supplementary information to come and go, but not
   otherwise disturbing the ifIndex to which it is attached.  If in a
   given implementation the two are tightly bound, deleting the ifEntry
   may have the side effect of deleting the Dial Control entry.

2.3.  Multilink and backup line support

   In order to support multilink and backup procedures, there may be
   several entries for a single peer in the dialCtlPeerCfgTable.

   A single peer is identified using the dialCtlPeerCfgId object of the
   dialCtlPeerCfgTable.  There may be several entries in
   dialCtlPeerCfgTable with the same value of dialCtlPeerCfgId, but
   different ifIndex values.  Each of those entries will then describe a
   possible connection to the same peer.  Such entries can then be used
   to handle multilink as well as backup procedures, e.g. by bundling
   the attached ifEntries using PPP multilink.

2.4.  Support for generic peers

   Generic peers can for example be supported by permitting wild-card
   characters (e.g., '?' or '*') in dialCtlPeerCfgAnswerAddress.  A
   number to be accepted could then be defined as partly (e.g., '*1234')
   or entirely generic (e.g., '*').

   A detailed specification of such a functionality is outside the scope
   of this document.

   However, the implementor should be aware that supporting generic
   peers may cause a security hole.  The user would not know where a
   call is from, which could potentially allow unauthorized access.

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3.  Definitions

3.1.  Dial Control MIB


                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                 FROM SNMPv2-TC
                FROM SNMPv2-CONF
                FROM IANAifType-MIB
                FROM IF-MIB
                FROM RFC1213-MIB;

        LAST-UPDATED    "9609231544Z" -- Sep 23, 1996
        ORGANIZATION    "IETF ISDN Working Group"
            "        Guenter Roeck
             Postal: cisco Systems
                     170 West Tasman Drive
                     San Jose, CA 95134
             Phone:  +1 408 527 3143
             E-mail: groeck@cisco.com"
            "The MIB module to describe peer information for
             demand access and possibly other kinds of interfaces."
        ::= { transmission 21 }

AbsoluteCounter32 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

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        STATUS      current
            "Represents a Counter32-like value that starts at zero,
             does not decrease, and does not wrap. This may be used
             only in situations where wrapping is not possible or
             extremely unlikely. Should such a counter overflow,
             it locks at the maxium value of 4,294,967,295.

             The primary use of this type of counter is situations
             where a counter value is to be recorded as history
             and is thus no longer subject to reading for changing
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32

-- Dial Control Mib objects definitions

dialControlMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dialControlMib 1 }

-- General configuration group

dialCtlConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dialControlMibObjects 1 }

-- general configuration data/parameters

dialCtlAcceptMode OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
            "The security level for acceptance of incoming calls.
             acceptNone(1)  - incoming calls will not be accepted
             acceptAll(2)   - incoming calls will be accepted,
                              even if there is no matching entry
                              in the dialCtlPeerCfgTable
             acceptKnown(3) - incoming calls will be accepted only
                              if there is a matching entry in the
        ::= { dialCtlConfiguration 1 }

dialCtlTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
            "This object indicates whether dialCtlPeerCallInformation
             and dialCtlPeerCallSetup traps should be generated for
             all peers. If the value of this object is enabled(1),
             traps will be generated for all peers. If the value
             of this object is disabled(2), traps will be generated
             only for peers having dialCtlPeerCfgTrapEnable set
             to enabled(1)."
        DEFVAL      { disabled }
        ::= { dialCtlConfiguration 2 }

-- Peer group

dialCtlPeer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dialControlMibObjects 2 }

-- peer configuration table

dialCtlPeerCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DialCtlPeerCfgEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "The list of peers from which the managed device
             will accept calls or to which it will place them."
       ::= { dialCtlPeer 1 }

dialCtlPeerCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DialCtlPeerCfgEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Configuration data for a single Peer. This entry is
             effectively permanent, and contains information
             to identify the peer, how to connect to the peer,
             how to identify the peer and its permissions.
             The value of dialCtlPeerCfgOriginateAddress must be
             specified before a new row in this table can become
             active(1). Any writeable parameters in an existing entry
             can be modified while the entry is active. The modification
             will take effect when the peer in question will be
             called the next time.
             An entry in this table can only be created if the
             associated ifEntry already exists."
        INDEX       { dialCtlPeerCfgId, ifIndex }

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      ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgTable 1 }

DialCtlPeerCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
            dialCtlPeerCfgId                 INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgIfType             IANAifType,
            dialCtlPeerCfgLowerIf            InterfaceIndexOrZero,
            dialCtlPeerCfgOriginateAddress   DisplayString,
            dialCtlPeerCfgAnswerAddress      DisplayString,
            dialCtlPeerCfgSubAddress         DisplayString,
            dialCtlPeerCfgClosedUserGroup    DisplayString,
            dialCtlPeerCfgSpeed              INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgInfoType           INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgPermission         INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgInactivityTimer    INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgMinDuration        INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgMaxDuration        INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgCarrierDelay       INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgCallRetries        INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgRetryDelay         INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgFailureDelay       INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgTrapEnable         INTEGER,
            dialCtlPeerCfgStatus             RowStatus

dialCtlPeerCfgId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This object identifies a single peer. There may
             be several entries in this table for one peer,
             defining different ways of reaching this peer.
             Thus, there may be several entries in this table
             with the same value of dialCtlPeerCfgId.
             Multiple entries for one peer may be used to support
             multilink as well as backup lines.
             A single peer will be identified by a unique value
             of this object. Several entries for one peer MUST
             have the same value of dialCtlPeerCfgId, but different
             ifEntries and thus different values of ifIndex."
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 1 }

dialCtlPeerCfgIfType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IANAifType
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The interface type to be used for calling this peer.

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             In case of ISDN, the value of isdn(63) is to be used."
        DEFVAL      { other }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 2 }

dialCtlPeerCfgLowerIf OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "ifIndex value of an interface the peer will have to be
             called on. For example, on an ISDN interface, this can be
             the ifIndex value of a D channel or the ifIndex value of a
             B channel, whatever is appropriate for a given peer.
             As an example, for Basic Rate leased lines it will be
             necessary to specify a B channel ifIndex, while for
             semi-permanent connections the D channel ifIndex has
             to be specified.
             If the interface can be dynamically assigned, this object
             has a value of zero."
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 3 }

dialCtlPeerCfgOriginateAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Call Address at which the peer will be called.
             Think of this as the set of characters following 'ATDT '
             or the 'phone number' included in a D channel call request.

             The structure of this information will be switch type
             specific. If there is no address information required
             for reaching the peer, i.e., for leased lines,
             this object will be a zero length string."
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 4 }

dialCtlPeerCfgAnswerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Calling Party Number information element, as for example
             passed in an ISDN SETUP message by a PBX or switch,
             for incoming calls.
             This address can be used to identify the peer.
             If this address is either unknown or identical
             to dialCtlPeerCfgOriginateAddress, this object will be

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             a zero length string."
        DEFVAL      { "" }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 5 }

dialCtlPeerCfgSubAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Subaddress at which the peer will be called.
             If the subaddress is undefined for the given media or
             unused, this is a zero length string."
        DEFVAL      { "" }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 6 }

dialCtlPeerCfgClosedUserGroup OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Closed User Group at which the peer will be called.
             If the Closed User Group is undefined for the given media
             or unused, this is a zero length string."
            "Q.931, chapter 4.6.1."
        DEFVAL      { "" }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 7 }

dialCtlPeerCfgSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The desired information transfer speed in bits/second
             when calling this peer.
             The detailed media specific information, e.g. information
             type and information transfer rate for ISDN circuits,
             has to be extracted from this object.
             If the transfer speed to be used is unknown or the default
             speed for this type of interfaces, the value of this object
             may be zero."
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 8 }

dialCtlPeerCfgInfoType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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            unrestrictedDigital(3),     -- 64k/s data
            unrestrictedDigital56(4),   -- with 56k rate adaption
            audio31(6),                 -- 3.1 kHz audio
            audio7(7),                  -- 7 kHz audio
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The Information Transfer Capability to be used when
             calling this peer.

             speech(2) refers to a non-data connection, whereas
             audio31(6) and audio7(7) refer to data mode
        DEFVAL      { other }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 9 }

dialCtlPeerCfgPermission OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
            both(3),               -- both originate & answer
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Applicable permissions. callback(4) either rejects the
             call and then calls back, or uses the 'Reverse charging'
             information element if it is available.
             Note that callback(4) is supposed to control charging, not
             security, and applies to callback prior to accepting a
             call. Callback for security reasons can be handled using
             PPP callback."
        DEFVAL      { both }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 10 }

dialCtlPeerCfgInactivityTimer OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        UNITS       "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current

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            "The connection will be automatically disconnected
             if no longer carrying useful data for a time
             period, in seconds, specified in this object.
             Useful data in this context refers to forwarding
             packets, including routing information; it
             excludes the encapsulator maintenance frames.
             A value of zero means the connection will not be
             automatically taken down due to inactivity,
             which implies that it is a dedicated circuit."
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 11 }

dialCtlPeerCfgMinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Minimum duration of a call in seconds, starting from the
             time the call is connected until the call is disconnected.
             This is to accomplish the fact that in most countries
             charging applies to units of time, which should be matched
             as closely as possible."
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 12 }

dialCtlPeerCfgMaxDuration OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Maximum call duration in seconds. Zero means 'unlimited'."
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 13 }

dialCtlPeerCfgCarrierDelay OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        UNITS       "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The call timeout time in seconds. The default value
             of zero means that the call timeout as specified for
             the media in question will apply."
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 14 }

dialCtlPeerCfgCallRetries OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)

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        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The number of calls to a non-responding address
             that may be made. A retry count of zero means
             there is no bound. The intent is to bound
             the number of successive calls to an address
             which is inaccessible, or which refuses those calls.

             Some countries regulate the number of call retries
             to a given peer that can be made."
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 15 }

dialCtlPeerCfgRetryDelay OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        UNITS       "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The time in seconds between call retries if a peer
             cannot be reached.
             A value of zero means that call retries may be done
             without any delay."
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 16 }

dialCtlPeerCfgFailureDelay OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        UNITS       "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The time in seconds after which call attempts are
             to be placed again after a peer has been noticed
             to be unreachable, i.e. after dialCtlPeerCfgCallRetries
             unsuccessful call attempts.
             A value of zero means that a peer will not be called
             again after dialCtlPeerCfgCallRetries unsuccessful call
        DEFVAL      { 0 }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 17 }

dialCtlPeerCfgTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {

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        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "This object indicates whether dialCtlPeerCallInformation
             and dialCtlPeerCallSetup traps should be generated for
             this peer."
        DEFVAL      { disabled }
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 18 }

dialCtlPeerCfgStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Status of one row in this table."
        ::= { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry 19 }

-- Peer statistics table

dialCtlPeerStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DialCtlPeerStatsEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Statistics information for each peer entry.
             There will be one entry in this table for each entry
             in the dialCtlPeerCfgTable."
       ::= { dialCtlPeer 2 }

dialCtlPeerStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DialCtlPeerStatsEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Statistics information for a single Peer. This entry
             is effectively permanent, and contains information
             describing the last call attempt as well as supplying
             statistical information."
        AUGMENTS    { dialCtlPeerCfgEntry }
      ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsTable 1 }

DialCtlPeerStatsEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            dialCtlPeerStatsConnectTime          AbsoluteCounter32,
            dialCtlPeerStatsChargedUnits         AbsoluteCounter32,
            dialCtlPeerStatsSuccessCalls         AbsoluteCounter32,
            dialCtlPeerStatsFailCalls            AbsoluteCounter32,
            dialCtlPeerStatsAcceptCalls          AbsoluteCounter32,

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            dialCtlPeerStatsRefuseCalls          AbsoluteCounter32,
            dialCtlPeerStatsLastDisconnectCause  OCTET STRING,
            dialCtlPeerStatsLastDisconnectText   DisplayString,
            dialCtlPeerStatsLastSetupTime        TimeStamp

dialCtlPeerStatsConnectTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        UNITS       "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Accumulated connect time to the peer since system startup.
             This is the total connect time, i.e. the connect time
             for outgoing calls plus the time for incoming calls."
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 1 }

dialCtlPeerStatsChargedUnits OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The total number of charging units applying to this
             peer since system startup.
             Only the charging units applying to the local interface,
             i.e. for originated calls or for calls with 'Reverse
             charging' being active, will be counted here."
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 2 }

dialCtlPeerStatsSuccessCalls OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of completed calls to this peer."
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 3 }

dialCtlPeerStatsFailCalls OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of failed call attempts to this peer since system
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 4 }

dialCtlPeerStatsAcceptCalls OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32

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        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of calls from this peer accepted since system
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 5 }

dialCtlPeerStatsRefuseCalls OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Number of calls from this peer refused since system
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 6 }

dialCtlPeerStatsLastDisconnectCause OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..4))
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The encoded network cause value associated with the last
             This object will be updated whenever a call is started
             or cleared.
             The value of this object will depend on the interface type
             as well as on the protocol and protocol version being
             used on this interface. Some references for possible cause
             values are given below."
            "- Bellcore SR-NWT-001953, Generic Guidelines for
               ISDN Terminal Equipment On Basic Access Interfaces,
             - Bellcore SR-NWT-002343, ISDN Primary Rate Interface
               Generic Guidelines for Customer Premises Equipment,
             - ITU-T Q.931, Appendix I.
             - ITU-T X.25, CAUSE and DIAGNOSTIC field values.
             - German Telekom FTZ 1TR6, chapter"
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 7 }

dialCtlPeerStatsLastDisconnectText OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "ASCII text describing the reason for the last call

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             This object exists because it would be impossible for
             a management station to store all possible cause values
             for all types of interfaces. It should be used only if
             a management station is unable to decode the value of

             This object will be updated whenever a call is started
             or cleared."
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 8 }

dialCtlPeerStatsLastSetupTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The value of sysUpTime when the last call to this peer
             was started.
             For ISDN media, this will be the time when the setup
             message was received from or sent to the network.
             This object will be updated whenever a call is started
             or cleared."
        ::= { dialCtlPeerStatsEntry 9 }

-- the active call group

callActive OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dialControlMibObjects 3 }

-- callActiveTable
-- Table to store active call information.
-- These calls could be circuit switched or they could
-- be virtual circuits.
-- An entry will be created when a call is started and deleted
-- when a call is cleared.

callActiveTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF CallActiveEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table containing information about active
             calls to a specific destination."
        ::= { callActive 1 }

callActiveEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      CallActiveEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible

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        STATUS      current
            "The information regarding a single active Connection.
             An entry in this table will be created when a call is
             started. An entry in this table will be deleted when
             an active call clears."
        INDEX       { callActiveSetupTime, callActiveIndex }
        ::= { callActiveTable 1 }

CallActiveEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            callActiveSetupTime                  TimeStamp,
            callActiveIndex                      INTEGER,
            callActivePeerAddress                DisplayString,
            callActivePeerSubAddress             DisplayString,
            callActivePeerId                     INTEGER,
            callActivePeerIfIndex                INTEGER,
            callActiveLogicalIfIndex             InterfaceIndexOrZero,
            callActiveConnectTime                TimeStamp,
            callActiveCallState                  INTEGER,
            callActiveCallOrigin                 INTEGER,
            callActiveChargedUnits               AbsoluteCounter32,
            callActiveInfoType                   INTEGER,
            callActiveTransmitPackets            AbsoluteCounter32,
            callActiveTransmitBytes              AbsoluteCounter32,
            callActiveReceivePackets             AbsoluteCounter32,
            callActiveReceiveBytes               AbsoluteCounter32

callActiveSetupTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "The value of sysUpTime when the call associated to this
             entry was started. This will be useful for an NMS to
             retrieve all calls after a specific time. Also, this object
             can be useful in finding large delays between the time the
             call was started and the time the call was connected.
             For ISDN media, this will be the time when the setup
             message was received from or sent to the network."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 1 }

callActiveIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..'7fffffff'h)
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current

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            "Small index variable to distinguish calls that start in
             the same hundredth of a second."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 2 }

callActivePeerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number this call is connected to. If the number is
             not available, then it will have a length of zero."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 3 }

callActivePeerSubAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The subaddress this call is connected to. If the subaddress
             is undefined or not available, this will be a zero length
        ::= { callActiveEntry 4 }

callActivePeerId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "This is the Id value of the peer table entry
             to which this call was made. If a peer table entry
             for this call does not exist or is unknown, the value
             of this object will be zero."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 5 }

callActivePeerIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "This is the ifIndex value of the peer table entry
             to which this call was made. If a peer table entry
             for this call does not exist or is unknown, the value
             of this object will be zero."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 6 }

callActiveLogicalIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero

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        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "This is the ifIndex value of the logical interface through
             which this call was made. For ISDN media, this would be
             the ifIndex of the B channel which was used for this call.
             If the ifIndex value is unknown, the value of this object
             will be zero."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 7 }

callActiveConnectTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The value of sysUpTime when the call was connected.
             If the call is not connected, this object will have a
             value of zero."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 8 }

callActiveCallState OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The current call state.
             unknown(1)     - The call state is unknown.
             connecting(2)  - A connection attempt (outgoing call)
                              is being made.
             connected(3)   - An incoming call is in the process
                              of validation.
             active(4)      - The call is active.
        ::= { callActiveEntry 9 }

callActiveCallOrigin OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current

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            "The call origin."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 10 }

callActiveChargedUnits OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of charged units for this connection.
             For incoming calls or if charging information is
             not supplied by the switch, the value of this object
             will be zero."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 11 }

callActiveInfoType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
            other(1),                   -- e.g. for non-isdn media
            unrestrictedDigital(3),     -- 64k/s data
            unrestrictedDigital56(4),   -- with 56k rate adaption
            audio31(6),                 -- 3.1 kHz audio
            audio7(7),                  -- 7 kHz audio
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The information type for this call."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 12 }

callActiveTransmitPackets OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS     current
            "The number of packets which were transmitted for this
        ::= { callActiveEntry 13 }

callActiveTransmitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current

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            "The number of bytes which were transmitted for this
        ::= { callActiveEntry 14 }

callActiveReceivePackets OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of packets which were received for this
        ::= { callActiveEntry 15 }

callActiveReceiveBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of bytes which were received for this call."
        ::= { callActiveEntry 16 }

-- the call history group

callHistory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dialControlMibObjects 4 }

callHistoryTableMaxLength OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
            "The upper limit on the number of entries that the
             callHistoryTable may contain.  A value of 0
             will prevent any history from being retained. When
             this table is full, the oldest entry will be deleted
             and the new one will be created."
        ::= { callHistory 1 }

callHistoryRetainTimer OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        UNITS       "minutes"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
            "The minimum amount of time that an callHistoryEntry
             will be maintained before being deleted. A value of
             0 will prevent any history from being retained in the

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             callHistoryTable, but will neither prevent callCompletion
             traps being generated nor affect other tables."
        ::= { callHistory 2 }

-- callHistoryTable
-- Table to store the past call information. The Destination number
-- and the call connect and disconnect time, the disconnection cause
-- are stored. These calls could be circuit switched or they could
-- be virtual circuits. History of each and every call is stored,
-- of successful calls as well as of unsuccessful and rejected calls.
-- An entry will be created when a call is cleared.

callHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF CallHistoryEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A table containing information about specific
             calls to a specific destination."
        ::= { callHistory 3 }

callHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      CallHistoryEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "The information regarding a single Connection."
        INDEX       { callActiveSetupTime, callActiveIndex }
        ::= { callHistoryTable 1 }

CallHistoryEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            callHistoryPeerAddress               DisplayString,
            callHistoryPeerSubAddress            DisplayString,
            callHistoryPeerId                    INTEGER,
            callHistoryPeerIfIndex               INTEGER,
            callHistoryLogicalIfIndex            InterfaceIndex,
            callHistoryDisconnectCause           OCTET STRING,
            callHistoryDisconnectText            DisplayString,
            callHistoryConnectTime               TimeStamp,
            callHistoryDisconnectTime            TimeStamp,
            callHistoryCallOrigin                INTEGER,
            callHistoryChargedUnits              AbsoluteCounter32,
            callHistoryInfoType                  INTEGER,
            callHistoryTransmitPackets           AbsoluteCounter32,
            callHistoryTransmitBytes             AbsoluteCounter32,
            callHistoryReceivePackets            AbsoluteCounter32,

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            callHistoryReceiveBytes              AbsoluteCounter32

callHistoryPeerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number this call was connected to. If the number is
             not available, then it will have a length of zero."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 1 }

callHistoryPeerSubAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The subaddress this call was connected to. If the subaddress
             is undefined or not available, this will be a zero length
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 2 }

callHistoryPeerId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "This is the Id value of the peer table entry
             to which this call was made. If a peer table entry
             for this call does not exist, the value of this object
             will be zero."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 3 }

callHistoryPeerIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "This is the ifIndex value of the peer table entry
             to which this call was made. If a peer table entry
             for this call does not exist, the value of this object
             will be zero."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 4 }

callHistoryLogicalIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current

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RFC 2128                    Dial Control MIB                  March 1997

            "This is the ifIndex value of the logical interface through
             which this call was made. For ISDN media, this would be
             the ifIndex of the B channel which was used for this call."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 5 }

callHistoryDisconnectCause OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..4))
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The encoded network cause value associated with this call.

             The value of this object will depend on the interface type
             as well as on the protocol and protocol version being
             used on this interface. Some references for possible cause
             values are given below."
            "- Bellcore SR-NWT-001953, Generic Guidelines for
               ISDN Terminal Equipment On Basic Access Interfaces,
             - Bellcore SR-NWT-002343, ISDN Primary Rate Interface
               Generic Guidelines for Customer Premises Equipment,
             - ITU-T Q.931, Appendix I.
             - ITU-T X.25, CAUSE and DIAGNOSTIC field values.
             - German Telekom FTZ 1TR6, chapter"
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 6 }

callHistoryDisconnectText OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "ASCII text describing the reason for call termination.

             This object exists because it would be impossible for
             a management station to store all possible cause values
             for all types of interfaces. It should be used only if
             a management station is unable to decode the value of
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 7 }

callHistoryConnectTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current

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            "The value of sysUpTime when the call was connected."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 8 }

callHistoryDisconnectTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The value of sysUpTime when the call was disconnected."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 9 }

callHistoryCallOrigin OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The call origin."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 10 }

callHistoryChargedUnits OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of charged units for this connection.
             For incoming calls or if charging information is
             not supplied by the switch, the value of this object
             will be zero."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 11 }

callHistoryInfoType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
            other(1),                   -- e.g. for non-isdn media
            unrestrictedDigital(3),     -- 64k/s data
            unrestrictedDigital56(4),   -- with 56k rate adaption
            audio31(6),                 -- 3.1 kHz audio
            audio7(7),                  -- 7 kHz audio
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only

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        STATUS      current
            "The information type for this call."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 12 }

callHistoryTransmitPackets OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS     current
            "The number of packets which were transmitted while this
             call was active."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 13 }

callHistoryTransmitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of bytes which were transmitted while this
             call was active."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 14 }

callHistoryReceivePackets OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of packets which were received while this
             call was active."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 15 }

callHistoryReceiveBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      AbsoluteCounter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of bytes which were received while this
             call was active."
        ::= { callHistoryEntry 16 }

-- Traps related to Connection management

dialControlMibTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dialControlMib 2 }
dialControlMibTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dialControlMibTrapPrefix 0 }

dialCtlPeerCallInformation NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS {

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RFC 2128                    Dial Control MIB                  March 1997

        STATUS      current
            "This trap/inform is sent to the manager whenever
             a successful call clears, or a failed call attempt
             is determined to have ultimately failed. In the
             event that call retry is active, then this is after
             all retry attempts have failed. However, only one such
             trap is sent in between successful call attempts;
             subsequent call attempts result in no trap.
             ifOperStatus will return the operational status of the
             virtual interface associated with the peer to whom
             this call was made to."
     ::= { dialControlMibTraps 1 }

        OBJECTS {
        STATUS      current
            "This trap/inform is sent to the manager whenever
             a call setup message is received or sent.
             ifOperStatus will return the operational status of the
             virtual interface associated with the peer to whom
             this call was made to."
     ::= { dialControlMibTraps 2 }

-- conformance information

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RFC 2128                    Dial Control MIB                  March 1997

dialControlMibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                { dialControlMib 3 }
dialControlMibCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                { dialControlMibConformance 1 }
dialControlMibGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                { dialControlMibConformance 2 }

-- compliance statements

dialControlMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS      current
            "The compliance statement for entities which
             implement the DIAL CONTROL MIB"
        MODULE      -- this module
            { dialControlGroup, callActiveGroup, callHistoryGroup,
              callNotificationsGroup }
        ::= { dialControlMibCompliances 1 }

-- units of conformance

dialControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS {

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RFC 2128                    Dial Control MIB                  March 1997

        STATUS      current
            "A collection of objects providing the DIAL CONTROL
        ::= { dialControlMibGroups 1 }

callActiveGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS {
        STATUS      current
            "A collection of objects providing the active call
        ::= { dialControlMibGroups 2 }

callHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS {

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RFC 2128                    Dial Control MIB                  March 1997

        STATUS      current
            "A collection of objects providing the Call History
        ::= { dialControlMibGroups 3 }

callNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
    NOTIFICATIONS { dialCtlPeerCallInformation, dialCtlPeerCallSetup }
    STATUS        current
            "The notifications which a Dial Control MIB entity is
             required to implement."
    ::= { dialControlMibGroups 4 }


4.  Acknowledgments

   This document was produced by the ISDN MIB Working Group.  Special
   thanks is due to the following persons:

           Ed Alcoff
           Fred Baker
           Bibek A. Das
           Ken Grigg
           Jeffrey T. Johnson
           Glenn Kime
           Oliver Korfmacher
           Kedar Madineni
           Bill Miskovetz
           David M. Piscitello
           Lisa A. Phifer
           Randy Roberts
           Hascall H. Sharp
           Hongchi Shih
           Robert Snyder
           Bob Stewart
           Ron Stoughton
           James Watt

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RFC 2128                    Dial Control MIB                  March 1997

5.  References

[1]  SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and
     S. Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information for Version 2
     of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1902,
     January 1996.

[2]  McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information Base
     for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II", STD 17,
     RFC 1213, Hughes LAN Systems, Performance Systems International,
     March 1991.

[3]  Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "A Simple
     Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 15, RFC 1157, SNMP
     Research, Performance Systems International, MIT Lab for Computer
     Science, May 1990.

[4]  SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M. and
     S. Waldbusser, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple
     Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1905, January 1996.

[5]  ITU-T Recommendation "Digital subscriber Signalling System No. 1
     (DSS 1) - ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification for
     basic call control", Rec. Q.931(I.451), March 1993.

[6]  ITU-T Recommendation "Generic procedures for the control of ISDN
     supplementary services ISDN user-network interface layer 3
     specification", Rec. Q.932(I.452).

[7]  ITU-T Recommendation "Digital subscriber Signalling System No. 1
     (DSS 1) - Signalling specification for frame-mode basic call
     control", Rec. Q.933.

[8]  McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "Evolution of the Interfaces
     Group of MIB-II", RFC 1573, Hughes LAN Systems, FTP Software,
     January 1994.

6.  Security Considerations

   Information in this MIB may be used by upper protocol layers for
   security purpose.

   The implementor should be aware that supporting generic peers as
   described in section 3.4 may cause a security hole.  The user would
   not know where a call is from, which could potentially allow
   unauthorized access if there is no other authentication scheme, e.g.
   PPP authentication, available.

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RFC 2128                    Dial Control MIB                  March 1997

7.  Author's Address

   Guenter Roeck
   cisco Systems
   170 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134

   Phone: +1 408 527 3143
   EMail: groeck@cisco.com

Roeck                   Standards Track                        [Page 34]


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