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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1700 - 1799]    RFC 1792: TCP/IPX Connection Mib Specification
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RFC 1792:
TCP/IPX Connection Mib Specification


Network Working Group                                            T. Sung
Request for Comments: 1792                                  Novell, Inc.
Category: Experimental                                        April 1995

                  TCP/IPX Connection Mib Specification

Status of this Memo

   This document defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
   community.  This does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
   Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

IESG Note:

   Internet Engineering Steering Group comment from the Area Director
   for Transport Services: Please note well that this memo is an
   individual product of the author.  Implementation experience,
   particularly on the effectiveness of the protocols in dual-stack
   environments, is needed.

1.  Introduction

   Traditionally, TCP and UDP runs over IP.  STD 17, RFC 1213 defines
   TCP connection MIB object and UDP listener object assuming just that.
   For TCP and UDP running over IPX, tcpConnTable and udpTable objects
   from RFC 1213 cannot be used since they define the address to be of
   type IpAddress.  As such, we need to define new objects that can
   properly describe TCP and UDP connections over IPX.

   New MIB objects, tcpIpxConnTable, udpIpxTable, tcpUnspecConnTable and
   udpUnspecTable are presented in this paper, to be used in place of
   tcpConnTable and udpListenerTable when TCP and UDP are running over

2.  Objects


                           FROM RFC-1212;

        -- IPX address type.
        -- First 4 octests are the network numbers and the last 6
        -- octests are the node numbers.  In ascii, it is represented

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RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995

        -- as hex digits, as in:  nnnnnnnn:mmmmmmmmmmmm

        IpxAddress ::= OCTET STRING (size (10))

           -- TCP/IPX MIB object idenfifiers

        novell        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 23 }
        mibDoc        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { novell 2 }
        tcpx          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibDoc 29 }
        tcpxTcp       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpx 1 }
        tcpxUdp       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tcpx 2 }

          -- the TCP/IPX Connection table

           -- The TCP/IPX connection table contains information
           -- about this entity's existing TCP connections over
           -- IPX.

           tcpIpxConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF TcpIpxConnEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "A table containing information specific on
                       TCP connection over IPX network layer."

               ::= { tcpxTcp 1 }

           tcpIpxConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  TcpIpxConnEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "Information about a particular current TCP
                       connection over IPX  An object of this type is
                       transient, in that it ceases to exist when (or
                       soon after) the connection makes the transition
                       to the CLOSED state."
               INDEX   { tcpIpxConnLocalAddress,
                         tcpIpxConnRemPort }
              ::= { tcpIpxConnTable 1 }

           TcpIpxConnEntry ::=
               SEQUENCE {

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RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995

                       INTEGER (0..65535),
                       INTEGER (0..65535)

           tcpIpxConnState OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
               ACCESS  read-write
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The state of this TCP connection.

                       The only value which may be set by a management
                       station is deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is
                       appropriate for an agent to return a `badValue'
                       response if a management station attempts to set
                       this object to any other value.

                       If a management station sets this object to the
                       value deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of
                       deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the
                       corresponding connection on the managed node,
                       resulting in immediate termination of the

                       As an implementation-specific option, a RST
                       segment may be sent from the managed node to the
                       other TCP endpoint (note however that RST

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RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995

                       segments are not sent reliably)."
               ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 1 }

           tcpIpxConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  IpxAddress
               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The local IPX address for this TCP connection.
                       In the case of a connection in the listen state
                       which is willing to accept connections for any
                       interface, the value 00000000:000000000000 is
                       used.  See tcpUnspecConnTable for connections in
                       the listen  state which is willing to accept
                       connects for any IP interface associated with
                       the node."
               ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 2 }

           -- NetworkAddress defined in SMI only include IP currently,
           -- so we can't use it to represent both IP and IPX address.

           tcpIpxConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The local port number for this TCP connection."
               ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 3 }

           tcpIpxConnRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  IpxAddress
               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The remote IPX address for this TCP connection."
               ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 4 }

           tcpIpxConnRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The remote port number for this TCP connection."
               ::= { tcpIpxConnEntry 5 }

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RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995

           -- the UDP Listener table

           -- The UDP listener table contains information about this
           -- entity's UDP end-points on which a local application is
           -- currently accepting datagrams.

           udpIpxTable OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF UdpIpxEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "A table containing UDP listener information."
               ::= { tcpxUdp 1 }

           udpIpxEntry OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  UdpIpxEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "Information about a particular current UDP
               INDEX   { udpIpxLocalAddress, udpIpxLocalPort }
               ::= { udpIpxTable 1 }

           UdpIpxEntry ::=
               SEQUENCE {
                       INTEGER (0..65535)

           udpIpxLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  IpxAddress
               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The local IPX address for this UDP listener.  In
                       the case of a UDP listener which is willing to
                       accept datagrams for any interface, the value
                       00000000:000000000000 is used.  See
                       udpUnspecTable for UDP listener which is
                       willing to accept datagrams from any network
               ::= { udpIpxEntry 1 }

           udpIpxLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)

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RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995

               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The local port number for this UDP listener."
               ::= { udpIpxEntry 2 }

           -- the TCP/UNSPEC Connection table

           -- The TCP/UPSPEC connection table contains information
           -- about this entity's existing TCP connections over
           -- unspecified network.
           -- Since the network is unspecified, the network
           -- address is also unspecified.  Hence, this
           -- connection table does not include any network
           -- address.

           tcpUnspecConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF TcpIpxConnEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "A table containing information specific on
                       TCP connection over unspecified network layer."

               ::= { tcpxTcp 2 }

           tcpUnspecConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  TcpUnspecConnEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "Information about a particular current TCP
                       connection over unspecified network layer.  An
                       object of this type is transient, in that it
                       ceases to exist when the connection makes
                       transition beyond LISTEN state, or when (or
                       soon after) the connection makes transition
                       to the CLOSED state,"

               INDEX   { tcpUnspecConnLocalPort }
               ::= { tcpUnspecConnTable 1 }

           TcpUnspecConnEntry ::=
               SEQUENCE {

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RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995

                       INTEGER (0..65535),

           tcpUnspecConnState OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  INTEGER {
               ACCESS  read-write
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The state of this TCP connection.

                       Since the TCP connection can belong to this table
                       only when its state is less than SYN_SENT, only
                       closed and listen state apply.

                       The only value which may be set by a management
                       station is deleteTCB(12).  Accordingly, it is
                       appropriate for an agent to return a `badValue'
                       response if a management station attempts to set
                       this object to any other value.

                       If a management station sets this object to the
                       value deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of
                       deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the
                       corresponding connection on the managed node,
                       resulting in immediate termination of the

                       As an implementation-specific option, a RST
                       segment may be sent from the managed node to the
                       other TCP endpoint (note however that RST
                       segments are not sent reliably)."
               ::= { tcpUnspecConnEntry 1 }

           tcpUnspecConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The local port number for this TCP connection."
               ::= { tcpUnspecConnEntry 2 }

Sung                                                            [Page 7]

RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995

           -- the UDP Listener table

           -- The UDP listener table contains information about this
           -- entity's UDP end-points over unspecified network layer,
           -- on which a local application is currently accepting
           -- datagrams.  If network layer is unspecified, the network
           -- address is also unspecified.  Hence, this table does not
           -- include any network address.

           udpUnspecTable OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF UdpUnspecEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                        "A table containing UDP listener information."
               ::= { tcpxUdp 2 }

           udpUnspecEntry OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  UdpUnspecEntry
               ACCESS  not-accessible
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "Information about a particular current UDP
               INDEX   { udpUnspecLocalPort }
               ::= { udpUnspecTable 1 }

           UdpUnspecEntry ::=
               SEQUENCE {
                       INTEGER (0..65535)

           udpUnspecLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
               ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS  mandatory
                       "The local port number for this UDP listener."
               ::= { udpUnspecEntry 1 }


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RFC 1792                      TCP/IPX MIB                     April 1995


   The author would like to thank following folks and others for their
   assitance: Greg Minshall, Dave Piscitello.

Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

   Tae Sung
   Novell, Inc.
   2180 Fortune Drive
   San Jose, California, 95131

   Phone: (408)577-8439
   EMail: tae@novell.Com

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  [Chaos CD]
[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1700 - 1799]    RFC 1792: TCP/IPX Connection Mib Specification
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