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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1600 - 1699]    RFC 1694: Definitions of Managed Objects for SMDS Interfaces using SMIv2
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RFC 1694:
Definitions of Managed Objects for SMDS Interfaces using SMIv2


Network Working Group                                           T. Brown
Request for Comments: 1694                                     K. Tesink
Obsoletes: 1304                                                  Editors
Category: Standards Track                   Bell Communications Research
                                                             August 1994

                     Definitions of Managed Objects
                    for SMDS Interfaces using SMIv2

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets.
   In particular, it defines objects for managing objects for SMDS
   access interfaces. This includes the following access protocols:

             SIP [13]
             SIP/DXI [18] and [20]
             SIP/FR [19]
             SIP/ATM [24]

   This memo replaces RFC 1304 [12], and defines a MIB module which is
   both compliant to the SNMPv2 SMI and semantically-identical to the
   existing RFC 1304-based definitions.

   This memo also assumes application of the MIB II Interfaces group as
   defined in [9].

Table of Contents

   1. The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework ...............    2
   2. Objects ...............................................    3
   2.1 Format of Definitions ................................    3
   3. Overview ..............................................    4
   3.1 SIP Level 3 ..........................................    5
   4. Object Definitions ....................................    9
   4.1 The SIP Level 3 Group ................................   10
   4.2 The SIP Level 2 Group ................................   14
   4.3 The SIP PLCP Group ...................................   17

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   4.3.1 The DS1 PLCP Group .................................   17
   4.3.2 The DS3 PLCP Group .................................   19
   4.4 The SMDS Applications Group ..........................   20
   4.4.1 The IP over SMDS Group .............................   21
   4.5 The SMDS Carrier Selection Group .....................   22
   4.6 The SIP Error Log Group ..............................   23
   4.7 The Data eXchange Interface Group ....................   27
   4.8 Conformance Information ..............................   29
   5. Acknowledgments .......................................   32
   6. References ............................................   32
   7. Security Considerations ...............................   34
   8. Authors' Addresses ....................................   35

1.  The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework

   The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework consists of four major
   components.  They are:

      o RFC 1442 [1] which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for
        describing and naming objects for the purpose of

      o STD 17, RFC 1213 [6] defines MIB-II, the core set of managed
        objects for the Internet suite of protocols.  Reference [12]
        defines the evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB II in
        terms of extensions and precise applications of the objects.

      o RFC 1445 [4] which defines the administrative and other
        architectural aspects of the framework.

      o RFC 1448 [5] which defines the protocol used for network
        access to managed objects.

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

   This specification makes also use of:

      o RFC 1443 [2] which defines textual conventions for the
        specification of managed objects.

      o RFC 1444 [3] which defines conformance statements for the
        specification of managed objects.

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

2.  Objects

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) [7]
   defined in the SMI.  In particular, each object has a name, a syntax,
   and an encoding.  The name is an object identifier, an
   administratively assigned name, which specifies an object type.  The
   object type together with an object instance serves to uniquely
   identify a specific instantiation of the object.  For human
   convenience, we often use a textual string, termed the OBJECT
   DESCRIPTOR, to also refer to the object type.

   The syntax of an object type defines the abstract data structure
   corresponding to that object type.  The ASN.1 language is used for
   this purpose.  However, the SMI RFC 1442 purposely restricts the
   ASN.1 constructs which may be used.  These restrictions are
   explicitly made for simplicity.

   The encoding of an object type is simply how that object type is
   represented using the object type's syntax.  Implicitly tied to the
   notion of an object type's syntax and encoding is how the object type
   is represented when being transmitted on the network.  The SMI
   specifies the use of the basic encoding rules of ASN.1 [8], subject
   to the additional requirements imposed by the SNMP.

2.1.  Format of Definitions

   Section 4 contains contains the specification of all object types
   contained in this MIB module.  The object types are defined using the
   conventions defined in the SMI, as amended by the extensions
   specified in the SNMPv2 SMI.

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3.  Overview

   SMDS is a service that can be provided by numerous interface
   protocols as shown in the following figure:

             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | SIP Level 3* [13] |   | SIP Level 3* [13] |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | SIP Level 2* [13] |   | DXI Level 2* [20] |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | SIP PLCP* [14]    |   |                   |
             +-------------------+   | DXI Level 1 [20]  |
             | SIP Level 1 [14]  |   |                   |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
                SIP based access        DXI based access

             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | SIP Level 3* [13] |   | SIP Level 3* [13] |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | ATM  [21]         |   | Frame Relay [19]  |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | ATM PLCP [21]     |   |                   |
             +-------------------+   | Frame Relay [19]  |
             | ATM Level 1 [21]  |   |   Level 1         |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
                ATM based access        FR based access

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

   In the figure below, managed objects for the protocol levels marked
   with a (*) are defined in this memo.  Additional managed objects that
   must be used to manage SMDS interfaces are defined in other MIB
   modules as indicated in the figure.

             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | SIP Level 3*      |   | SIP Level 3*      |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | SIP Level 2*      |   | DXI Level 2*      |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | SIP PLCP*         |   |                   |
             +-------------------+   | DXI Level 1       |
             | SIP Level 1       |   |                   |
             |    [10] or [11]   |   |    [10]           |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
                SIP based access        DXI based access

             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | SIP Level 3*      |   | SIP Level 3*      |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | ATM  [22]         |   | Frame Relay [23]  |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
             | ATM PLCP/TC [22]  |   |                   |
             +-------------------+   | Frame Relay       |
             | ATM Level 1 [10]  |   |   Level 1         |
             | [11], or [25]     |   |   [10] or [11]    |
             +-------------------+   +-------------------+
                ATM based access        FR based access

   With the improved interpretation of the MIB II interfaces group [9],
   some objects can be represented by ifTable. This means that these
   objects have been deprecated from the MIB module defined in RFC 1304,
   and ifTable is used instead. No semantical changes have been made to
   these objects. Only the object identifiers and object descriptors
   have been changed to the objects defined in ifTable.

   Implementation experience has shown that the objects
   sipL3UnrecognizedIndividualDAs and sipL3UnrecognizedGAs were not

3.1.  SIP Level 3

   Objects for SIP Level 3 apply to all methods to access SMDS shown in
   the figures above. With the improved interpretation of the MIB II
   interfaces group, most objects can be represented by ifTable. The
   appropriate mapping is defined below.

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

   This document does not specify objects for the management of
   subscription or configuration of Subscriber-Network Interfaces
   (SNIs). Those objects are defined in Definitions of Managed Objects
   for SMDS Subscription [17]. Bellcore requirements on these objects
   are specified in TR-TSV-001062 [16].

          ifTable Object     Use for
           ifIndex           Interface index.

           ifDescr           Interface description.
                             For example, SIP Level 3 sublayer
                             of a SNI.

           ifType            Set to 31.

           ifMtu             Set to 9232.

           ifSpeed           Peak bandwidth in bits per second available
                             for use as provided by the supporting Level
                             2 protocol. For example, 1.17 Mbps when
                             using SIP based DS1 SNIs, and 1.536 Mbps
                             when using DXI-based DS1 DXI-SNI.

           ifPhysAddress     OCTET STRING of Size 8. Value is
                             a 16-digit Binary Coded Decimal
                             SMDS address that is
                             assigned to this interface.

           ifAdminStatus     The desired administrative status of the
                             SMDS interface.

           ifOperStatus      The current operational status of the
                             SMDS interface.

           ifLastChange      The elapsed time since the last
                             re-initialization of the interface.
                             The value of sysUpTime at the time the
                             interface entered its current
                             operational state. If the current
                             state was entered prior to the last
                             re-initialization of the local
                             network management subsystem, then
                             this object contains a zero value.

           ifInOctets        Number of received octets at SIP Level 3.
                             For SIP based SNIs, this is the number of
                             sipL2ReceivedCounts multiplied by 44.

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           ifInUcastPkts     The total number of individually addressed
                             SIP Level 3 PDUs received from the remote
                             system across the SNI.  The total includes
                             only unerrored SIP Level 3 PDUs.
                             [identical to RFC1304:

           ifInDiscards      The number of received SIP Level 3 PDUs
                             discarded.  For SMDS interfaces, this
                             counter will always be zero.

           ifInErrors        The total number of SIP Level 3 PDUs
                             received from the remote system that were
                             discovered to have errors (including
                             protocol processing and bit errors but
                             excluding addressing-related errors) and
                             were discarded.  Includes both group
                             addressed SIP Level 3 PDUs and SIP Level
                             3 PDUs containing an individual
                             destination address.
                             [identical to RFC1304: sipL3Errors]

           ifInUnknownProtos The number of SIP Level 3 PDUs received
                             from the remote system with a Source or
                             Destination Address_Type subfields, (the
                             four most significant bits of the 64 bit
                             address field), not equal to the value
                             1100 or 1110.  Also, an error is
                             considered to have occurred if the
                             Address_Type field for a Source Address
                             is equal to 1110 (a group address).
                             [identical to RFC1304:

           ifOutOctets       Number of received octets for transmission
                             at SIP Level 3. For SIP based
                             SNIs, this is the number
                             of sipL2SentCounts multiplied by 44.

           ifOutUcastPkts    The number of individually addressed SIP
                             Level 3 PDUs that have been sent by this
                             system across the interface.
                             [identical to RFC1304:

           ifOutDiscards     The number of SIP Level 3 PDUs discarded in
                             the egress direction.  For SMDS interfaces,
                             this counter will always be zero.

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           ifOutErrors       The number of SIP Level 3 PDUs
                             discarded in the egress
                             direction, because of errors.
                             For SMDS interfaces, this counter will
                             always be zero.

           ifName            The textual name of the interface.
                             If not used, this variable contains
                             a zero-length string.

           ifInMulticastPkts The total number of group addressed SIP
                             Level 3 PDUs received from the remote
                             system across the interface.  The total
                             includes only unerrored SIP Level 3 PDUs.
                             [identical to RFC1304: sipL3ReceivedGAs]

           ifInBroadcastPkts This variable is not applicable for SMDS
                             interfaces.  Therefore, this counter is
                             always zero.

           ifOutMulticastPkts  The number of group addressed SIP Level 3
                               PDUs that have been sent by this system
                               across the interface.
                               [identical to RFC1304: sipL3SentGAs]

           ifOutBroadcastPkts  This variable is not applicable for SMDS
                               interfaces.  Therefore, this counter is
                               always zero.

           ifLinkUpDownTrapEnble The value of this object is
                                 disabled(2) for SIP Level 3 interfaces.

           ifHighSpeed         Set to the user data rate of the
                               interface in millions of bits per second.
                               If the user data rate is less than 1 Mbps,
                               then this value is zero.

           ifPromiscuousMode   Set to false(2).

           ifConnectorPresent  Set to false(2).

   Consult the Evolution of the Interfaces Group [9] for when to use the
   HC (High Capacity) counters (e.g., ifHCInOctets is a 64-bit counter).

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

4.  Object Definitions


             MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32,
             Integer32, IpAddress                     FROM SNMPv2-SMI
             TimeStamp, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION            FROM SNMPv2-TC
             transmission, ifIndex, mib-2             FROM RFC1213-MIB;

          --  This is the MIB module for the SMDS Interface objects.

              LAST-UPDATED "9403311818Z"
              ORGANIZATION "IETF Interfaces Working Group"
                "        Tracy Brown
                 Postal: Bell Communications Research
                         331 Newman Springs Road
                         P.O. Box 7020
                         Red Bank, NJ  07701-7020

                    Tel: +1 908  758-2107
                    Fax: +1 908  758-4177
                 E-mail: tacox@mail.bellcore.com

                         Kaj Tesink
                 Postal: Bell Communications Research
                         331 Newman Springs Road
                         P.O. Box 7020
                         Red Bank, NJ  07701-7020

                    Tel: +1 908 758 5254
                    Fax: +1 908 758 4177
                 E-mail: kaj@cc.bellcore.com."
                   "The MIB module to describe
                   SMDS interfaces objects."
              ::= { mib-2 36 }

          SMDSAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
              DISPLAY-HINT "1h:"
              STATUS       current
                  "The 60-bit SMDS address,

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

                   preceded by 4 bits with the following values:
                   1100 when representing an individual address
                   1110 when representing a group address."
              SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))

          IfIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            STATUS  current
              "The value of this object identifies the
              interface for which this entry contains
              management information.  The value of this
              object for a particular interface has the same
              value as the ifIndex object, defined in RFC
              1213, for the same interface."
            SYNTAX Integer32

          sip     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 31 }
          sipMIBObjects   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipMIB 1 }

          -- The SIP Level 3 Group

          sipL3Table  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipL3Entry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This table contains SIP L3 parameters and
                 state variables, one entry per SIPL3 interface."
             ::= { sip 1 }

          sipL3Entry  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SipL3Entry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This list contains SIP L3 parameters and
                 state variables."
             INDEX   { sipL3Index }
             ::= { sipL3Table 1 }

          SipL3Entry  ::= SEQUENCE {
              sipL3Index                        IfIndex,
              sipL3ReceivedIndividualDAs        Counter32,
              sipL3ReceivedGAs                  Counter32,
              sipL3UnrecognizedIndividualDAs    Counter32,
              sipL3UnrecognizedGAs              Counter32,

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              sipL3SentIndividualDAs            Counter32,
              sipL3SentGAs                      Counter32,
              sipL3Errors                       Counter32,
              sipL3InvalidSMDSAddressTypes      Counter32,
              sipL3VersionSupport               Integer32

          sipL3Index  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      IfIndex
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The value of this object identifies the SIP
                 L3 interface for which this entry contains
                 management information. "
             ::= { sipL3Entry 1 }

          sipL3ReceivedIndividualDAs OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      deprecated
          -- Moved to ifTable
          -- ifInUcastPkts defined in [9] must be used instead.
                 "The total number of individually addressed SIP
                 Level 3 PDUs received from the remote system
                 across the SNI.  The total includes only
                 unerrored L3PDUs."
             ::= { sipL3Entry 2 }

          sipL3ReceivedGAs OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      deprecated
          -- Moved to ifTable
          -- ifInMulticastPkts defined in [9] must be used instead.
                 "The total number of group addressed SIP Level 3
                 PDUs received from the remote system across the
                 SNI.  The total includes only unerrored L3PDUs."
             ::= { sipL3Entry 3 }

          sipL3UnrecognizedIndividualDAs OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      deprecated
                 "The number of SIP Level 3 PDUs received from the

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

                 remote system with invalid or unknown individual
                 destination addresses (Destination Address
                 Screening violations are not included).  See SMDS
                 Subscription MIB module."
              ::= { sipL3Entry 4 }

          sipL3UnrecognizedGAs OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      deprecated
                 "The number of SIP Level 3 PDUs received from the
                 remote system with invalid or unknown group
                 addresses.  (Destination Address Screening
                 violations are not included).  See SMDS
                 Subscription MIB module."
              ::= { sipL3Entry 5 }

          sipL3SentIndividualDAs OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      deprecated
          -- Moved to ifTable
          -- ifOutUcastPkts defined in [9] must be used instead.
                 "The number of individually addressed SIP Level 3
                 PDUs that have been sent by this system across the
              ::= { sipL3Entry 6 }

          sipL3SentGAs OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      deprecated
          -- Moved to ifTable
          -- ifOutMulticastPkts defined in [9] must be used instead.
                 "The number of group addressed SIP L3PDUs that
                 have been sent by this system across the SNI."
              ::= { sipL3Entry 7 }

          -- The total number of SIP L3PDU errors can be calculated as
          -- (Syntactic errors + Semantic Service errors )
          -- Syntactic errors include:
          --    sipL3Errors
          -- Latest occurrences of syntactic error types are logged in
          --    sipL3PDUErrorTable.
          -- Semantic Service errors include:

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

          --    sipL3UnrecognizedIndividualDAs
          --    sipL3UnrecognizedGAs
          --    sipL3InvalidSMDSAddressTypes
          -- Note that public networks supporting SMDS may discard
          -- SIP L3PDUs due to subscription violations.  Related
          -- managed objects are defined in Definitions of Managed
          -- Objects for SMDS Subscription.

          sipL3Errors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      deprecated
          -- Moved to ifTable
          -- ifInErrors defined in [9] must be used instead.
                 "The total number of SIP Level 3 PDUs received
                 from the remote system that were discovered to
                 have errors (including protocol processing and bit
                 errors but excluding addressing-related errors)
                 and were discarded.  Includes both group addressed
                 L3PDUs and L3PDUs containing an individual
                 destination address."
              ::= { sipL3Entry 8 }

          sipL3InvalidSMDSAddressTypes OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      deprecated
          -- Moved to ifTable
          -- ifInUnknownProtos defined in [9] must be used instead.
                 "The number of SIP Level 3 PDUs received from the
                 remote system that had the Source or Destination
                 Address_Type subfields, (the four most significant
                 bits of the 64 bit address field), not equal to
                 the value 1100 or 1110.  Also, an error is
                 considered to have occurred if the Address_Type
                 field for a Source Address, the four most
                 significant bits of the 64 bits, is equal to 1110
                 (a group address)."
              ::= { sipL3Entry 9 }

          sipL3VersionSupport  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "A value which indicates the version(s) of SIP

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

                 that this interface supports.  The value is a sum.
                 This sum initially takes the value zero.  For each
                 version, V, that this interface supports, 2 raised
                 to (V - 1) is added to the sum. For example, a
                 port supporting versions 1 and 2 would have a
                 value of (2^(1-1)+2^(2-1))=3.  The
                 sipL3VersionSupport is effectively a bit mask with
                 Version 1 equal to the least significant bit
              ::= { sipL3Entry 10 }

          -- The SIP Level 2 Group

          sipL2Table  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipL2Entry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This table contains SIP L2PDU parameters and
                 state variables, one entry per SIP L2 interface."
              ::= { sip 2 }

          sipL2Entry  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SipL2Entry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This list contains SIP L2 parameters and state
              INDEX   { sipL2Index }
              ::= { sipL2Table 1 }

          SipL2Entry  ::= SEQUENCE {
              sipL2Index                     IfIndex,
              sipL2ReceivedCounts            Counter32,
              sipL2SentCounts                Counter32,
              sipL2HcsOrCRCErrors            Counter32,
              sipL2PayloadLengthErrors       Counter32,
              sipL2SequenceNumberErrors      Counter32,
              sipL2MidCurrentlyActiveErrors  Counter32,
              sipL2BomOrSSMsMIDErrors        Counter32,
              sipL2EomsMIDErrors             Counter32

          sipL2Index  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      IfIndex
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only

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              STATUS      current
                 "The value of this object identifies the SIP
                 interface for which this entry contains management
              ::= { sipL2Entry 1 }

          sipL2ReceivedCounts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The number of SIP Level 2 PDUs received from the
                 remote system across the SNI. The total includes
                 only unerrored L2PDUs."
              ::= { sipL2Entry 2 }

          sipL2SentCounts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The number of SIP Level 2 PDUs that have been
                 sent by this system across the SNI."
              ::= { sipL2Entry 3 }

          -- The following error types are counted, and
          -- preclude sipL2ReceivedCounts to be incremented:
          --    sipL2HcsOrCRCErrors
          --    sipL2PayloadLengthErrors
          --    sipL2SequenceNumberErrors
          --    sipL2BomOrSSMsMIDErrors
          --    sipL2EomsMIDErrors
          -- The receipt of SIP Level 2 PDUs which are BOMs and
          -- for with a MID that is already active will cause
          -- sipL2MidCurrentlyActiveErrors to increment.
          -- Any already accumulated (correct) segmentation
          -- units are discarded.The sipL2ReceivedCounts
          -- is incremented by 1. Thus,
          -- sipL2ReceivedCounts defines the number of
          -- correct SIP Level 2 PDUs delivered to the reassembly
          -- process.

          sipL2HcsOrCRCErrors  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current

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                 "The number of received SIP Level 2 PDUs that were
                 discovered to have either a Header Check Sequence
                 error or a Payload CRC violation."
              ::= { sipL2Entry 4 }

          sipL2PayloadLengthErrors  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The number of received SIP Level 2 PDUs that had
                 Payload Length errors that fall in the following
                 - SSM L2_PDU payload length field value less
                 - than 28 octets or greater than 44 octets,

                 - BOM or COM L2_PDU payload length field not
                 - equal to 44 octets,
                 - EOM L2_PDU payload length field value less
                 - than 4 octets or greater than 44 octets."
              ::= { sipL2Entry 5 }

          sipL2SequenceNumberErrors  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The number of received SIP Level 2 PDUs that had
                 a sequence number within the L2PDU not equal to
                 the expected sequence number of the SMDS SS
                 receive process."
              ::= { sipL2Entry 6 }

          sipL2MidCurrentlyActiveErrors  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The number of received SIP Level 2 PDUs that are
                 BOMs for which an active receive process is
                 already started."
              ::= { sipL2Entry 7 }

          sipL2BomOrSSMsMIDErrors  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current

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                 "The number of received SIP Level 2 PDUs that are
                 SSMs with a MID not equal to zero or are BOMs with
                 MIDs equal to zero."
              ::= { sipL2Entry 8 }

          sipL2EomsMIDErrors  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The number of received SIP Level 2 PDUs that are
                 EOMs for which there is no active receive process
                 for the MID (i.e., the receipt of an EOM which
                 does not correspond to a BOM) OR the EOM has a MID
                 equal to zero."
              ::= { sipL2Entry 9 }

          -- The SIP PLCP Group

          sipPLCP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sip 3 }

          -- The DS1 PLCP Group

          sipDS1PLCPTable  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipDS1PLCPEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This table contains SIP DS1 PLCP parameters and
                 state variables, one entry per SIP port."
              ::= { sipPLCP 1 }

          sipDS1PLCPEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SipDS1PLCPEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This list contains SIP DS1 PLCP parameters and
                 state variables."
              INDEX   { sipDS1PLCPIndex }
              ::= { sipDS1PLCPTable 1 }

          SipDS1PLCPEntry  ::= SEQUENCE {
              sipDS1PLCPIndex       IfIndex,
              sipDS1PLCPSEFSs       Counter32,
              sipDS1PLCPAlarmState  INTEGER,

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

              sipDS1PLCPUASs        Counter32

          sipDS1PLCPIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      IfIndex
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The value of this object identifies the
                 interface for which this entry contains management
                 information. "
              ::= { sipDS1PLCPEntry 1 }

              SYNTAX       Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS   read-only
              STATUS       current
                 "A DS1 Severely Errored Framing Second (SEFS) is a
                 count of one-second intervals containing one or
                 more SEF events.  A Severely Errored Framing (SEF)
                 event is declared when an error in the A1 octet
                 and an error in the A2 octet of a framing octet
                 pair (i.e., errors in both framing octets), or two
                 consecutive invalid and/or nonsequential Path
                 Overhead Identifier octets are detected."
              ::= { sipDS1PLCPEntry 2 }

          sipDS1PLCPAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  INTEGER     {
                          noAlarm (1),
                          receivedFarEndAlarm (2),
                          incomingLOF (3)
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "This variable indicates if there is an alarm
                 present for the DS1 PLCP.  The value
                 receivedFarEndAlarm means that the DS1 PLCP has
                 received an incoming Yellow Signal, the value
                 incomingLOF means that the DS1 PLCP has declared a
                 loss of frame (LOF) failure condition, and the
                 value noAlarm means that there are no alarms
                 present.  See TR-TSV-000773 for a description of
                 alarm states."
              ::= { sipDS1PLCPEntry 3 }

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The counter associated with the number of
                 Unavailable Seconds, as defined by TR-TSV-000773,
                 encountered by the PLCP."
              ::= { sipDS1PLCPEntry 4 }

          -- The DS3 PLCP Group

          sipDS3PLCPTable  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipDS3PLCPEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This table contains SIP DS3 PLCP parameters and
                 state variables, one entry per SIP port."
              ::= { sipPLCP 2 }

          sipDS3PLCPEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SipDS3PLCPEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "This list contains SIP DS3 PLCP parameters and
                 state variables."
              INDEX   { sipDS3PLCPIndex }
              ::= { sipDS3PLCPTable 1 }

          SipDS3PLCPEntry  ::= SEQUENCE {
              sipDS3PLCPIndex       IfIndex,
              sipDS3PLCPSEFSs       Counter32,
              sipDS3PLCPAlarmState  INTEGER,
              sipDS3PLCPUASs        Counter32

          sipDS3PLCPIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      IfIndex
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The value of this object identifies the
                 interface for which this entry contains management
                 information.  "
              ::= { sipDS3PLCPEntry 1 }

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "A DS3 Severely Errored Framing Second (SEFS) is a
                 count of one-second intervals containing one or
                 more SEF events.  A Severely Errored Framing (SEF)
                 event is declared when an error in the A1 octet
                 and an error in the A2 octet of a framing octet
                 pair (i.e., errors in both framing octets), or two
                 consecutive invalid and/or nonsequential Path
                 Overhead Identifier octets are detected."
              ::= { sipDS3PLCPEntry 2 }

          sipDS3PLCPAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  INTEGER     {
                          noAlarm (1),
                          receivedFarEndAlarm (2),
                          incomingLOF (3)
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "This variable indicates if there is an alarm
                 present for the DS3 PLCP.  The value
                 receivedFarEndAlarm means that the DS3 PLCP has
                 received an incoming Yellow Signal, the value
                 incomingLOF means that the DS3 PLCP has declared a
                 loss of frame (LOF) failure condition, and the
                 value noAlarm means that there are no alarms
                 present.  See TR-TSV-000773 for a description of
                 alarm states."
              ::= { sipDS3PLCPEntry 3 }

              SYNTAX      Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The counter associated with the number of
                 Unavailable Seconds, as defined by TR-TSV-000773,
                 encountered by the PLCP."
              ::= { sipDS3PLCPEntry 4 }

          -- The SMDS Applications group
          -- Applications that have been identified for this group are:

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

          --          * IP-over-SMDS (details are specified in RFC 1209)

          smdsApplications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sip 4 }

          ipOverSMDS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smdsApplications 1 }

          -- Although the objects in this group are read-only, at the
          -- agent's discretion they may be made read-write so that the
          -- management station, when appropriately authorized, may
          -- change the addressing information related to the
          -- configuration of a logical IP subnetwork implemented on
          -- top of SMDS.

          -- This table is necessary to support RFC1209 (IP-over-SMDS)
          -- and gives information on the Group Addresses and ARP
          -- Addresses used in the Logical IP subnetwork.
          -- One SMDS address may be associated with multiple IP
          -- addresses.  One SNI may be associated with multiple LISs.

          ipOverSMDSTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF IpOverSMDSEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "The table of addressing information relevant to
                 this entity's IP addresses."
              ::= { ipOverSMDS 1 }

          ipOverSMDSEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      IpOverSMDSEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "The addressing information for one of this
                 entity's IP addresses."
              INDEX   { ipOverSMDSIndex, ipOverSMDSAddress }
              ::= { ipOverSMDSTable 1 }

          IpOverSMDSEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                 ipOverSMDSIndex       IfIndex,
                 ipOverSMDSAddress     IpAddress,
                 ipOverSMDSHA          SMDSAddress,
                 ipOverSMDSLISGA       SMDSAddress,
                 ipOverSMDSARPReq      SMDSAddress

          ipOverSMDSIndex OBJECT-TYPE

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

              SYNTAX      IfIndex
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The value of this object identifies the
                 interface for which this entry contains management
                 information. "
              ::= { ipOverSMDSEntry 1 }

          ipOverSMDSAddress OBJECT-TYPE
               SYNTAX      IpAddress
               MAX-ACCESS  read-only
               STATUS      current
                 "The IP address to which this entry's addressing
                 information pertains."
              ::= { ipOverSMDSEntry 2 }

          ipOverSMDSHA OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SMDSAddress
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The SMDS Individual address of the IP station."
              ::= { ipOverSMDSEntry 3 }

              SYNTAX      SMDSAddress
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The SMDS Group Address that has been configured
                 to identify the SMDS Subscriber-Network Interfaces
                 (SNIs) of all members of the Logical IP Subnetwork
                 (LIS) connected to the network supporting SMDS."
              ::= { ipOverSMDSEntry 4 }

          ipOverSMDSARPReq OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SMDSAddress
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The SMDS address (individual or group) to which
                 ARP Requests are to be sent."
              ::= { ipOverSMDSEntry 5 }

          -- The SMDS Carrier Selection group

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

          -- This group is used as a place holder
          -- for carrier selection objects.

          smdsCarrierSelection OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sip 5 }

          -- The SIP Error Log

          sipErrorLog OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sip 6 }

          sipL3PDUErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipL3PDUErrorEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS      current
                 "A table that contains the latest occurrence of
                 the following syntactical SIP L3PDU errors:

                 - Destination Address Field Format Error,

                 The following pertains to the 60 least significant
                 bits of the 64 bit address field.  The 60 bits
                 contained in the address subfield can be used to
                 represent addresses up to 15 decimal digits.  Each
                 decimal digit shall be encoded into four bits
                 using Binary Coded Decimal (BCD), with the most
                 significant digit occurring left-most.  If not all
                 15 digits are required, then the remainder of this
                 field shall be padded on the right with bits set
                 to one.  An error is considered to have occurred:
                 a).  if the first four bits of the address
                 subfield are not BCD, OR b).  if the first four
                 bits of the address subfield are populated with
                 the country code value 0001, AND the 40 bits which
                 follow are not Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) encoded
                 values of the 10 digit addresses, OR the remaining
                 16 least significant bits are not populated with
                 1's, OR c).  if the address subfield is not
                 correct according to another numbering plan which
                 is dependent upon the carrier assigning the
                 numbers and offering SMDS.

                 - Source Address Field Format Error,

                 The description of this parameter is the same as
                 the description of the Destination Address Field
                 Format Error.

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

                 - Invalid BAsize Field Value,

                 An error is considered to have occurred when the
                 BAsize field of an SIP L3PDU contains a value less
                 that 32, greater than 9220 octets without the
                 CRC32 field present, greater than 9224 octets with
                 the CRC32 field present, or not equal to a
                 multiple of 4 octets,

                 - Invalid Header Extension Length Field Value,

                 An error is considered to have occurred when the
                 Header Extension Length field value is not equal

                 - Invalid Header Extension - Element Length,

                 An error is considered to have occurred when the
                 Header Extension - Element Length is greater than

                 - Invalid Header Extension - Version Element
                 Position, Length, or Value,

                 An error is considered to have occurred when a
                 Version element with Length=3, Type=0, and Value=1
                 does not appear first within the Header Extension,
                 or an element Type=0 appears somewhere other than
                 within the first three octets in the Header

                 - Invalid Header Extension - Carrier Selection
                 Element Position, Length, Value or Format,

                 An error is considered to have occurred when a
                 Carrier Selection element does not appear second
                 within the Header Extension, if the Element Type
                 does not equal 1, the Element Length does not
                 equal 4, 6, or 8, the Element Value field is not
                 four BCD encoded decimal digits used in specifying
                 the Carrier Identification Code (CIC), or the
                 identified CIC code is invalid.

                 - Header Extension PAD Error

                 An error is considered to have occurred when the
                 Header Extension PAD is 9 octets in length, or if
                 the Header Extension PAD is greater than zero

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

                 octets in length and the Header Extension PAD does
                 not follow all Header Extension elements or does
                 not begin with at least one octet of all zeros.

                 - BEtag Mismatch Error,

                 An error is considered to have occurred when the
                 Beginning-End Tags in the SIP L3PDU header and
                 trailer are not equal.

                 - BAsize Field not equal to Length Field Error,

                 An error is considered to have occurred when the
                 value of the BAsize Field does not equal the value
                 of the Length Field.

                 - Incorrect Length Error, and

                 An error is considered to have occurred when the
                 the Length field value is not equal to the portion
                 of the SIP L3PDU which extends from the
                 Destination Address field up to and including the
                 CRC32 field (if present) or up to and including
                 the PAD field (if the CRC32 field is not present).
                 As an optional check, an error is considered to
                 have occurred when the length of a partially
                 received SIP L3PDU exceeds the BAsize value.

                 - MRI Timeout Error.

                 An error is considered to have occurred when the
                 elapsed time between receipt of BOM and
                 corresponding EOM exceeds the value of the MRI
                 (Message Receive Interval) for a particular
                 transport signal format.

                 An entry is indexed by interface number and error
                 type, and contains Source Address, Destination
                 Address and a timestamp. All these errors are
                 counted in the sipL3Errors counter.  When
                 sipL3PDUErrorTimeStamp is equal to zero, the
                 SipL3PDUErrorEntry does not contain any valid
              ::= { sipErrorLog 1 }

          sipL3PDUErrorEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SipL3PDUErrorEntry
              MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

              STATUS      current
                 "An entry in the service disagreement table."
              INDEX   { sipL3PDUErrorIndex, sipL3PDUErrorType }
              ::= { sipL3PDUErrorTable 1 }

          SipL3PDUErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              sipL3PDUErrorIndex       IfIndex,
              sipL3PDUErrorType        INTEGER,
              sipL3PDUErrorSA          SMDSAddress,
              sipL3PDUErrorDA          SMDSAddress,
              sipL3PDUErrorTimeStamp   TimeStamp

          sipL3PDUErrorIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      IfIndex
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The value of this object identifies the
                 interface for which this entry contains management
              ::= { sipL3PDUErrorEntry 1 }

          sipL3PDUErrorType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                erroredDAFieldFormat (1),
                erroredSAFieldFormat (2),
                invalidBAsizeFieldValue (3),
                invalidHdrExtLength (4),
                invalidHdrExtElementLength (5),
                invalidHdrExtVersionElementPositionLenthOrValue (6),
           invalidHdrExtCarSelectElementPositionLenghtValueOrFormat (7),
                hePADError (8),
                beTagMismatch (9),
                baSizeFieldNotEqualToLengthField (10),
                incorrectLength (11),
                mriTimeout (12)
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The type of error."
              ::= { sipL3PDUErrorEntry 2 }

          sipL3PDUErrorSA OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SMDSAddress
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

              STATUS      current
                 "A rejected SMDS source address."
              ::= { sipL3PDUErrorEntry 3 }

          sipL3PDUErrorDA OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      SMDSAddress
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "A rejected SMDS destination address."
              ::= { sipL3PDUErrorEntry 4 }

          sipL3PDUErrorTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      TimeStamp
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                 "The timestamp for the service disagreement.  The
                 timestamp contains the value of sysUpTime at the
                 latest occurrence of this type of service
                 disagreement.  See textual description under
                 sipL3PDUErrorTable for boundary conditions."
              ::= { sipL3PDUErrorEntry 5 }

          -- The DXI Group

          sipDxiTable   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF SipDxiEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
                 "The DXI table."
             ::= { sipMIBObjects 1 }

          sipDxiEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     SipDxiEntry
             MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
             STATUS     current
                   "An entry in the DXI table."
             INDEX { ifIndex }
             ::= { sipDxiTable 1 }

          SipDxiEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994


          sipDxiCrc   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX  INTEGER {
             MAX-ACCESS read-only
             STATUS     current
                   "The value of this object indicates the type
                   of Frame Checksum used by DXI.  Current
                   choices include CCITT CRC16 or CRC32."
             ::= { sipDxiEntry 1 }

          sipDxiOutDiscards   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS read-only
             STATUS     current
              "The number of outbound frames discarded
              because of congestion."
             ::= { sipDxiEntry 2 }

          sipDxiInErrors   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS read-only
             STATUS     current
                   "The number of inbound frames discarded
                   because of errors such as frame checksum
                   (CRC) violations,
                   non-integral number of octets, address
                   and control field violations, and frame
                   size errors."

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

             ::= { sipDxiEntry 3 }

          sipDxiInAborts  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS read-only
             STATUS     current
                   "The number of inbound frames discarded
                   because of an abort bit sequence (1111111)
                   received before closing flag."
             ::= { sipDxiEntry 4 }

          sipDxiInTestFrames    OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS read-only
             STATUS     current
                   "The number of unerrored,
                   inbound Test frames received
                   (generally as part of Heart
                   Beat Poll procedure)."
             ::= { sipDxiEntry 5 }

          sipDxiOutTestFrames   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS read-only
             STATUS     current
                   "The number of unerrored,
                   outbound Test frames sent
                  (generally as part of Heart
                  Beat Poll procedure)."
             ::= { sipDxiEntry 6 }

          sipDxiHbpNoAcks  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS read-only
             STATUS     current
                   "The number of Heart Beat
                   Poll (HBP) No Ack timeouts."
             ::= { sipDxiEntry 7 }

          -- conformance information

          smdsConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipMIB 2 }

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

          smdsGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smdsConformance 1 }
          smdsCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smdsConformance 2 }

          -- compliance statements

          smdsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
              STATUS  current
                 "The compliance statement for SMDS interfaces."

              MODULE  -- this module
                  MANDATORY-GROUPS { sipLevel3Stuff }

                  GROUP       sipLevel2Stuff
                      "This group is mandatory only for those
                      interfaces (SNIs) which run SIP Level 2."

                  GROUP       sipDS1PLCPStuff
                      "This group is mandatory only for those
                      interfaces (SNIs) which run the DS1 PLCP."

                  GROUP       sipDS3PLCPStuff
                      "This group is mandatory only for those
                      interfaces (SNIs) which run the DS3 PLCP."

                  GROUP       sipIPApplicationsStuff
                      "This group is mandatory only for interfaces
                       operating IP over SMDS in accordance with

                  GROUP       sipDxiStuff
                      "This group is mandatory only for those interfaces
                      which run the DXI protocol."
              ::= { smdsCompliances 1 }

          -- units of conformance

          sipLevel3Stuff    OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { sipL3Index,
                        sipL3VersionSupport, sipL3PDUErrorIndex,

Brown & Tesink                                                 [Page 30]

RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

                        sipL3PDUErrorSA, sipL3PDUErrorDA,
                        sipL3PDUErrorTimeStamp }
              STATUS  current
                      "A collection of objects providing information
                      applicable to all SMDS interfaces."
              ::= { smdsGroups 1 }

          sipLevel2Stuff    OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { sipL2Index, sipL2HcsOrCRCErrors,
                        sipL2EomsMIDErrors }
              STATUS  current
                      "A collection of objects providing information
                      specific to interfaces using the SIP Level 2."
              ::= { smdsGroups 2 }

          sipDS1PLCPStuff    OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { sipDS1PLCPIndex, sipDS1PLCPSEFSs,
                        sipDS1PLCPAlarmState, sipDS1PLCPUASs }
              STATUS  current
                      "A collection of objects providing information
                      specific to interfaces using the DS1 PLCP."
              ::= { smdsGroups 3 }

          sipDS3PLCPStuff    OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { sipDS3PLCPIndex, sipDS3PLCPSEFSs,
                        sipDS3PLCPAlarmState, sipDS3PLCPUASs }
              STATUS  current
                      "A collection of objects providing information
                      specific to interfaces using the DS3 PLCP."
              ::= { smdsGroups 4 }

          sipIPApplicationsStuff    OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { ipOverSMDSIndex, ipOverSMDSAddress,
                        ipOverSMDSHA, ipOverSMDSLISGA, ipOverSMDSARPReq }
              STATUS  current
                      "A collection of objects providing information
                      for running IP over SMDS."
              ::= { smdsGroups 5 }

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RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

          sipDxiStuff     OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS  { sipDxiCrc, sipDxiOutDiscards,
                         sipDxiInErrors, sipDxiInAborts,
                         sipDxiInTestFrames, sipDxiOutTestFrames,
                         sipDxiHbpNoAcks }
              STATUS   current
                      "A collection of objects providing information
                      specific to interfaces using the DXI protocol."
              ::= { smdsGroups 6 }


5.  Acknowledgments

   This specification is a product of the ifMIB Working Group.

6.  References

   [1] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Structure
       of Management Information for version 2 of the Simple Network
       Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1442, SNMP Research, Inc.,
       Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
       University, April 1993.

   [2] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Textual
       Conventions for version 2 of the the Simple Network Management
       Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1443, SNMP Research, Inc., Hughes LAN
       Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
       University, April 1993.

   [3] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser,
       "Conformance Statements for version 2 of the the Simple Network
       Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1444, SNMP Research, Inc.,
       Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
       University, April 1993.

   [4] Galvin, J., and K. McCloghrie, "Administrative Model for version
       2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1445,
       Trusted Information Systems, Hughes LAN Systems, April 1993.

   [5] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Protocol
       Operations for version 2 of the Simple Network Management
       Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1448, SNMP Research, Inc., Hughes LAN
       Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
       University, April 1993.

Brown & Tesink                                                 [Page 32]

RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

   [6] McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information
       Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II",
       STD 17, RFC 1213, Hughes LAN Systems, Inc., Performance Systems
       International, March 1991.

   [7] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),
       International Organization for Standardization.  International
       Standard 8824, December 1987.

   [8] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Notation One
       (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization.
       International Standard 8825, December 1987.

   [9] McCloghrie, K., and F. Kastenholz, "Evolution of Interfaces Group
       of MIB-II", RFC 1573, Hughes LAN Systems, FTP Software, January

  [10] Cox, T., and K. Tesink, Editors, "Definitions of Managed Objects
       for the DS3/E3 Interface Type", RFC 1407, Bellcore, January 1993.

  [11] Baker, F., and J. Watt, Editors, "Definitions of Managed Objects
       for the DS1/E1 Interface Type", RFC 1406, Advanced Computer
       Communications, Newbridge Networks Corporation, January 1993.

  [12] Cox, T., and K. Tesink, Editors, "Definition of Managed Objects
       for the SMDS Interface Type", RFC 1304, Bellcore, February 1992.

  [13] "Generic System Requirements in Support of Switched Multi-megabit
       Data Service", Bellcore Technical Reference, TR-TSV-000772, Issue
       1, May 1991.

  [14] "Local Access System Generic Requirements, Objectives, and
       Interfaces in Support of Switched Multi-megabit Data Service",
       Bellcore Technical Reference, TR-TSV-000773, Issue 1, June 1990.

  [15] Piscitello, D., and J. Lawrence, Editors, The Transmission of IP
       Datagrams over the SMDS Service", RFC 1209, Bell Communications
       Research, March 1991.

  [16] "Generic Requirements For SMDS Customer Network Management
       Service", Bellcore TR-TSV-001062, Issue 1, March 1993, and
       Supplement 1, December 1993.

  [17] Cox, R., and K. Tesink, "Definitions of Managed Objects for SMDS
       Subscription", Version 2.1, Bellcore, August 1992.

Brown & Tesink                                                 [Page 33]

RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

  [18] Frame Based Interface Protocol for SMDS Networks - Data Exchange
       Interface / Subscriber Network Interface Revision 1.0 - SMDS
       Interest Group SIG-TS-005/1993, February 2, 1993.

  [19] Frame Based Interface Protocol for SMDS Networks - SIP Relay
       Interface Revision 1.0 - SMDS Interest Group SIG-TS-006/1993,
       February 2, 1993.

  [20] "Generic Requirements For Low Speed SMDS Access", Bellcore TR-
       TSV-001239, Issue 1, December 1993.

  [21] ATM Forum, "ATM User Network Interface Specification", Version
       3.0, September 1993.

  [22] Ahmed, M., and K. Tesink, Editors, "Definitions of Managed
       Objects for ATM Management", RFC 1695, Bellcore, August 1994.

  [23] Brown, R., Editor, "Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame
       Relay Service", RFC 1604, Bellcore, March 1994.

  [24] Specification for Implementation of SMDS over an ATM-based Public
       UNI - Cedric Druce, Max Figueroa, Bellcore - SIG TWG-1993/043,
       SMDS Interest Group Technical Working Group, Work in Progress,
       August 24, 1993.

  [25] Brown, T. and K. Tesink, Editors), "Definitions of Managed
       Objects for the SONET Interface Type, RFC 1595, Bellcore, March

7.  Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Brown & Tesink                                                 [Page 34]

RFC 1694                 SMDS Interface Objects              August 1994

8.  Authors' Addresses

   Tracy A. Brown
   Bell Communications Research
   331 Newman Springs Road
   P.O. Box 7020
   Red Bank, NJ  07701-7020

   Phone: (908) 758-2107
   EMail: tacox@mail.bellcore.com

   Kaj Tesink
   Bell Communications Research
   331 Newman Springs Road
   P.O. Box 7020
   Red Bank, NJ  07701-7020

   Phone: (908) 758-5254
   EMail: kaj@cc.bellcore.com

Brown & Tesink                                                 [Page 35]


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