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RFC 1608:
Representing IP Information in the X


Network Working Group                                       T. Johannsen
Request for Comments: 1608                            Dresden University
Category: Experimental                                      G. Mansfield
                                                  AIC Systems Laboratory
                                                              M. Kosters
                                                  Network Solutions,Inc.
                                                             S. Sataluri
                                                  AT&T Bell Laboratories
                                                              March 1994

           Representing IP Information in the X.500 Directory

Status of this Memo

   This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
   community.  This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any
   kind.  Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This document describes the objects necessary to include information
   about IP networks and IP numbers in the X.500 Directory. It extends
   the work "Charting networks in the X.500 Directory" [1] where a
   general framework is presented for representing networks in the
   Directory by applying it to IP networks.  This application of the
   Directory is intended to support the work of IP network assigning
   authorities, NICs, as well as other applications looking for a
   mapping of IP numbers to data of related networks. Furthermore,
   Autonomous Systems and related routing policy information can be
   represented in the Directory along with their relationship to
   networks and organizations.

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Table of Contents

      1. Introduction                                     2
      2. IP images of networks                            3
      2.1 IP network image                                3
      2.2 IP node image                                   5
      2.3 IP network interface image                      6
      2.4 Autonomous Systems                              7
      3. Number assignment information                    7
      3.1 Delegated Block object                          8
      3.2 IP Group object                                 9
      3.3 IP Reference object                            10
      3.4 AS Block object                                10
      3.5 AS Reference object                            10
      4. Directory tree                                  11
      4.1 IP image objects                               11
      4.2 AS objects                                     11
      4.3 Namespace objects                              11
      4.4 Relationship to organizational entries         13
      5. Security Considerations                         14
      6. Authors' Addresses                              15
      References                                         16
      Appendix: OID tables                               17

1. Introduction

   Information related to the Internet Network Infrastructure is created
   and stored by a number of different organizations, such as the
   Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), Internet Registry (IR),
   Network Information Centers (NICs), and the NSFNET Network Operations
   Center (NOC).  This information is generally "mastered" (stored and
   maintained) by these organizations on a centralized basis, i.e.,
   there is a single place to look for a definitive list of entries for
   these categories.  This has worked well in the past but given the
   tremendous growth of the Internet and its number of users and
   networks, it is essential that a distributed schema be used.

   The X.500 Directory offers the appropriate technology for
   implementing this distributed method of managing network
   infrastructure information.

   The following goals are addressed in this document:

    o Provision of IP specific images of network elements
    o Mapping from Network Number to network, owner, provider etc.
    o Support of delegation of IP address blocks
    o Storage of high-level routing policies and AS information
    o Support of "classless" network address formats

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    o Provision of several organizational images of a network

   It may be noted that the document basically consists of two parts.
   In the first part, an IP specific extension of the general framework
   "Charting networks in the Directory" [1] is given.  Objects defined
   by the application of this framework are related to IP numbers. An IP
   namespace is defined in the second part of this paper, referring to
   IP network elements defined at the beginning.

2. IP images of networks

   As defined in [1], networks are modeled as a set of subnetworks and
   nodes, called network elements in the remainder. To obtain a
   particular view of a network element, images were introduced.  Below,
   images of network elements for an IP specific view are defined.
   Please note that images contain references to underlying physical
   information about elements.

   In the remainder, ipStringSyntax is used as attribute type for all
   attributes that are to hold an IP number. Currently, there are two
   definitions for a syntax like this:

    o IpAddress as of [5]
    o ip as of [6]

   It is suggested to use CaseIgnoreStringSyntax for implementations for
   the time being with the convention to use the ordinary IP syntax.
   Nevertheless, an OID has been reserved for ipStringSyntax (see

2.1 IP network image

   IP network image is one application of network images and therefore
   inherits the networkImageClass. This class is given below for
   reference only, its definition can be found in [1].

   networkImage OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of ImageCommunicationObject
     externalGateway :: distinguishedNameSyntax,
      /* points to one or more nodes that act
         as gateway for the protocol application
         this image refers to */

   An IP network combines all network elements that have a common IP
   network number.  Presently, IP network numbers fall into one of the
   classes A, B, or C. However, sub- and supernetworking is already done
   broadly, and classless networks numbers are expected to be assigned

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   soon. [2] proposes to assign bitwise contiguous blocks of class-C-
   addresses to all networks with more than 255 nodes. The definition of
   IP network, therefore, is always related to common network number and
   network mask.

   IP networks have a very close relationship to the Domain Name System.
   Several attributes are introduced to take care of these relations.
   Though we do not intend to abolish the existing DNS service, the
   schema defined here is able to provide the mapping IP number to
   domain name and vice versa.

   An IP network image object as defined below is intended to provide
   technical and administrative data for one IP network. Attributes hold
   information that a NIC-WHOIS server would reveal for the network, and

   ipNetworkImage OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of NetworkImage
     ipNetworkImageName :: CaseIgnoreString,
      /* common name */
     ipNwNumber :: IPStringSyntax,
      /* the IP network number for
         this (sub)network */
     ipNwMask :: IPStringSyntax
      /* mask that applies to ipNwNumber
         in order to define classless
         network number; also used for routing */

    /* DNS related info ; e.g. - */
     associatedDomain :: CaseIgnoreStringSyntax,
      /* the domain name associated to this IP network;
         As there is not always a 1:1 mapping between traditional
         IP numbers and domain names, the name given here
         should contain the "closest match".
         1) (sub)network does not have a domain name
            of its own, but is part of a bigger domain:
            take name of that domain
         2) network is divided into several domains,
            therefore having more than one domain name:
            list all of them.
         Note: a reverse mapping of domain names to
         networks/nodes can be achieved by a modified
         implementation of RFC1279 */
     inAddrServer :: DistinguishedNameSyntax,
      /* refers to the ipNodeImageObject of the
         inaddr Server that holds information about

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         this network */
    /* routing policy; e.g. - */
     asNumber :: integerStringSyntax,
      /* number of Autonomous System this network belongs to */
     acceptedUsagePolicy :: caseIgnoreStringSyntax,
      /* semantics to be defined */
    /* Any other - */
     provider   :: DistinguishedNameSyntax,
      /* points to network provider */
     onlineDate :: uTCTimeSyntax
      /* date when network got connected to the Internet */

2.2 IP node image

   If a node in the network is running the IP protocol, an
   ipNodeImageObject should be created for this node. This image is a
   subclass of nodeImageClass and holds IP specific information.  The
   nodeImageClass is given below for reference only, its definition can
   be found in [1].

   nodeImage OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of ImageCommunicationObject
     /* no attributes common for all nodeImages have been
        defined yet */

   An ipNodeImage is used to obtain technical and administrative
   information on a host. The object is defined as follows:

   ipNodeImage OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of NodeImage
     ipNodeName :: CaseIgnoreString
      /* common name, it is advised to use
         the hostname for this purpose */
     protocol :: CaseIgnoreString,
      /* name and version of IP protocol running */
     domainName :: CaseIgnoreString,
      /* the complete domain name of this node;
         CNAMEs can be stored additionally to the
         DNS A record name;
         further relationships, like MX record entries,
         should be taken care of by the domain name tree
         according to RFC 1279 */

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2.3 IP network interface image

   The most important IP related information of a node (its IP
   addresses) is registered with ipNetworkInterfaceImageObjects.  This
   picture is accurate as a node can have several IP addresses, but at
   most one per interface.  Furthermore, it shows clearly the
   relationship between interface and neighboring IP network.

   IpNetworkInterfaceImage is a subclass of networkInterfaceImageClass.
   The networkInterfaceImageClass is given below for reference only, its
   definition can be found in [1].  Note that for
   ipNetworkInterfaceImage all references are drawn in the context of
   IP, i.e., networkInterfaceAddress becomes an IP address and
   connectedNetwork points to an ipNetworkImageObject.

   networkInterfaceImage OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of ImageCommunicationObject
     networkInterfaceAddress     :: caseIgnoreStringSyntax,
      /* this interface's address in the context the
         image refers to, e.g. IP number, NSAP */
     connectedNetwork   :: distinguishedNameSyntax
      /* pointer to networkImageObject that describes
         the network this interface is attached to in terms
         of the protocol or application the images
         indicates */

   Additionally, ipNetworkInterfaceImageObject has the following

   ipNetworkInterfaceImage OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of NetworkInterfaceImage
     ipNetworkInterfaceName :: CaseIgnoreStringSyntax
      /* It is suggested that the interface name
         is derived from the name of the logical
         device this interface represents for the
         operating system, e.g. le0, COM1 */
     ipNwMask ::  IPStringSyntax
      /* mask that applies to networkInterfaceAddress for
         routing of packets to nodes on the connected
         (broadcast) network;
         Note: This is only a fraction
         of the routing table information
         for this interface, namely for one hop. */

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2.4 Autonomous Systems

   Autonomous Systems (AS) are defined in asObject which is a subclass of
   imageCommunicationObject.  It provides technical and administrative
   information of an AS. Furthermore, routing policies can be stored with
   the AS object.  The definition of the AS object is aligned with the
   corresponding database object defined in [3].

    SUBCLASS of  ImageCommunicationObject
     asNumber :: IntegerStringSyntax

     asName :: CaseIgnoreStringSyntax,
      /* if there is a name different from AS */
     asIn ::  CaseIgnoreStringSyntax,
      /* accepted routes from other AS */
      /* for syntax and semantics refer [3] */
     asOut :: CaseIgnoreStringSyntax,
      /* generated routes announced to others */
      /* for syntax and semantics refer [3] */
     asDefault ::CaseIgnoreStringSyntax,
      /* how default routing is handled */
      /* for syntax and semantics refer [3] */
     asGuardian :: DistinguishedNameSyntax, */
      /* DN of guardian of this AS */
     lastModifiedDate :: UTCtimeSyntax */
      /* important as routes change frequently */

   Note that routing policies for an Autonomous System are represented
   by the {asIn, asOut} attributes of asObject. Due to performance
   constraints of present X.500 technology, it will probably not be used
   directly by routers for dynamic routing.  However, it certainly can
   be used in network management systems to determine the allowed paths
   [i.e.,  in accordance with published policies] between two networks.
   This will be useful in finding alternate paths, and evaluating the
   connectivity of networks.

3. Number assignment information

   In the following, Directory objects have been defined to represent IP
   and AS (Autonomous System) namespace in the Directory. Their purpose
   is to provide

     o mapping from IP number to IP network element (network or node)
     o mapping from IP number to AS number and vice versa
     o assignment and delegation information

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   The need for a global, distributed database supporting the objectives
   arises mainly from distributed IP- and AS-number assignment.

   Describing all IP numbers with one of the new objects delegatedBlock,
   ipGroup and ipReference leads to the desired information. AS number
   information is stored with the objects asBlock and asReference.
   Furthermore, all assigned numbers have some properties in common.
   Therefore, an objectclass assignedNumberClass is introduced. This
   class exports attributes to delegatedBlock, ipGroup, ipReference,
   asBlock, and asReference.

   AssignedNumberClass is defined as follows ("number" always refers to
   IP number of delegatedBlock, network, host, and AS number, resp.):

   assignedNumberClass OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of  top
     assBy :: DistinguishedNameSyntax,
      /* refers to an organization or organizationalRole
         that assigned the number to assTo (see below) */
     assTo :: DistinguishedNameSyntax,
      /* refers to organization or organizationalRole
         that the number was assigned to. This does not
         imply that assTo "owns" this number now. */
     assDate :: uTCTimeSyntax,
      /* date of assignment for this number */
     nicHandle :: CaseIgnoreStringSyntax,
      /* gives the unique ID for a description
         related to this number.
         format: "handle : nic-domain-name"
         example: MAK21 : rs.internic.net */
     relNwElement ::  DistinguishedNameSyntax,
      /* the network element related to this number
         (network or node) */

3.1 Delegated Block object

   This object provides information on a block of IP addresses delegated
   to some local-authority or service provider. Only contiguous blocks
   can be represented with the following schema. If an organization
   (say, a NIC) has been assigned several IP network numbers which do
   not form a contiguous block, it might want to use a different form of
   representing that fact (e.g., using imageNetworks).  The
   delegatedBlock object holds lower and upper bounds of the block.

   Note that the above does not make any assumption about the network
   masks being constrained by byte boundaries. We can thus represent
   subnetting within a "network (number)" that often happens within an

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   organization in the same framework.

   This schema does lead to some granularity in the otherwise flat IP-
   number space. Further, the granularity is significant as it may be
   used to identify the administrator of the block - a service provider
   or a domain manager.  E.g., it fits well into the schema of
   aggregating networks for routing purposes as has been proposed in

   The object delegatedBlock is of the form:

   delegatedBlock OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of AssignedNumberClass
     delegatedBlockName :: caseIgnoreStringSyntax,
     lowerBound :: IPStringSyntax,
      /* smallest IP address belonging to the
         block, e.g. */
     upperBound :: IPStringSyntax
      /* highest  IP address belonging to the
         block, e.g. */

   The attribute relNwElement (inherited from AssignedNumberClass) can
   point to a networkImage covering all networks within the block if
   this makes sense.

3.2 IP Group object

   This object provides information for an IP network number.  Its
   purpose is basically only to

      o show that the number has been assigned, and
      o provide a reference to the descriptive ipNetworkObject for
        this network.

   Regardless of the actual value of x, IP group objects may exist for
   IP numbers x.0.0.0, x.y.0.0 and x.y.z.0. This approach includes
   "classical" class-A, -B and -C network addresses as well as any kind
   of super- and subnetworking.

   The IP group object is a subclass of assignedNumberClass. The
   attribute relNwElement points to an ipNetworkImage as defined above.

    SUBCLASS of  AssignedNumberClass
     ipGroupName :: IPStringSyntax,
      /* IP number; x.0.0.0 or x.y.0.0 or x.y.z.0

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         where x, y, z in 1..255 */
     ipNwMask   ::    IPStringSyntax
      /* mask that applies to all numbers
         within the group; used to define
         classless networking;  */

3.3 IP Reference object

   There is one IP reference object for each IP host address.  The
   purpose of this object is to

     o tell that this IP number is already assigned to a node
     o give a pointer to the related ipNodeImageObject

   The IP reference object is a subclass of assignedNumberClass.  The
   attribute relNwElement points to an ipNodeImage.

   ipReference OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of  AssignedNumberClass
     ipReferenceName :: IPString
      /* value is always IP address */

3.4 AS block object

   The AS block object is used to show delegation of blocks of AS
   numbers to regional registries. This is similar to delegatedBlock of
   ipNetwork numbers.

    SUBCLASS of  AssignedNumberClass
     asBlockName :: caseIgnoreStringSyntax,
     asLowerBound :: integerStringSyntax,
     asUpperBound :: integerStringSyntax

   An AS block will comprise several consecutive AS numbers.  Objects to
   describe these numbers may be stored in asObjects.

3.5 AS reference object

   An AS reference object is used to show that an Autonomous System
   number has been assigned (and thus can not be given to somebody
   else).  Similar to ipGroup, asReference does not contain technical
   details about an autonomous system itself but rather points (with
   relNwElement) to a descriptive asObject.

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   asReference OBJECT CLASS
    SUBCLASS of  AssignedNumberClass
     asNumber :: integerStringSyntax

4. Directory tree

                 |                             |
                c=                         o=Internet
                 |                             |
           +-----+------+               +------+-------+
           |            |               |              |
          ipNw=       as=             dbl=           asB=
           |                            |              |
          ipNd=                       ipG=           asRef=
           |                            |
          ipNwIf=                     ipRef=

              Figure 1: Overall relationship of objects.

4.1 IP image objects

   According to [1], IP image entries will be stored underneath the
   organization / organizationalUnit entry of the entity responsible for
   that network. The case that such an entry does not yet exist in the
   white-pages pilot is discussed in 4.4 below.

4.2 AS objects

   The technical and administrative description of an AS is basically
   maintained by NICs, network providers, or other special
   organizations.  It is suggested that these organizations build a
   subtree for information on AS which they are responsible for.

4.3 Namespace objects

   The new IP namespace objects build a single tree in the Directory. It
   is suggested that this tree will have a root of type
   organizationalUnit within @o=Internet@ou=Network Information.

     objectClass= organizationalUnit
     organizationalUnitName= IP networks
     description= root of IP number tree

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   The tree is built under an administrative and an implementational
   view.  Nowadays, network numbers usually are assigned to
   organizations by (national) Network Information Centers (NIC) which
   themselves have got a block of IP network numbers assigned from
   another authority (e.g., IR at top level). This concept of delegated
   blocks falling apart in smaller delegated blocks and IP network
   numbers is used to model the Directory tree. Thus, an ipGroup object
   is always subordinate of a delegated block object (namely the
   delegated block including this IP number). Network numbers that were
   directly assigned by a top-level authority, i.e., have not been
   object of a delegation to a local assigning authority, will all be at
   one level in the Directory.  Already today, however, we find many
   delegations within the traditional class A-, B- and C-addresses.
   Such a delegation is represented by a delegated block object, having
   the assigned IP network numbers as subordinates. Also, part of the
   block can be further delegated to another authority, leading to
   another delegated block object within the parent delegated block's
   tree.  Usually, subordinates of ipGroup objects are ipReferences,
   i.e., single IP addresses as assigned to nodes. To support
   subnetworking, it is also allowed to divide ipGroups into several
   subnetwork ipGroups, each representing an IP subnetwork.  In such
   cases, subnetwork numbers are given as subordinates to the assigned
   IP network number.  Network masks clarify what the subnetwork
   addresses are.

                         ou=IP networks
          /                    |                        \
          /                    |                        \
          /                    |                        \
          /                    |                        \
   ipRef=    ipRef=      ipRef=

      Figure 2: Example population of IP namespace tree according
                to delegation and subnetworking.

   For some applications, the separation of ipImage (description of the
   network) and ipGroup (description of the namespace element) will bear

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RFC 1608         IP Information in the X.500 Directory        March 1994

   disadvantages in the look-up procedure. In that case one might think
   of combining both object classes with the aim to provide one object
   describing administrative and technical data for an IP network.

   As Autonomous Systems are an additional namespace to the existing IP
   number space, they should go into a separate subtree. It is suggested
   that this is an organizationalUnit within @o=Internet@ou=Network

     objectClass= organizationalUnit
     organizationalUnitName= AS numbers
     description= root of Autonomous System number space

   Similar to blocks of IP network numbers, blocks of AS numbers are
   sometimes delegated to another registry. This is expressed by asBlock
   objects.  These objects come below the root of the AS number space.
   All AS numbers falling into such a block are stored as subordinates
   of the block. An AS block may have smaller AS blocks underneath if
   delegation is extended.

4.4 Relationship to organizational entries

   Organizational information (i.e., white-pages-like information about
   an organization, its departments and employees) occurs at several
   places in the network DIT - [org of IP-Number, org of AS-Number, org
   of Admin- contact, However, it will be basically mastered
   [administered, maintained] by the organization itself in the
   Directory Management Domain (DMD) over which the organization has the
   authority.  This gives rise to some tricky problems - a typical
   example is that of a NIC which holds the AS, DNS, IP, ...  subtrees
   of the DIT.

   A good strategy would avoid explicit duplication of information.  By
   explicit duplication of information we understand information being
   duplicated outside the directory framework, e.g., by having several
   master entries for one and the same piece of information. The only
   way to avoid duplication would be to have relevant entries point to
   the pertinent organizational entry for organizational information.
   But since

     o most organizations do not, as yet, have an entry in the DIT and
     o the reliability of the access to an organizations DIT when
       stored in a remote DSA cannot be taken for granted,

   the following framework is adopted to accommodate the conflicting
   requirements /conditions.

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     o A copy of all the necessary organization-info is retained
       at the NICs DSA. Since only  the  necessary info will be kept
       the NIC will not be burdened to act as the repository of the
       organizations DIT. These objects may be kept in a separate
       subtree of affiliated-organizations [organizations
       affiliated to the NIC]. Though the affiliated organizations node
       does not really represent a locality, it is suggested to define
       the node as objectClass locality. This does not break the
       Directory schema when entries of organizations shall become
       subordinate to the NICs organization's entry.

     o The problem of information duplication/consistency will arise when
       organizational DITs/DSAs do come into existence. At that stage a
       shadowing mechanism which will attempt to maintain the data
       consistency may be resorted to. The X.500/ISO 9594(1993)
       implementations are expected to provide appropriate shadowing
       mechanisms along X.525.

   It may be noted that what is suggested is not a duplication of an
   entire white-pages-like structure at the NIC.  It suggests an
   "affiliated organizations node". The entries under this node will be
   organization objects with a limited number of attributes, i.e., the
   attributes to hold the organization info necessary for the NIC:
   nothing more, nothing less.  Operationally, and content wise the NIC
   DSA will hold exactly the amount of info that is desired by the NIC.
   When an organization sets up its DSA and when the organization
   informs the NIC about it, the NIC will set up the shadowing
   arrangement to obtain info on changes of interest [and forget about

   It may be emphasized that the entries under affiliated organizations
   are physical entities [replicated and refined from the Master
   entries, if and when they exist...] rather than alias entries. If a
   NIC dislikes the idea of users poring over the entries in the
   affiliated organizations - appropriate access control can be applied.
   Though duplication is unavoidable, the proposal attempts to make it
   transparent, by delegating the responsibility of maintaining the
   integrity to the Directory.

   This issue is discussed in greater detail in a separate document [7].

5. Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

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6. Authors' Addresses

   Thomas Johannsen
   Dresden University of Technology
   Institute of Communication Technology
   D-01062 Dresden, GERMANY

   Phone: +49 351 463-4621
   EMail: Thomas.Johannsen@ifn.et.tu-dresden.de

   Glenn Mansfield
   AIC Systems Laboratory
   6-6-3 Minami Yoshinari, Aoba-ku
   Sendai 989-32, JAPAN

   Phone: +81 22 279-3310
   EMail: glenn@aic.co.jp

   Mark Kosters
   Network Solutions, Inc.
   505 Huntmar Park Dr.
   Herndon, VA 22070

   Phone: +1 703 742-4795
   EMail: markk@internic.net

   Srinivas R. Sataluri
   AT&T Bell Laboratories
   Room 1C-429, 101 Crawfords Corner Road
   Holmdel, NJ 07733-3030

   Phone: +1 908 949-7782
   EMail: sri@qsun.att.com

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  [1]  Mansfield, G., Johannsen, T., and M. Knopper, "Charting Networks
       in the X.500 Directory", RFC 1609, AIC Systems Laboratory,
       Dresden University, Merit Networks,Inc., March 1994.

  [2]  Gerich, E., "Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space", RFC
       1466, Merit, May 1993.

  [3]  Bates, T., Jouanigot, J.-M., Karrenberg, D., Lothberg, P., and M.
       Terpstra, "Representation of IP Routing Policies in the RIPE
       Database", Document ripe-81, RIPE, February 1993.

  [4]  Fuller, V., Li, T., Yu, J., and K. Varadhan, "Supernetting: An
       Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy", RFC 1338, BARRNet,
       cisco, MERIT, OARnet, June 1992.

  [5]  Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
       Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", STD 16, RFC
       1155, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May

  [6]  Barker, P., and S. Kille, "The COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema",
       RFC 1274, University College London, November 1991.

  [7]  Mansfield, G., Johannsen, T., and J. Murai, J., "Deployment
       Strategy for the Directory in the Internet", AIC Systems
       Laboratory, Dresden University, Keio University, Work in
       Progress, July 1993.

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RFC 1608         IP Information in the X.500 Directory        March 1994

Appendix: OID tables

   This appendix lists object identifiers for object classes and
   attributes type defined in [1] and this document.

   OIDs are given in quipu-oidtable format to make it easy for people to
   include them into their pilots.

   IMPORT from oidtable.gen:

   iso:                            1
   identifiedOrganization:         iso.3
   dod:                            identifiedOrganization.6
   internet:                       dod.1
   experimental:                   internet.3
   network-objects:                experimental.53

   -- localoidtable.gen

   id-nw-oc:                       network-objects.1
   id-nw-at:                       network-objects.2
   id-nw-as:                       network-objects.3
   ipStringSyntax:                 ip-nw-as.1

   -- localoidtable.oc

   # general class definitions
   # Format is -
   #               Object: OID: SubClassOf: MustHave: MayHave

   CommunicationObject: id-nw-oc.1 : top : \
            : \
            adminContact, technContact, description

   PhysicalCommunicationObject: id-nw-oc.2 : CommunicationObject : \
           : \
           owner, localityName, ICO

   ImageCommunicationObject: id-nw-oc.3 : CommunicationObject : \
           : \
           imageType, imageOf

   # physical communication elements

   network: id-nw-oc.4 : PhysicalCommunicationObject : \
           networkName : \

Johannsen, Mansfield, Kosters & Sataluri                       [Page 17]

RFC 1608         IP Information in the X.500 Directory        March 1994

           externalGateway, nwType, media, speed, traffic, \
           configurationDate, configurationHistory

   node: id-nw-oc.5 : PhysicalCommunicationObject : \
           nodeName : \
           typeOfMachine, OS

   networkInterface: id-nw-oc.6 : PhysicalCommunicationObject : \
           networkInterfaceName : \
           networkInterfaceAddress, connectedNetwork

   # image communication elements

   networkImage: id-nw-oc.7 : ImageCommunicationObject : \
           : \
           externalGateway, speed, traffic, charge

   nodeImage: id-nw-oc.8 : ImageCommunicationObject : \

   networkInterfaceImage: id-nw-oc.9 : ImageCommunicationObject : \
           : \
           networkInterfaceAddress, connectedNetwork

   # IP image elements

   ipNetworkImage: id-nw-oc.10 : networkImage : \
           ipNetworkImageName, ipNwNumber, ipNwMask : \
           associatedDomain, inAddrServer, asNumber, \
           provider, onlineDate

   ipNodeImage: id-nw-oc.11 : nodeImage : \
           ipNodeName : \
           protocol, domainName

   ipNetworkInterfaceImage: id-nw-oc.12 : networkInterfaceImage : \
           ipNetworkInterfaceName : \

   as: id-nw-oc.13 : ImageCommunicationObject : \
           asNumber : \
           asName, asIn, asOut, asDefault, asGuardian, \

   # number assignement objects

   assignedNumberClass: id-nw-oc.14 : top : \
           : \

Johannsen, Mansfield, Kosters & Sataluri                       [Page 18]

RFC 1608         IP Information in the X.500 Directory        March 1994

           assBy, assTo, assDate, nicHandle, relNwElement, \

   delegatedBlock: id-nw-oc.15 : AssignedNumberClass : \
           delegatedBlockName, lowerBound, upperBound :

   ipGroup: id-nw-oc.16 : AssignedNumberClass : \
           ipGroupName, ipNwMask :

   ipReference: id-nw-oc.17 : AssignedNumberClass : \
           ipReferenceName :

   asBlock: id-nw-oc.18 : AssignedNumberClass : \
           asBlockName, asLowerBound, asUpperBound :

   asReference: id-nw-oc.19 : AssignedNumberClass : \
           asNumber :

   -- localoidtable.at

   adminContact:                id-nw-at.1     :DN
   technContact:                id-nw-at.2     :DN
   ICO:                         id-nw-at.3     :DN
   imageType:                   id-nw-at.4     :caseIgnoreString
   imageOf:                     id-nw-at.5     :DN
   networkName,nw:              id-nw-at.6     :caseIgnoreString
   externalGateway:             id-nw-at.7     :DN
   nwType:                      id-nw-at.8     :caseIgnoreString
   media:                       id-nw-at.9     :caseIgnoreString
   speed:                       id-nw-at.10    :numericString
   traffic:                     id-nw-at.11    :numericString
   configurationDate:           id-nw-at.12    :utcTime
   configurationHistory:        id-nw-at.13    :caseIgnoreString
   nodeName,nd:                 id-nw-at.14    :caseIgnoreString
   typeOfMachine:               id-nw-at.15    :caseIgnoreString
   OS:                          id-nw-at.16    :caseIgnoreString
   networkInterfaceName,ni:     id-nw-at.17    :caseIgnoreString
   networkInterfaceAddress:     id-nw-at.18    :caseIgnoreString
   connectedNetwork:            id-nw-at.19    :DN
   charge:                      id-nw-at.20    :numericString
   ipNetworkImageName,IPnw:     id-nw-at.21    :caseIgnoreString
   ipNwNumber:                  id-nw-at.22    :caseIgnoreString
   ipNwMask:                    id-nw-at.23    :caseIgnoreString
   inAddrServer:                id-nw-at.24    :DN
   asNumber,asN:                id-nw-at.25    :integerString
   provider:                    id-nw-at.26    :DN

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RFC 1608         IP Information in the X.500 Directory        March 1994

   onlineDate:                  id-nw-at.27    :utcTime
   ipNodeName,IPnd:             id-nw-at.28    :caseIgnoreString
   protocol:                    id-nw-at.29    :caseIgnoreString
   domainName:                  id-nw-at.30    :caseIgnoreString
   ipNetworkInterfaceName,IPni: id-nw-at.31    :caseIgnoreString
   asName:                      id-nw-at.32    :caseIgnoreString
   asIn:                        id-nw-at.33    :caseIgnoreString
   asOut:                       id-nw-at.34    :caseIgnoreString
   asDefault:                   id-nw-at.35    :caseIgnoreString
   asGuardian:                  id-nw-at.36    :DN
   assBy:                       id-nw-at.37    :DN
   assTo:                       id-nw-at.38    :DN
   assDate:                     id-nw-at.39    :utcTime
   nicHandle:                   id-nw-at.40    :caseIgnoreString
   relNwElement:                id-nw-at.41    :DN
   delegatedBlockName,dbl:      id-nw-at.42    :caseIgnoreString
   lowerBound:                  id-nw-at.43    :caseIgnoreString
   upperBound:                  id-nw-at.44    :caseIgnoreString
   ipGroupName,IPgr:            id-nw-at.45    :caseIgnoreString
   ipReferenceName,IPref:       id-nw-at.46    :caseIgnoreString
   asBlockName,asBl:            id-nw-at.47    :caseIgnoreString
   asLowerBound:                id-nw-at.48    :integerString
   asUpperBound:                id-nw-at.49    :integerString

Johannsen, Mansfield, Kosters & Sataluri                       [Page 20]


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