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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1400 - 1499]    RFC 1451: Manager-to-Manager Management Information Base
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RFC 1451:
Manager-to-Manager Management Information Base


          Network Working Group                                  J. Case
          Request for Comments: 1451                 SNMP Research, Inc.
                                                           K. McCloghrie
                                                      Hughes LAN Systems
                                                                 M. Rose
                                            Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.
                                                           S. Waldbusser
                                              Carnegie Mellon University
                                                              April 1993

                           Management Information Base

          Status of this Memo

          This RFC specifes an IAB standards track protocol for the
          Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions
          for improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the
          "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the standardization
          state and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo
          is unlimited.

          Table of Contents

          1 Introduction ..........................................    2
          1.1 A Note on Terminology ...............................    2
          2 Overview ..............................................    3
          2.1 A SNMPv2 Entity Acting in a Dual Role ...............    3
          2.2 Alarms, Events, and Notifications ...................    3
          2.3 Access Control ......................................    4
          3 Definitions ...........................................    6
          3.1 The Alarm Group .....................................    7
          3.1.1 Alarm-Related Notifications .......................   20
          3.2 The Event Group .....................................   21
          3.3 Conformance Information .............................   29
          3.3.1 Compliance Statements .............................   29
          3.3.2 Units of Conformance ..............................   29
          4 Acknowledgements ......................................   31
          5 References ............................................   35
          6 Security Considerations ...............................   36
          7 Authors' Addresses ....................................   36

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 1]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          1.  Introduction

          A network management system contains: several (potentially
          many) nodes, each with a processing entity, termed an agent,
          which has access to management instrumentation; at least one
          management station; and, a management protocol, used to convey
          management information between the agents and management
          stations.  Operations of the protocol are carried out under an
          administrative framework which defines both authentication and
          authorization policies.

          Network management stations execute management applications
          which monitor and control network elements.  Network elements
          are devices such as hosts, routers, terminal servers, etc.,
          which are monitored and controlled through access to their
          management information.

          Management information is viewed as a collection of managed
          objects, residing in a virtual information store, termed the
          Management Information Base (MIB).  Collections of related
          objects are defined in MIB modules.  These modules are written
          using a subset of OSI's Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
          [1], termed the Structure of Management Information (SMI) [2].

          The management protocol, version 2 of the Simple Network
          Management Protocol [3], provides for the exchange of messages
          which convey management information between the agents and the
          management stations, including between management stations.
          It is the purpose of this document to define managed objects
          which describe the behavior of a SNMPv2 entity acting in both
          a manager role and an agent role.

          1.1.  A Note on Terminology

          For the purpose of exposition, the original Internet-standard
          Network Management Framework, as described in RFCs 1155, 1157,
          and 1212, is termed the SNMP version 1 framework (SNMPv1).
          The current framework is termed the SNMP version 2 framework

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 2]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          2.  Overview

          The purpose of this MIB is to provide the means for
          coordination between multiple management stations.  That is,
          the means by which the controlling and monitoring functions of
          network management can be distributed amongst multiple
          management stations.  Such distribution facilitates the
          scaling of network management solutions based on the SNMPv2 to
          meet the needs of very large networks, or of networks composed
          of multiple interconnected administrations. Specifically, this
          MIB provides the means for one management station to request
          management services from another management station.

          2.1.  A SNMPv2 Entity Acting in a Dual Role

          A management station providing services to other management
          station(s), is a SNMPv2 entity which acts in the dual role of
          both manager and agent; the requests for service are received
          through acting in an agent role (with respect to the managed
          objects defined in this MIB), and the requested services are
          performed through acting in a manager role.

          2.2.  Alarms, Events, and Notifications

          In this initial version, this MIB defines the concepts of
          "alarms", "events", and "notifications".  Each alarm is a
          specific condition detected through the periodic (at a
          configured sampling interval) monitoring of the value of a
          specific management information variable.  An example of an
          alarm condition is when the monitored variable falls outside a
          configured range.  Each alarm condition triggers an event, and
          each event can cause (one or more) notifications to be
          reported to other management stations using the Inform-Request

          Specifically, this MIB defines three MIB tables and a number
          of scalar objects.  The three tables are: the Alarm Table, the
          Event Table, and the Notification Table.

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 3]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          2.3.  Access Control

          The Administrative Model for SNMPv2 document [4] includes an
          access control model, which must not be subverted by allowing
          access to management information variables via the Alarm
          table.  That is, access to a monitored variable via the Alarm
          table must be controlled according to the identity of the
          management station accessing the particular entry in the Alarm

          An entry in the Alarm table provides the means to configure
          the sampling of the value of a MIB variable in the MIB view
          associated with the specified context (which can refer to
          object resources that are either local or remote).  The
          sampling is done by (conceptually or actually) issuing a
          SNMPv2 request to retrieve the variable's value.  This request
          is authenticated and/or protected from disclosure according to
          a source party and a destination party pair which has access
          to the indicated context.

          Thus, to provide the required access control, the initial MIB
          view assigned, by convention, to parties on SNMPv2 entities
          that implement the snmpAlarmTable, must include the component:

            viewSubtree  = { snmpAlarm }
            viewStatus   = { excluded }
            viewMask     = { ''H }

          Then, the MIB view associated with the context,
          requestContext, accessible by a requesting management station,
          can be configured to include specific Alarm table entries --
          the ones associated with those contexts to which the
          requesting management station has access.

          In particular, to provide a requestContext with access to the
          sampling context sampleContext, the following family of view
          subtrees would be included for the requestContext on the
          SNMPv2 entity acting in a dual role:

               { snmpAlarmEntry WILDCARD sampleContext }

          Which would be configured in the party MIB [5] as:

            contextIdentity   = { requestContext }
            contextViewIndex  = { ViewIndex }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 4]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

        viewIndex         = { ViewIndex }
        viewSubtree       = { snmpAlarmEntry 0 sampleContext }
        viewStatus        = { included }
        viewMask          = { 'FFEF'H } -- specifies wildcard for column

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 5]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          3.  Definitions


              Integer32, Counter32, snmpModules
                  FROM SNMPv2-SMI
              DisplayString, InstancePointer, RowStatus, TimeStamp
                  FROM SNMPv2-TC
                  FROM SNMPv2-CONF
                  FROM SNMPv2-PARTY-MIB;

          snmpM2M MODULE-IDENTITY
              LAST-UPDATED "9304010000Z"
              ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv2 Working Group"
                      "        Steven Waldbusser

                       Postal: Carnegie Mellon University
                               4910 Forbes Ave
                               Pittsburgh, PA  15213

                          Tel: +1 412 268 6628
                          Fax: +1 412 268 4987

                       E-mail: waldbusser@cmu.edu"
                      "The Manager-to-Manager MIB module."
              ::= { snmpModules 2 }

          snmpM2MObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpM2M 1 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 6]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          -- the alarm group
          -- a collection of objects allowing the description and
          -- configuration of threshold alarms from a SNMPv2 entity
          -- acting in a dual role.

          snmpAlarm      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpM2MObjects 1 }

          -- This Alarm mechanism periodically takes statistical samples
          -- from variables available via SNMPv2 and compares them to
          -- thresholds that have been configured.  The alarm table
          -- stores configuration entries that each define a variable,
          -- polling period, and threshold parameters.  If a sample is
          -- found to cross the threshold values, an event is generated.
          -- Only variables that resolve to an ASN.1 primitive type of
          -- INTEGER (Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32, TimeTicks,
          -- Counter64, or UInteger32) may be monitored in this way.
          -- This function has a hysteresis mechanism to limit the
          -- generation of events.  This mechanism generates one event
          -- as a threshold is crossed in the appropriate direction.  No
          -- more events are generated for that threshold until the
          -- opposite threshold is crossed.
          -- In the case of sampling a deltaValue, an entity may
          -- implement this mechanism with more precision if it takes a
          -- delta sample twice per period, each time comparing the sum
          -- of the latest two samples to the threshold.  This allows
          -- the detection of threshold crossings that span the sampling
          -- boundary.  Note that this does not require any special
          -- configuration of the threshold value.  It is suggested that
          -- entities implement this more precise algorithm.

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 7]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The index number of the next appropriate
                      unassigned entry in the snmpAlarmTable.  The value
                      0 indicates that no unassigned entries are

                      A management station should create new entries in
                      the snmpAlarmTable using this algorithm: first,
                      issue a management protocol retrieval operation to
                      determine the value of snmpAlarmNextIndex; and,
                      second, issue a management protocol set operation
                      to create an instance of the snmpAlarmStatus
                      object setting its value to `createAndGo' or
                      `createAndWait' (as specified in the description
                      of the RowStatus textual convention)."
              ::= { snmpAlarm 1 }

          snmpAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF SnmpAlarmEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A list of snmpAlarm entries."
              ::= { snmpAlarm 2 }

          snmpAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SnmpAlarmEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A list of parameters that set up a periodic
                      sampling query to check for alarm conditions.  The
                      contextIdentity included in the INDEX clause is
                      the context to which the sampling queries are
              INDEX      { contextIdentity, snmpAlarmIndex }
              ::= { snmpAlarmTable 1 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 8]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          SnmpAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              snmpAlarmIndex                    INTEGER,
              snmpAlarmVariable                 InstancePointer,
              snmpAlarmInterval                 Integer32,
              snmpAlarmSampleType               INTEGER,
              snmpAlarmValue                    Integer32,
              snmpAlarmStartupAlarm             INTEGER,
              snmpAlarmRisingThreshold          Integer32,
              snmpAlarmFallingThreshold         Integer32,
              snmpAlarmRisingEventIndex         INTEGER,
              snmpAlarmFallingEventIndex        INTEGER,
              snmpAlarmUnavailableEventIndex    INTEGER,
              snmpAlarmStatus                   RowStatus

          snmpAlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
                      snmpAlarm table for a particular sampling context.
                      Each such entry defines a diagnostic sample at a
                      particular interval for a variable in the
                      particular context's object resources."
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 1 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                   [Page 9]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmVariable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     InstancePointer
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The object identifier of the particular variable
                      to be sampled.  Only variables that resolve to an
                      ASN.1 primitive type of INTEGER (Integer32,
                      Counter32, Gauge32, TimeTicks, Counter64, or
                      UInteger32) may be sampled.

                      If it is detected by an error response of
                      authorizationError, noSuchObject, or
                      noSuchInstance that the variable name of an
                      established snmpAlarmEntry is no longer available
                      in the sampling context, a single
                      snmpObjectUnavailableAlarm event is generated and
                      the status of this snmpAlarmEntry is set to
                      `destroy'.  Likewise, if the syntax of the
                      variable retrieved by the query is not Integer32,
                      Counter32, Gauge32, TimeTicks, Counter64, or
                      UInteger32, the same actions will be taken.

                      If the SNMPv2 entity acting in a dual role detects
                      that the sampled value can not be obtained due to
                      lack of response to management queries, it should

                           1) Set the status of this snmpAlarmEntry to
                           `destroy', if it is determined that further
                           communication is not possible;


                           2) Delete the associated snmpAlarmValue
                           instance (but not the entire conceptual row),
                           and continue to attempt to sample the
                           variable and recreate the associated
                           snmpAlarmValue instance should communication
                           be reestablished.

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 10]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 2 }

          snmpAlarmInterval OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              UNITS      "seconds"
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The interval in seconds over which the data is
                      sampled and compared with the rising and falling
                      thresholds.  When setting this object and the
                      sampling type is `deltaValue',  care should be
                      taken to ensure that the change during this
                      interval of the variable being sampled will not
                      exceed the (-2^31...2^31-1) range of the

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 3 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 11]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmSampleType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The method of sampling the selected variable and
                      calculating the value to be compared against the
                      thresholds.  If the value of this object is
                      `absoluteValue', the value of the selected
                      variable at the end of the sampling interval will
                      be compared directly with both the
                      snmpAlarmRisingThreshold and the
                      snmpAlarmFallingThreshold values.  If the value of
                      this object is `deltaValue', the value of the
                      selected variable at the end of the sampling
                      interval will be subtracted from its value at the
                      end of the previous sampling interval, and the
                      difference compared with both the
                      snmpAlarmRisingThreshold and the
                      snmpAlarmFallingThreshold values.

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."
              DEFVAL { deltaValue }
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 4 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 12]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmValue OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The value of the statistic during the last
                      sampling period.  The value during the current
                      sampling period is not made available until the
                      period is completed.  If the value of the
                      statistic does not fit in the signed 32 bit
                      representation of this object, it should be
                      truncated in an implementation specific manner.

                      Note that if the associated snmpAlarmSampleType is
                      set to `deltaValue', the value of this object is
                      the difference in the sampled variable since the
                      last sample.

                      This object will be created by the SNMPv2 entity
                      acting in a dual role when this entry is set to
                      `active', and the first sampling period has
                      completed.  It may be created and deleted at other
                      times by the SNMPv2 entity acting in a dual role
                      when the sampled value can not be obtained, as
                      specified in the snmpAlarmVariable object."
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 5 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 13]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmStartupAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER {
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The alarm that may be sent when this entry is
                      first set to `active'.  If the first sample after
                      this entry becomes active is greater than or equal
                      to the risingThreshold and snmpAlarmStartupAlarm
                      is equal to `risingAlarm' or
                      `risingOrFallingAlarm', then a single rising alarm
                      will be generated.  If the first sample after this
                      entry becomes active is less than or equal to the
                      fallingThreshold and snmpAlarmStartupAlarm is
                      equal to `fallingAlarm' or `risingOrFallingAlarm',
                      then a single falling alarm will be generated.
                      Note that a snmpObjectUnavailableAlarm is sent
                      upon startup whenever it is applicable,
                      independent of the setting of

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."
              DEFVAL { risingOrFallingAlarm }
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 6 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 14]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmRisingThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "A threshold for the sampled statistic.  When the
                      current sampled value is greater than or equal to
                      this threshold, and the value at the last sampling
                      interval was less than this threshold, a single
                      event will be generated.  A single event will also
                      be generated if the first sample after this entry
                      becomes active is greater than or equal to this
                      threshold and the associated snmpAlarmStartupAlarm
                      is equal to `risingAlarm' or

                      After a rising event is generated, another such
                      event will not be generated until the sampled
                      value falls below this threshold and reaches the

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 7 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 15]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmFallingThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "A threshold for the sampled statistic.  When the
                      current sampled value is less than or equal to
                      this threshold, and the value at the last sampling
                      interval was greater than this threshold, a single
                      event will be generated.  A single event will also
                      be generated if the first sample after this entry
                      becomes active is less than or equal to this
                      threshold and the associated snmpAlarmStartupAlarm
                      is equal to `fallingAlarm' or

                      After a falling event is generated, another such
                      event will not be generated until the sampled
                      value rises above this threshold and reaches the

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 8 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 16]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmRisingEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The index of the snmpEventEntry that is used when
                      a rising threshold is crossed.  The snmpEventEntry
                      identified by a particular value of this index is
                      the same as identified by the same value of the
                      snmpEventIndex object.  If there is no
                      corresponding entry in the snmpEventTable, then no
                      association exists.  In particular, if this value
                      is zero, no associated event will be generated, as
                      zero is not a valid snmpEventIndex.

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 9 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 17]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmFallingEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The index of the snmpEventEntry that is used when
                      a falling threshold is crossed.  The
                      snmpEventEntry identified by a particular value of
                      this index is the same as identified by the same
                      value of the snmpEventIndex object.  If there is
                      no corresponding entry in the snmpEventTable, then
                      no association exists.  In particular, if this
                      value is zero, no associated event will be
                      generated, as zero is not a valid snmpEventIndex.

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 10 }

          snmpAlarmUnavailableEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The index of the snmpEventEntry that is used when
                      a variable becomes unavailable.  The
                      snmpEventEntry identified by a particular value of
                      this index is the same as identified by the same
                      value of the snmpEventIndex object.  If there is
                      no corresponding entry in the snmpEventTable, then
                      no association exists.  In particular, if this
                      value is zero, no associated event will be
                      generated, as zero is not a valid snmpEventIndex.

                      An attempt to modify this object will fail with an
                      `inconsistentValue' error if the associated
                      snmpAlarmStatus object would be equal to `active'
                      both before and after the modification attempt."
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 11 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 18]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     RowStatus
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The status of this snmpAlarm entry.  This object
                      may not be set to `active' unless the following
                      columnar objects exist in this row:
                      snmpAlarmVariable, snmpAlarmInterval,
                      snmpAlarmSampleType, snmpAlarmStartupAlarm,
                      snmpAlarmFallingEventIndex, and
              ::= { snmpAlarmEntry 12 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 19]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          -- alarm-related notifications

                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpAlarm 3 }

          snmpRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE
              OBJECTS { snmpAlarmVariable, snmpAlarmSampleType,
                        snmpAlarmValue, snmpAlarmRisingThreshold }
              STATUS  current
                      "An event that is generated when an alarm entry
                      crosses its rising threshold.  The instances of
                      those objects contained within the varbind list
                      are those of the alarm entry which generated this
              ::= { snmpAlarmNotifications 1 }

          snmpFallingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE
              OBJECTS { snmpAlarmVariable, snmpAlarmSampleType,
                        snmpAlarmValue, snmpAlarmFallingThreshold }
              STATUS  current
                      "An event that is generated when an alarm entry
                      crosses its falling threshold.  The instances of
                      those objects contained within the varbind list
                      are those of the alarm entry which generated this
              ::= { snmpAlarmNotifications 2 }

          snmpObjectUnavailableAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE
              OBJECTS { snmpAlarmVariable }
              STATUS  current
                      "An event that is generated when a variable
                      monitored by an alarm entry becomes unavailable.
                      The instance of snmpAlarmVariable contained within
                      the varbind list is the one associated with the
                      alarm entry which generated this event."
              ::= { snmpAlarmNotifications 3 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 20]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          -- the event group
          -- a collection of objects allowing the description and
          -- configuration of events from a SNMPv2 entity acting
          -- in a dual role.

          snmpEvent      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpM2MObjects 2 }

          -- The snmpEvent table defines the set of events generated on
          -- a SNMPv2 entity acting in a dual role.  Each entry in the
          -- snmpEventTable associates an event type with the
          -- notification method and associated parameters.  Some
          -- snmpEvent entries are fired by an associated condition in
          -- the snmpAlarmTable.  Others are fired on behalf of
          -- conditions defined in the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro.  The
          -- snmpNotificationTable defines notifications that should
          -- occur when an associated event is fired.

          snmpEventNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The index number of the next appropriate
                      unassigned entry in the snmpEventTable.  The value
                      0 indicates that no unassigned entries are

                      A management station should create new entries in
                      the snmpEventTable using this algorithm: first,
                      issue a management protocol retrieval operation to
                      determine the value of snmpEventNextIndex; and,
                      second, issue a management protocol set operation
                      to create an instance of the snmpEventStatus
                      object setting its value to `createAndWait' or
              ::= { snmpEvent 1 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 21]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpEventTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF SnmpEventEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A list of events."
              ::= { snmpEvent 2 }

          snmpEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SnmpEventEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A set of parameters that describe an event that
                      is generated when certain conditions are met."
              INDEX      { snmpEventIndex }
              ::= { snmpEventTable 1 }

          SnmpEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              snmpEventIndex          INTEGER,
              snmpEventID             OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
              snmpEventDescription    DisplayString,
              snmpEventEvents         Counter32,
              snmpEventLastTimeSent   TimeStamp,
              snmpEventStatus         RowStatus

          snmpEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..65535)
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
                      snmpEvent table.  Each such entry defines an event
                      generated when the appropriate conditions occur."
              ::= { snmpEventEntry 1 }

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 22]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpEventID OBJECT-TYPE
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The authoritative identification of the event
                      type generated by this entry.  This variable
                      occurs as the second varbind of an InformRequest-
                      PDU.  If this OBJECT IDENTIFIER maps to a
                      NOTIFICATION-TYPE the sender will place the
                      objects listed in the NOTIFICATION-TYPE in the
                      varbind list."
              ::= { snmpEventEntry 2 }

          snmpEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..127))
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "A comment describing this snmpEvent entry."
              ::= { snmpEventEntry 3 }

          snmpEventEvents OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Counter32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The number of events caused by event generators
                      associated with this snmpEvent entry."
              ::= { snmpEventEntry 4 }

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpEventLastTimeSent OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     TimeStamp
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The value of sysUpTime at the time this snmpEvent
                      entry last generated an event.  If this entry has
                      not generated any events, this value will be
              DEFVAL { 0 }
              ::= { snmpEventEntry 5 }

          snmpEventStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     RowStatus
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The status of this snmpEvent entry.  This object
                      may not be set to `active' unless the following
                      columnar objects exist in this row: snmpEventID,
                      snmpEventDescription, snmpEventEvents, and

                      Setting an instance of this object to the value
                      'destroy' has the effect of invalidating any/all
                      entries in the snmpEventTable, and the
                      snmpEventNotifyTable which reference the
                      corresponding snmpEventEntry."
              ::= { snmpEventEntry 6 }

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpEventNotifyMinInterval OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              UNITS      "seconds"
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The minimum interval that the SNMPv2 entity
                      acting in a dual role will wait before
                      retransmitting an InformRequest-PDU.  This object
                      specifies the minimal value supported by the
                      SNMPv2 entity acting in a dual role, based on
                      resource or implementation constraints.

                      For a particular entry in the
                      snmpEventNotifyTable, if the associated
                      snmpEventNotifyIntervalRequested variable is
                      greater than this object, the
                      snmpEventNotifyIntervalRequested value shall be
                      used as the minimum interval for retransmissions
                      of InformRequest-PDUs sent on behalf of that
              ::= { snmpEvent 3 }

          snmpEventNotifyMaxRetransmissions OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-only
              STATUS     current
                      "The maximum number of time that the SNMPv2 entity
                      acting in a dual role will retransmit an
                      InformRequest-PDU.  This object specifies the
                      maximal value supported by the SNMPv2 entity
                      acting in a dual role, based on resource or
                      implementation constraints.

                      For a particular entry in the
                      snmpEventNotifyTable, if the associated
                      snmpEventNotifyRetransmissionsRequested variable
                      is less than this object, the
                      snmpEventNotifyRetransmissionsRequested value
                      shall be used as the retransmission count for
                      InformRequest-PDUs sent on behalf of that entry."
              ::= { snmpEvent 4 }

          -- The snmpEventNotifyTable is used to configure the

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          -- destination and type of notifications sent by a SNMPv2
          -- entity acting in a manager role when a particular event
          -- is triggered.

          snmpEventNotifyTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF SnmpEventNotifyEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A list of protocol configuration entries for
                      event notifications from this entity."
              ::= { snmpEvent 5 }

          snmpEventNotifyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     SnmpEventNotifyEntry
              MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS     current
                      "A set of parameters that describe the type and
                      destination of InformRequest-PDUs sent for a
                      particular event.  The snmpEventIndex in this
                      entry's INDEX clause identifies the snmpEventEntry
                      which, when triggered, will generate a
                      notification as configured in this entry.  The
                      contextIdentity in this entry's INDEX clause
                      identifies the context to which a notification
                      will be sent."
              INDEX      { snmpEventIndex, contextIdentity }
              ::= { snmpEventNotifyTable 1 }

          SnmpEventNotifyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              snmpEventNotifyIntervalRequested        Integer32,
              snmpEventNotifyRetransmissionsRequested Integer32,
              snmpEventNotifyLifetime                 Integer32,
              snmpEventNotifyStatus                   RowStatus

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpEventNotifyIntervalRequested OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              UNITS      "seconds"
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The requested interval for retransmission of
                      Inform PDUs generated on the behalf of this entry.

                      This variable will be the actual interval used
                      unless the snmpEventNotifyMinInterval is greater
                      than this object, in which case the interval shall
                      be equal to snmpEventNotifyMinInterval."
              DEFVAL { 30 }
              ::= { snmpEventNotifyEntry 1 }

          snmpEventNotifyRetransmissionsRequested OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The requested number of retransmissions of an
                      InformRequest-PDU generated on behalf of this

                      This variable will be the actual number of
                      retransmissions used unless the
                      snmpEventNotifyMaxRetransmissions is less than
                      this object, in which case the retransmission
                      count shall be equal to
              DEFVAL { 5 }
              ::= { snmpEventNotifyEntry 2 }

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpEventNotifyLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     Integer32
              UNITS      "seconds"
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The number of seconds this entry shall live until
                      the corresponding instance of
                      snmpEventNotifyStatus is set to 'destroy'.  This
                      value shall count down to zero, at which time the
                      corresponding instance of snmpEventNotifyStatus
                      will be set to 'destroy'.  Any management station
                      that is using this entry must periodically refresh
                      this value to ensure the continued delivery of
              DEFVAL { 86400 }
              ::= { snmpEventNotifyEntry 3 }

          snmpEventNotifyStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX     RowStatus
              MAX-ACCESS read-create
              STATUS     current
                      "The state of this snmpEventNotifyEntry.  This
                      object may not be set to `active' unless the
                      following columnar objects exist in this row:
                      snmpEventNotifyRetransmissionsRequested, and
              ::= { snmpEventNotifyEntry 4 }

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          -- conformance information

                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpM2M 2 }

                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpM2MConformance 1 }
          snmpM2MGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpM2MConformance 2 }

          -- compliance statements

          snmpM2MCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
              STATUS  current
                      "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities
                      which implement the Manager-to-Manager MIB."
              MODULE  -- this module
                  MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpAlarmGroup, snmpEventGroup }
              ::= { snmpM2MCompliances 1 }

          -- units of conformance

          snmpAlarmGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { snmpAlarmNextIndex,
                        snmpAlarmVariable, snmpAlarmInterval,
                        snmpAlarmSampleType, snmpAlarmValue,
                        snmpAlarmStartupAlarm, snmpAlarmRisingThreshold,
                        snmpAlarmStatus }
              STATUS  current
                      "A collection of objects allowing the description
                      and configuration of threshold alarms from a
                      SNMPv2 entity acting in a dual role."
              ::= { snmpM2MGroups 1 }

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          snmpEventGroup OBJECT-GROUP
              OBJECTS { snmpEventNextIndex,
                        snmpEventID, snmpEventDescription,
                        snmpEventEvents, snmpEventLastTimeSent,
                        snmpEventStatus, snmpEventNotifyMinInterval,
                        snmpEventNotifyLifetime, snmpEventNotifyStatus }
              STATUS  current
                      "A collection of objects allowing the description
                      and configuration of events from a SNMPv2 entity
                      acting in a dual role."
              ::= { snmpM2MGroups 2 }


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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          4.  Acknowledgements

          The comments of the SNMP version 2 working group are
          gratefully acknowledged:

               Beth Adams, Network Management Forum
               Steve Alexander, INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
               David Arneson, Cabletron Systems
               Toshiya Asaba
               Fred Baker, ACC
               Jim Barnes, Xylogics, Inc.
               Brian Bataille
               Andy Bierman, SynOptics Communications, Inc.
               Uri Blumenthal, IBM Corporation
               Fred Bohle, Interlink
               Jack Brown
               Theodore Brunner, Bellcore
               Stephen F. Bush, GE Information Services
               Jeffrey D. Case, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
               John Chang, IBM Corporation
               Szusin Chen, Sun Microsystems
               Robert Ching
               Chris Chiotasso, Ungermann-Bass
               Bobby A. Clay, NASA/Boeing
               John Cooke, Chipcom
               Tracy Cox, Bellcore
               Juan Cruz, Datability, Inc.
               David Cullerot, Cabletron Systems
               Cathy Cunningham, Microcom
               James R. (Chuck) Davin, Bellcore
               Michael Davis, Clearpoint
               Mike Davison, FiberCom
               Cynthia DellaTorre, MITRE
               Taso N. Devetzis, Bellcore
               Manual Diaz, DAVID Systems, Inc.
               Jon Dreyer, Sun Microsystems
               David Engel, Optical Data Systems
               Mike Erlinger, Lexcel
               Roger Fajman, NIH
               Daniel Fauvarque, Sun Microsystems
               Karen Frisa, CMU
               Shari Galitzer, MITRE
               Shawn Gallagher, Digital Equipment Corporation
               Richard Graveman, Bellcore
               Maria Greene, Xyplex, Inc.

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

               Michel Guittet, Apple
               Robert Gutierrez, NASA
               Bill Hagerty, Cabletron Systems
               Gary W. Haney, Martin Marietta Energy Systems
               Patrick Hanil, Nokia Telecommunications
               Matt Hecht, SNMP Research, Inc.
               Edward A. Heiner, Jr., Synernetics Inc.
               Susan E. Hicks, Martin Marietta Energy Systems
               Geral Holzhauer, Apple
               John Hopprich, DAVID Systems, Inc.
               Jeff Hughes, Hewlett-Packard
               Robin Iddon, Axon Networks, Inc.
               David Itusak
               Kevin M. Jackson, Concord Communications, Inc.
               Ole J. Jacobsen, Interop Company
               Ronald Jacoby, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
               Satish Joshi, SynOptics Communications, Inc.
               Frank Kastenholz, FTP Software
               Mark Kepke, Hewlett-Packard
               Ken Key, SNMP Research, Inc.
               Zbiginew Kielczewski, Eicon
               Jongyeoi Kim
               Andrew Knutsen, The Santa Cruz Operation
               Michael L. Kornegay, VisiSoft
               Deirdre C. Kostik, Bellcore
               Cheryl Krupczak, Georgia Tech
               Mark S. Lewis, Telebit
               David Lin
               David Lindemulder, AT&T/NCR
               Ben Lisowski, Sprint
               David Liu, Bell-Northern Research
               John Lunny, The Wollongong Group
               Robert C. Lushbaugh Martin, Marietta Energy Systems
               Michael Luufer, BBN
               Carl Madison, Star-Tek, Inc.
               Keith McCloghrie, Hughes LAN Systems
               Evan McGinnis, 3Com Corporation
               Bill McKenzie, IBM Corporation
               Donna McMaster, SynOptics Communications, Inc.
               John Medicke, IBM Corporation
               Doug Miller, Telebit
               Dave Minnich, FiberCom
               Mohammad Mirhakkak, MITRE
               Rohit Mital, Protools
               George Mouradian, AT&T Bell Labs

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

               Patrick Mullaney, Cabletron Systems
               Dan Myers, 3Com Corporation
               Rina Nathaniel, Rad Network Devices Ltd.
               Hien V. Nguyen, Sprint
               Mo Nikain
               Tom Nisbet
               William B. Norton, MERIT
               Steve Onishi, Wellfleet Communications, Inc.
               David T. Perkins, SynOptics Communications, Inc.
               Carl Powell, BBN
               Ilan Raab, SynOptics Communications, Inc.
               Richard Ramons, AT&T
               Venkat D. Rangan, Metric Network Systems, Inc.
               Louise Reingold, Sprint
               Sam Roberts, Farallon Computing, Inc.
               Kary Robertson, Concord Communications, Inc.
               Dan Romascanu, Lannet Data Communications Ltd.
               Marshall T. Rose, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.
               Shawn A. Routhier, Epilogue Technology Corporation
               Chris Rozman
               Asaf Rubissa, Fibronics
               Jon Saperia, Digital Equipment Corporation
               Michael Sapich
               Mike Scanlon, Interlan
               Sam Schaen, MITRE
               John Seligson, Ultra Network Technologies
               Paul A. Serice, Corporation for Open Systems
               Chris Shaw, Banyan Systems
               Timon Sloane
               Robert Snyder, Cisco Systems
               Joo Young Song
               Roy Spitier, Sprint
               Einar Stefferud, Network Management Associates
               John Stephens, Cayman Systems, Inc.
               Robert L. Stewart, Xyplex, Inc. (chair)
               Kaj Tesink, Bellcore
               Dean Throop, Data General
               Ahmet Tuncay, France Telecom-CNET
               Maurice Turcotte, Racal Datacom
               Warren Vik, INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
               Yannis Viniotis
               Steven L. Waldbusser, Carnegie Mellon Universitty
               Timothy M. Walden, ACC
               Alice Wang, Sun Microsystems
               James Watt, Newbridge

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

               Luanne Waul, Timeplex
               Donald E. Westlake III, Digital Equipment Corporation
               Gerry White
               Bert Wijnen, IBM Corporation
               Peter Wilson, 3Com Corporation
               Steven Wong, Digital Equipment Corporation
               Randy Worzella, IBM Corporation
               Daniel Woycke, MITRE
               Honda Wu
               Jeff Yarnell, Protools
               Chris Young, Cabletron
               Kiho Yum, 3Com Corporation

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 34]

          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          5.  References

          [1]  Information processing systems - Open Systems
               Interconnection - Specification of Abstract Syntax
               Notation One (ASN.1), International Organization for
               Standardization.  International Standard 8824, (December,

          [2]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and Waldbusser, S.,
               "Structure of Management Information for version 2 of the
               Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1442,
               SNMP Research, Inc., Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach
               Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon University, April 1993.

          [3]  Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and Waldbusser, S.,
               "Protocol Operations for version 2 of the Simple Network
               Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1448, SNMP Research,
               Inc., Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.,
               Carnegie Mellon University, April 1993.

          [4]  Galvin, J., and McCloghrie, K., "Administrative Model for
               version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol
               (SNMPv2)", RFC 1445, Trusted Information Systems, Hughes
               LAN Systems, April 1993.

          [5]  McCloghrie, K., and Galvin, J., "Party MIB for version 2
               of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC
               1447, Hughes LAN Systems, Trusted Information Systems,
               April 1993.

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          RFC 1451            Manager-to-Manager MIB          April 1993

          6.  Security Considerations

          Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

          7.  Authors' Addresses

               Jeffrey D. Case
               SNMP Research, Inc.
               3001 Kimberlin Heights Rd.
               Knoxville, TN  37920-9716

               Phone: +1 615 573 1434
               Email: case@snmp.com

               Keith McCloghrie
               Hughes LAN Systems
               1225 Charleston Road
               Mountain View, CA  94043

               Phone: +1 415 966 7934
               Email: kzm@hls.com

               Marshall T. Rose
               Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.
               420 Whisman Court
               Mountain View, CA  94043-2186

               Phone: +1 415 968 1052
               Email: mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us

               Steven Waldbusser
               Carnegie Mellon University
               4910 Forbes Ave
               Pittsburgh, PA  15213

               Phone: +1 412 268 6628
               Email: waldbusser@cmu.edu

          Case, McCloghrie, Rose & Waldbusser                  [Page 36]


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