Conference of the European Union Data Protection Commissioners
24/25 April 1996 Town Hall, Manchester
Over the last two days the United Kingdom Data Protection Registrar, Mrs
Elizabeth France, has chaired the annual Conference of the EU Data Protection
"It has been a pleasure to welcome my colleagues to Manchester", said Mrs
France. "It is most important that we co-operate together to protect the
privacy of information about individuals - especially in the world of the
Internet where such information is readily sent round the globe."
Mrs France added, "The three decisions of greatest importance were:
1. Calling upon the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the
Member States to ensure that data protection rules - already applied in Member
States - should be honoured by the institutions of the Community;
2. Asking the Council of Ministers to give urgent consideration to setting
up in advance a Data Protection Supervisory Body to help develop and audit
the system for maintaining criminal intelligence files in the new European
Police Office and stressing the importance of building in privacy protection
when the new computer system is designed; and
3. Agreeing to work over the next year on Privacy Enhancing Technologies
to promote these techniques for reducing the extent to which personally
identifiable information is used in information systems, with a view to
developing pilot projects which can be examined at their next annual meeting
and used as models to promote the further adoption of these techniques in
industry, commerce and public administration."
The Commissioners hope that their next annual Conference will take place
in Vienna in the spring of 1997.
Mrs France concluded, "I should like to stress that all our work is aimed
at improving the privacy of individuals. We all hope that the implementation
of the new EU Data Protection Directive will strengthen individual rights
throughout the European Union."
25 April 1996
Note for Editors:
The subjects discussed included:
1. the steps being taken to implement in each Member State the recently approved
EU Data Protection Directive;