Datenschutz in Deutschland

Technisch-Organisatorische Maßnahmen
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Datenschutz nach Themen

Internationale Konferenz der Datenschutzbeauftragten

Tagesordnungen vergangener Konferenzen


Zum Seitenanfang 20.Konferenz 16.-18. September 1998 in Santiago de Compostela
  • The limits of privacy in conexion with other human rights
    (Juan Manuel Fernández López, Director of the Spanish "Agencia de Protección de Datos")
  • The International scene and the European Data Protection Directive: 5 weeks before its entry into force
    (Ulf Brühann, European Commission)
  • Public Data or data obtained from sources accessible to the general public (electoral lists, telephone directories). Relation with publicity and marketing
    (Speaker: Marcel Pinet, Agency of Francia CNIL / Participants: Bruce Slane, Agency of New Zealand; Carlos Lema, University Professor,Spain)
  • Data protecion and road pricing. The use of new technologies for road surveillance
    (Speaker: Peter Hustinx, Agency of The Netherlands / Participants: José Luis Requero, Magistrate Agency of Spain)
  • Internet Electronic mail, electronic sales, ethical codes
    (Speakers: Stefano Rodotá, Agency of Italy; Claudio Manganelli, Agency of Italy / Participants: Ann Cavoukian, Agency of Canada-Ontario; Stephen Lau, Agency of Hong Kong)
  • International transfers & methods to strengthen international co-operation
    (Speaker: Joel Reidenberg, USA, University Professor Fordham / Participants: Jean Philippe Walter, Agency of Switzerland; Joaquim de Seabra Lopes, Agency of Portugal)
  • Security measures for databases: Regulatory regime
    (Speaker: Mar Martinez Sánchez, Agency of Spain / Participants: Elizabeth France, Agency of United Kingdom; Hansjürgen Garstka, Agency of Germany-Berlin)
  • Treatment of creditworthiness data. Financial risk analysis. Negative & positive creaditworthiness files.
    (Speaker: Javier Aparicio Salom, Agency of Spain / Participants: Noël Chahid-Nouraï, Agency of France)
  • Raising the individual's awareness on the protection of his or her's personal data.
    (Speaker: Hans Hermann Schrader, Agency of Germany-Hamburg / Participants: Luis Pineda, Ausbanc, Spain)

Internationale Termine Zu den aktuellen internationalen Terminen
Beiträge und Entschließungen Beiträge und Entschließungen
 Letzte Änderung:
 am 09.11.1998
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